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Boron Tries to Guess Your Affinity


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Ice Sage: Your affinity is water. You rarely if ever get angry and have a calm, friendly demeanor. People like you because you're easy to get along with and not at all dramatic. You're content to not be the center of attention and to stand in the background, but that doesn't mean you'll let yourself be pushed around without a fight.

Definitely accurate ^^ 100% lol

good stuff :D

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Otacon: Your affinity is dark. You don't really get along with people or think highly about them. People have to earn your respect before you decide you like them or not. You mostly keep to yourself, not letting others know too much about you ... perhaps because you don't quite trust them yet. You are a realist, not a dreamer, but sometimes a bit too much.

That pretty much sums me up. :P

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i forgot mine

Camtech: Your affinity is dark. You also seem like a blunt, straightforward guy who tells it like it is -- without trying to be subtle or gentle about it. I think that people would have to prove to you that they're worthy of your respect, and that you don't have a high opinion of a lot of people here. You're blunt, and you probably won't hesitate to tell someone that you don't like them.

Hasn't changed too much.

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Sirius: Your affinity is earth. You're rational and objective, and you know when and how to make the "right" decision without letting your emotions get in the way. You don't act without reason and you don't anger easily. Although you may not make it apparent that you are closer to certain people than others, you are a good friend to those that you care about.

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CR: Your affinity is lightning. You are hyperactive and like to have fun, often joking around a lot. Your personality makes it so that people would either find you funny and befriend you or find you weird and avoid you. You are intelligent and you would be able to look at things objectively ... but you still feel strong emotions about certain things.

Ubel Engel: Your affinity is fire. From what I've seen of you on the threads, you are a bit blunt and may sometimes say things without always considering the effects of those words. You don't hide away your feelings, emotions, or thoughts and you are willing to argue to make your side seen if you have to. You like to get involved and make yourself known.

Edited by Taewoo
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Sirius: Your affinity is earth. You're rational and objective, and you know when and how to make the "right" decision without letting your emotions get in the way. You don't act without reason and you don't anger easily. Although you may not make it apparent that you are closer to certain people than others, you are a good friend to those that you care about.

Where'd you get this from.

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Charlie: Yep, I recall you mentioning something like that, haha.

Sirius: Well, you're a former mod so I'd expect you to be objective. I haven't interacted with you as much to get a good enough opinion on. :/

Freohr: Nope, no real change. ^^;

RayDavid: Your affinity is fire. You are blunt and straightforward, saying things without always thinking them through. You have strong opinions and you don't hold them back, letting people know exactly what you think. You say exactly what's on your mind and don't like being ignored, you may like to be the center of attention.

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RayDavid: Your affinity is fire. You are blunt and straightforward, saying things without always thinking them through. You have strong opinions and you don't hold them back, letting people know exactly what you think. You say exactly what's on your mind and don't like being ignored, you may like to be the center of attention.

fire, called it

This all pretty accurate except for the very last part.(I like to be involved in things, but I don't really try to be the center of attention.)

Everything else is pretty much spot on.

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Mancer: Your affinity is wind. You are definitely independent minded and strong-willed, but you seem like the type to prefer fantasy over reality. You might not always have the easiest time interacting and getting to know new people, but once you do find people you can relate to, you become close to them. Even so, you may be a bit distant even with those closest to you.

This is so true. Boron, did you read my life story or something?

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Charlie: I don't think your affinity has changed much in my mind. But I guess I still haven't interacted with you enough lately. I need to talk to you more again.

Esme: Your affinity is light. You're fun loving, cheerful, and you don't like confrontations and negativity. You'd rather people get along and not fight, or at least not around you, and you seem to get along with everyone who doesn't give you a reason to hate them. However, you have strong convictions on what you think is right or wrong and won't back down from them.

Emerald Knight: Your affinity is fire. You like being involved in stuff that goes around you, and you don't like to be left out or ignored. If you disagree with anything or anyone, you'll be sure to let that be known. You're not shy about expressing your thoughts and emotions, and you can be easy to excite or motivate.

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