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Golden Sun Mafia Signups


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Ages ago, or so the stories tell, the power of Alchemy ruled over the World of Weyard. Alchemy wrought the base elements of humanity into thriving civilizations, like lead into gold.

But in time, man's dreams gave birth to untold strife. Dreams of endless riches, of eternal life, of dominion over all that lived... Dreams of conquest and of war.

These dreams would have torn the world apart if not for a few brave and wise men, who sealed away the power of Alchemy deep in Mt. Alpeh's Sol Sanctum.

Prologue from Bo- Wait, what? Is this copy-pasted from somewhere? Uh... ahem... anyways,

Mt. Aleph has finally erupted, and several Adepts have left their sanctuaries to explore Weyard. There is a chance for the four elemental lighthouses to be lit, releasing the seal on Alchemy all over Weyard. Will these Adepts be able to prevent this from happening? If Alchemy does become released, will they be able to avoid the mistakes of the past and ensure that the golden age is maintained? Or will they be overcome by their lust for power and bring about their own destruction?

[spoiler=General Rules (almost purely copypasted from PMDMafia)]

  1. This game is NOC (No Outside Contact). Unless you are told otherwise, you may not discuss the game with other players outside of the discussion board on the game forum. It also runs in Cycles, so the Day and Night are fused into one.
  2. Vote by writing ##Vote: USER and unvote with ##Unvote: USER. You can use a different verb for "Vote", but keep the hashes (##). You can drop the hashes, but write Vote and in bold. Basically, if it's obvious that you're voting, then I'll count it. But at least make it noticeable if you don't wanna bother with the format.
  3. Votals are listed based on the number of votes that are visible in the thread. The actual vote weights are hidden to the players, but those are what will determine the lynch.
  4. When a majority vote is reached AND all actions are sent in, the Phase ends IMMEDIATELY and the player with the most weighted votes get lynched.
  5. In the event of a tie, the phase will be extended for a short time. The phase ends immediately after the first vote or unvote to break the tie.
  6. If a person is modkilled, all votes for that phase are completely null and void. There will be no lynch in that phase.
  7. If something causes the phase to end, but the mods aren't around to update, anything that happens afterward will not count. Whatever happens will be the same as if the phase ended on time.
  8. You may not discuss the game with living players if you are dead. One info-and-advice-free post in the game thread is allowed.
  9. Anyone not participating in the game may not provide players with any information or advice specific to the game.
  10. No editing posts whatsoever. If your grammar or spelling is incomprehensible, you can doublepost to correct it. I'm going to be fairly lenient with this, since it's easy to edit a post quickly without thinking, but if any significant information is changed, you may well be looking at a modkill.
  11. Don't directly quote anything a moderator tells you about the game, or that you're claiming they told you. Paraphrasing is fine. Yes, this means no quoting role PMs. At all. Don't quote your entire role PM, don't forward it, don't repeat it verbatim, and don't do any of these things with a fake role PM, either. This also includes the image in your role PM, colors in your role name, links of your character, etc. You are not permitted to say anything about those images/colors/links.
  12. If a role PM and the rules contradict each other, the role PM takes precedence.
  13. There is no priority list. All actions are executed at the same time, while still accounting for the modifications made in some actions by others.
  14. Play to win the game. Not playing at your most competitive is fine; trolling or gamethrowing isn't. I realize this is very subjective, and while I'm pretty sure no one will break it without meaning to, any questions are fine.
  15. Don't screenshot anything related to the game in any way, unless it's to prove to me that someone is cheating.
  16. Don't try to get modkilled or break rules on purpose for any reason. I'm not going to let you benefit from it. Don't do anything that obviously should be against the rules. If you want to do something of dubious legality, ask me first, if possible.

[spoiler=Djinn System]

  • If you want to sign up, you must also choose an integer from 1 to 72. You cannot choose a number chosen by another player. This will determine what Djinn you get
  • Every single player can have only one Djinn with them at all times
  • The Djinn you get can be used as an ability. You cannot use your character-specific ability (if any) and your Djinn ability on the same cycle.
  • Once a Djinn is used successfully, it will be put into Standby mode for the next cycle. You can not use a Djinn while it is recovering.

This game is for fifteen players.

Player List

  1. Joshaymin/Aurora (25)
  2. Clipsey!/eclipse (36)
  3. Kay/Centurion (58)
  4. BigBangMeteor (7)
  5. Prims (27)
  6. Domu/Rapier (42)
  7. Shinori (8)
  8. Strawman/StrawSloththeSawSlothStraw (55)
  9. Paperblade (1)
  10. Iris~ (4)
  11. Ether (26)
  12. Manix (44)
  13. Blues/Marth (70)
  14. Spike/Stolypin Necktie (72)

Sub List

Edited by Luster Purge
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I'm in, even if I think that's way too many of the little guys for a game this size.

As for my number. . .let's go with 36 for no reason whatsoever.

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How did I not sign up for this within the first minute it was posted

Count me in. I'll take... 58.

EDIT: also rule 10 doesn't make sense with cycles. I am happy that you copied my ruleset, though.

Edited by Centurion
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Question: will there be a guaranteed lack of hidden players or not? I'm not fond of hidden players since it seems like a silly gimmick, but I'll probably play regardless.

Also, my /in ended up coinciding with my NK in the only NOC mafia game I've been playing recently, so that was convenient.

Edited by Prims
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Question: will there be a guaranteed lack of hidden players or not? I'm not fond of hidden players since it seems like a silly gimmick, but I'll probably play regardless.

Also, my /in ended up coinciding with my NK in the only NOC mafia game I've been playing recently, so that was convenient.

I generally do not like to confirm/deny anything about the game setup. Hidden players, revivals, moles, inspection accuracy, etc. Sorry, but I can't answer those.

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