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A very special day for me.

Caliban of Sycorax

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watch it be in the wrong place.

For those of you who don't know, I'm openly gay. I've been out of the closet fully for a year and a half now, however, today is more than that. Today I came out of the closet for the first time to someone else. I told my best friend through a text message, and needless to say my life has only improved since. Seven months later I came out to my parents. I became more accepting of my sexuality and my sexual orientation. Needless to say I love myself more than ever, and I am truly blessed for this day and the people that have come into my life.

For those of you who are struggling with your identity and self-love, it's okay--it gets better. There are hard times, I've been there. But you will see the light. This day three years ago, the light started shining. And now it's bright and shining more than ever.

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I'm happy for you, it must be a huge relief! It's also good to hear that they took it well from magical skype conversationa, having your family there to support you should make all the difference. Hurrah for Mama and Papa Octavian!

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Nice to see that life has gotten much better for you. It is good to know that the people close to you accept you the way you are!

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I wish everyone had the same success as you have thus far.

I agree. While I haven't had all successes (I've lost a few friends), I feel like I've had more success than most people. I do hope, though, that I can inspire others somehow, because everyone deserves to be able to love themselves.

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Congratz, glad to hear your family supported you even though some "friends"(that's not what i would call them) did not. Anyhow, glad you can do what makes you happy!

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Your orientation with that doesn't make you any less of a genuinely good person, so why do people make a big deal out of it? I can't see why everyone can't be accepting.

Anyways, congratulations and good fortune.

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Your orientation with that doesn't make you any less of a genuinely good person, so why do people make a big deal out of it? I can't see why everyone can't be accepting.

Anyways, congratulations and good fortune.

I think it's because we are taught by society at a young age that homosexuality is wrong and unnatural. I remember when I was younger I felt really awkward and uncomfortable around gays, but as I grew older I became more tolerant, and now I've become much more accepting. I've realized it's stupid to feel that way, and if I want people to accept me for being different I must accept them too, otherwise it's hypocritical.

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Your orientation with that doesn't make you any less of a genuinely good person, so why do people make a big deal out of it? I can't see why everyone can't be accepting.

Anyways, congratulations and good fortune.

I'm of the same sentiment. I suppose it's enjoyable to know you're validated in the opinion of others, but I'm much more content knowing I'm celebrating myself, on my own terms, regardless of what exterior circumstances lie.

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I think it's because we are taught by society at a young age that homosexuality is wrong and unnatural. I remember when I was younger I felt really awkward and uncomfortable around gays, but as I grew older I became more tolerant, and now I've become much more accepting. I've realized it's stupid to feel that way, and if I want people to accept me for being different I must accept them too, otherwise it's hypocritical.

Personally I think it has a lot to do with misogyny. After all, we do live in a society were you can insult males by simply calling them a girl, or otherwise associating them with femininity in some way as if somehow being female was a shameful existence. Every male in our society who doesn't live up to some vague defined standard of masculinity deserves to be mocked and degraded for some reason. I think a lot of people subconsciously simply think that "attracted to guys = that's what girls do" and then the reflex kicks in.

Speculation aside, it's nice to hear that things went so well for you Octavian. Thank you for helping me regaining some faith in humanity and I wish you good luck for the future.

Edited by BrightBow
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Congratulations~! And it's on 3-13, no less (sorry, I had to say it). I'm glad you've accepted yourself for what you are, and I'm also glad that you've got family and friends who believe in you.

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I think it's because we are taught by society at a young age that homosexuality is wrong and unnatural. I remember when I was younger I felt really awkward and uncomfortable around gays, but as I grew older I became more tolerant, and now I've become much more accepting. I've realized it's stupid to feel that way, and if I want people to accept me for being different I must accept them too, otherwise it's hypocritical.

It also works vise versa. My sister is lesbian and my parents never acted like it should be any different. I asked them if it was okay for two girls to be together and they just said "Yeah. Some people are like that."

Never understood that other people felt opposite until middle school, where gay was an insult and many people were becoming bicurious. Unlike what popular media says, being tolerant as a child didn't make me gay/lesbian.

But, yeah, OP, I'm glad for you! I must have been a large weight off your shoulders and you are very lucky to have an accepting family. :)

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