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Official site update + Famitsu 15/3


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It's also annoying to have that myrmidon that can't use hand axes for 1-2 range, but that doesn't mean it would be a good idea to fuse all physical weapons.

Also, I (at least) thought that all magic was combined because at first that's what Vincent's post sounded like. Since then he has edited it to make it more clear.

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Just took a good look at the photos, and I think they're using the old formulas for skill and speed, though I may be off a bit on it since I can't read the text next to each stat. The stat modifications caused by the supports aren't helping either.

Well, looking at the status screens on the third page, we have

Sumia with 13 Skill, 15 Speed, 8 Luck, 108 Hit, 6 Crit, 26 Avoid

Callum with 8 Skill, 9 Speed, 3 Luck, 98 Hit, 4 Crit, 15 Avoid

It's important to note they have the same weapon.

The gap in Hit is 10, which is equal to the difference in Skill+Luck. This means the weapon (Iron Lance?) apparently has 83 base hit?

The gap in Avoid is 11, which is equal to the difference in Speed+Luck. Interestingly, using a formula of Speed+Luck for Avoid also leaves us with 3 Avoid out of nowhere... My first thought is that leadership is returning, but it's possible they're also getting some from a support or something

But then Frederick has what appears to be a Silver Lance with 13 Skill and 10 Luck, and has 4 hit less than Sumia... which means he gained 2+x hit from stats etc. and then lost 6+x due to other causes (weapon hit). Quite confused

Another thing worth noting: Sumia's status screen has a little horse icon next to her pegasus icon. Does that mean pegasi are now also considered horse units and are thus weak to horseslaying weapons?

Also wtf is with the armor in this game. First there was Callum's wearing what appears to be some sort of jetpack, and then there's that ridiculous shit on Sol and Soiree...

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It's also annoying to have that myrmidon that can't use hand axes for 1-2 range, but that doesn't mean it would be a good idea to fuse all physical weapons.

Completely unrelated. It's not annoying that a myrmidon can't use a hand axe because that wouldn't make any sense at all for the class, where as giving anima or other related magics to a bishop would, because it's a magic unit and shouldn't be constrained to something that's going to make it weaker than others just for the sake of "differentiating" it.

And really, that's why they made ranged swords for sword classes in FE9 and 10, because they didn't have that hand axe option. I'm sure they'll have a ranged sword in here to fill the void of myrmidons being unable to use a hand axe.

There is a huge variety of weapons for each section; swords, axes, bows, lances; what have you, but in games where the magic has been combined (FE11 and 12) there wasn't that much going on for magic in comparison. If they're combining magic in this game, and giving them huge variety (ala El- and Arc- version), then I don't see what the problem is with combining them. It applies what Ether stated.

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It's also annoying to have that myrmidon that can't use hand axes for 1-2 range, but that doesn't mean it would be a good idea to fuse all physical weapons.

Also, I (at least) thought that all magic was combined because at first that's what Vincent's post sounded like. Since then he has edited it to make it more clear.

Hey, good job completely missing the point and making an idiotic strawman. There is a huge difference between picking up a sword, or picking up an axe, compared to chanting some words and blowing shit up, or chanting some other words and blowing shit up. Functionally, each type of physical weapon takes it's own disciplines to use correctly, and thus a distinction is required. Differences in magic are only spawned where the mechanics involved require it. And if you haven't noticed, this game appears to take place in Archanea, where, look at that, magic is all grouped together.

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Well, looking at the status screens on the third page, we have

Sumia with 13 Skill, 15 Speed, 8 Luck, 108 Hit, 6 Crit, 26 Avoid

Callum with 8 Skill, 9 Speed, 3 Luck, 98 Hit, 4 Crit, 15 Avoid

It's important to note they have the same weapon.

The gap in Hit is 10, which is equal to the difference in Skill+Luck. This means the weapon (Iron Lance?) apparently has 83 base hit?

