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What do you want/look for in a relationship?


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Girlfriend: Someone I can absolutely trust and enjoy spending time with. Having common traits is always good too. Patience, kindness, and a good sense of humor is something I really look for, and they need to not be whiny. Whiny girls turn me right off. I also need to, y'know, know them. No random hookups, I'd rather get to know a person before I date them.

Boyfriend: I've never actually had one, but I'd like someone who manages to be tough without being a jerk. I really don't like those stereotypical "gay guys" (sorry, that wasn't meant to be offensive in the least) who go around acting like drama queens. I don't even like female drama queens. I also guess that I wouldn't need to know them as well as I'd know a girl before I'd date one. Kind of weird


friendship: They need to be able to withstand my massive ego and be able to take jokes (I'm kind of a jerk IRL. Heh.) but understand that I joke a lot. But really, I'll be friends with just about anyone as long as we don't conflict a lot.

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Girlfriend: Someone I can absolutely trust and enjoy spending time with. Having common traits is always good too. Patience, kindness, and a good sense of humor is something I really look for, and they need to not be whiny. Whiny girls turn me right off. I also need to, y'know, know them. No random hookups, I'd rather get to know a person before I date them.

This, Pretty Much...

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I think I'm pretty much automatically interested in being friends with anyone who loves similar music and/or animals. Also people who think for themselves.

i.e. This homeless-looking old guy on the bus once complimented my Swans shirt and actually knew who they were. I had this intense conversation with him (i'm usually really shy) and was actually kinda sad when he had to leave. :< lol.

As for boyfriends I like it when they are cuddly and I feel like they genuinely like me back and long hair and I think that is about it. :3

Edited by Death'
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Doing my best to ignore some of the more... absurd (?) replies in this thread... I personally look for true companionship. The sort of individual who will stick by my through anything. Someone to cling to and to be clung to by. I'm hopelessly romantic, and I like someone who is the same way as me. If we're making each other squee over the romantic chessiness spouting forth from our pieholes, then we're definitely meant for each other. I like the sort of person that know when it really matters to comfort me, and likewise back. I seek an adorable equal, I guess?

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What do I look for in a guy perhaps?

I might be a little on the picky side. XD Because if I were to get into a relationship I would also prefer that person to have the right characteristics along with the "type of relationship" part and whatnot. They probably won't relate to this topic subject quite so much but I'm just listing off what I look for anyway. XP

As I'm sure several others are, I go by appearances first~

What fits my favorites, at least, is brown hair and I tend to prefer wavy hair! x3 Sorta longish and like not cut super short. Besides that, though, I do have more variety, those are just what I tend to prefer =D

Now once I find someone who seems pretty enough, I get more into personality. I would like it if they definitely had a sense of humor and were silly/goofy~ I would prefer it if they are also sweet and caring. Not too much of a jerk. I might also like it if they had some responsibility in them. And even a calm demeanor and not easy to anger! =b

After those then I get more into the relationship part.

Definitely need it to be someone I can easily get along with and feel comfortable around in any cases! That's probably what I value the most. It would also be nice if it is somebody I can trust.

And I also agree, that it should feel like it is be someone who I would be absolutely clingy to XD Because it may as well be somebody that I would want to stay with forever! Expecting all of this is very naive of me but that's probably the only way I could feel happy. Another reason why I suspect that I may end up being single my whole life, because I'm rather particular about these things because I don't want to be like those people who hop from one person to another during their lifetime. I feel like that'd be too painful, having all that heartbreak, which makes me extra extra careful about who I try getting in relationships with...

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/In a girlfriend; she needs to put up with anything stupid I do on purpose, I don't like people who are too serious but I also don't like people who aren't serious enough. She can't be uncomfortable with herself because that just makes stuff awkward. I'd have to find her, in some way, attractive. I'm not shallow and I feel like that sounds like I am but I do find a lot of weird stuff attractive and it's not like she has to be the hottest girl ever or underweight or anything. I need to be able to do stupid stuff with her but also have real conversations too, and she needs to like fire... a lot... Also, someone shorter then me would be nice because I'm pretty short so if she makes me feel tall that's a plus. :P:

EDIT: Almost forgot, she needs to be a little weird because people who are like everyone else are boring.... Goth is good... :P:

Edited by Dr.Sholes
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Just something I saw on another topic on how we define attractive, thought it would be somewhat relevant here.

It's been proven that the more beautiful somebody is considered then the more average their features will be.

If somebody has unusual features like a big nose, funny ears, silly chin or ginger hair then they will be considered more unusual and therefore less attractive.

When it comes to finding people attractive, we don't like to be challenged therefore the more average somebody is the more beautiful we will consider them to be.

