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And here are a few more supports to tide you guys over these next couple of days. First off, we have the Marth impersonator and the one person who knew the real Marth; Lucina x Tiki! Hopefully, DLC conversations will follow.

[spoiler=Lucina x Tiki]

[spoiler=Lucina x Tiki C]Lucina: Miss Tiki, how are you feeling?

Tiki: My, Lucina. I'm doing fine but... is something the matter?

Lucina: If there is anything I can do to help out, please feel free to ask me at any time.

Tiki: Thank you, but, there is no need to concern yourself so. ... I'm quite alright.

Lucina: No, I'm afraid that won't do. We can't allow the Divine Dragon Priestess to be inconvenienced.

Tiki: I accept your feelings with gratitude. However, you are one of the leaders of the army, so I would ask you to do what you can for everyone rather than just focusing on me. I would think that to be the duty of the one who borrowed Marth's name even if it was just for a short while...

Lucina: Marth's name... huh. Speaking of which, the real Marth... What was the Hero-King like?

Tiki: Would you like to know...?

Lucina: Yes. The reason I borrowed Marth's name is because the Hero-King Marth is my goal. If you could possibly tell me about him, I would be thrilled...

Tiki: I understand. I will help you as best I can. ... Indeed. Let's free up some time later. Then, I'll tell you all about him.

Lucina: Really! Thank you very much! Then let's meet later, Lady Tiki!

[spoiler=Lucina x Tiki B]Lucina: Well met, Miss Tiki.

Tiki: Yes, well met, Lucina.

Lucina: Will you be able to tell me about the Hero-King today?

Tiki: Yes, of course. I see you're quite studious, Lucina.

Lucina: No, not at all... As I mentioned earlier, I have at one time bore Marth's name... As such, I just want to know what kind of person the real Marth was like.

Tiki: Let's see... He was the kind of man who always valued his friends above all else... He was kind to everyone... He was always calm and relaxed, and his smile was wonderful...

Lucina: Eh...!?

Tiki: Oh, is something on your mind?

Lucina: Y... yes, that personality is quite far from what I had expected....

Tiki: What did you think his personality would be like, Lucina?

Lucina: Well... It's been said that King Marth led the liberation army, slew the dark dragon, and brought peace and balance to the world. I imagined him to be, uh, a military man. That is... He would... be very stern and strict.

Tiki: Well, you are correct in that he was very strict but only with himself. ... He kept pushing himself in order to find the faint thread leading to a peace where no one had to be sacrificed... He was a really hard worker.

Lucina: The thread to peace... I see. I wonder, if we follow in his trail, might we find some kind of hint that could help us in the present...?

Tiki: Quite. He was in a continuous state of worry. About people who couldn't see eye to eye, about parting with dear friends, and about the betrayal of a comrade... He worried, struggled, and suffered...Perhaps that is the very reason as to why he was worthy of being the vessel of a hero.

Lucina: To think that he would go that far... Someone like me could never hope to rise up to his level, my road only leads to continuous battles...

Tiki: However... Even so, you should not give up at present. Like you, he too never thought of himself as perfect... That is why he cared for his comrades and fought together with them.

Lucina: Fought together...? Hero-King Marth did that?

Tiki: That's right. That was the single most important factor behind the Hero-King. He believed in his friends and fought by their side, and they did the same.

Lucina: ...In other words, King Marth was loved by his comrades?

Tiki: That's right. Lucina, you'll be just fine. You too are loved by your friends, I believe. That's why you'll have to do your best from now on so that you don't shame King Marth's name.

Lucina: Y, yes! Thank you very much! Miss Tiki!

[spoiler=Lucina x Tiki A]Lucina: Haaa! Yaaaah! .... Taaaaaa!!!!!

Tiki: My, Lucina. You're practicing your fencing?

Lucina: Ah... Miss Tiki. Yes, I was just finishing with my practice swings.

Tiki: You... Weren't you just helping prepare the meal at the female encampment just now?

Lucina: Yeah. I wasn't on duty but they were a bit understaffed so I decided to lend a hand.

Tiki: And just before that, you were at the male encampment helping with the supplies, right?

Lucina: Yes. Out of the female soldiers, I'm pretty confident about my physical strength so it wasn't a problem for me.

Tiki: And a bit before that, I believe you also went along with the party that purchased the provisions...? You've certainly been all over the place. While it is great that you want to help out your friends, pushing yourself too hard will undoubtedly affect your health, you know?

Lucina: No, I'm fine. I always do about that much.

Tiki: ...Lucina, what you're doing now, is it just you trying to get closer to Hero-King Marth's level? Are you trying to become a leader who has the trust of their comrades?

