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Her Grace says," Hullo".


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Welcome to my forest, where anyone else you see with a red or blue name is your imagination.


Welcome. Please refrain from eating the people here, but feel free to eat all the fruit you can stomach.

shut up mumu :(.

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*sets the forest on fire*

You evil fat-senator :angry: ! Yune shall pass down her Judgement no matter what Ashera says!

...Such quintessence Wolf Queen! You better not be savage with herons here :awesome: !

EDIT: Oh derp, welcome to the Forest!

Edited by Quintessence
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*Tips hat* Hello fair Laguz Lady. Pleased to make your acquaintance. As a newcomer myself, I can't really say welcome, just hopes for a nice time on the forums. You'll find me far from the forest...so why am I welcoming you here? ...Don't question it, I'm just a normal...good standing...gentleman.

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The furry is an elusive creature, rarely seen outside her native habitat, the hugbox. This one appears to be putting on the facade of what is in many lands called '24/7 roleplay', which is best translated as 'irritating'. Notice how despite being allegedly female a neckbeard springs forth; sexual dimorphism has not spread very far in the species, and it is a miracle that somehow it occasionally lives to reproduce.

She appears to be sniffing the musk of the various dogs she attracts around her. And she's... oh dear lord.

I mean


welcome to the forums

you sound


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The furry is an elusive creature, rarely seen outside her native habitat, the hugbox. This one appears to be putting on the facade of what is in many lands called '24/7 roleplay', which is best translated as 'irritating'. Notice how despite being allegedly female a neckbeard springs forth; sexual dimorphism has not spread very far in the species, and it is a miracle that somehow it occasionally lives to reproduce.

She appears to be sniffing the musk of the various dogs she attracts around her. And she's... oh dear lord.

I mean


welcome to the forums

you sound


in short:

jegus fucking dick why the hell is he typing *howl*


i cringed

hello! many people might like you. but don't worry! i'll hate you!

i mean um yeah. welcome.

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