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So awkward moment with parents


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I'm sitting in the living room with my parents. I'm browsing SF. They're watching a movie. I look up. So far it involves a man who has had his arms chopped off violently getting his brains blown out because the main character went into some psychotic break when he saw a little kid's head (decapitated) in the sink. I think the kid's head was cut off by the same person who chopped the guy's arms off. Also I think there may be more words that are swear words in this movie than aren't.

So now I'm blasting folk music through my headphones and trying to ignore it. Probably going to go watch some Whose Line now. Might actually, like, play Fire Emblem, too.

Also, my fish keep eating each other :/

Edit: Oh, now they're playing pinata in the movie. Except with little girls and bullets instead of candy-filled cardboard and sticks. Also the girl gets to wear the blindfold.

Edited by Rewjeo
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I think it was called Bye, Baby, Bye. I probably just looked up at the worst moments, since my parents aren't generally big fans of really violent movies. I suppose I'm also not 100% sure the kid was decapitated, but it looked like he was. Also, that girl who was the pinata? Somehow she survived. Then I discovered one of my fish had broken another fish's back and so that took my mind off of the not-so-pleasant images.

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The problem is that I have an angelfish with a bunch of smaller fish (actually only one now) and it lived fine with them for years. Then, I don't know why, the Angelfish stopped eating fish flakes so it finds other food. That other food would be the little fish.

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Oh, now they're playing pinata in the movie. Except with little girls and bullets instead of candy-filled cardboard and sticks. Also the girl gets to wear the blindfold.

Thanks a lot. Now I'm too horny to sleep.

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