Lucina: Eh...? Ah, no, that's not it! That's just me being me! Besides, it's not like helping out at cooking or shopping would ever help me become like the Hero-King.

Tiki: So you just naturally move to aid your friends? ...Could it be... This child might truly...

Lucina: ...Huh? Did you say something just now?

Tiki: N, no... But, Lucina... Marth's name that you have chosen to bear... it's incredibly heavy, you know?

Lucina: Eh...?

Tiki: It was only through coincidence that you bore the Hero-King's name. However, the people who saw the Hero-King's figure through you are quite plentiful... As those expectations build up, you will experience the envy of some and the hopes of others... You will be made to bear their immense pressure.

Lucina: ...Y, yes.

Tiki: I wonder, can you endure the brunt of such a burden...?

Lucina: ... I don't know whether or not I can endure it. I know full well that I'm a far cry away from the Hero-King... But... if the people around me truly have such expectations of me... ...I will try my utmost to live up to them without fail.

Tiki: ....I see that you are resolved to this. In that case, I believe that further meddling on my part is not necessary.

Lucina: Yes! Thank you for everything! Miss Tiki, I, I'll do my best!

Tiki: ...Yes, I have high hopes for you, Lucina. However, if there comes a time when there is a problem that you are unable to resolve by yourself... or a time when you are suffering and just can't take it anymore... Rely on me and your friends. That's also part of a hero's nature, yes?

Lucina: Y, yes, thank you so much! I'm so happy that you think so highly of me!

Tiki: Hehehe... that's only natural. It is expected that I'd get along well with the one who bears Marth's name.

...followed by the masked Wyvern Rider and, as his father, our very own arch archer; Jerome x Viole.

[spoiler=Jerome x Viole]

[spoiler=Jerome x Viole C]Viole: Jerome.

Jerome: ... Oh, it's you. What is it?

Viole: No... there's nothing in particular but...

Jerome: Then don't come talking to me. I have no intention of getting along with you.

Viole: I, is that so...

Jerome: Yes, it is.

Viole: Hmm... I have been wondering. Even though you finally got to reunite with moi, your father, you have yet to call me "Daddy!" or "Lord Father!" like Lucina does with her father...

Jerome: ...Hmph. You are not my father. He departed from this world a long time ago. You are a stranger who just happens to look like my father. I have no right to call a stranger my father.

Viole: Hmm... A magnificent and marvelously persuasive argument...! I don't even sense the slightest bit of childhood innocence from you...! ...No, no, that must be just you yearning for the love of your parents. Come now, Jerome. Come leap elegantly into my warm bosom!

Jerome: ...How moronic...

Viole: What's this! To think that my own child would call me moronic!

Jerome: Was that all you wanted to say? Then I'll be going. I'm gonna go take care of Minervie now.

Viole: Minerv...ie?

Jerome: Huh...! I, it's nothing!

Viole: Haha...

[spoiler=Jerome x Viole B]Viole: So Jerome, did you take good care of little Minervie?

Jerome: You...! You still remember that...! Just so you know, I don't always call her that!

Viole: Oh? Was there something about? I just called her that because that's what Serge calls her, you know?

Jerome: Ah....!

Viole: Fufufu, you fell for it. Well, I can see that you do have your cute moments.

Jerome: ..........

Viole: Ah, I'm quite glad that looks can't kill...! I... my apologies, Jerome! This nobleman apologizes to you...! Please do spare my life!

Jerome: ...There's no helping it, I suppose.

Viole: Heh, I live to fight another day. However, the way you got angry just now was exactly like Serge...

Jerome: Did you just say something?

Viole: No. More importantly, your Minervie is over there, yes?

Jerome: Yeah. She's my irreplaceable partner.

Viole: Hmm... She certainly seems to be quite scary, huh... Actually... Savagery might be a more apt word for it...

Jerome: You have no idea what you're talking about. There's no cuter Wyvern anywhere, not even in the future. Ah... That piercing gaze, those glittering scales, her razor-sharp fangs... each and every one of them is so cute... Eh, what are you making me say?!

Viole: You're the one who just went on this tangent, aren't you?

Jerome: Geh...! Let's go, Minerva!

Viole: ...Oh, that's quite the speedy get-away.

[spoiler=Jerome x Viole A]Viole: Well met, Jerome. So you're with your Minervie again today.

Jerome: What do you want? Did you come to mock me again...?

Viole: Certainly not, I just thought it about time for you to start calling me "Daddy". After all, your true self was quite apparent yesterday.

Jerome: ...My true self?

Viole: I believe you went on about how "Minervie is so cute" or something to that effect, Jerome. Your face was so unguarded and relaxed then...

Jerome: !!!.... Minerva! Scare this guy a little!! ........ ........Minerva?

