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The new FE8 draft tier list


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On par with the new ruleset:

1. This draft is for 4 players.

2. Eirika/Ephraim, Orson, and Myrrh are free for all to use.

3. Seth is banned from all use.

4. The game will be played on Hard Mode.


1. Undrafted units may recruit characters, rescue undrafted units and NPCs, trade, visit Shops and Armories and dig up items in the desert.

2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to meatshielding, building Supports, and opening Doors or Chests.

3. Map shopping is allowed.

4. Skirmishes/use of the Tower or Ruins is disallowed unless it's for getting trainees to level 1 of first tier. Skirmishes that are blocking your path may be activated and immediately fled from.

5. Defend chapters count the last played Player Phase for turns if the timer is waited out.


1. Undrafted units have a 4 turn penalty, per unit per chapter.

2. Seth has a special 8 turn penalty per chapter.


1. Vanessa may be used to Rescue Ross in Chapter 2 even if she is undrafted.

Ask away.

So good it's banned


So good they almost got banned









Upper Mid


















Low Mid












Edited by The Berserker
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WHY IS AMELIA SO HIGH (or is this assuming 10/1 tower?)

Also it appears Vanessa fell off a cliff or something.

Neimi down, she's not as useful as Syrene or Cormag, who can both rescuebot with decent combat,

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Am I blind or is there no Vanessa?

Typo. Now Eirika isn't top of High. :awesome:

Knoll > Ewan

Prove it. o3o

I give this list 0/10. No vanessa? Tana better than saleh? knoll worse than ewwwwwwan? And artur is too low imo.

Please re-read. Tana is better than Saleh. Artur is alright where he is.

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WHY IS AMELIA SO HIGH (or is this assuming 10/1 tower?)

Neimi down, she's not as useful as Syrene or Cormag, who can both rescuebot with decent combat,

I obviously am. Hence "on par with the new ruleset".

Cormag costs 3-4 turns to recruit and needs some training to be useful at the desert and later on, and Neimi has lots of chapters to catch up even if her training takes forever when going fast. She can at least chip or get kills with Eirika's help. Neimi can Rescue-Drop Eirika after promoting as well.

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Vanessa is on par with franz in drafts. She should be in top with him, both are broke. Saleh's warping and good combat usually beats tana's ferrying. Hes always picked before her. The cavalier duo are mediocre and shouldnt be so high. Knoll's summons help in C16 and 18. What is ewwwwwan doing that somehow beats knoll?

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OK, maybe Cormag costs turns (but he saves more than Neimi simply by flying), but I still disagree with Niemi above Syrene. Neimi takes forever to get anywhere, and is locked to bows for at least 9 levels, where she will not be able to do anything but chip. Syrene joins usable, and joins a ferrybot instead of having to train into one, and she has a use in every chapter that's left in the game, instead of Neimi, who does nothing noteworthy until she promotes.

Edited by Darros
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Proposed changes-

Seth off the list. This is a DRAFT tier list. I know draft is daft with an r in it, but come on. wink.gif

Eirika off the list. Same reason.

Franz doesn't need a tier to himself. It serves no purpose.

Garcia below Saleh. Saleh is a great combatent and Warper.

Tana further below. By the time you get Tana you get 3 Rescue bots, so even with flying she's not that spectacular on chapters that don't need a fly-Rescue thing.

Tethys off the list. Same reason as Eirika and Seth.

Joshua down way lower. He's not that helpful with sword lock, no 2 range, bad move, etc.

Artur up. Warp is always a good thing.

Colm down. He's superfluous after Ch. 8.

Gilliam down. Early game doesn't make him THAT useful.

Innes WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY up. Yes, only 2 range sucks, but he does more than the likes of Dozlol.

Amelia way down because she sucks even as a 10/1 Social Knight.

Duessel way up, he's great in Eirika Mode too, just less availability.

Myrrh off the list. You know the reason. They're all in the standard draft free units.

Syrene up. Another rescuer is always nice.

Knoll up. Summon are INCREDIBLY useful.

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Vanessa is on par with franz in drafts. She should be in top with him, both are broke. Saleh's warping and good combat usually beats tana's ferrying. Hes always picked before her. The cavalier duo are mediocre and shouldnt be so high. Knoll's summons help in C16 and 18. What is ewwwwwan doing that somehow beats knoll?

- She is not. Not with the new ruleset that doesn't let her ferry Eirika until Ch 8. She kinda sucks at earlygame, to be honest.

- Saleh's Warping isn't too feasible if you're using him for combat and going at a fast pace, most of the time. He starts with a C-rank in staves and has to be a main combat unit at Ch 12, 15 and 18. He could be staff spam in the chapters he isn't combat, but I don't think he'll make it. You could be right.

- The Cavalier duo are, well...mounted. They have decent availability and are certainly than the others below them.

How do Knoll's summons help at Ch 16? As far as I can tell, they might be useful for taking a Bolting hit for another, and that's about it.

- Ewan can train up to 0/10 and be of some use before Knoll arrives. He may be able to get to 0/10/1 and early promote.

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Rules plox? is warp included in this? And is this Eirika route?

I only ask because I'm not sure what this new ruleset is.

Edited by Elieson
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Ok First

[spoiler=tl;dr]PKL, Franz is definately better than Vanessa a significant amount. Fliers are really not that great in this game. Plus, Franz's promotion item comes earlier, and doesn't cost turns to get.

