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Tangerine's Ultimate Judgement Thread


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I don't even need to check my ACP to know who keeps pinning it now >:OO. Can't believe you guys would take advantage of the time I was out!

Tangerine, my lovely citrus fruit

Your lovely fruit? You can't leave for as long as you did and then claim ownership over me >:O!

You hurt me in my heart.


Come again?

Surely you could see how satirical that is!

I guess it might be too subtle for someone as young as you though, Latooni.

Edited by Tangerine
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Hahaha, no doubt.

This one is going to be difficult since you are basically whatever I tell you to be, like a good Guinea B....

So we met back when my purpose was to troll, and that is interesting because only one other person in this thread was one of my victims >:D. I am pretty sure you did not like me for an unknown amount of time because of that :P:. Also just realized every single staff member except Jyo and Shuuda have posted in this thread for a rating! How bizarre. I mean you guys already know I like you, you are fishing for compliments now.

Anyway, the truth is we don't really know eachother personally all that well. We don't chat outside of the forum often enough, and when we do it's usually to discuss random hobbies and plot silly plans. You are one of the old fogeys around here, because these days you are old enough to have been a parent to some younger members. I get the feeling you are a little socially awkward as well :o! When we do talk it is usually pretty fun, but you have an awful tendency to idle randomly and leave me wondering what the heck is going on >:O! Also you are one of three SF members that I share a love of W with, and that is special.

You are a smarty, super nice, pretty collected and unreasonably hard to anger. You are also objective and hardly damning! Plus you are totally approachable since you are such a lovable nerd. These are all reasons I picked you to be my fourth mod despite my obvious preference toward re-hiring experienced ones (Isn't that weird since up until you I was the "newest" staff member?!). You just started, but I am pretty confident you will be an excellent one!

Like my other three mods, you are also hopelessly infatuated with me. You are my Guinea B, and I appreciate that you are perfectly happy being my meatshield, test dummy and abuse cushion.

Judgement: :8]T: (<3, but we should get to know eachother better too :( )

edit: HOPELESSLY NOT HOPEFULLY. That typo totally changed the meaning of that sentence.

Edited by Tangerine
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Your lovely fruit? You can't leave for as long as you did and then claim ownership over me >:O!

You hurt me in my heart.

i am back lovely babycakes! i am diseased with scurvy, i need your juices!

always, you were in my heart, my lovely zesty delight!

i wrote you a poem

roses are red

violets are blue

oranges are orange

is the color named by the fruit or the other way around?

but i still love you.

like a fat kid loves cake

please love me instead

or your heart i will take

and put it in a chest

and fly it to the moon

i'll ride on the rocketship

and eat your heart with a spoon.

and then you'll be inside me

for around 12 hours

until my local restroom

is overwhelmed by the powers

of my metabolic tracts.

baby i am serious

if you don't come back

i will be furious.

because i love you forever

and ever and ever and ever

cause i dont think i could ever

live without you, never!


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Isn't Bal super into tsundere moe loli girls? He'll probably become one too; I wouldn't count on him remaining distinct.

Oh wait, I'm thinking of yandere...

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I don't miss those days. I get teased publicly much less now.

So are you saying you get teased more privately now instead?

Also, I do have a bad habit of idling out, I should try to fix that... :sweat:

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So are you saying you get teased more privately now instead?

Also, I do have a bad habit of idling out, I should try to fix that... :sweat:

Uh huh. A lot.

That is all you have to say about my excellently well thought out post >:O!?

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edit: HOPELESSLY NOT HOPEFULLY. That typo totally changed the meaning of that sentence.

I believe that is what is known as a Freudian slip.

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Don't worry Bal. Not everyone is capable of holding up a complete conversation with tootyfrooty and remain sane. It's for your own good you continue to idle out. I do it often with a lot of people (sorry to said people).

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