Viole: Heh. Minervie certainly wouldn't try to threaten me. She is a part of my family, you know. ... There, there, Minervie, at least you remember me.

Jerome: Minerva... Minerva accepts this guy as family? He is not the same person as the man you knew. ...And yet. ......I see.

Viole: Hmm? What is Minervie saying?

Jerome: Hah. Even though you say you are family, you can't understand Minerva's words.

Viole: Gah....

Jerome: Very well. Minerva said that she recognizes you as part of our family. She is an important being who nurtured me in the future. If she accepts you, then... I will reconsider my position about you. I'm sorry for treating you like a stranger, ...Father.

Viole: !! Jerome...! Pray, what did you call me just now?

Jerome: Ugh...! I won't say it a second time! Let's go, Minerva!

Viole: Hold! Wait a moment, Jerome! Once more! Come now, do say it just one more time...!

Jerome: How annoying!!

Edited by Enaeius
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Aww those were both so cute! Jerome and Viole especially! It helps that I'm planning to pair Virion and Cherche as soon as I get the game.

Thanks for the extra supports even with the game so close. I certainly don't mind if we get more!

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I would like to see Male Mu X Azure(parent to child conversation)

Actually, Azure's conversation with MU is the same as the one he has with his other fathers. Now then, on to the main event!

First we have a rather unexpected and very yuritastic DLC conversation with between Maribelle and TiamoCordelia!

[spoiler=DLC Maribelle x Cordelia]

[spoiler=Part 1: Cordelia > Maribelle]Maribelle: Miss Cordelia, I've come to notice that you are always by Miss Sumia's side.

Cordelia: Now that you mention it... I suppose so. But, so what?

Maribelle: Could it be that you are the protector of that incorrigible klutz?

Cordelia: Huh? I haven't really thought about it before. Well, it is true that she is a handful. But I believe that you are in the same situation with Lissa, aren't you?

Maribelle: Lissa is my best friend. Us spending time together is no mystery. Besides, unlike Miss clumsy, Lissa comforts me.

Cordelia: I, if that's the case, Sumia is the same. She's kinder than anyone and it's fun spending time with her.

Maribelle: Lissa won't lose to anyone in being fun! It would seem that I have to teach you the full extent of Lissa's innocence and naivete.

Cordelia: Gah... However, I don't think Sumia's smile can be matched. Whenever that girl smiles, I find myself forgiving anything she might have done.

Maribelle: Liz is just the same in that regard! The difference is that I never need to forgive her since Lissa would never be a nuisance or trouble anyone.

Cordelia: I... it's not like Sumia is making those blunders on purpose!

Maribelle: You really are stubborn...!

Cordelia: I can say the same about you... You're so contrary and argumentative!

Maribelle: That's... We'll continue this later! If things stay this way, I don't see us agreeing anytime soon!

Cordelia: That's my line!

[spoiler=Part 2: Maribelle > Cordelia]Maribelle: This time I'll teach you just how wonderful Lissa is!

Cordelia: That's my line! I'm going to beat Sumia's sweetness and nobility into your thick skull!

Maribelle: U, Ugh...! What am I going to do with this stubborn blockhead...

Cordelia: I wonder if you can appreciate that girl's virtues...

Maribelle: ...Oh, whatever.

Cordelia: ...? Shall I take this as an admission of your defeat?

Maribelle: Call it whatever you want. It would be a lot more worthwhile to spend my time with Lissa than to have this meaningless argument with you. Besides, it would be terrible if something happened to Lissa while I was gone from her side. I will most certainly not allow any danger to befall my closest friend. I want her to be happy...

Cordelia: ...Eeh. What's this, we're exactly the same.

Maribelle: Huh...?

Cordelia: The two of us feel exactly the same way about our best friends. I too wish for Sumia's happiness above all else.

Maribelle: Miss Cordelia...

Cordelia: Alright, how about this? After this war is over, we'll take Sumia and Lissa out to go drink some tea, just the four of us. That's where we'll settle the matter about which of them is the more wonderful one.

Maribelle: I see. I accept that challenge. But... I've come to reconsider my opinion of you a little.

Cordelia: Yeah, same here...

Maribelle: Fufufu. This is shaping up to be quite the interesting tea party.

Cordelia: It sure is. I'm certain it will be.

...followed by the clash between yandere darkness and tortured light; Tharja x Libera.

[spoiler=Tharja x Libera]

[spoiler=Tharja x Libera C]Tharja: A frog's eggs... A lizard's tail... Now all that's left is a rooster's crest and...

Libera: ? Miss Tharja? What, pray tell, are you doing?

Tharja: Research... about memory manipulation sorcery...

