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Rate The Unit, Day 1: Marth

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Dat Rules (borrowed/stolen from Integrity)

- Ratings are assumed to be on Hard 1 Mode.

- Votes need some explanation regarding their gameplay performance to be counted. If somebody else said what you want to already, quote them explicitly.

+/- ≤1 point extra regarding personality/appearance is encouraged, but no more. If you exercise your bias privileges, please do so explicitly.

- Numerical votes out of 10, or something proportional to it. Make it easy to calculate for my sake.

- Every ranking phase ends from 2100 to 2200 EST. Every ranking phase starts from 2200 EST to 2300 EST. Do the math if you are in another timezone!

- I will insist you do not use the "Not X" reason on any character, where X is another unit. If you do, your vote will be thrown out.

- "Recruits X" or "takes you to X chapter" arguments are explicitly banned. C'mon, people, this shouldn't need to be a rule. That's not gameplay performance.

- Assume that the character in question is being recruited.

- Similar to the "Recruits X" rule, do not use "He Comes with a Free Ridersbane" as an argument.

- Rate the character based on his/her performance without the Rainbow Potion, Maturity Drop or Bond Drop

- I withhold the privilege to tell you your rating is bogus and demand you revise it if it breaks any of the above. I will not throw out votes anonymously, you will be informed and given a chance to revise.

Ah, Yes. Rate the Unit, FE12 Edition. We will start off with Marth! Vote away!

Edited by *Narshen*
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Wow, I guess I'm the first one.

Anyways, Marth has really good availability, some nice bases, and really nice growths (even considering FE12's high growth rates), though no promotion hurts him a little. However, this is remedied with his level 30 cap giving him 10 more levels to grow without costing a promotion item. And if that still isn't enough, he gets the Shield of Seals which gives him +2 in all stats (which also ignores stat caps, basically giving him 27 as a stat cap for most stats). Those two factors should fix his "no promotion" problem. Also, the rapier is exclusive to him and it helps out a lot against armors and mounted units (especially when forged). In addition, Marth is neccessary if you want to beat Medeus efficiently since Tiki and Nagi's Divine Stones are no longer effective against him.

I don't know what's a reasonable score since I haven't seen anyone else's. I'll give Marth a 8.8/10 (with bias since he's my most favourite FE character) so that's a 9.8.

This is my first time doing this (barring Merlinus since my rating for him was a joke), so go easy on me, tell me what needs fixing up, and I'll get to it.

- Ratings are assumed to be on Hard 1 Mode.

I'm actually quite grateful you're doing H1 and not H3, seeing how people will argue that all characters after Merric are 0/10.

Edited by Randoman
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I'm actually quite grateful you're doing H1 and not H3, seeing how people will argue that all characters after Merric are 0/10.

I wouldn't like to do a difficulty where half of the characters are basically rendered useless. H2 is even pushing it a bit!

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Marth, the lord of Altea. A pretty cool lord, has great growths in this game, and you really wanna use him to make fututre chapters easier. He also kicks Medeus' ass which other units cannot compare to. Solid Str and Spd growths means he usually has above average offense, although Swordlock will hurt.

9/10, 1 point out because its a little hard to train him when he needs to move to the throne usually(LTC in mind, although even without LTC he's still not perfect)

Edited by Marth
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I'd assume H3 ratings would be terribly boring anyway and half the cast would get 0/10s for joining too late.

Everyone can actually be trained in H1, which is nice.

Ah whatever fuck it I'll just rate the characters I use

Marth stops sucking this time. He's also pretty good at killing Medeus with Falchion and whatnot. He still has that annoying village duty which hinders his path of destruction, but his growths are nice and he can actually kill things and accomplish something. Swordlock is swordlock, but he still has Rapier which is good situationally, though the amount of cavs have significantly decreased. Shield of Seals gives him +2 to everything and worst comes to worst he's a free chest opener. Since there's no rescue he might as well go kill shit on his way to the gate anyway. Probably best candidate for boots.

So yeah. Not to shabby this time. 8/10.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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9/10 great bases really good good growths , fantastic availability , and decent caps . A little bit of a slow start but he picks up . I disagree with a lot of people who say Marths lack of promotion is a bad thing . He doesn't gave to go through the usually late potential destroying promotion other lords have to go through .

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Marth is very good in this game. Able to hold his own on his way to the throne. He doesnt see much in the way of Player Phase Action due to always having to full move, but his EP is good if hes leveled. He also has shield of seals for lategame. He just needs a bit of base arena'ing ocasionally in some chapters in order to survive, like chapter 12. I give him a 9/10.

