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Return of the Emblem Chapter Nine: Consolidating Forces


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"... so that's how it works." Reign finally spoke up. He glanced over as Raquel began to stir. It didn't last long. She just seemed to be changing positions. "Well at least she's just sleeping, and not 'knocked out' at this point. Not sure about waking her, though. It's not like there's any good news beyond you guys beating the cult."


"She needs some real guards." Gabbie replied, amused. "I wonder if Raquel's got the guts to wrestle a gun from an artificial, heheh."

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"I have thought about it before and... It makes me sick to my stomach. Part of me is afraid that what I seek is vengeance, not justice, and how could I wish to hurt a team member over vengeance? Personal grievance and pain? Besides, if I asked her to a duel and said to give up her pistol, I would have to give up my bow. I hold no other weapon I am skilled with though while she is more fight-savvy than me. A duel would be foolish."


"Fredrika, but please, call me Fred." said Fred with a smile. "And I didn't because it is such a petty matter to begin with that it can't even be called a true crime. Should you be arrested for the time you accidentally ate someone elses apple even though it would be 'theft'?"

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A Man Called Gar

"'Justice' is just vengeance with a nice pretty name attached to it," Gar said somewhat seriously. "And hey, she hurt a team-mate who stood for their principles, that's a punishable injustice if one believes in those sorts of things. For your bow, you don't have to give it up at all. How many people here would vouch for your ability to make glancing hits? And your range advantage is lessened in single combat, so it would be an even fight against her sword all told."

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"It is an injustice, yes, but justice is not vengeance. It is not to be abused to sate a petty desire. It is one of the things that makes mankind better than animals, the knowledge that we have right and wrong. Dogs obey their master and what their master says is right. I am no dog to be ordered around by my wish to see her hurt. I may want to break her leg for what she did to me, but I not do so if I knew that I was doing so simply because I wanted to. I am not Gytha. I have morals. If I held the gun to her leg I would have no choice but to pull back."

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A Man Called Gar

"Dogs obey their master because they were bred into obedience over generations," Gar noted. "Just like how the nations define righteousness and 'justice" by trying to kill anyone who disagrees with them." He shrugged. "Well, it's your choice. If your morals stop getting in the way and you wanna get a little rough with her tell me, I'll play referee, keep it nice and safeish."

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"That is a horrible belief! That justice and righteousness are so mailable as to hold no meaning!" exclaimed Robin, stomping her foot down hard enough to snap one of her arrow shafts. "Right and wrong exist, they can be defined, and if there seems to be confusion, it is because we can not see them properly, not because they are not defined properly. I... I... I ought to punch you in the fa-"

Robin suddenly cut her words short as a stunned look came over her. Hurt someone because they didn't agree with her? Shove them around because they meant nothing? That's what the amoral mon... That's what Gytha did! That's what she was doing now!

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A Man Called Gar

For a huntress, likely raised so far away from the hustle and bustle and politicking of the world stage, she certainly felt strongly in her definitions. Well she sorta stopped at the end, for which Gar chuckled a bit and grinned. "Things only hold the meaning we give them. Morals, good, evil, money, fine leather jackets, and I suppose to value in this conversation was seeing how cute you are when you're mad. Those in power impose their beliefs on all those they can. That's why Ursium and Neviskotia war for generations. That's why a group of fanatical cultists drugged up a poor little girl and broke her to the point she can't even talk. It's why a heavy-drinking mariner shoots a strong-willed teammate." Gar crossed his arms. "Why a cynical outsider talks about the nature of definition." He sighed while his eyes closed. "Well this has gotten obnoxiously philosophical."

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Well, it seemed Veronika trusted the knight enough to hire him. It wasn't Valter's call, so he kept quiet about it, but that didn't mean he was going to leave Fred alone. Especially when he used horrible analogies and ignored him. “I fail to see how you can 'accidentally' gamble all your money away. You might want to work on your comparisons, so they actually make sense.”


Synthia wrote down the things that Gytha listed and looked up as more sailors entered the room. A few of them decided to harass Shadrak, something the mage found extremely amusing. “Look, breakfast and a show. Think we could get them to do this every morning?”

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And so the guy was admitted into the team. Well, seems that was that regarding that.

''Good or bad she's gonna find out anyway,'' John commented. ''Unless we are far gone from the port by the time she awakes, but I doubt that. At the very least not all is bad news, even if our new recruit doesn't quite behaves normally.'' He shrugged.


''Unless she would get that upset if the gun is taken away from her,'' Sophia commented. With Lia currently occupied with the gun, then might as well get into conversation in the meantime. ''But would it really get that bad?'' It would've been rhetoric, but she knew they weren't there when they saw her doing that initial bloodshed before they took over. But even so I doubt she would act like last night. She thought.

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More conversation, though Lisandra still could not understand most of it. As she continued to examine the gun, she deduced that the weapon was not loaded. The pan was empty, and there was nothing loaded in the barrel, either. Seems that this weapon was only being stored at the moment, not used in battle.

"...not... used?" Lisandra asked, turning towards the lancer.

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"I am not cute when I am mad!" said Robin as she stomped her foot hard on the ground, her hands clenched into fists at her side as she gritted her teeth in annoyance before she turned around and took a deep breath. Then she turned back to him. "I need to think. I acted just like her right now, willing to hurt someone over a perceived wrong, no care or thought for the consequences. I have made dumb decisions in the past, but I have done my best to deal with the consequences... even if there are things I regret in my past."