Libera: Memory manipulation... Is something that really possible?

Tharja: I don't know... That's why I'm researching it. ...You'll just get in the way, so please go somewhere else.

Libera: I see. Would it be alright if I ask you one question first?

Tharja: ...What is it?

Libera: How are you planning to verify the results of this research?

Tharja: Well... I'll just use whoever I find to be suitable around here to test it on.

Libera: In that case... How about this; If it's alright with you, could I be your guinea pig?

Tharja: You're sacrificing yourself for others...? Quite fitting for a clergyman... it makes my skin crawl.

Libera: ...I am not such a virtuous person.

Tharja: Hmm... Alright then. I'll use you. Ufufufu... even if you do regret it, there's no going back now.

Libera: When you put it like that, it feels a bit scary. Please be gentle with me.

Tharja: There's no such thing... There are no gentle curses. Be prepared to put your mind and soul on the line.

Libera: I understand. Let's do it.

Tharja: That faint smile... I wonder how long it will last. Ufufu... I'm looking forward to it.

[spoiler=Tharja x Libera B]Tharja: Alright... I will now begin the memory manipulation experiment.

Libera: Please proceed.

Tharja: It would be best to manipulate a memory that won't affect your combat ability...

Libera: In that case, how about a memory from my childhood?

Tharja: What's this... you. You're quite assertive for a guinea pig... ...Oh well, I'll hear you out this once. What kind of memory... do you want?

Libera: That's... a memory where I'm living with kind parents and am surrounded by a loving family...Please give me that memory.

Tharja: ...Such a lukewarm memory. Oh well. Imagine that situation firmly in your mind...

Libera: Yes...

Tharja: Well then, I'll start... ............ !! Wha!? ... What, what is this...?

Libera: Is something the matter?

Tharja: ...It's nothing. Well... I've tried the curse. ...Let me know if you feel any different.

Libera: ...It doesn't feel like anything's been changed.

Tharja: I see... Then it's a failure...

Libera: Did I perhaps do something wrong?

Tharja: The technique failed... because of my inexperience. However... what I saw when I used the technique... Was that... your darkness?

Libera: You happened to see it, did you... It seems I wasn't able to hide it well enough. If possible, I wanted to make it vanish so that no one would find out about it.

Tharja: ...Oh, so that's why you volunteered to be my lab rat...

Libera: Haha, I'm afraid so. I apologize for my underhanded motives.

Tharja: It's fine... More importantly, your darkness... is very intriguing... If I can unravel that darkness,... I'm sure I'd be able to make a mosot interesting curse out of it.

Libera: Is that so? Then I'll stay as your lab rat for a little while longer, if I may.

Tharja: Does having the darkness of your heart touched... not scare you?

Libera: ...I no longer fear anything.

Tharja: That's quite a line to say... to a curse user. As the experiment continues... I'll teach you the meaning of fear.

Libera: Hehe, Miss Tharja's words are sending chills down my spine.

[spoiler=Tharja x Libera A]Tharja: .......... .....I saw it. The very edge... of your darkness.

Libera: I see... It would seem that you are now aware of all there is to know about me. All... of my childhood. How my relatives saw me as a burden and threw me away... The wounds of my heart.

Tharja: You were loved by no one... and were of no concern to anyone. Your memories before becoming a clergyman are filled with nothing but suffering... I... don't dislike that. A human being who holds darkness in his heart brings about relief... However,... it is remarkable that you were able to go on living after going through all that.

Libera: But... I wonder why. The oppressive feeling all around my heart, I wonder why it became a bit lighter.

Tharja: What you know... What can be known about you... What you feel... and what can be felt about you... That is where minds and thoughts are intermingled... To cause a change in yor heart... That is the identity of curses. If I've managed to inflict change upon your heart... then I have managed

to curse you.

Libera: So I have been cursed then. It feels more like being saved, to be honest.

Tharja: ...I don't know about that. At any rate, this means that you are no longer qualified as my guinea pig...

Libera: Why is that?

Tharja: Now that I know all there is to know about you... I can curse whenever I want.

Libera: Is that so... That's a shame. My apologies for not being able to help you anymore. Is there something else I can do for you?

Tharja: There isn't. If you feel that you've been saved... then forget about your darkness and go back to your comrades...

Libera: ......... ......Thank you very much, Miss Tharja.

[spoiler=Tharja x Libera S]Libera: Miss Tharja. If I could have a moment of your time?

Tharja: ...What is it?

Libera: Won't you consider touching my heart one more time?

Tharja: ...For what?

Libera: Would it be enough... if I said that you'll find out once you touch it?

