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Othin Plays FE13!


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Does your MU have Rainbow Cry? I'm sure that and Speed Cry would give you some kind of an advantage.

Yeah, he does. Problem is, he's also my best fighter by far; the rest of the characters can barely do anything. So while having him use Rainbow Cry means the other characters will do more, he still has to hold the team together as a fighter.

And at this point, "by far the best" still means dying in three hits to attacks that almost always hit. Even after all that, I have no idea how to get through Ch18; I haven't yet lived past the first turn. Shouldn't have been so hasty to use that All Stats +2 book on Lucina; it seems like Krom or Sairi could get far better use out of it right now.

As for Leaf and Alm? Leaf's Str is shit; Alm's Spd is shit. I'm sure I can get them both to do something, but it's really difficult at this point with such limited options. They're still better than my non-Krom/MU/Sairi characters at combat, though. And Leaf adds thief/staff utility while Alm is another Resistance Cry user, although neither one has been too necessary yet.

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Why don't you just Double Leaf and Alm?

Hey, good idea. In particular, that would help address a Turn 1 issue, since there's a troublesome Warrior/Sage pair I need to fend off on the enemy phase: Alm could kill the Warrior and should have an easy time surviving against the Sage.

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A small question(sorry if you weret asked that before):

If I understand correctly,the slayer skills add +50 to hit and evasion,which means,that axe users could have a maximum hit rate of 50% against units with axe slayer.

Would it be useful for MU(or maybe some children characters,like mark) to use all 5 slayer skills or is it better to use different skills?

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which means,that axe users could have a maximum hit rate of 50% against units with axe slayer.

No, it doesn't. If the accuracy would be, say, 113% without the Slayer skill, it drops to 63%. With a calculated accuracy of 150% of higher, the accuracy would still be 100%. The game just doesn't display those accuracies in battle, and they don't matter on their own, but they're relevant here.

But yes, those skills are fantastic. I haven't tried stacking them all, but I hear the results are absurdly powerful.

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...Yeesh. Based on your Ch.18 description, I'm beginning to question whether or not a "pure" (no grinding / abuse / keep everyone alive / etc.) Lunatic run is even possible. That Maniac mode seems even more appealing now.

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Well, Othin was also against going to the Gaidens to recruit Children characters. IMO, that's going a bit too far even for a "pure" run.

Besides, Westbrick, I thought you just Nosferatanked your way through most of Lunatic.

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Well, Othin was also against going to the Gaidens to recruit Children characters. IMO, that's going a bit too far even for a "pure" run.

Well, I haven't unlocked any children sidequests, either. Honestly, I mainly did it to try it because Westbrick was talking so much about it, and because I noticed how much easier my Hard run became after some sidequest detours. I don't have any plans to do pure-story runs on future Lunatic/Lunatic+ runs; Exp is too tight and there isn't enough character variety.

Is Lunatic really this difficult? What makes it so difficult? Upgraded AI? More reinforcements?

Enemy stats, mostly, backed up with upgraded weapons. The AI is also much more aggressive. Enemy numbers are increased slightly, but that's not as big as the other concerns.

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I've got a question? How many items can a unit carry? How many items can you store? Also after you beat the game, can you wander around the map facing random enemies or is it, Start a new game time?

Opps one more question? Can you marry any of the characters you received from spotpass, like Roy.

Edited by Angel Valentine
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Opps one more question? Can you marry any of the characters you received from spotpass, like Roy.

You can't; You can marry the characters you get from spotpass sidequests,though: Gangrel, Valhart, Emelina, Renha, Inverse,and Paris.

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So I decided to try Ch18 again without resets to see if I could learn anything. As it turns out, after losing Liz on the first turn, I only later lost Serge due to a mistake later in the map and didn't have a hard time actually finishing the map. As it turns out, the Griffin Knights are not so difficult to block off: they can fly over lava, but they can't end their movement there, so using backup characters to form a wall around the edges of the standable area can keep them from approaching from most directions. I also found out that the fire tiles can't actually kill you: if the characters have 10 HP or less, they just wind up at 1 HP, and it's at the beginning of the player phase, so they have time to heal. And with all of this in mind, once I reached Renha, he didn't actually pose much of a threat to MU and was easy to defeat.

So I'm going to have to try this again and keep working on my Turn 1 strategy, but victory is definitely within reach. Hopefully I'll be able to say the same about Ch19.

I've got a question? How many items can a unit carry? How many items can you store? Also after you beat the game, can you wander around the map facing random enemies or is it, Start a new game time?

Opps one more question? Can you marry any of the characters you received from spotpass, like Roy.

Each character can carry five items. As far as I can tell, item storage is unlimited: my best guess is they you can store up to 99 of each individual item.