The gap in Avoid is 11, which is equal to the difference in Speed+Luck. Interestingly, using a formula of Speed+Luck for Avoid also leaves us with 3 Avoid out of nowhere... My first thought is that leadership is returning, but it's possible they're also getting some from a support or something

But then Frederick has what appears to be a Silver Lance with 13 Skill and 10 Luck, and has 4 hit less than Sumia... which means he gained 2+x hit from stats etc. and then lost 6+x due to other causes (weapon hit). Quite confused

Another thing worth noting: Sumia's status screen has a little horse icon next to her pegasus icon. Does that mean pegasi are now also considered horse units and are thus weak to horseslaying weapons?

Also wtf is with the armor in this game. First there was Callum's wearing what appears to be some sort of jetpack, and then there's that ridiculous shit on Sol and Soiree...

Ah, thanks for clearing that up. I wasn't fully awake when I first made my observations. That, plus the fact I can't read Japanese, led me to misinterpret what I saw. But the odd values coming up for the apparent hit are strange. Leadership stars is one possibility, but when I looked at the video on the website, I don't recall seeing any stars on Krom.

EDIT: Looking closer at the video:

Krom has 9 skill, 9 speed, 5 luck, 96 hit, 4 crit, and 16 avoid

MU has 5 skill, 6 speed, 4 luck, 89 hit, 7 crit, and 11 avoid

Sol has 7 skill, 6 speed, 5 luck, 113 hit, 3 crit and 11 avoid

Zombie soldier has 9 skill, 7 speed, 3 luck, 110 hit, 4 crit and 12 avoid

Soiree has 8 skill, 8 speed, 6 luck, 105 hit, 4 crit and 15 avoid

Zeke has 8 skill, 6 speed, 4 luck, 89 hit, 4 crit and 11 avoid

Liz has 4 skill, 4 speed, 8 luck, and 10 avoid

Viole has 10 (+2) skill, 6 speed, 8 luck, 107 hit, 6 crit, and 13 avoid

Krom (1 level higher) has 9 skill, 10 speed, 5 luck, 96 hit, 4 crit, and 17 avoid

Zombie fighter has 7 skill, 8 speed, 3 luck, 82 hit, 3 crit and 13 avoid

In some cases avoid seems to be greater than speed+luck, while in some other cases it seems to drop below that value. I think it might be possible that weapon weight will return in this game. It would at least explain the lower avoid values. Crit seems to be (Skill/2), and dodge is simply luck. On that note, It looks as though the tome MU wields has innate +5 crit to it.

I'm gonna hold off on connecting skill to hit. W/o any weapon data to tie the two together, it would just be a mess to handle.

Also, as far as the weapon triangle goes, for the low rank weapons we saw, it's merely +5 and -5 hit depending on the better or worse weapon.

Edited by Shadow Stalker X
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There is a huge variety of weapons for each section; swords, axes, bows, lances; what have you, but in games where the magic has been combined (FE11 and 12) there wasn't that much going on for magic in comparison. If they're combining magic in this game, and giving them huge variety (ala El- and Arc- version), then I don't see what the problem is with combining them. It applies what Ether stated.

FE12 had a lot of spell tomes, about 19. FE7, for reference, had 21 different tomes. So really, the spell variety is just as great.

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I don't see what the big deal about combined magic is.

Because it's less interesting, fun and unique! It outright fucking sucks, instead of having all these different interesting magic types you have one fucked up and boring one, and you can give units shitty unfitting crap (so the Hand Axe Myrmidon thing actually works, I mean, is a Bishop casting Elfire or Flux any better? And not to mention you could have someone who allegedly specialises in Wind not being able to use any more Wind spells than Thunder spells).

And we don't even know if all magicks are combined, or just anima. If it's the latter, it's the exact same damn thing as the GBA FEs, except we are shown already to have more tome variety than GBA had with El- and Arc- tomes.

And the GBA games fucked up with that, FE4/5/10 got it right, they should've stuck with the five magic type system from those games, it's the only correct one.

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If Wind/Fire/Thunder are there and apparently the el- and arc tomes I'd imagine they are going to be effective against Pegs/Taguel/Draco's. I'd say spells sharing the same rank is probably quite good as well. If you look at the current comparisons between physical and magical unit stats in the scans, I think I'd rather the mage's be flexible than overly specific.