Tharja: ... You're much more selfish than I thought. But, very well... I will touch it. I had forgotten that I was going to teach you the meaning of fear... I will now plant something truly horrifying within you... *Evil giggle*.

Libera: I don't mind. Please, go ahead.

Tharja: Alright, now hold very still.

Libera: Yes.

Tharja: .........!! Ah... Wha, what the, this is... This... This thing is...!

Libera: ...Did you touch it? These are the feelings my heart holds for you.

Tharja: Why... did you make me touch that...?

Libera: When two hearts touch one another, their thoughts are intermingled and the resulting change is a curse, is it not?

Tharja: Yes... That's correct.

Libera: Do you feel some sort of change in your heart? Something that is enveloping your thoughts, perhaps?

Tharja: Y, you couldn't have... You cursed me...!? A clergyman... how dare you do something so shameless...!

Libera: Weren't you the one who cursed me earlier, Miss Tharja?

Tharja: At least I did not make you feel affection for me...!

Libera: Oh? Does this mean that you feel affection for me, Miss Tharja? However, I did not make you love me either...

Tharja: ! T, that's a lie...! Then your feelings towards me are...!

Libera: Please live together with me. Just the two of us.

Tharja: ...... You... didn't curse me at all, did you?

Libera: What value is there in using curses to capture a heart?

Tharja: ...True. In that case, I will trust my feelings...

Libera: Then, won't you please accept this ring?

Tharja: You certainly are well-prepared...

Libera: This is a once-in-a-lifetime event. There is no way I would miss it.

Tharja: You... My impression of you has changed quite a bit from what it first was.

Libera: That change was favorable, I hope?

Tharja: ...Yes,... It definitely was. After all... you managed to make me feel this way about you. But, one more thing...!? You come after Robin, clear...?

Libera: Yes, yes, I understand...

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Here are the supports between female Robin and Vaike as well as Panne and Virion! I'm sorry it it sound awkward at some parts orz

Robin (F) x Vaike Vaike is such a pervert

[spoiler=Support C]Robin: .... Vaike, why are you sneaking around here for?

Vaike: .... Huh?!! Robin!? Ah that... It's nothing, nothing at all, alright? Oh! Isn't that a single

blooming flower over here? It's so pretty! Robin!

Robin: I'm asking what are you doing here.

Vaike: Ah~ I was watching the beautiful blooming flowers over here at the lakeside...

Robin: Do not lie! You were peeking at the girls bathing in the hot springs!

Vaike: ... Tsk!

Robin: Don't 'tsk' me! Leave this place right now! Really, what on earth were you thinking!

Vaike: It is just something that I wanted to look at! You wouldn't understand! The male's desires!

Robin: That is something I rather not understand...

Vaike: Dammit... My luck is so terrible that I stumbled upon such a troublesome fellow. Alright, I

will leave this place today. ... Uh.... Hey, is that...

Robin: That should be... Sully's treasured horse. It is staring at us with such intensely fierce eyes.

Could it be...

Vaike: Woah, it's rushing towards here right now! That bastard, quickly get away, Robin!

Robin: W,why me...!

[spoiler=Support B]Vaike: Well well well, today is my lucky day, since Sully's horse is taking a nap...

Robin: Who is being lucky?...

Vaike: O, oh! Robin!? Look at this, I found a four-leave clover herb, aren't I lucky!

Robin: Stop with these feeble lies! There aren't any herbs here. I knew you are peeking on the

bathing girls again! Really, you're so careless.

Vaike: That's my line! Why are you always getting in my way??

Robin: Do you really think that I will allow you to peek on my friends' naked bodies? And besides,

keep your voice down, or Sully's horse will wake up!

Vaike: Huh? Whose side are you on now? Isn't it better for you to wake it up?

Robin: Absolutely no way!! Because of what happened that day, that horse has perceived me as an

enemy... Once it sees me it will come rushing towards me!

Vaike: Hahaha! That's nothing! To that horse, I'm also a highly suspicious figure as well, hahaha.

Robin: To be percrived the same as you is embarassing! Well, I'm going to leave now, just just give

up and follow me!

Vaike: As..... If.... I.... Will!! I will never let go of such a good opportunity... Urk. Hey! Sully's horse is


Robin: VAIKE! Your back! Your back!

Vaike: Huh? My back?! WOOO AHHHHH!! IT'S HERE!!! Run, Robin!!!

Robin: Why me again???

[spoiler=Support A]Robin: Vaike? Why do you look so sullen?

Vaike: Robin... I've been giving you so much trouble lately... I'm really sorry...

Robin: What's the matter? This is so sudden... It isn't like you at all.

Vaike: While peeking at the hot springs yesterday, I was discovered by the ladies... To make me

repay for what happened, they surrounded my naked body... *sniff sniff*, there is no spot on my

body they have not looked at!

