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Dangan Ronpa interest thread


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So aside from the fact that I'm getting the rest of the CM4 postgame done tonight (finally I'm so sorry sorry sorry I took so long please kill me), I kind of wanted to introduce something to the mafia community here (if it hasn't already been mentioned or acknowledged). Yeah I'm probably not joining or hosting a (large/too complicated) game for a while considering how reliable my mood swings and school schedule have made me lately, but if someone else happens to get particularly inspired by this idea, well, excellent!

My good CARA friend Bitto (Bittboss) is hosting a game based on a Japanese-only game some of you may have heard of already--Dangan Ronpa. The LP is located here. NO SPOILERS if you're already heard of/played/spoiled yourself all the way through for the game, since the LPér isn't finished with his playthrough yet and I'm going to be incredibly fucking pissed off if someone ruins the surprising element of the game. If you really feel the need to post anything revealing about the game, please do so in spoiler tags.

[spoiler=copypasta'd rules from bitto's thread]For the past few months, me and a bunch of other CARA users have been reading "Dangan Ronpa", a Japanese-only game that is currently being LPed and translated. It also got brought to Board 8, who then created a forum game inspired by Dangan Ronpa. I decided to play this and I found it quite fascinating so I'm going to borrow it. Thanks to Haguile of Board 8 for most of the ideas in the forum game.

Let me cut to the chase and then explain the rules later. There are (most likely) 15 players living in a high school that is inescapable. The only way to escape is by doing one of two things:

1) Kill someone and not be found as the killer in the investigation and trial the day after the murder.

2) When the game drops down to three players, there will be one more day phase and one more night phase. If someone is killed during the night phase, the murderer will get to escape. (Scheduled to change, possibly?)

There are 3 1/2 phases in the game: Day, Night, Investigation (the 1/2), and Trial. There are also A LOT OF RULES, so make sure to read all of it. I'm sorry if it's overly long, but I dunno how to shorten it.


-Day phases are from 7:00 - 22:59.

-During Day phases, everyone alive has to post their actions for the day in the third person. For instance, it would look like this.


Bitto goes to the A/V Room (7:10)

Basically, I will give a format going by the hours. Then type your name, what your action is, and the specific time.

-During Day phases, you can investigate 2 rooms. Everything else is unlimited, but you can only investigate 2 rooms. You could also do actions like taking food and eating it, showering, etc.. These "Sims"-like action may have an effect on your state of being at the Despair High School, so make sure to follow up on those.

-You can ATTEMPT to do a private action by just saying "Private Action" and PMing what you're actually doing. HOWEVER, most likely, your private action will be shown as public. This is because of the security cameras that monitor the school and broadcast it to everyone's rooms. In addition, there is nothing stopping you from killing in daytime. ...You just have to be very, very secretive about it.

-When investigating a room, you can choose to either reveal the results privately or publicly. Choosing Private results means that I will PM you the results of your investigation. Choosing Public results means that I will post the results of your investugation during the end of the day. The pro for private results is that only you will find the results of your investigation, allowing you to hide what you found and received. The pro for public results is that it's host-confirmed and that you're revealing that you're willing to share with other people what you found.

-Some rules that go on for day phases: Don't try to fuck with the host, basically. Also, you have to be in your dorm by 23:00 or else you WILL be modkilled.

-You can discuss in the thread during daytime.

-You can also choose to talk to someone in particular during day phase, just make it a part of your actions. This will allow you to talk through Private Messaging (Though, the bulk of the conversation will most likely be decided by me).

-You are limited to private talking to someone one time per day phase. That means you can initiate a private conversation with only one person. With that said, you can receive many private conversations in a day phase if many people decide to private chat with you.

-At the end of the day phase, I will reveal all the results (except for the ones that are specifically private and even those may not be so private). You can put in your actions at the very beginning of the day phase, but you won't get results until the day phase is over.

-Day phases will last 48 hours, most likely.

-Realize that almost everything you're doing will be monitored by the cameras, and yes, the cameras are available to the players. You just don't know where it is.


-Night phase will last from 23:00-6:59.

-ALL actions will be sent via PM. Same format as the day phase. So I give format going by hours, type your name, action, and specific time.

-After you send in your actions, I will send a PM back to you. Possibly, you have to respond back.

-Some rules that go on for night phases: All dorm rooms will automatically lock. Cafeteria will close at 1:00. All water will be turned off.

