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Attachment to material objects?

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Ever feel like when you destroy something you've had and loved for years, a part of your soul dies with it?

I treat all my things with lots of respect and get really sad if they get damaged or broken.

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Ever feel like when you destroy something you've had and loved for years, a part of your soul dies with it?

I treat all my things with lots of respect and get really sad if they get damaged or broken.


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Any goddamn material object I own has a good chance of being lost because of some idiot around here. I'd be a fool to be attached to anything with that in mind.

EDIT: Wait, no. My laptop would be the biggest loss since I'd have to frequent my school's computer lab to do most work and that'd be dumb. Plus no more Killing Floor and everything else I do while online.

Edited by Sirius
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I used to wear this bracelet, that a really close friend of mine made for me. I wore it for 4 years straight, only taking it off to fiddle with it when bored. When it broke, I did kind of feel like I had lost part of myself, but eh, that's probably the only case where I would.

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The only thing i can think of is my looney tunes blanket... I sometimes can't sleep without it... I have had it for like 11 years already (this being a full size blanket not a little blanket [they got rid of it for me and replaced it with the looney tunes one])

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