That and a cracking pair of tits.

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Just something I saw on another topic on how we define attractive, thought it would be somewhat relevant here.

It's been proven that the more beautiful somebody is considered then the more average their features will be.

If somebody has unusual features like a big nose, funny ears, silly chin or ginger hair then they will be considered more unusual and therefore less attractive.

When it comes to finding people attractive, we don't like to be challenged therefore the more average somebody is the more beautiful we will consider them to be.

That and a cracking pair of tits.

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Trust me honey I'll be the best three seconds of your life

And I thought five minutes was short

Doing my best to ignore some of the more... absurd (?) replies in this thread...

Why do you find it absurd to want good sex in a relationship? It's definitely, in my opinion, one of the key factors towards a healthy relationship.

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Why do you find it absurd to want good sex in a relationship? It's definitely, in my opinion, one of the key factors towards a healthy relationship.

Just to be an argumentative schmuck, she hasn't specified.

I might both agree and disagree, myself, depending on what sex means in the relationship. I think sex can make intimacy easier and/or "better," but that it can wait (no bad pun or reference intended) until both are sure they actually want to be intimate. I don't necessarily think lacking initial sex drive is a dooming quality, since I assume asexuals are capable of fulfilling romantic relationships, if further complicated ones. I've even heard of one couple who had been in love since youth, and married for years before one realized she was gay, yet stayed with her husband without regrets because she couldn't imagine a better companion. Mileage probably varies at that point, though.

Just something I saw on another topic on how we define attractive, thought it would be somewhat relevant here.

I think bags under eyes can be attractive, myself. I see the point it gets at, and wouldn't doubt it full-on, but think it's important to note that people can be [physically] attractive in different ways, and that "we" they mention is kind of hard to pin down completely.

+1 for having somebody to be silly with, and to at least share senses of understanding with in conversation. Ambition isn't bad, but more specifically what I think is really cool is the drive to improve somehow, towards self-actualization.

I guess it'd be kind of hypocritical of me to want to never have to worry about offending somebody no matter what I say, because I'm definitely not perfect there. x[ But I appreciate it when somebody's enough of a buddy that I can approach them about anything and expect some benefit of the doubt, friendly or romantic.

Edited by Rehab
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I don't see the point of companionship in a romantic relationship if the person isn't attractive. If I want companionship, I get a friend, whom I know I can trust and share mutual understanding, respect, etc.

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I don't see the point of companionship in a romantic relationship if the person isn't attractive. If I want companionship, I get a friend, whom I know I can trust and share mutual understanding, respect, etc.

I don't see the point of companionship in a romantic relationship if the person isn't attractive.
I don't see the point of companionship in a romantic relationship
I don't see the point
of companionship
in a romantic relationship


I don't think I understand (would you not want trust, mutual understanding, or respect in a romantic relationship?), but I guess I can't say there couldn't possibly be somebody who does. I, uh, wish you luck finding them

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Oh yeah. It's not a must, but it's a nice bonus: I like guys who can cook decently. Doesn't have to be amazing, but can make food without a mess or explosions is good enough for me. I'm not a picky eater.

...it's not something I can do competently. In terms of practicality, /one/ of us should know how to cook and since I'm a lost cause, I'd like the guy to just so we don't have to live on microwavables.

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I don't think I understand (would you not want trust, mutual understanding, or respect in a romantic relationship?), but I guess I can't say there couldn't possibly be somebody who does. I, uh, wish you luck finding them

It does sound awful out of context.

I am not as shallow as I sound. I am not saying it's unimportant, but I don't really appreciate "inner beauty" so much if the person isn't attractive (at least).

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It does sound awful out of context.

I am not as shallow as I sound. I am not saying it's unimportant, but I don't really appreciate "inner beauty" so much if the person isn't attractive (at least).

Might as well just go get one night stands. I mean if its all carnal, then i doubt you will want to be around them all the time, since all its good for is just sex.

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I am not into those kind of things. Don't misunderstand me. ;/

In fact, I hate those kind of things.

I just appreciate outer beauty, like Oliver. :smug:

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I am not into those kind of things. Don't misunderstand me. ;/

In fact, I hate those kind of things.

I just appreciate outer beauty, like Oliver. :smug:

Well I was assuming since you said attractive you meant mostly sex and little of spending time together other than for sex.

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P-Personally, the way I feel is that, as long as the person treats you right, doesn't cheat on you and loves you truly then does it matter what race/gender/color they are? I tend to be silly when I'm comfortable with a person but I'm very shy when I first meet and start talking to people so they'd have to get past that hurdle. ^^; I suppose they have to get past those oh! and deal with my blabbing when I go on and on about things when I get excited. XD

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