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Rate the Unit, Day 26: WENDY!

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Can a bias point cause the score to go below 0? If so, I give her a -10% because I hate her. Nevermind, just read the earlier posts.

She's all kinds of horrible: low mov, lance-lock before axefest, horrible bases, etc.

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Poor Wendy.


Breaks that wall??

Cons..Yeah not even gonna bother listing em. I remember trying to use her on my first run because Female armor but it was like "wtf...no"

She sucks. Bad. Shes got terrible bases for her class. (come on...defense needs to exist, sweetie!) Shes got a shitass starting level, shes just shitass. SHITASS! I cant even think of a way to salvage her on normal mode let alone hard mode. She becomes a total liability to the team. She cant even catch up to them and when she can, shes getting destroyed. Bah....to hell with you, Wendy. Back the Scrappy Heap!

0.5/10 That .5 is because she can break that wall. (and im a rebel)

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Armor in a game with terrible hit, terrible bases, and growths that don't even suit the class! Almost impossible to level, and even if you do, she's still terrible!

In summary: emot-frogout.gif

-1/10, with a -1 bias point (if negatives aren't allowed, then just use a 0)

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You know, I don't even mind so much that FE6 Knights have 4 move on big maps. It sucks, but it doesn't make them unsalvageable. But Wendy sucks at being a novelty character as a girl Knight, sucks at being a Knight, and just sucks at the game in general. Characters like Wendy make me think that IS made the game imbalanced on purpose.

However, I don't like giving 0s, so Wendy can get the Planck unit of rating. 6.63 x 10^-34.

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As much as I like her Wendy is pretty much the worst unit in the game considering her bases, growths, and the axeland coming up.

0/10+1 due to the fact that I like her Character = a whooping 1/10

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10/10 didn't you guys hear from Emerald that Wendy is top tier?!?!?!?!

Ah, yes, that shitstorm. That's one thing I'd sooner forget about... but his being mentioned was practically inevitable, I suppose.

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Let's go tally this special day. Yay!

@BBM: I tried to put it into Google Docs (seriously I did) but it just rounds off to 0. Sorry, man.

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