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FE12 had a lot of spell tomes, about 19. FE7, for reference, had 21 different tomes. So really, the spell variety is just as great.

FE11, then, which had 12. If they fixed it in FE12, than that's wonderful. I'm sure it'll be just as good combined here.

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If Wind/Fire/Thunder are there and apparently the el- and arc tomes I'd imagine they are going to be effective against Pegs/Taguel/Draco's. I'd say spells sharing the same rank is probably quite good as well. If you look at the current comparisons between physical and magical unit stats in the scans, I think I'd rather the mage's be flexible than overly specific.

And certain monsters as well, perhaps. That could be interesting. Regardless, if it's like FE9/10, they'll just be basically identical spells and you happen to choose one against certain enemies. Hopefully there will be more to differentiate them.

The way I see it, elemental magic being one type isn't so bad. 4/5/9/10 didn't do much to differentiate them anyway, so it was little better than 6/7/8 in that area. (Personally, I much prefer the system in TRS/BS with staggered access to differentiate them even more, but this is good enough.) But it's certainly better than the Archanea games, which didn't even differentiate between elemental/light/dark magic. That just ruins possibilities and room for characters to be distinct from one another. So I'll just hope it's not the case here.

Edited by Othin
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FE12 had a lot of spell tomes, about 19. FE7, for reference, had 21 different tomes. So really, the spell variety is just as great.

I'm not sure if I would consider having the option of using a 5 might E tome and a 6 might E tome "variety"

Fire/Thunder/Blizzard/Elfire/Bolganone/Thoron could have been condensed into half as many items, and I don't think anyone would have really cared

Edit: Although magic has kind of always had this problem because fsr IS refuses to do anything interesting with them beyond siege tomes (which are stupid rare to the point that they may as well be enemy only), Nosferatu (which is also pretty rare), the seldom anti-flyer weapon, and adding some neat effect to Dark-ish weapons

meanwhile physical weapons have killers and braves and effective weapons of all kinds and devil and reavers etc. etc.

Edited by Paperblade
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If Wind/Fire/Thunder are there and apparently the el- and arc tomes I'd imagine they are going to be effective against Pegs/Taguel/Draco's.

That's not good enough!

I'd say spells sharing the same rank is probably quite good as well.

NO IT FUCKING ISN'T!! It's an abomination! It's as bad as Axes, Swords and Lances having the same rank!

If you look at the current comparisons between physical and magical unit stats in the scans, I think I'd rather the mage's be flexible than overly specific.

That's infinitely better fixed by simply giving Mages better stats!

The way I see it, elemental magic being one type isn't so bad.

Of course it's so bad! Your complaints about magic differentiation seem to be the same ones you have about physical weapon differentiation to me. Hopefully you don't think merging the weapon triangle into one type would be an ass idea, don't you? Then can't you see that merging Anima is just as bad?!

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That's not good enough!

NO IT FUCKING ISN'T!! It's an abomination! It's as bad as Axes, Swords and Lances having the same rank!

That's infinitely better fixed by simply giving Mages better stats!

Of course it's so bad! Your complaints about magic differentiation seem to be the same ones you have about physical weapon differentiation to me. Hopefully you don't think merging the weapon triangle into one type would be an ass idea, don't you? Then can't you see that merging Anima is just as bad?!

Well, someone's taking things too seriously.

There's nothing wrong with combining the magics, and it's not the same as combining weapons in any way. Please try to argue with some logic, Crash. This is sort of why people laugh at you all the time

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NO IT FUCKING ISN'T!! It's an abomination! It's as bad as Axes, Swords and Lances having the same rank!

It's been done in Archanea, Valencia (and the continent is apparently one of these?) Magvel and Elibe. Not to mention it's casting magic, not using different weapons with completely different fighting styles. Which is to say, you're an idiot.

