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What exactly makes a good unit "good"?

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I would say good growths, bases, starting time, and play style (some people want to be more defencive, take hits, and slowly move ahead-vulenaries and Generals are good here. Others might have a more offencive approach, with swordmasters and Paladins sweeping out the enemy, and then having healers move up and heal them. Here Attack, Movement, and Speed are important.

An all around "good" Unit, one that fits every playstyle is very rare, and is considered OP by some. I consider Abel to be a good unit, but others may prefer Cain. Personal Experience may take a part here too, As on paper, Sedgar's growths and starting level are better that Wolf, with more levels to be gained and better growths. However, I always use Wolf, and is one of my best units..

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What makes me a unit a good demoman unit?

Well, look at Seth. His bases and growths are crazy high, he's got great weapon ranks and he's got such high mobility. Not to mention he comes with a Silver Lance at the beginning of the game. And if you don't rush, just have him rescue someone and he can weaken, too. He's viable throughout the whole game, and can always find something to do.

Edited by Venusaur
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Availability doesn't matter to me. For instance I prefer Nino over Erk as my anima specialist, due to fact that she always has better magic for me. Seriously, Erk is between Eliwood and Shon in terms of ATK growth.

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For me, I'd say...

1. Utility (High ranking staffs, flying, certain skills, mobility, stealing)

2. Enough Str/Mgc, Skill and Speed to kill something by themselves most of the time.

3. Enough defense, resistance and avoidance so that the unit doesn't feel like they're going to die in two hits.

4. Weapon Ranks

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It also depends on the game. Take Rutger, for example. He'd be an above average unit at best in FE7 or FE8. But he's probably one of your top 3 in FE6, because of his high hit and crit that allow him to fill a unique role- quickly killing bosses in a game where every single one of them gets +30 AVO.

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Theres "Good for All Playstyles" and "Good Unit"

I think the former is guys like Seth, Haar, Titania, Marcus, Miledy, etc. These guys are awesome no matter what you do really. They all have decents growths, great availability, (maybe not so much in Miledy's case but yeah), great utility, can spank shit, and got good weapon ranks. These guys are great for low-turners because they are more often than not, mounted. Plus they have high utility for rescue dropping and stuff. AND they can kill shit without problem. They are great for more casual players for similar reasons but mostly utility and they will not die.

"Good Unit" is basically (to me) anyone who doesnt have any serious issues when it comes to training. Guys like Kent, Sain, Nolan, Lance, Mia (FE10), etc.

These guys are ok enough to hold their own in a fight and not die. They have decent growths and really gr8mazing growths in certain areas. Some utility use, and good bases. Its really hard to go wrong with units like this. Even a cursed Kent is gonna have some use. In more casual play, these guys are probably your best guys unless you babied some other unit or spoiled the fuck out of that weaker guy with cool growths. They work for a lot of different playstyles.

Since i like to spoil units that are considered relatively bad to see what happens, even guys like Fiona can be Good Units for me. Theres only a handful of truly great units. And only a couple of them are lords. lawl.

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Great bases, growths sufficient so that they don't slow down (or if their bases are just that good, that they've already made that much of an impact on the game: I do tend to want to bring everyone I train at all to near endgame though, so there's my slight bias against FE6 Marcus and the like), chapters that don't utterly fuck them over. And those bases need to be good for their joining situation, not just for their level. Just look at Duessel.

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1. Can you fulfill whatever function I have in mind for you?

2. Do I think it's worth it to modify my team to put you in?

Answer yes to both and that's my idea of a good unit.

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for my style of playing, good growths and plenty of levels to use them is all that's needed to be good.

1-2 range really helps too though.

an exception here is FE10, where mostly caps are what matters.

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"Good" units are those that help you accomplish your goals efficiently (swiftly and reliably, with fewer resources than comparable contributors). Under this definition, playstyle clearly matters. When I play, I like to beat the game, recruit most units, and obtain most of the treasures. Units that allow me to do those things efficiently are valued. Other players may have different goals when playing FE (maximizing Cexp, maximizing gold, forming a bunch of supports, whatever), though I expect most players would probably like to beat the game.

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CAPPING 20/20 stats

get it right annie

assuming the RNG Goddess doesn't fuck you up. Sometimes even the best characters don't cap the stats they ought to. My Eliwood capped skill and speed, but ended tying with Erk at 17 str/mag.
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It really all depends on how you play.

However, it's usually these things:

Stats (bases and growth rates)

Availability (joining chapter and starting level)

Utility (weapon rank, movement, aid, skills, and supports)

Character (appearance, support content, personality, and plot relevance)

These are the main factors in my opinion, and they vary in importance, depending on the person.

I personally like characters with a good balance of strength, speed, and either defense or HP, who can play for at least a good chunk of the game.

Utility and character don't matter too much to me, but their still good to have. I guess utility is kind of border line.

If I had to rate these based on how I value them in importance, it would go like this:

1. Stats

2. Availability

important are above, not so important below

3. Utility

4. Character

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The best possible unit flies, joins before the Prologue even starts, has infinite movement, OHKOs all enemies around with an infinite use weapon, and cannot take any damage. Since there's no such thing, we'll have to settle for whatever comes closest. So like FE10 Haar and FE4 Sigurd.

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The best possible unit flies, joins before the Prologue even starts, has infinite movement, OHKOs all enemies around with an infinite use weapon, and cannot take any damage. Since there's no such thing, we'll have to settle for whatever comes closest. So like FE10 Haar and FE4 Sigurd.

That guy can't open chests. Weak.

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The best possible unit flies, joins before the Prologue even starts, has infinite movement, OHKOs all enemies around with an infinite use weapon, and cannot take any damage. Since there's no such thing, we'll have to settle for whatever comes closest. So like FE10 Haar and FE4 Sigurd.

He also has to Seize. You forgot that bit.

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