-Don't think what happens at night, stays at night. The results of nighttime will always be prevalent, especially towards the character. If your character got very little sleep, it will show.

-There will be NO game-related discussion during night time. In fact, I may very well lock the thread during night time.

-Cameras will still monitor what is going on at night, but it will NOT be accessible to any player. Only Monobear can see.

-Night phases will last 24 hours, most likely.


-This will occur once a dead body shows up. Basically, this takes over the day phase and is pretty much identical to the day phase. Again, you can only investigate 2 rooms.

-The goal here is basically to gain evidence, find suspects, check the areas, etc. Basically, what you would do if there was a murder! Funny how that works.

-A Monobear File will be given as soon as the day begins. This will contain the victim's name, the location of where the victim was found, the way they died, the time of death, and any other additional notes.

-Realize that EVERYONE will be investigating. That includes the murderer and there is no rule against destroying or hiding evidence.


-This will occur after the Investigation phase. This is the "Mafia" part of the game and it's VERY Mafia-like. Every player has a vote and whoever gets the majority vote will be judged by Monobear. If the person is guilty of the murder, he will get executed. If the person is innocent of the murder, the real murderer will be one of the winners of the game and get to escape. Anyone who fails to vote for the real murderer WILL get 1 strike, even if he won the majority vote. Remember that even if someone "wins" the game, the game will still go on until there are no other possible winners.

-If you get 2 strikes, you will die by the hands of Monobear. As I said, you get a strike by voting for the wrong murderer. Let's say Chao killed Shroob. Out of 14 people, 9 chose Chao, 2 chose Acre, and 3 chose "No Murderer". Chao, having won the majority vote and being the actual killer of Shroob, will die. However, the 2 people who voted Acre and the 3 people who voted "No Murderer" will get 1 strike.

-As mentioned above, yes, you can vote "No Murderer". This is unlikely, but it's possible. I will mention specific possibilities where "No Murderer" is an option when the time arises.

-Some users who found evidence in the previous Investigation phase may gain Bullet Evidence. The idea behind Bullet Evidence is that the host confirms that the evidence is real and not fabricated. HOWEVER, the person using the Bullet Evidence may use the evidence however they wish. Basically, the evidence is real, but the way the user uses the evidence may not entirely be factual. Bullet Evidence will be presented by using ##Shoot: [evidence].

-Trial will last for 72 hours OR if EVERYONE agrees on a particular person being the murderer. And yes, you can unvote during Trials. It would be very dickish if I did not allow that.

Super High School Level Abilities:

-The neat thing about this school (other than the fact that it's run by a psychotic bear) is that every student in it is a "Super High Schooler". Basically, they excel at a particular talent. This can range from the simple, such as a Super High School-Level Musician (A high school student who has an amazing voice and already sold millions of albums across the country, becoming a household name, etc.) to the abstract, such as a Super High School-Level Heir (A high school student who is the son of a very rich and powerful family, manages businesses, goes to the top schools, etc.). Consider these people like...celebrities, possibly prodigies.

-These talents aren't just for flavor: they will be your "roles", like in a Mafia game. Each user will get a specific talent and they will be able to use these talents to their advantage. Some may use it as an advantage to kill others, like a Super High School-Level Wrestler being able to basically kill anyone with their bare hands. Some may use it defensively, like a Super High School-Level Spy setting up cameras around the school to monitor what people do at night. Some may use it as investigation tools, like a Super High School-Level Forensic Scientist checking the fingerprints left on doorknobs to help find the murderer. And some may use it creatively.

-As disappointing as it sounds, I have already created 28 of the 30 possible roles. So no, you will not be able to design your own "Super High School-Level Ability", but maybe for future games.

-Upon receiving your role, you may either allow Monobear to declare what your role is (Thus, making it host-confirmed) OR you can hide it and you will show up as "Super High School-Level ???" (Thus, allowing no one to know what your role is, shrouding yourself in an aura of mystery). However, if you decide to hide it, don't think that you are completely safe. You are never completely safe in Despair High School. There may be roles that can figure other roles out or Monobear just might use it to blackmail you.

-Also, Monobear has fitted your dorm room to fit your talent. You may find items and weapons related to your role in your dorm room. A Musician can find a guitar, perhaps, and maybe some sound amplifiers.

The Trust System:

-Anytime during the day or night, you can ##Trust someone. You can do this publicly or privately (though, trying to do it privately in the day may not be a good idea). By trusting someone, you gain 0.5 Trust Points. If you gain 1 full Trust Point, you can do...another investigation of a room! So if you have 2 Trust Points, that's 4 room investigations you can do in a single day phase.