Robin: W-woah...

Vaike: The horse treated me the same as it did the previous time... My self-respect has been crushed

to the bones!...

Robin: I-I see... Even though you deserve it, it's still embarassing. And although it is Vaike, this kind

of punishment is still...

Vaike: I've realised how embarassing it is to be peeked at, so I will never peek again...

Robin: Yes, promise that you will never peek at anyone again. Well, cheer up, looking at a

dispirited Vaike will make anyone else lose their spirit as well. I've always been thinking that

Vaike's rampaging momentum is the reason why everyone feel so spirited.

Vaike: Haha, thanks a lot, Robin. It's as expected from my close friend!

Robin: Eh... Since when have we became close friends...

Vaike: That's it, it's nothing like me! Alright! Can I ask you a favour?

Robin: A favour? Well, if it's something I can manage...

Vaike: Although I won't peek anymore, but I still want to give something back to the women back

there. Hey, can you give me a good idea on how to speechlessly make those shady women fight?

Robin: Hahaha... Vaike... Have you forgotten that I'm also a woman?

[spoiler=Support S]Vaike: It's not here! Not here as well! It's nowhere to be found! Where have it been! My most

precious item?!

Robin: What's with all these commotion, Vaike? What's missing?

Vaike: Gah! Robin! That's... I've lost a rare herb...

Robin: Liar. I'll help you look for it, what did you lost?

Vaike: Let me think... Ah it's that, it's a round and shining thing.

Robin: A round and shining thing? What's that? Do you have any other information? What's wrong,


Vaike: Waaaah! Look at your back! Your back!

Robin: My back... Iyaaa!! Sully's horse!!!!....... Eh? It's not going to attack me?What's that? It wants to

give me something?

Vaike: Ah! That's it!!!

Robin: This is a.... ring? It's so shiny, how pretty... Ah! Couldn't this be the missing item you were

looking for?

Vaike: Ahhh... It is...

Robin: W-well, isn't it good? You have finally found your missing item. That's right, who are you

going to give the ring too? You called me your close friend and yet you've never once told me about

this special person of yours...

Vaike: ... Because it's you...

Robin: Eh?

Vaike: The person I wanted to give the ring to is you!

Robin: Eeeehhhhh???

Vaike: How do I saw this, getting into troubles with you is fun... Getting into mischief together,

cheering me up when I'm done, when I've realised it, I've started to like you... Although it feels

slightly strange as the person giving the ring, would you accept it? My feelings...

Robin: ...Yes... Yes. Yes! I'm so happy! The same goes to me! I like Vaike too! When I saw the ring, I

thought you have liked someone else. I was shocked. So... When you said the person you like is

me... It makes me feel so happy...

Vaike: Is that really? That's very good! I've finally succeeded! I must thank that horse!

Robin: Hehe... That's right!

Panne x Virion

[spoiler=Support C]Panne: Ah... It's raining. It really is weird, as the sky looks so clear.

Virion: Well this is what we called the rain of tears. Hasn't Panne-san heard of this before? (The

translator from the Chinese FE forums noted that the 'rain of tears' here means drizzle or a sorrowful


Panne: Rain of tears...? Aside from that, could you not casually call me?

Virion: Yikes, I merely wanted to go with the flow and start a conversation with you naturally. You

have indeed wrapped yourself up too tightly. But the process of removing your layers should be

interesting. (This sounds wrong lol;; Oh Virion)

Panne: .... If you are looking for a fight, I am ready for you.

Virion: Unfortunately, as compared to a physical battle, I am more of a master of words.

Panne: Well then, I shall have a battle of words with you.

Virion: Hoho, I am truly grateful.

Panne: Get aside, you shameless man. I have heard the rumours about you. Your men has sacrificed

their lives for you, and yet you are still walking around with so much swagger as if nothing has

happened. I feel disgusted to the point I feel like throwing up.

Virion: Ow... Hmm, that is really harsh. This hurts a hundred times even more than being pierced

by a sword.

Panne: Hmmph. Well, since you said that you are good with words, try saying something back at


Virion: Unfortunately, I am not good at hurting women with words. This is my total defeat and I

shall retreat as of now.

[Virion leaves]

Panne: Hmmph... What a coward.

[spoiler=Support B]Panne: Wait.

Virion: Well, I did not expect you to take the initiative to start a conversation. It will be nice to not

have another rain of tears.

Panne: You... said that you aren't good at fighting. But during the battle just now, your victory isn't

any inferior to mine at all. You have lied to me.

Virion: I did say that I am a master of words, but I have never claimed to be unskillful in battle.

What's more, even with my skill I still failed to protect those who I cherished. So for me to discredit

the "skillful at combat" is a fact.

