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20 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you think to Marty (as a unit)?

    • He's terrific!
    • He takes quite a bit of effort, but it's reasonably worth it in the end.
    • He takes too much work but if you really want to use him he won't turn out too bad
    • He's utterly awful, don't use him!

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Admittedly this is partially inspired by my advice thread but also by how Marty seems to be a rather controversial figure unit-wise but there doesn't seem to have been a great deal of discussion about him, so I'm curious to hear some.

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"He takes too much work but if you really want to use him he won't turn out too bad"

I could say the same about Fiona.

It's not the same... at least in the case of non-LTC anyway.

Marty's terrible really, he's just fun to use because early on you get the scrolls to help him the most as well as the fucked up gains on promotion to make him go from a slow pile of shit to an amazing hard hitting physical tank that can also double because of Sety scroll usage and the general enemy Attack Speed being shit.

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He has a bit of a slow start; it's not so bad unless you're playing for ranks. That's his only issue, and it's not a big one.

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Kami no Akuma, Dead or Alive.

Err. It really depends on how the luck rolls. you could give him every scroll, let him hit 20 and promote to gain the Warriors retardedly high gains OR you could just not. You could do the same to Ronan, Marty just gets to be lopsidedly specialized in the early-game

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He is currently on my badge. Of course, right after him comes Tormod (who is one of my favorites), or so I'm told, so I'm actually trying to post him off. (No offense, Marty ...)

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That Lyn badge...I want it. drool.gif

Oh...Marty. He's perfectly useable, especially with early game Brave Axe...but why? He's outclassed by 3 other units right from the words "Chapter 1".

Edited by Refa
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FFFFFF I wrote up a nicer post but it got eated. Summary:

Marty, not as good as Othin but brings unique attributes to the table; has few competitors for Sety/Odo while meanwhile many people want the scrolls that give what Marty gives; namely, high HP/Def/Bld.

A thoroughly decent unit often underrated. Not worth it in LTC/SSS but who gives a shit about that

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I don't like him mainly for the reason that you already have Othin and Halvan, who are much better axe users IMO. Plus he has a very slow start. Can become ok, but then again this is FE5. Anyone can be good if you make them horde all the scrolls they need to improve their growths.

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Given my completely irrational affinity for axes, I like to use him. There's just such a visceral pleasure to be had from having a walking tank in your party.

EDIT: I didn't vote in the poll, because I still haven't beaten Thracia yet. I'll wait until later in the game before I form an opinion on Marty.

Edited by Flock of Geese
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