After you complete the game, the game doesn't save over your data from before completing it, so you can just return to the world map from before the Final and wander around to do what you want. There's a lot of SpotPass and DLC content meant specifically for this point in the game, with enemies far stronger than the ones in the Final that you wouldn't be able to face without grinding.

StreetPass/SpotPass/DLC characters cannot support and therefore cannot marry. That is, the bonus characters: guest MUs and past-game characters. The characters from this game who join through SpotPass sidequests are not counted as bonus characters and can support as normal.

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Only took a couple more attempts to get it with no deaths. Still didn't get any treasure, though. Who needs thieves when you have lava to destroy the treasure for you?

On to Ch19, which looks as scary as I expected. There's a sea of enemies, with Valhart waiting at the end. It's a small map: I could reach him on the second turn by moving as fast as possible, but the enemies are too numerous and powerful to get away with that. On Normal, I took a defensive formation to hold them off until I could attack. On Hard, they were too powerful for that, so I had Sariya smash through with Nosferatu to reach Valhart quickly. Neither strategy is an option here: I can't go fast, and I can't go slow. I have no idea how I'm going to survive this.

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No Nosfatank, but is there Il? I say attack and flee and put everyone in Double. Then again, you probably already have.

Don't have it, don't have anyone to use it, don't have anywhere to flee to.

The hard part isn't killing specific enemies: MU, Krom, and Sairi can do that. It's staying alive when the enemies are everywhere and can reach every inch of the field.

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HM solution was to move fast. LM solution was to move faster.

As it turns out, with Rescue staffs, it's possible to reach and attack Valhart on Turn 1. With one character. That character gets one round to kill Valhart: if not, his troops kill everyone. When MU failed to kill Valhart on the first round and I tried to leave it for the enemy phase, his knights killed most of my team immediately, then killed MU as well.

I was hesitant to go for it, but without having a way to survive even one turn, I decided to try. Took a few attempts, but MU with Arcthunder and carrying Sariya for an A support and her Crimson Curse skill was able to get a 14% crit rate against Valhart. No way to kill him without a crit: even with two Magnificent Flame activations, he'd fall short by four damage, and Sariya couldn't scratch Valhart with a Dual Attack. Fortunately, no Magnificent Flame activations were needed as long as Valhart didn't activate Holy Shield against the crit or dodge the other attack to finish him. Took a few attempts to get the crit, but once I did, everything worked fine with damage to spare. So with that cheap trick, it's onward to Ch20.

This chapter wasn't too difficult on past playthroughs, but now, looking at the map, I'm even more scared than I was on the past two maps. Right from the start, there's a horde of enemies standing in front of my team in range to attack, and on each side of my starting position, there's four Generals standing just three squares away from some of my units. One turn isn't enough to put a dent in any of these groups, and blocking off all three sides requires blocking off seven squares from both melee and ranged attacks. I don't have seven characters capable of taking two hits at this point. And a Valhart rush isn't an option this time, either: he's way too far away, and Exceli's squad forms a solid wall of enemies at around the halfway point. For the third time in a row, I have no idea what the hell I'm going to do, and I don't think that's changing for any of the upcoming maps.


Of course, out-of-the-box thinking is pretty much my lifeblood on Lunatic. Or in this case, out-of-the-entrance-hall. By diving into one of the side hallways, I could fit my team and only have to block off four spots, which should be feasible... I hope. This is going to take some work to get right, though.

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Well played sir, well played. I do have a question though:

Are there multiple paragon scrolls?

You get one for every time you play through KvK3.

Of course, that requires being able to survive KvK3.

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You get one for every time you play through KvK3.

Of course, that requires being able to survive KvK3.

In other words, your levels need to be so high that a paragon scroll would be moot at that point?

Edit: It's 3/5 stars. Is it really that bad?

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In other words, your levels need to be so high that a paragon scroll would be moot at that point?

Edit: It's 3/5 stars. Is it really that bad?

For the main story, yeah. The scrolls are great for postgame grinding, though.

And yeah, it is, given that LvD's 4-star maps are far more difficult than the final chapter. I'm not sure how the other maps compare on other difficulty levels, but on my Lunatic run, I had a lot of trouble completing KvK1 and KvK2 before Ch18, and those are just 2-star maps. ST3, while also a 2-star map, was of course much easier.

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OMG I want the game in america already. I have played Fire Emblem multiple times in the highest difficulty to further increase my tactical skills. From the sound of it you are having a trouble and for me that is a challenge and I have to conquer that challenge.

Edited by Angel Valentine
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OMG I want the game in america already. I have played Fire Emblem multiple times in the highest difficulty to further increase my tactical skills. From the sound of it you are having a trouble and for me that is a challenge and I have to conquer that challenge.

I just started FE4. I lost in the Prologue because I didn't realize I needed to protect the Castle my units sprung forward from.

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