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There's nothing wrong with combining the magics, and it's not the same as combining weapons in any way. Please try to argue with some logic, Crash. This is sort of why people laugh at you all the time

Ummm, yes it is. Magic types are pretty much the same as weapon types, the only difference is the stat they run off. How are they different?

It's been done in Archanea, Valencia (and the continent is apparently one of these?) Magvel and Elibe.

I know that, they all fucked it up.

Not to mention it's casting magic, not using different weapons with completely different fighting styles.

That's irrelevant.

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Ummm, yes it is. Magic types are pretty much the same as weapon types, the only difference is the stat they run off. How are they different?

I know that, they all fucked it up.

That's irrelevant.

No, they're not. It's takes no effort to read words out of another book, and it takes years of training to be able to use a different weapon. You sit over there with your silly game mechanics arguments, shoo shoo.

Of you refuse to see this, your opinion isn't worth our time.

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Because game mechanics matter and stupid realism shit doesn't. You don't know how magic works, it could be just as difficult (or more so) to read Fire words instead of Thunder words as it is to start swinging around an Axe instead of a Sword. And saying that they're "just words" or something to make them interchangable is just saying that Swords and Axes are both big things with sharp edges that you can swing around to cut people so they're also interchangable.

Besides splitting the weapon is a mechanics thing so only mechanics matter.

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Because game mechanics matter and stupid realism shit doesn't. You don't know how magic works, it could be just as difficult (or more so) to read Fire words instead of Thunder words as it is to start swinging around an Axe instead of a Sword. And saying that they're "just words" or something to make them interchangable is just saying that Swords and Axes are both big things with sharp edges that you can swing around to cut people so they're also interchangable.

Besides splitting the weapon is a mechanics thing so only mechanics matter.

You're murdering me with stupid.

Please stop.

The games, at many occasions, have shown that magic really is just words that a person reads from a book to cast a spell. It is that simple.

And if weapons were as interchangeable as that, then every unit would use every weapon. But they don't. We have specific classes for weapon types because weapons are harder to use and learn to use.

If you can't see this, then your opinion isn't worth our time. Not gonna say it again.

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Not sure how new it is, but GoNintendo has a 2-3 minute long trailer up on their site:


It shows off a lot of different team attacks.

At 1:20, there is the initial level up for the blond haired mage kid. He seems to start with solid enough bases.

wait what? krom's falchion has infinite uses? and he has it from the beginning ? wtf...

and my unit has pretty nice bases and it seems this one in particular is oriented towards physical combat with 8 base str and 6 base def (assuming we get to choose) but why the low hp ?

Edited by Velth
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You don't know how magic works, it could be just as difficult (or more so) to read Fire words instead of Thunder words as it is to start swinging around an Axe instead of a Sword.

But Archanea, Valencia, Magvel and Elibe, it's clearly demonstrated that it isn't.

This world looks suspiciously like Valencia.

Add it UP, Crash.

Because game mechanics matter and stupid realism shit doesn't.

Crash, do you know what 'immersion' is? And 'being able to relate to the damn thing'? Because you're kind of hurting me deep inside right now.

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Regardless of realism in how difficult it is to go from one weapon type to another or from one spell type to another (and I would hope there's more to spellcasting than reading a few words and things blow up), it's better gameplaywise to have a magic triangle so different magic users are more/less useful against others, and it's better for the setting to have magic split up so we don't have Dark Mages casting 'light' magic or whatever.

Also keep in mind DS FE had only 3 t2 magic classes, so it kind of made sense to only have one magic type or there would only be one class using each type. But we've probably got at least 4 in FE13 (Sage, Druid thing, Valkyrie for the Troubadour, and likely Bishop from Priests/Monks), plus any others from branching promotions.

HOWEVER, the above paragraph is simply a guess from classes used in past games. If Clerics/Priests all go Battle Monk/Cleric or Sage now and there's no 'light' magic dedicated t2, and then Valkyries might be sword/staff while the other Troubadour choice is Mage Knights (while the Mage choices would be Mage Knight and Sage), it's fairly understandable why they would compress tomes to one type; though the whole thing being understandable doesn't mean it was a good idea :M

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