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How I see members here: Past and Present - Now with Integrity -


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At first, I thought. Dude, that guy from GFaqs. I like you.

Witty input here. Creative input there. This guy has potential.

Now....I've come to the conclusion, that Kngt of Titania is really Wil magically materialized from Fire Emblem into the real world struggling to give himself a good name on Fire Emblem forums across the world hoping that one day, he'll convince the world that his inferior battle techniques are actually superior.

Ah, yes, potential squandered by extremely stubborn behavior and a general passion towards a doomed cause. Sounds like a typical date. gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

You are, of course, inadvertantly admitting to being a fan of Wil. Which means I now have 1 for sure and only 6,100,000,000 or so to go. That's alright, I'm a patient man. After all, it took me a half a year to regain the ability to type again after the incident. Interdimensional travel is a bitch.

I need to eventually get back and train Wolt more in archery; I'm afraid he'll suck desperately if I don't. He's also developing a weird passion for cavaliers and red-heads. Oh well, Rebecca will handle it. Probably.

P.S. Thanks for the time you took to write that. I enjoyed it. biggrin.gif

Edited by Kngt_Of_Titania
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Well, need I say you look gorgeous in TWEWY form?

This probably isn't the right thread, but whatever. It's fftf.

XD Thanks

Even though it looks quite different still.... =[

Oh yeah!

I'm in picture thread if you wanna see how different she looks from me XD

Edited by Freohr Datia
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Ahh, Integ. I've been building up to this for days.

Integ, when I first met you, I looked at your name and thought "Ahh, he must have pride. Be Virtuous. Noble, Honourable, and maybe even downright chivalrous. Hell, he has to be polite, he's named Integrity after all". I pictured a 21 year old American/British college student, likely pursuing a path in chemistry. I also pictured you as the oldest of 3, and living in a college dorm or apartment close by. Even your job was noble. You worked at a book store, reading and learning of history past and civilizations of the present.

I thought you were probably the head honcho around here. Next to the mods, you were the next-in-line, but you were too cool and turned it down because of your "Position doesn't prove power" philosophy.

Remember, that above is what I thought when I first met you.


Now, I assume you wake up and think:


Alright. What's next. Onto Serene's Forest I guess, for...we'll see.

Now, I see you and quiver. Oh crap, "Integrity has entered the chatroom" startles me. I assume you are going to demolish someone for thinking something, because the only reason you enter IPChat is to be beligerant at someone for a specific reason, like something they said or did, like Harpoon and his obvious incomplete draft history, or 13 and his creation of more drafts than there are letters in the New York Times.

You're scary, bro. But that is until I find out you're not coming in to target something stupid that I may or may not have said. Then, you're funny. Even then, you're still providing quality entertaining at prices far below that of Video Hut and Netflix.

You're blunt. Logical. Methodical. Sometimes rude. And you know everything. Every. Fucking. Thing. I remember talking to you about Soren's role in FE9 and FE10. You knew absolutely every detail, as if you have some sort of photographic memory that most people consider a blessing and a curse. I lost the debate simply by joining it. Your debate and persuasion skills, thus, are virtually unmatched.

You probably visit the local mall and convince the holiday Santa imposters to come clean and crush children's hearts by admitting Santa isn't real in public. There are probably small children crying because of your incredible ability to broadcast knowledge amongst the ignorant.


Even those that know, probably shudder in your presence. Even your presence on Serene's Forest. In fact, I'm sure your mouse cursor simply being in the vicinity of the IPChat button causes at least one person on this planet to spontaneously combust, one person to demand money from the elderly, and two others to experience mental breakdowns.


On the other hand, you are smart. You are always lurking, and even when we don't know you are there, you come up out of nowhere and correct us. Even if it's not really revelant, you do. It's like you have a sixth sense for detecting stupidity. Not like it's hard to find, but you perform exceptionally well locating it.

TO be completely honest, until I saw your Voice Meme video, I pictured you looking like


but probably wearing aviator shades like the guys in Super Troopers. Now I know what you look like. It's actually...kind of what I expected, minus the shades (which would've looked dumb on you anyway).

I've never really met someone like you. Now that I know who you are, I must say, your existance alone has given me a new outlook on life. I never look at people to be potentially intelligent anymore. I see a lot more mischief and ignorance, and I definately question knowledge of even the most professional of bullshitters.

Only you could possibly be so gut bustingly funny, and such a pompous jackass, at the same time. Soul wishes he was like you, Horace enjoys following your posts, Life struggles to survive your onslaught of critical hits against him, and your sister just sits in the back seat and laughs as others try to oppose your might. Others wish they could be like you, or be rid of you. But All wish to be on your side, because any side that you aren't on is the losing side (unless it's in a Fire Emblem draft setting, then I'm on Horace's side all the way).

For you, Integrity, I salute you. The ultimate in forum members. The coup de' grace. An unstoppable being who knows not of oppression and defeat. The reason why questions are answered. For you, This.


And now I play the waiting game.


whatchu smokin

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Integrity's bio makes me wish I knew him, and was on his side.

Take this to heart.

Never piss off integ.

DON'T insult Specta, otherwise he won't be the only one that will attempt violent muder.

And pissing off Integ in my first IP chat visit is my single mistake that I've made.

I made so many fucking mistakes when I first joined, I thank Specta for diverting some of his wrath.

Now that I know him better, he's an honest guy who never goes back on his word.

And, he personifies the value of Integrity itself.


and how

She's almost immune to his awesomeness.

