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Integrity joins the judging fad


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ike i had better expectations from you

also i thought i was special


You are! Wanting Edus Ex guarantees it, and also you fun.

Man, l4d seems to numb my senses sometimes. Sorry for being a butt at times there, Integrity.

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I remember our first real interaction. IP.chat, I was trying to come up with an answer to a question for my History class, and you were trying so damn hard to help me. The teacher later admitted that the question was bullshit and all your work was for naught, but that really stuck out to me.

Unfortunately since then you exposed me to the fact that TVTropes has forums so 1/10 scum of humanity hope never to see again.

(j/k actually you're a really swell guy and I like you)

aw thanks <3

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You are! Wanting Edus Ex guarantees it, and also you fun.

Man, l4d seems to numb my senses sometimes. Sorry for being a butt at times there, Integrity.

i'm very ewlcome

thanks man i love you

i promise to play edus ex lots man ;___;

Edited by Stolypin Necktie
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Harpoon:You ...sigh.My frank appraisal is that you're really not particularly bright. This leads into you making dumb comments, doing dumb shit, and overall being between daft and intolerable.And yet, I still don't hate you.Why?You seem to be actually capable of expressing remorse unlike quite a few people here. Despite your occasional major transgressions, you usually seem to mean well and something just gets crossed between intent and action. So that's a good thing. A for effort and all of that, y'know

I'm honored.

Sounds like people need to learn to just be humble, I'm trying my best to be-simply humble.

Actually, I am trying to ditch my bad habits. Also, yeah I know, I try to admit my mistakes and ask for forgiveness, some of the them are honorable enough, and others are just assholes.

Also, I have no willpower when being pushed by Refa/PKL/Wen/13th into filling up a draft. I'm actually risking getting into trouble with my folks by devoting all of my free time to finishing the drafts.

Also, I know I say dumb shit-

In retrospect. I just say things on impulse-alot. And I hope I don't undergo atavistic regression of my sense of humor, and start making tons of bad sex jokes like soul.

Please, I watch old comedies and british comedies, and the internet is dragging my sense of humor down to low levels

At least I'm not on the hate list.

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Harpoon:You ...sigh.My frank appraisal is that you're really not particularly bright. This leads into you making dumb comments, doing dumb shit, and overall being between daft and intolerable.And yet, I still don't hate you.Why?You seem to be actually capable of expressing remorse unlike quite a few people here. Despite your occasional major transgressions, you usually seem to mean well and something just gets crossed between intent and action. So that's a good thing. A for effort and all of that, y'know

I'm honored.

I know, I have little common sense and low willpower, I admit it, and am trying to build it up.


It Sounds like people need to learn to just be humble, I'm trying my best to be-simply humble, I'm surprised, is it really that rare to express remorse?

Actually, I am trying to ditch my bad habits. Also, yeah I know, I try to admit my mistakes and ask for forgiveness, some of the them are honorable/nice enough, and others are just assholes.

also I'd rather apologize than make enemies.

Also, I have no willpower when being pushed by Refa/PKL/Wen/13th into filling up a draft. I'm actually risking getting into trouble with my folks by devoting all of my free time to finishing the drafts.

Also, I know I say dumb shit-

In retrospect. I just say things on impulse-alot. And I hope I don't undergo atavistic regression of my sense of humor, and start making tons of bad sex jokes like soul.

Please, I watch old comedies and british comedies, and the internet is dragging my sense of humor down to low levels

At least I'm not on the hate list.

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Ah. I was just wondering, because I could've sworn I posted before some of the people whom he had judged in his last post.

Edited by Boron
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Oh, really? I could've sworn he also got Insane/Joker/Creeper/whatever done as well, and I thought I posted before him. Maybe I'm just remembering wrong. ._.

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Integrity, did you forget me or did you just purposely skip me for the time being?

Just to reassure you, love, this one's your first post in the thread. My lineup for today begins with Srs, you, Lumi, Eclipse, and on.

I go directly down (except for Ether) in order of request.

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let's get it on


Sirius. Sirius. Man, you are so great. You're so great, you're amazing. You're sitting in that boat with Furetchen where I can't think of anything interesting to say about you, because you occupy the same slot in my head as Bela Rossi.