Panne: ....Why don't you... fight until the end, instead of abandoning your men and fled? You

should have shouldered the responsibility.

Virion: I wanted to offer mysef in exchange of my subjects' safety. However, no one is willing to

give up the glory by succumbing to Valm, and they chosed the path of fight to death instead. "I" an

the existence of this flag, so they are unable to choose to give up fighting.

Panne: So as a Lord, you have shamefully escaped... The men has also lost their will to battle, is that


Virion: From my point of view, truly so. However, from the viewpoint of the abandoned people, it

is a work of nothing but an inconpetent and despicable person. No matter how am I condemned, it

is not something I can retort back.

Panne: ... I took back my words from two days ago. You... have lost so many companions and

suffered because of that, it is no different from my predicament at all.

Virion: Indeed it is.

Panne: What...?

Virion: There are still living people waiting for me to help them, I have this mission... no, it's hope.

To help you, whom have almost lost all hope, to gain back more happiness.

Panne: Hmmm... You're concerned about me?

Virion: You have suffered from the darkness of anguish and despair, so deep that you'd rather not

to worry others. I just... pray that you will never get consumed by that endless darkness.

Panne: Prayers are totally meaningless... However, if you are concerned, I will listen to you even for

a bit.

[spoiler=Support A]Panne: ...

Virion: Panne-san, what is on your mind when you are looking at the moon's reflection on the


Panne: What's the matter?

Virion: The Taguels seemed to believe -- that the soul that has left the body will eventually return to

the bright moon.

Panne: Yes indeed. That is why we will never directly looked up and watched the sacred moon.

Virion: I see. Actually, I have prepared a few things...

Panne: Wine vessels and... wine?

Virion: I think it will be fun to have a toast and chat freely while thinking about the moon.

Panne: Well.... I'd never expected to find such an elegant man in a place like this.

Virion: Why, here's to you.

Panne: Thank you for your kindness, I will take it then. ...Say, what will you do after the war?

Virion: Naturally I will be heading home. The most important thing is to help my subjects who have

suffered from the war.

Panne: Well the, in order to achieve that hope, I will help you out. As a thanks for this wine.

Virion: I see. Well that's... I am truly grateful. Ha...

Panne: What are you smiling for? That's disgusting.

Virion: Disgusting... Your words are sharp as ever. I'm just glad. One one hand to save my subjects,

that is natural, and on the other to hear those words from you. This explains why the chains that tied

me to you is increasing...

Panne: That's not it. ... It's because of this wine, of course.

Virion: Well that is pity.

[spoiler=Support S]Virion: Panne-san.

Panne: What is it, Virion?

Virion: I have prepared this, would you accept it?

Panne: ... Drinking alcohol during the board daylight? No, is that.... a ring? What do you want to do?

Virion: I wish to exchange vows of eternal love with you.

Panne: You... are you drunk?

Virion: You could say that I'm infatuated by you... Joke aside, you have promised to help me turn

my desires into reality. But that is my 'hope', and not yours. I just wished for you to have your own

real 'hope'.

Panne: If I were to be your partnet, my hopes can be accomplished?

Virion: Until that day, I will continuously work hard for it.

Panne: Really, what are you talking about... Huh? It was clearly cloudless a while ago, why is it

raining suddenly...

Virion: It is a beautiful sight to behold. Even the rain of tears is urging us to marry as soon as


Panne: Only you can say such a thing with a straight face.

Virion: But I am serious about it. Even the heavens... Even the moon is blessing you and me.

Panne: Really, of all the appropriate things to say... But this isn't bad as well. Alright, I'll accept it.

With you... the vows of eternal love.

Virion: Ah... I give you my thanks. And we have to thank this rain of tears as well.

Edited by tofu
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So! My sister translated FemAvatar x Basilio. Enjoy!

[spoiler=C Rank]【Basilio】

Yo, Rufure! You look beautiful today!


Please, Lord Basilio. What's that for, all of a sudden?


Hehehe. It's my policy to praise a girl when I see her~.


Really… Well, do you have business with me?


Yeah. Actually, I wanted to recruit you as my strategist, Rufure.


Eh? Uh… that's… Could it be, are you telling me to pull out of the army?


I wouldn't say anything like that. Chrom's a good guy, but I'd like you to become my subordinate instead.


W-whoa… Don't you think that's a bit sudden? And doesn't that sound a little too casual?


Hmm, don't you think this tone is more persuasive? Well, what's your answer? You'll do it, of course, right?


Of course I won't! I'm sorry, but the war hasn't ended yet and I promised Chrom I'd stand by him. I can't take you up on your offer, no matter how much you try to entice me.