The rest of us have to bow.

Edited by The Insane One
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Well maybe you should stop saying "FEsucks" every 5 seconds on a motherfucking FE board.

Common sense, bro.

I just don't enjoy FE anymore and that makes me sad. I no longer get the same feeling I used to get when I played FE7 when I was 13. The FE magic is gone. :<

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I just don't enjoy FE anymore and that makes me sad. I no longer get the same feeling I used to get when I played FE7 when I was 13. The FE magic is gone. :<

You don't have to make a point in making it known in so many of your posts, though. Yes, we get it. You don't like FE. You don't have to say it so many times considering this /is/ a FE board and most of us /do like FE/.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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You don't have to make a point in making it known in so many of your posts, though. Yes, we get it. You don't like FE. You don't have to say it so many times considering this /is/ a FE board and most of us /do like FE/.

I just wish I still enjoyed it as much as most of the members here do...

I don't mean it when I say that FE is terrible and such. I've played the series for a while and I've been here for a while. Although I know that me saying that it is bad and such becomes annoying rather quick and honestly, I hate that I've been doing that.

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Take this to heart.

Never piss off integ.

DON'T insult Specta, otherwise he won't be the only one that will attempt violent muder.

And pissing off Integ in my first IP chat visit is my single mistake that I've made.

I made so many fucking mistakes when I first joined, I thank Specta for diverting some of his wrath.

Now that I know him better, he's an honest guy who never goes back on his word.

And, he personifies the value of Integrity itself.

She's almost immune to his awesomeness.

The rest of us have to bow.

what are you niggas even smoking

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Pretty much. Elie made me realize how much of an ass I've been lately. >_>

I really didn't mean it in an insulting way...it's just how I've come to know you. I outright called Integ a jackass, and look what happened there.

Einny, you are who you are. You have your reasons for being who you are. And thst is you. You take pride in that, I can tell, and there is no changing it. You don't change for anyone, and that is admirable. How often have you and I been in IPChat into the wee hours of the night, and enjoyed ourselves and enjoyed each other's company?

Sure, you have a rough exterior, but I know it's all presented in fun. Otherwise, if you really didn't like it here, we all know you would just leave.

You are like the Seto Kaiba of Serene's Forest. Bold, brave, headstrong, but full of inner strength and pride for who you are.

And that is a good thing Ein.

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Is that so...?


Thanks for that. Really.

I don't really hear many good things about me from my family so I kind of take out my frustration on others and I know that I do that which upsets me even more so that coming from you really helps.

Thanks Elieson.

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what are you niggas even smoking

I've been wondering for the longest time if you were allowed to say "nigga" on the boards

EDIT: Elie, that's why I referred to you and Crash as Yugi and Joey, because I always thought of Ein as Kaiba. I'm glad I'm not the only one who saw the comparison haha.

Edited by Helios
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I'm just a guy with a shiny monocle and an astute sense of perception. Sure I don't know most people here as well as I thought (well actually. I didn't think I knew people very well, so I was actually on the ball), but being married to a counselor and being a young optimistic dad gives you empathy for others in tough scenarios, and provides a 6th sense for detecting hidden stress and feelings.

@Helios, am I joey or Yugi? And any other characters you see hanging around here?

@ clipsey, yep, it's true. Or entirely possible. Right?

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I bow to no one.

That was a lord of the rings reference, in case anyone gets mad at me for being egogirl.

For a second I thought that might be directed at me, but then I remembered that it would be silly because I know that Fox forces you to bow down.

Edited by Sirius
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@Helios, am I joey or Yugi? And any other characters you see hanging around here?

Tough to say. Maybe skill-wise I'd give the edge to Crash, so he'd be Yugi, but then again I really don't know which one of you is better. That assumption is solely based who talks more about the TCG lol. Personality-wise, apart from dressing up in the dog suit that one time, you'd probably be Joey, because you seem like a tough guy with a lot of confidence who tries to raise the self-esteem of others (like you do with Ein) the way Joey believed in Yugi. Yugi had self esteem issues at first too, and throughout the length of the show (with the help of the Pharaoh of course) he became much more confident in himself while still keeping his noble traits. I don't remember the show that well though, and I don't know you all that well either so it's tough to give a better description than that. I also don't remember the other characters much except for Tristan being extremely insignificant, Tea being so in love with the Pharaoh she went on a date with him instead of Yugi, and Mokuba being a little kid. Oh and I thought Marik was a G. Who do you think matches up to that on SF?

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Mmm...the only thing I can think of, in addition to Duke Devlin making Joey wear the dog suit, is how Mokuba - Camtech, for his allegid youth and computer having skills.

but I like that ~

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Mmm...the only thing I can think of, in addition to Duke Devlin making Joey wear the dog suit, is how Mokuba - Camtech, for his allegid youth and computer having skills.

but I like that ~

Ahh Cam! I forgot about Mokuba's computer skillz. But does Cam idolize someone the way Mokuba idolizes his brother?

EDIT: For Duke, I remember him as the stereotypical cocky asshole who got all the ladies, but once you got to know him he was a reliable friend. Is anyone here a chick-magnet and complete douche to those he doesn't know?

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what are you niggas even smoking

Pegusus feathers, they're good and take you high.:lul:

Check it out, we just robbed a bunch of corpses for horsefeathers!

Ok, just informing him, because I think insulting Specta results in a frothing Integ, and about everyone in FFTF getting shotguns.

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