Who is Bela Rossi, you ask? Good, this story will tell you how highly I regard you.

I played Medieval 2 Total War for a long time. I loved playing as the Italian states - ESPECIALLY Milan. Genoese Crossbow Militia just made me uguuuu. One day, late in one game, I had a son. I left him in Milan, because he was a good governor, and I had enough generals. The next turn, the Holy Roman Empire attacked my meager Milanese defense force with a massive army. Bela Rossi repelled the attack, routed the Germans, and annihilated them. The same turn, they attacked Milan again with another full stack. Bela Rossi's army had suffered some casualties in the initial siege, but he managed to repel and annihilate the second force with trickery and towers.

He was 16 years old.

This, Sirius, is you.


I haven't talked to you much at all. Despite that, you've left a fairly good impression on me from our few interactions. As such, I don't really have anything solid to say, just a vague "you're good, I like you."

Lumi B:

1: Furetchen regards you highly and I regard his opinion so highly that that's a tremendous boost.

For my own opinion, though, you're a little strange. No, scratch that, you're very strange. Sometimes, you're a little too strange for me. Most of the time, though, you're pleasant and good to talk to - and then there's the thing where you always seem to do precisely what I wish somebody would do. And I have a tendency to find you defending my posts after I've go to bed, so 10 points for that.


Calling you that is, like, ultimate hipsterino. I typoed it right when other people were picking up on calling you Clipsey, and I was bitter enough that that was my damn nickname that I switched. Random story.

SO here's this thing: before last night, I had the absolute highest impression of you. You were essentially the polar opposite of PKL: I'd see a post by eclipse, think "yay eclipse!" then evaluate the content. I still do that. You're probably the member on this site I respect the absolute most, maybe just behind Dr. Balcerzak. Maybe.

Then last night happened.

Last night's SKYPE PARTY took you from amazing to ...to ...something we haven't invented a word for. You're so happy-sounding, it just makes me happy. You chirp, for fuck's sake! You actually chirp! It's ...you're adorable. That strikes a strange contrast with the deep respect I still feel, but it still puts you in the topmost toppest tier ever.


Sometimes you're actually pretty fucking funny, I'll grant you that. Most of the time, you're just annoying.


I like you. You're another one of the people that I distinctly remember interacting with for the first time - way back like two years ago when ELR was wingmanning for me in some thread. Oh, the days.

Otherwise, you're just *good* and I respect that. I've talked to you more over IRC now that I remember consistently I have IRC, and I'm happy to say that you're just reinforced that impression. Keep it up.


Welcome to Camp Hikarusa, where people I haven't interacted with enough to form a real opinion on but who seem like pretty good people live.


I could probably write an essay about our relationship. It's been so up and so down over the time we've known each other it's sorta funny.

However, I pride myself on conciseness so I'm going to be concise about this. You have two distinct faults: you're not willing to absolve yourself of guilt (colloquially: you beat yourself up too much), and you have an ability to misinterpret things I say as more severe than I mean then.

But honestly, I'd overlook both of these things in a heartbeat because you're easily one of the nicest people ...probably ever. You're not perfect, but you try so hard and you're such a damnably sweet person that I don't even care that you're not perfect. You're great, man.


You're ...pretty okay, I guess. You have the problem that I haven't interacted with you much, but you haven't left any particularly positive impression on me. You haven't left any particularly negative impression, either, so you're just ...dead neutral.


You're pretty amazing, dude. I mean that. I have this mental image of a you who's incredibly intelligent, but doesn't hold it over people. It makes you a spectacular fellow to talk to and you also participate regularly in the SKYPE PARTY crossword games which gets you BALCERZAK/10 points from me.

That should be it, so far. Some of you posted in the middle of the thread, but it didn't look like you were asking for it so I didn't give it.

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Lumi B:

1: Furetchen regards you highly and I regard his opinion so highly that that's a tremendous boost.

For my own opinion, though, you're a little strange. No, scratch that, you're very strange. Sometimes, you're a little too strange for me. Most of the time, though, you're pleasant and good to talk to - and then there's the thing where you always seem to do precisely what I wish somebody would do. And I have a tendency to find you defending my posts after I've go to bed, so 10 points for that.


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