Th-that's kind of harsh, you know. Even if it doesn't seem it, I'm trying to be earnest, here…


If you're truly being earnest, please stop speaking so flippantly.


…Alright, I got it. Okay, next time, we'll carry on this discussion from where we left off!


Good grief… I wish Lord Basilio would be more serious.

[spoiler=B Rank]Basilio

Yo, Rufure. Can I talk to you?


Eh? And by talk, you mean about that thing from before…?


Yeah. Please become my subordinate! Here, I got you this to show you how serious I am!


Wow! What a beautiful bouquet!


I've met a lot of women, but never one as intelligent as you, and moreover, this is the first time I've met a woman who continues to blossom and learn from your experiences.


N-no… I'm not really that great a person… besides, didn't that sound like a love confession?


No, nothing like that. I just want you to become my strategist rather than Chrom's.


Yes, but Lord Basilio… But you and I are both soldiers in the same army, fighting for Chrom. Don't you think it'd be a little weird if I went from being Chrom's strategist to yours?


…Huh? Now you mention it… you're right. Hmm~ Yeah, that's definitely true. It doesn't make sense to me either, anymore, now I think about it! Well, bye!


Ah! Lord Basilio! W-What shall I do with these flowers!?


H-Hmm… Ah, just take them!


O-oh, Lord Basilio… This isn't really appropriate…

[spoiler=A Rank]BasilioRufure, here you are. Can I talk to you?

RufureBy 'talk,' you can't mean…


Yeah. I want to talk to you about becoming my strategist. I've thought about it a lot. Sure enough, strategist wouldn't be the right job for you. That's why I want you to do something else… I want you to become my secretary and manage my schedule. I also want you to take care of my personal appearance.


Y-you want me to be… your secretary?


Yeah, that's right. There's no problem with that, right?


Well, no but… I'm sorry. I won't change my mind.


As I thought, you still want to be Chrom's strategist?



Hey, there's no need to be sorry. I didn't think you'd feel sorry for me. No, it's okay. But if you ever have some free time, would you consider what I asked you?


You really can't be discouraged, can you…?


Hey, are you saying I'm irresponsible for not just giving up!?


I know you're not an irresponsible person. I also know that you have a very strong sense of responsibility.


What are you talking about? You don't get what I mean. But you acknowledged my determination, so that means you'll accept my offer, right!?


Why would you come to that conclusion!? Really… I don't know if you're being serious or playing a trick on me!


Being able to work around tricky situations like that is my charm! Well, I'll come back later. I wonder if I can anticipate a good reply next time I come?


Aren't you… not supposed to say things like that about yourself, normally?

But that's just like Lord Basilio.

[spoiler=S Rank]

RufureLord Basilio.



Is something the matter? Y-you can't be thinking of trying to recruit me as your subordinate or secretary again, right…!?


H-hey, hey. You're the one that started the conversation!

RufureOh, that's right. Ahaha…




But really, what's wrong? You don't seem well…


I've been thinking about it, but sure enough… I don't want you as my subordinate OR as my secretary.


Huh!? …W-Well, I don't mind or anything, but I at least want to know why!


Well, if you'll listen to what I have to say… I don't want you as a strategist or as a secretary. I want you to be my… I, Basilio, want you to come with me and be my wife.


Like I said! Whether it's as a strategist or as a secretary or as a wife, my answer will not cha- WAIT WHAT!? D-did you just say 'WIFE'!?


Yeah, in the end, after speaking to you so much, that is my final decision. Right from the beginning, I've always wanted you… as my wife.


T-that's… so sudden. I don't know what to say…


But I really mean it… This is the conclusion I've reached. So, if you'll accept my honest confession…

I really want you.


…Heh…If you say it like that, there's no way I could refuse… Lord Basilio, I've lost to your persistence. Besides… I want to know all about the kind of person you are, right from the beginning.


I see! Thanks. Alright, you watch! I'll definitely bring you happiness! Men of Felia take very good care of their wives!


Well, good luck taking care of me, because I won't be beaten when it comes to taking care of you!

BasilioRight! Well, as a commemoration of our engagement, I'll set up a massive engagement party!


Well, that's okay, but please don't drink too much. If you drink so much you can't do your job properly anymore, I won't be happy.


Hehe, got it. My wife sure is strict.


Well, from now on let's live blissfully together …I won't make you regret becoming my wife.

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What is up with the Feria Khan's? They both try to persuade the Avatar to join them as a strategist.

In fact, all the non-Iris royal characters seem to like trying to convince the Avatar to go on a different path. Gangrel wants a Female Avatar to join him as a strategist, and Valhart wants a Male Avatar to conquer the world. Seriously folks, calm down.

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