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I'm pissed off.


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My school just killed 4 monkeys while injecting them with neurotoxins in an attempt to make them have parkinsons disease. Helping ourselves (debatable) at the cost of other's lives. Well done UBC. :dry:

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I can't respect you, you stole Death's name. You know, the admin of FEU/SoS, therefore everything you say is either a lie or a conspiracy.

wow. okay, fuck off man. I explained it a thousand times and he's my best friend. Is it seriously so hard to just drop it?

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Wow, that's pretty messed up. :I

Yeah pretty much that...

I can't respect you, you stole Death's name. You know, the admin of FEU/SoS, therefore everything you say is either a lie or a conspiracy.


Did you know, that Death also "stole" her name? =/ I'm sure she already explained this to you though... So why would you listen to anyone else?

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lol, better that they die than get Parkinsons.

well clearly whatever they did didn't work

so now we have abused dead monkeys and still have parkinsons.

wait i totally misinterpreted that haha

Edited by Death'
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meant better the monkeys die, then for the monkeys to live on with parkinsons. Feel as if it was misunderstood.

*gives Fenrir parkinsons*

Do the monkeys get to live now? =3

No I just start crying and try to kill myself. but since I'm shaking so bad the bullet misses! Oh, how insensitive, I should be bann'd

Edited by Fenrir
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Ok lets all say screw science then. Learning is evil. Maybe God will develop a magic cure for Parkinsons, so let's go chill on our couches and drink mojitos while we wait.

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Ok lets all say screw science then. Learning is evil. Maybe God will develop a magic cure for Parkinsons, so let's go chill on our couches and drink mojitos while we wait.

You don't think that killing four monkeys, in the process of forcing parkinsons into their systems, is a bit over the line?

Regardless of whether or not that can even be considered learning or science, it's a complete disregard for another creature's life.

I don't think science trumps every single time. I'm disgusted and pissed off because I feel like my school really needs to reconsider their priorities.

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That is pretty eugh, yeah, but if my psych intro class is to be believed, all animals used for testing are likely to meet the same end, including however many mice and such, even those that wouldn't be killed by the experiment itself. Speaking for myself, that's troubling if true, and placing human life completely above all others seems a bit callous to me, and I'm not always of the mind that the ends justify the means, but I can't say I can firmly take a stand against all animal experimentation without second thoughts.

This is an interesting subject, actually. I could stand to read up on it.

Edited by Rehab
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Without animal testing, how much longer will it take to find cures for deadly viruses that continue to kill humans and other animals alike? How many more lives will have to die from painful and fatal diseases because you disagree that we need to get our hands dirty to take a huge leap forward instead of a small step?

Edited by Elieson
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Although it's... kind of sad that the monkeys had to die due to the testing, I'd much rather have a chance at finding a cure for Parkinson's than never ever having one.

Despite that, though, I'd feel better if they could've done the testing some other way.

Edited by Esme
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Though I'm not in any way supporting killing animals, Elie makes a good point. If we didn't have animal testing, we would have to give humans new medicine first hand. If the medicine is messed up like in your case, then we'd be talking about your university killing humans, which is also a pretty bad thing. Monkeys also have similar DNA codes to humans, so it makes (some) sense to use them as subjects.

Nonetheless, I love animals and am disappointed in the failure of the experiment. I wish there was a way where we didn't need to have any deaths but that's not reality. If your school manages to find a cure to Parkinson's though, at least your money spent won't go completely in vain, right?

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