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Artur or Lute?


113 members have voted

  1. 1. Which one do you think is better?

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So which one do you think is better between Artur and Lute? Before, everyone valued Lute over Artur due to stats, but now many people have switch sides and valued Artur over Lute since low turncounts are everything nowadays.

I've always considered Artur to be the better one, since he's quite a lot better in some areas (better utility with C staffs with Bishop promotion vs. a mount with Mage Knight promotion, no point comparing them as sages since they're relatively similar except for con and weapon levels) and is better than Lute in small but quite significant areas (availability, constitution, AS, better earlygame thus easier levelling, etc.).

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I prefer Artur because he isn't a pompous douchey allegidly-prodigal bookworm.

That, and lightmagic! Slayer hurts so much more than animamagic!fuckwaste

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Ok, between these two, Artur wins. Why you may ask?

-First off, Bishop grants him Slayer, which gives him an automatic bonus against monsters, which are abundant lategame. Lute does not have anything to counter this, except for the Excalibur spell, which is as potent as a Slayer boosted Aura. However, Lute HAS to use Excalibur to match or beat Artur's damage output using regular Light tomes.

-Second thing in Artur's favor is C staves. Now, I know that Warp is awesome, but that's not what I want to talk about. C staves at base promo allows Artur to use Barrier and Restore right off the bat, and gives him a very good shot at Physic. The only other non-Moulder, non-Natasha unit who can have this kind of claim is Saleh. Lute only has D staves regardless of class, and would need to promote by Chapter 11 if she wants a realistic chance of using high end staves(i.e, not happening)

I personally think they're dead even because there is a lot worse out there, and I don't like bashing one unit just because she's slightly inferior to another unit who does basically the same damn thing.

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It depends on how fast you are blitzing through the game.

Lute relies heavily on getting full supports to maximize her durability and also has better growths, while Artur has slightly better bases and C staves upon promotion (which means faster warp access than Lute). Which means in a super fast playthrough with less turns spent supporting and gaining levels and more time warping, Artur is the clear winner. In a standard playthrough Lute is slightly better.

Do note that they are each other's best supporter though, so it's usually a good idea to use both. again, if you are fine with building them up.

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