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[FE4] Rate the Unit XXVIII

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You gave Ska a 3.5 actually

haha whoops, someone actually checked (read: I didn't)

I'll bump my vote up to a 5 then, (4 being my original intent, and an additional "Bias" point for Lumi being diligent in making sure that Lakche gets a good rating)

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More people play for fun than for LTC. And when you're playing for fun, Lakche is possibly your best non-Holy weapon user. Personally, I don't get this thing people have with FE4 where characters without a mount automatically suck. Yeah, a mount is obviously preferable to no mount. But A rank Tactics in FE4 is 400 turns, not 250. If mounted characters or characters with Warp/Return/Rescue can help you get to 250 turns, good for them. But, at least, for me, that's not the goal in most of my playthroughs. So Lex!Lakche with her amazing offence, decent defence, and good swords gets an 8/10.

Even when playing for fun a mount is just that much better than not having a mount. Unless your idea of fun is to turtle your way across the map, oftentimes doing nothing but moving all your foot soldiers 6-8 spaces with no enemies in sight. And there's no way Lakche is ever your best unit, even without Holy Weapons.

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I'm not sure how to rate the children, seeing how there performance depends so much on their father. Particular in the case of Ayra's children. People usually say it's hard to screw those two over but I think without Lex their performance is rather lackluster.Unless Lex was the father, their performance wasn't much better then that of their mother.

However, I do think that those two get more out of him then anyone else, seeing how Lex provides the kids with high strength and defense their mother lacked, while the kids classes provide pursuit for free as well as the speed bases to use it and the advantages of Elite should be obvious. And with all those Axe fighters in their first chapter and those sandpaper enemies in the arena they grow into power houses quite quickly.

In comparison to Ayra, it also helps that there are fewer case where you have to move quickly, or at least there aren't many situations where a unit who can't move very quickly is redundant.

Lakche also profits from promoting into a better class as her brother so that certainly helps her too, but the enemies greater focus on magic compared to part 1 kinda hurts her performance, and the higher density on Holy Weapon users on both sides doesn't do her a favor ether.


Edited by BrightBow
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I'm not sure how to rate the children, seeing how there performance depends so much on their father. Particular in the case of Ayra's children. People usually say it's hard to screw those two over but I think without Lex their performance is rather lackluster.Unless Lex was the father, their performance wasn't much better then that of their mother.

However, I do think that those two get more out of him then anyone else, seeing how Lex provides the kids with high strength and defense their mother lacked, while the kids classes provide pursuit for free as well as the speed bases to use it and the advantages of Elite should be obvious. And with all those Axe fighters in their first chapter and those sandpaper enemies in the arena they grow into power houses quite quickly.

In comparison to Ayra, it also helps that there are fewer case where you have to move quickly, or at least there aren't many situations where a unit who can't move very quickly is redundant.

Lakche also profits from promoting into a better class as her brother so that certainly helps her too, but the enemies greater focus on magic compared to part 1 kinda hurts her performance, and the higher density on Holy Weapon users on both sides doesn't do her a favor ether.


They're also good if their father is Holyn or Dew. I'm sure having Jamka wouldn't hurt, because their Odo blood negates his poor Skill growth. Noish gives some good skills as well. The only fathers who aren't that good are Alec (they both already have his skills thanks to Ayra), Midir (only Charge <<<<<< Charge and Critical/Continue), and the magic fathers.

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They're also good if their father is Holyn or Dew. I'm sure having Jamka wouldn't hurt, because their Odo blood negates his poor Skill growth. Noish gives some good skills as well. The only fathers who aren't that good are Alec (they both already have his skills thanks to Ayra), Midir (only Charge <<<<<< Charge and Critical/Continue), and the magic fathers.

Well, in my case the kids were always rather lackluster when they were without Elite. Particular when Dew was the father. There HP was quite low and brought them into trouble a few times.

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I always felt Elite is wasted on them since they shouldn't have issues grabbing exp due to their ease of arena clearing. Provided I don't play extremely fast when it comes to FE4, but I can still get them promoted by C9 no problem (Skasaher anyway, Lakche I use like a mounted unit because mai goddess) whereas there are scrubs I just can't even train without Elite exists. I like to give Lex to Tiltyu on the days when I don't feel like putting a horse on Holsety, for example, so Arthur can still get that horse with ease and Tinny can actually be trained relatively quickly. And Swordtwins generally pretty rich anyway so it's not like they can't grab Elite ring for a go at some point. And while I don't play ranked, this is likely to be the case on ranked runs where Lex goes to Briggid or Sylvia or something while Ayra can have whatever.

