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IMMEDIATE important Pokemon question


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I loved playing SoulSilver. Pokemon White was also quite enjoyable.

I found Gen 4 to be just a bit below average, to be honest. I honestly enjoyed playing through Emerald more than I did Platinum.

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WAIT this is important

HG doesn't have Vulpix?

This affects my decision between HG/SS.

It's like R/B and FR/LG

They'll either have Growlithe or Vulpix. HG has Growlithe and SS has Vulpix

Bleh everyone beat me

Edited by Freohr Datia
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Nope, Soul Silver only. No Vulpix in HG ' x'

fuck bullet dodged whew

Are there any other super-important missings between the two? Like does one have Starmie and the other doesn't?

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I loved playing SoulSilver. Pokemon White was also quite enjoyable.

I found Gen 4 to be just a bit below average, to be honest. I honestly enjoyed playing through Emerald more than I did Platinum.

my exact thoughts as well. :3

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That answer is too vague. I cannot tell which Pokemon you have decided on now. I do hope it's Soul Silver though ' x'

nah it's ss man, a pokemon without vulpix is no pokemon at all

shutting lappy down, getting to class.

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XD Buh bye!

It's much fun when you get to actually walk and talk to your Vulpix and watch him/her grow to love you more and more <3 Awwwwwwwww~

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Okay, well... if you're looking for a serious amount of gameplay...

Then FireRed or LeafGreen are the way to go. They are remakes of the 1st generation games with 3rd generation mechanics. The original map has been updated and a new region is available to explore. This is for GBA.

SoulSilver or HeartGold are also good choices for the DS. I would suggest buying them used if you want them to be cheap however, as the games normally retail for 40 dollars as a result of the Pokewalker accessory. The games have been updated to 4th gen mechanics and everything about them is way more pretty. A few things have been redesigned, and new things such as a new route, Safari zone and story events are also present.

If you're looking to get current on Pokemon, I highly suggest getting Black or White version. They are essentially an entirely different experience far removed from everything else in the series. The story is actually interesting (at least for a Pokemon game), and half of the massive region doesn't open up until the post game, leaving you with tons to do long after you finish the storyline. Additionally, no old Pokemon show up at all until the post game, meaning its a completely fresh experience wherein you are playing blind, like everyone did the very first time we ever played Pokemon.

Those are my recommendations for the main series. There are a few other games out there that are fun though. The Pokemon Ranger games for DS are rather enjoyable, but far different from a standard Pokemon experience. And both the gamecube games, Colosseum and XD: Gale of Darkness have complete storylines and interesting battling mechanics.

I-I really hope that I helped..!

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I'd say get either HG/SS or B/W. Reasons:

HG/SS: Remake of the best Gameboy Color Pokemon game (Gold/Silver). You're pokemon follows you too. The pokewalker is pretty cool too, and you can get pokemon that you normally get later much earlier because of it, making the game more interesting. Also it promotes exercise and definitely not just shaking the pokewalker!

B/W: IMO this game is the closest to gen 1 you will get. It's the only game other than gen 1 that only uses its gen's pokemon pre-elite four. There is actually a story too, which is kinda cool. There's infinite TMs, which is really useful.

Either way you'll have fun!

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bought SS, thank you kindly to all involved

ended up being $20 used (score!)

EDIT: and i got a case and manual

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(minus Mew, who's event only)

U actually can get one transfered from Pokemon Hayley's Ranch. I've caught mine in Pokemon Emerald which is also another way to get one.

Audinos + given lucky egg

Only downfall is unlike other games of the EXP gains being normal. In this game EXP gains go down as u level up. Hate this system. As it makes it alot more difficult to level up your pokes to 100. Unless u got one from a trade+Lucky Egg. Otherwise it is advised to use Rare Candies when they're at 80+.

The same can be said about a lot of game franchises.

Edit: Get Black or White. Best games in the series due to fixing up a good number of issues that previous generations had, no old Pokemon until you get the National Dex, etc. It's as if GameFreak actually listened to their fans (the good ones) when they decided to develop Black/White.

Platinum, HG/SS, and Emerald are good choices too, but not as good as B/W.


But Gary is bestest rival =3

I would say Cheron is.

XD Buh bye!

It's much fun when you get to actually walk and talk to your Vulpix and watch him/her grow to love you more and more <3 Awwwwwwwww~

Yeah, it kinda sucks that u cannot walk with your Pokemon in the 5th Gen even though it's newer than HG/SS.

bought SS, thank you kindly to all involved

ended up being $20 used (score!)

EDIT: and i got a case and manual

Cool. Great choice. I would at least get all of these. FR/LG/Emerald/Platinum/HG/SS/Black/White

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