"Do you know how much money you have right now? Down to the last coin? Exactly?" asked Fred. "What if you thought you had more money than you wagered but didn't? That is how you accidentally end up in debt gambling."

Edited by Snowy_One
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A Man Called Gar

The cute thing was her first response? Well that certainly told a lot. "Well, something to mull over until things get moving it seems." Gar shrugged. The conversation seemed more-or-less over to him at this point.

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''That's more like you didn't bother to check if you actually had the money before betting.'' John pointed out. Then Veronika said something interesting. ''Leave the ship huh. I suppose so, she is the one to make the final decision after all.'' <Sounds like something else has happened. Well, we'll find out soon enough then. I wonder if that would even want her to pay for renting another crane regardless, despite what happened last port.>

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Gytha looked over her shoulder to where Synthia indicated and chuckled lightly. It didn't seem to be anything harmful; the sailors were just being a little mischievous. "If trends hold, they'll be rowdy n' their free time r'gardless. They're probabla bored 'r just need t' have some fun 'cause o' all th' work expected o' 'em most o' th' time," she replied, "Judgin' from what I've seen, this crew won't do anathin' harmful so Shadrak's safe. Some sailors joke harder than others, though. It's why ye have t' pay attention t' crews' reputations while in port." She continued to laugh lightly at the scene. The dark magic-user certainly looked silly.

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"You might want to just wake her up if it's that important. The others and I never really found out if there was a limit to how long Raquel could 'hibernate'." Reign commented.


"That's roight." Gabbie replied with a nod.


Shadrak wasn't going to sit back and let the sailors mess around with his things, and so began trying to wrestle free so he could gather up his things. He escaped the grasp of one of the men, and then tried to get a hold of his research notes. That's when his height disadvantage finally came into play. The sailor's arms seemed to stretch up to the ceiling as he easily kept the notes out of reach. "Come on, it's genuine interest." the man pleaded as he kept the notes just out of reach.

"I'll turn you into a smoking crater if you don't give that back!"

"With what tome?" asked the sailor who was perusing his el tome. Shadrak tried to leap for that next since the research notes seemed like a lost cause anyway, but found himself landing just out of reach of those too. The man with the notes went back to reading them while Shadrak tried to get himself off of the table he had just fallen on while going for the tome. The sailor holding him in place before helped him off the table while laughing.

"Ahah! I found it!" said the sailor with the notes.

"Found what?" Shadrak and the crewman helping him said in unison.

"The mind magic~" he replied with a grin. "Right here; 'potential countermeasures against current enemies: directed emblem blast dash theory and emblem augmented mind magic dash theory'. See? Mind magic. So who's it work?"

"Your sea faring brain couldn't possibly grasp it, and it's just a theory, now give me that back." Shadrak replied.

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''I suppose it could be for the best,'' John said. ''That will give her more time to think about it, since come to think of it, I remember some sailors on the deck mentioned repairs on the Utka being done by noon. I take it this has to do regarding that decision of staying in this ship or not then.''

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Of the few things that irked Valter, Fred managed to stumble upon one of them: trying to excuse his own incompetence. Outward signs of his irritation were virtually nonexistent, however. He just sounded a slight bit offended. “Yes, I do know how much money I have. Anyone who was responsible would.”

Deciding that any further conversation with the knight was useless, the horseman instead focused on the discussion at hand. Apparently he had missed some things earlier, probably while he was asleep. “Why do we need to leave the Leverager?” and then a sigh and “I suppose it'd be best to just wake her now. I know she's had a rough time, but Raquel probably needs to hear this more than I do.”


Success. Operation make-it-onto-the-deck-without-being-spotted was going amazingly well, and Torin had made it all of five feet past the loading ramp. At that rate, he might reach belowdecks by mid-afternoon!


Well, it was nice to know the sailors weren't going to kill him or something. (Did she care either way? No, not really...) “I wonder if we could convince them to mess with some of the others too. Maybe that Zach guy?” Synthia grinned. Bothersome sailors were a choice form of entertainment, if it helped her deal with the cruddyness that was boats.

The one with the notes announced what he had found, and whatever it was sounded interesting. “Hey, I want to see those too!” she said, starting up from the table. “If you give them to me, I can tell you what they mean~”

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Well, Synthia was enjoying the fun the sailors were having and seemed to want them to bother other members of the group. Gytha only smiled a bit awkwardly at that. That Synthia sure can be scary sometimes. She thought to herself. It was less the wanting to tease people and more how she seemed to already be plotting about it that prompted the thought. The magic-user joined in with the teasing. Having nothing better to do, Gytha just watched to see what would come of it.

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Zach got up to the deck and saw that both Robin and Gar were still present and seemed to be talking to each other. Walking up to them he asked "Have either of you seen Lia yet today? She was already gone when I woke up."

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"It's dangerous. Well, all weapons are dangerous I guess, but we don't need them to be dangerous inside the wagon," he offered.


Heeding the advice of others, Veronika decided to go over and gently shake Raquel.

"How are you feeling?" she asked the pink-haired merchant as a greeting.

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''Speaking of being dangerous,'' Sophia said. ''Is it really a good idea to just leave them on the shelf?'' She asked. ''Or at least without securing them to it?'' Looking back at when the wagon made a forced landing on the beach, and when it was being handed by the crane with all the wind, it was hard to picture those things staying in place.

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"I did not see her today yet at all, but I have been distracted talking to Gar here." said Robin just before Gar mentioned where he had seen Lia. "Who is she anyways? I do not know her well at all, but you have become attached to her. Is she an adopted daughter or something?"

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