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Guys, he wasn't that bad in FE11, unless you were on H5 or something.

The Rapier's a godsend early on, even though the horse targets kinda stop for a bit in the middle. His growths are good enough for this mode, and if he gets a good amount of Str/Spd and a decent amount of the other, he'll be near-unstoppable. His Luck stat's useful, seeing as Killer weapons are a lot more common. Levin Swords are stronger this time, so he can actually do damage with them. His downside is a lack of promotion and eternally bad RES.


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Marth finally gets his shit together, although whoever the fuck played Canon FE11 apparently blew all his EXP on a horrifically statscrewed Abel, and (at least in my headcanon) a level 20 Sniper Jagen that capped every single stat. Anyway, he's fairly solid, good growths, and although he's a footman, he manages to be myrmspeed for the first tiers and infantry speed for the second, so he's not falling behind. Besides, swordlock isn't terrible in this game. That said, Marth doesn't really... excel anywhere. He's solid, always solid, particularly with the shield, but he's no Ephraim. Still a very capable 8/10, and the best of the Fencer Lords.

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I've only ever played H3, so I'll have to extrapolate for H1. Anyways:

Marth. In FE11, he can go suck a dick, but in FE12 I like the guy as a unit. His bases are decent, even by Lunatic standards, and his growths are very nice, and you don't even really notice (that much) his weird level 30 cap or lack of promo gains simply because he'll likely cap STR/SPD by level cap. In H3, his lowish SPD cap annoys me some because he can't double like swordmasters can (although Shield of Seals at least prevents him being doubled by 30 SPD wyverns and SMs there late-game), but I doubt it's the same in H1 or even a problem, so I won't count it against him. To top it off, he makes Medeus much more of a joke than he otherwise would be, since Marth canonically is supposed to kill him anyays.

His 7 MOV is a bit irritating at times, although you're probably going to throw the boots on him, and he struggles to maintain relevency outside of being the lord somewhat with SMs existing and all. There's also no reclassing for him, which makes him somewhat inflexible; I would also say him being a lord makes him a PITA to train if you start pulling relatively lowish turn counts, but I won't dock/give points just because he's the lord (otherwise, instant 10/10 for being required to beat the game).

8/10, and a decent portion of the non-perfect score is because even FE12 Marth trolls us all for having a 8 DEF base but somehow only having 15 DEF at max level. Also, no real RES to speak of, but that's like almost every non-pally, so yeah..

Edited by Kngt_Of_Titania
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Marth's a good, solid unit and a capable Lord. Of course he has his issues, and isn't all that flexible since unlike other units he won't be class changing ever, but his own class is plenty solid enough and he's got some excellent growths to fill them in. On H1 he shouldn't really have any particular SPD problems, he's got Rapier access as well as Wyrmslayers, and he can kick Medeus around. Plus you need him rushing like a maniac to the end of the map anyway, might as well let him get in some licks on folks while he's en route. No deployment issues either, of course, cause he's the freakin' Lord.


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Marth is definitely one of the better units. He can get in critical hits a lot more than anyone even whilst using a weeny iron sword, at least that's from my experience. His defence is pretty decent and he can do double hits really nicely.

The only thing I don't like about him not being able to promote is his movement. Once you get about half way through the game, he's normally bringing up the rear of the army rather than being at the head...But then that's where the boots come in handy XD

I'll still give him 9/10.

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Hey, before you close this, I have a question about reclassing. Will it be assumed that units can freely reclass or will ratings be based on their original class?

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Hey, before you close this, I have a question about reclassing. Will it be assumed that units can freely reclass or will ratings be based on their original class?

Quite a complicated decision.

I'll make it so that it stays to the original. The one exception will be that Sages can Switch into Bishops and Vice-Versa for Bishops so they could get Staff Rank/Tome Advantage!

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Marth. In FE11, he can go suck a dick, but in FE12 I like the guy as a unit. His bases are decent, even by Lunatic standards, and his growths are very nice, and you don't even really notice (that much) his weird level 30 cap or lack of promo gains simply because he'll likely cap STR/SPD by level cap. In H3, his lowish SPD cap annoys me some because he can't double like swordmasters can (although Shield of Seals at least prevents him being doubled by 30 SPD wyverns and SMs there late-game), but I doubt it's the same in H1 or even a problem, so I won't count it against him. To top it off, he makes Medeus much more of a joke than he otherwise would be, since Marth canonically is supposed to kill him anyays.

A lot of your problems don't exist in H1, or at least to the same extent...

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