But eh.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Lakche is pretty good in her own right. The problem is that most of the rest of your team is mounted, and people usually throw her aside in favor of dem horses. If you aren't willing to look past "she has no pony, she ain't be no brony", at least remember that she can recruit Johan.


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Well, Faval should have no trouble killing things with Ishival anyway. And Leen can do her job equally well, regardless of level. I guess Elite could help Corpel to catch up, but he starts with A-Staffs anyway, so it probably doesn't make much of a difference for him either.

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It's more of ranked runs have an insane exp requirement so that you want the people who have trouble getting exp normally to catch up quickly. Faval has no issues, but Patty tends to. Leen does her job regardless of level, but in ranked exp requirements wants you to get to an average of level 26 per characters or something ridiculous like that so you'd still want her to get level ups there. Lakche and Ska are way better off in the getting exp for themselves department than them, and thus in ranked should not be taking free Elite.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Even when playing for fun a mount is just that much better than not having a mount. Unless your idea of fun is to turtle your way across the map, oftentimes doing nothing but moving all your foot soldiers 6-8 spaces with no enemies in sight. And there's no way Lakche is ever your best unit, even without Holy Weapons.

A lot of people wouldn't consider moving 6-8 spaces a turn turtling. They'd consider moving 8-12 spaces a turn going fast, only done when necessary, like to rescue Lachesis. It can be more fun to utilize more people than less- and if that means moving a couple less spaces a turn, and taking maybe 10 more turns to complete the chapter, so be it. Alternatively, instead of giving the Leg Ring to Sigurd/Celice so they have 12 movement, you can give it to your favourite foot unit. And yeah, speaking from an LTC perspective, even if you did give it to a foot unit, you'd be better off giving it to a Dancer or a Staff-user.

Combat-wise? Who else do you have? Are you telling me that Oifaye, Lester, Delmud, Fee, Azel!Arthur, Johan, Johalva, Patty, Leaf, Nanna, Tinny, or Claude!Sety can match Lakche's overkill offence? The only ones that might even come close are Noish!Fee (supposed to be good; never used her, so I don't know), and Leaf. Oifaye comes as a Level 15 Paladin to Lakche's Level 1 Swordfighter and she has a decent chance of ORKOing him!

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Lakche is unscrewable. Seriously, she'd be amazing even if she inherited purely Ayra's stuff. She's just not mounted. Tied with Shanan for Best of the footunits.


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Lakche is unscrewable. Seriously, she'd be amazing even if she inherited purely Ayra's stuff. She's just not mounted. Tied with Shanan for Best of the footunits.


What about Corple?

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I'm not sure how to rate the children, seeing how there performance depends so much on their father. Particular in the case of Ayra's children.

Ehh Ayra's kids for her usual top 4-5 pairings are all very similar. The essential of an Ayra or her swordkids is if one or two of 1-3 skill or speed checks (meteors, criticals, moonlight, continue, charge) goes off they usually massively overkill whatever they were fighting. There are differences in the probabilities but qualitatively they all kinda feel the same. I can't strongly detect the difference in use over the other probability noise like RN luck for hit/miss or stat-ups.

For some other mothers the fathers really do change everything though.

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What about Corple?

Yes! What about me... wait. Although there are also candidates like Sety contending for best foot unit, Lakche doesn't do too badly thought.

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She's awesome with pretty much every pairing, especially with Lex as her father. Delmud is strong and mounted, but he isn't reliable to kill whatever I send him to fight like Lakche does. The only problem with her is that she isn't mounted, but I really don't mind it as long as I'm not drafting.


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Combat-wise? Who else do you have? Are you telling me that Oifaye, Lester, Delmud, Fee, Azel!Arthur, Johan, Johalva, Patty, Leaf, Nanna, Tinny, or Claude!Sety can match Lakche's overkill offence? The only ones that might even come close are Noish!Fee (supposed to be good; never used her, so I don't know), and Leaf. Oifaye comes as a Level 15 Paladin to Lakche's Level 1 Swordfighter and she has a decent chance of ORKOing him!

I consider anyone with a mount better than Lakche even if their offense is "slightly worse". But as many have said, Lakche's offense is completely overkill. I don't care if the enemy is killed simply because I have Hero Sword + Pursuit, or if Lakche does some flashy animations. Also who cares if Lakche has a shot at ORKOing Oifaye, I don't remember Oifaye being an enemy at any point in the game...base Ayra can ORKO Sigurd but nobody's disputing who is better in that match-up.

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