-Realize that the person you trust may not realize that you trust them. For instance, if you PM me at night time, ##Trust: Chao, how is Chao going to know that you trust him? You could tell him discreetly during the day phase, I guess. However, if you say ##Trust: Chao during the day phase, then he (along with everyone else) will surely see it.

-Now there's a downside to Trusting. If the person you trust decides to attempt to murder someone AND you find out about it, then your Trust Point for that user goes away and you gain 0.5 Despair Points. Having 1.5 Despair Points puts you into Insanity, which is even worse and will have negative effects on your Super High-School Level Ability, your state of mind, your actions at day AND night, etc.

-The maximum number of people you can trust is 6. So you can earn up to a maximum of 3 Trust Points.

General Rules:

-Realize that this is a free-for-all. There are no teams from the start.

-A user can murder only 2 people. No more than that. This is to prevent someone by going "Instead of having to hide evidence of me being guilty, I'll just murder everyone!"

-The user who lands the killing blow will be the murderer. That means if there's an accomplice, he is not a murderer and thus, does not win the game if he gets away with the murder.

-While you can decide the action and how you're going to kill a person, realize that how the actual murder and the evidence will be handled by me. Every murder will be solvable by evidence. The more clever you are, the harder it is to pin you down, but there will never be a murder that CANNOT be solved.

-Users who join the game should mention their sex for this game. Males will get a toolset in their dorm room, including a hammer and a screwdiver. Females will get a knitting set in their dorm room, along with a map of all the vital organs of the human body. There are minor differences between the two.

-If you're dead, you're dead. Sorry. Don't try to clutter up the topic, please. I may create a "Heaven" board for speculation among the dead, BUT those who decide to join the "Heaven" board will not get the rolelist or any other private info reserved for the mods. If you get the rolelist or private info, you will not be allowed to go to "Heaven".

-Don't PM other users in the game unless I specifically allow for it.

-There is a time system involved in the game and time is a huge part of the game. I will get the specifics up before the game start, but the time and movement system isn't very difficult here.

-Monobear will occasionally hold events. He will usually create events during night, mainly to stir chaos during night time. After all, we don't want everyone to stay in their dorm room and sleep for a night phase.

-Don't fuck with the host, Monobear. Really. Don't fuck with him. He can and WILL modkill you if you screw around too much.


-BE. CREATIVE. Creativity is the name of the game for this! This and the focus on evidence as opposed to logic is what mainly differs this from Mafia, in my opinion! However, try and stay in the bounds of realism, as abstract as they are in this game.

-Don't assume anything. Monobear. Is a DICK. You may assume something in the game, but if the host didn't confirm it, then it's not...confirmed!

-BE ACTIVE. If you are inactive, ESPECIALLY during the Trial, you WILL die. Realize that anyone who does not vote for the correct murderer WILL receive a strike and not voting will NEVER be the right answer for who the murderer is. If you feel you won't be active for a while, do not be afraid to get replaced.

-Have fun! Obviously, that's the point of any game.

............Yeah, those are the rules. Again, some of these may be scheduled for change and I want to hear what you guys think. Sorry that it's a LOT of stuff, but hey, the game is complicated. I may have left some stuff out, but that's because I'm kind of absent-minded. I'll check tomorrow to see if there's anything huge I'm leaving out.

Any thoughts?

Edited by adiosToreador
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Kirigiri is a time traveling ninja assassin who likes long walks on the beach and slaughtering nerds

(or at least that should be her role in the game)

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I'm also interested. I didn't understand what exactly we're supposed to do by investigating and how the actions system works, but other than that I'm fine with the rules.

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Well, keep in mind that if we do get enough interest in this, I can't possibly be the one to host it. >: The most I could be is a co-host/editor at most, but I was wondering if anyone might have it in them to host a game here. If I really had to, I would try hosting it if it were during the summer, but you can't trust me with deadlines, ever. So.

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  • 3 months later...

My CARA friend Bitto needs three more dedicated players to begin his Dangan Ronpa game.

Anyone interested?

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Alright. I'm interested. I didn't want to sign up until I figured out if I was in SSBU, but since I'm the last sub on the list in that one, I doubt I'll be in it anytime soon, so.

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I'm interested. I actually read the rules and I can imagine a few things about how it's going to turn out, so I'm even more interested than before. =P

Do sign me in.

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