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Othin Plays FE13!


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In that event, since you just made that connection and I didn't pick up on it till now, that could mean Inverse is a branded. Since she looks like Velvet, and not exactly.

Does Mark Velvet look exactly the same as a normal Mark and only have different hair?

But if Inverse is actually Branded, or at least part Taguel, that could bring in more connections to Telius and maybe aid in where it's located.

As far as I know, Mark only gets hair color changes.

It is worth noting that the place where Inverse shows up is quite near the place where Paris shows up. Perhaps Tellius is just over to the west? And she does show up in a forest.

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As far as I know, Mark only gets hair color changes.

It is worth noting that the place where Inverse shows up is quite near the place where Paris shows up. Perhaps Tellius is just over to the west? And she does show up in a forest.

I think I tried to point out that the West continent looked a lot like Jugdral, but it's possible the south might be Telius and stuff we don't see in game or there's even another place he came from.

Are there usually monsters in game or are they only DLC? Because, hey, maybe Paris is some type of Bonewalker and they find him in a cave or something. Iunno. That would explain the lack of pictures and things and why he has like a shield and cape and seems like a hero.

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I think I tried to point out that the West continent looked a lot like Jugdral, but it's possible the south might be Telius and stuff we don't see in game or there's even another place he came from.

Are there usually monsters in game or are they only DLC? Because, hey, maybe Paris is some type of Bonewalker and they find him in a cave or something. Iunno. That would explain the lack of pictures and things and why he has like a shield and cape and seems like a hero.

I feel a bonewalker would not have functional junk to help produce Mark.

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Those areas are actually to the north of where we see the bit of the western continent poking in, although not by much.

Monsters are ingame, yes, although they're mainly in skirmishes. Regardless, given that Paris is capable of having a kid with MU, the odds sound heavily in favor of him being fully alive - at least, to the extent that the other characters are.

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Well, I decided to allow myself a single run of GaS during the story mode. Got about 60k gold, and quickly spent half of it on forging +5 Mt onto my two Hammers. I think I'll save the rest of my fortune; I'm not sure there are actually a whole lot of enemies to use forged effective weapons on in other upcoming maps, and I might need it for forged Silvers or something.

Gave Ch20 a shot. Libera and Frederick were, with Spd buffs, able to one-round enemies with those Hammers for the first time in like five maps! It was glorious! I quickly got stuck between two enemy groups, though, and couldn't adequately defend my position. This is going to take some work. Since I've allowed myself a single play of one of the monster maps, I suppose I may as well take the other as well and grab some Exp with a single MH run to further my preparations. Lucina in particular is almost competent; she may be able to function as the fourth frontliner I need, and this should help.

I do think victory in Ch20 is within reach, but it'll definitely take a lot of care. Meanwhile, 21, 22, and 23 loom as terrors on the horizon. If they turn out to be too much trouble, I guess I could check to see if I could handle some of the remaining character DLCs?

And then there's the standard sidequests I haven't done yet. The early four would be easy, but not helpful because they're so low-leveled. Tiki's map is still completely out of reach at this point; there is absolutely no way I could construct the necessary living wall with my team like this. I guess there's no reason for me not to recruit Cynthia...

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Who do you have Krom with, exactly?

Pairing-wise? Sumia. I used her for a while for flying utility and Spd bonuses, but she never actually fought anything, so she stayed at ridiculously low levels. This screwed up Lucina's base stats.

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Well, I haven't paired MU yet. I'm not far from pairing him with Sariya, but since I've waited this long and am not even using Sariya anymore anyway, I was planning on waiting and pairing him with Inverse. But you're right: that would change everything.

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Yeah that's not good without grinding.

On Lunatic most of Lucina's options are just that because Sumia and Soiree are tough to level and Sumia is better off for her double bonuses and flying utility. Maribels stats aren't appropriate for Lucina(apart from magic and res Lucinas bases are high enough to make Maribels STR,SPD,DEF 0 ) and Olivia joins so late.

Lucina will probably only be worth using on lunatic if her mother is female MU and she gets the War Tactics from MU or reclasses to strategist so she gains EXP quicker to catch up.

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What happens if Spotpass/DLC characters you recruit die in battle? Are they usable again next chapter, or are they gone until you redownload them?

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So I'm cleaning up some stuff on my postgame HM file. I easily clear IDW with a Faye/Inverse team to build their support, then more carefully clear LvD2 with Faye/Inverse and Chambray/Gaia (Faye is that file's MU, of course; Gaia is Chambray's father). I then send those teams into LvD1 and get destroyed. Something's weird with the power comparison between those two maps.

Granted, Faye had finished supporting Inverse, so I switched to Faye/Renha to work on their support. But I don't think that accounts for anywhere near the whole difference.

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Maxed out male MU's supports on my Normal file, with the obvious exception of Paris.

That is, I haven't completed his supports 100%, but I've completed all the available ones up to A rank. Still a long way to go with the other characters, though.

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But who will you attain S with? Muahahahahaha!

Oh, I paired myself with Serge on this file at least two months ago. I've already made the maximum number of possible S supports for this file; wouldn't be able to get all the A supports without having all the kids.

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Othin = Normal MU (male) - paired with Serge

Faye = Hard MU (female) - paired with Krom

Dion = Lunatic MU (male) - not yet paired (will be paired with Sariya or Inverse)

Those are my three files as of now. I'm talking about my NM file.

I'm not aiming for as much postgame-wise on my Lunatic file, so even though I still haven't yet completed the main story, I expect to finish it first and then replace it with my Lunatic+ file, where I'll make Sylvis as my MU. As with the others, I expect her to have no connection to the actual Sylvis. Not sure who I'll pair her with.

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Well, Othin is a Dark Knight, so not really.

Faye is a Sorcerer right now, although I consider Dark Pegasus her "main" class. Which is similarly far removed from Swordmaster. Dion, like Othin, is a Dark Knight. So I guess you could say I got the "same class as Othin" part right even though it has nothing to do with his actual class.

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That'll be awkward for anyone facing your Streetpass team. XD

Oooh! Dion can go for Inverse (Dark Peg + Dark Knight) and Sylvis can go for Paris (max challenge until the end)! Whaddaya think?

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