Knoll is infinatley better than Ewan, Ewan is a level 1 mage with no offence or potential when he's being left in the dust, and has an inability to get kills, Knoll can insta-promote and use phantoms in multiple locations like:

Chapter 16 - Can eat a purge for Tethys/other squishy unit

Chapter 17 - Theoretically has the ability to take-drop the boss killer.

Chapter 18 - Eats Gorgon shadowshots and kills Eggs on the same turn!

Chapter 19 - Useless

Chapter 20 - Take/Drop again

Final - Eat shadowshots, take drop

Ewan, in my mind can't even match Knoll's utility in chapter 18.

Saleh is the only unit that can reliably take down most of the desert single handedly. Tana and Vanessa won't have the offensive power and have a bow weakness, (along with a promotion item that costs turns, unless they take the chapter 15 master seal), Cormag likely doesn't exist, and Artur/Lute don't have the power (or in Lute's case, have to sacrifice a horse as well) to do so. Saleh can have Warp by chapter 16 (17 at the latest) with Tethys use, and have it by chapter 18 without it, can eat two energy rings, and have 10 range warp without any levels. With drafted Colm, it's and 11 range warp, and IIRC you need 11 range warp to plunk someone in front of Lyon, and a 13 range warp to warp someone onto Morva's island in chapter 20. He's likely the only warper that will be able to reach this range. (Artur is debateable.)

Tana can drop someone over in chapter 9, but unless you have Franz, you're not going to drop anyone over there anyway without losing a unit. In chapter 10, unless you monkey ballista dodges, she doesn't save an overwhelming amount of turns unless you somehow have both Tana and Vanessa. Chapter 11 she's just another unit. Then Chapter 12 rolls along, and Saleh wrecks her in combat with equal durability. She is pretty useful here though utility wise though. Neither are useful in chapter 13 really (although Saleh can park himslef on a fort and wreck the entire oncoming enemy army), Chapter 14 Saleh has the unlock staff and the enemies are all axe dudes, armours and archers, 3 enemy types Tana has issues with. Saleh can warp in 17, cancelling out Tana's flight there, and Warp is better than flight in chapter 20 as well.

Before you question Saleh as a feasible Warp candidate, i've got him to hit A Staves in chapter 16 in a run where I cleared the game in 87 turns, so it's definately possible in a draft.

I had something about Kyle and Forde going down but all the other units below them are kinda crappy too, Artur maybe should pop above them for warping.

Edited by General Horace
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Neimi needs to drop, if one goes swift, its hard to get her levelled. I go way slower than you guys, and I just got Neimi to lvl 10 by Innes first eirika route chapter.......

And her 10/1 stats are horrible, she's only rescue-botting and chipping, Cormag costs a bit, but flies, decent combat, and comes with whip and killer lance.

Syrene has acceptable combat, comes right before the gorgon egg chapter, and has good weapon ranks.

I fail to see how we're getting Neimi anyplace, because she's just an archer,

Sure, doubling with iron is nice in ch4, BUT SHE GETS FUCKING 2-3HKO'd by basic zombies, anything with 16 attack 2HKOs her. And she fails to ORKO even the weak ones with iron.

Outside of earlygame chip and possible mount, I fail to see where she's going unless we go slow the fuck down.

5 move, bowlocked, shit bases, low con, and her only redeeming point is saving a bit in ch3 and if we can get her there-mount at 10/1.

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Seth has no reason to be on this list, as he is never usable in a normal draft.

As long as Warp is allowed, Saleh > Tana, and Artur > Joss and Ross.

Duessel > Amelia. Even in Eirika, Duessel's bases are endgame material.

Ephraim somewhere in Mid.

Neimi should be higher as well. Unlike in other games, there's no possibility of Sigurd/Marcus/Titania/Jeigan solo, so early availability means something. She can help break walls in chapter 3, chapter 4 is a rout so every little bit helps, chapter 5 she can harvest villages or help clear the route to Joshua, chapter 6 she chips to reach the boss quicker, chapter 7 she doesn't do much unless Vanessaskip is disallowed, you have to wait for Ephraim unless you have a highly blessed Franz or Eirika so she can be trained a bit here. Beyond that, she chips until she gets a horse, which would probably be about ch 11-12. From there, I don't see L'Arachel being more useful unless you have a healer, and while Amelia is a little better due to more potential, she wouldn't do enough to make up for 7-8 chapters of not existing.

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Even in eirika route, he can take out the south end, and can take a brave/killer/silver and hands axes for rest of game.

Innes has nice bases, wpn ranks, and no EP, and 2 range lock.......

Duracell with boots is like an Energizer Bunny on Crack, it doesn't give a fuck about enemies ganging up on it due to loldef/wpn ranks/str, and everything else is fixable.

Garm/speedwings for his speed, S.Book for skl-if he needs, maybe a talisman for res.

Boots would be a fun idea, because allowing him to catch up with forde/kyle/franz/mounts.

Hell, WTF is he doing under Amelia and even fucking Lute?

Lute has early use, and MK, Amelia is a trainee (ugh) and is not gonne be that use ful as a 10/1 cav outside of rescue drops.

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Why would you pick duessel before franz, kyle, forde, saleh, artur, and vanessa/tana/cormag? He is close to one of the last recruitable good units, but certainly, there are many better units than him, that are draftable, that appear less than halfway through ephraim route.

I mean earky game contributions are pretty serious too.

He should go above Amelia, maybe Dozla.

And Innes can snipe the treasure room in Eirika's FoW map, saving a few turns. That puts gok above Dozla for me.

Edited by Elieson
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Why don't we do the list in order of picks? It would make it easier to organize.

Such as

First Round





Not Neimi

then there's one tier for each round.

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