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Colm, assassin or rogue?

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I did go with assassin Colm once, but honestly if I wanted to use an assassin I would go with someone with more reliable skill, like Marisa (dohoho) or Joshua, and even then, Joshua fares better as a swordmaster. I don't like Rennac all that much since his strength will almost always be abysmal, and Rennac's low luck basically means that his higher defence and res stats don't mean that much either. Since the durability of your thieves only really matters in Creature Campaign, I like how rogue Colm can hold his own with a silver sword or something while he goes off thieving. And if I'm playing Creature Campaign, I usually end up leveling everyone I didn't use to 20/20 to see how they fare.

If you have a thief, it's not worth throwing their strengths out the window for novelty killing ability when you have much more capable units for combat.

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If you have a thief, it's not worth throwing their strengths out the window for novelty killing ability when you have much more capable units for combat.

I agree.

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I've never seen Colm become that great of a fighter in any of my playthroughs, though he tends to surpass Rennac unless he gets severly RNG screwed. I think if you're going to have an Assassin, then make one out of Marisa or Joshua instead. Colm will serve you much better as a Rogue, which I've always done and not used Rennac. Stats aside, I personally dislike Rennac because he's a selfish jerkass in the story (and yes, that influenced my decision not to use him). Sure, he's not so powerful in either class, but if you're going to make him a rogue you're not raising him to be your main attacker, which is a role better served by other characters anyway. And even still, Silencer isn't something to rely on when you're saving your Killing Edges for the fights that matter the most and using more common weapons otherwise.

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You're kind of missing what he means.

In Eirika route, Cormag doesn't come around and come towards Eirika for a while. You can easily finish the map before you even consider recruiting Cormag.

I'll be honest; I usually forget.

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I think if you're going to have an Assassin, then make one out of Marisa or Joshua instead.

Yeah, I always thought Marisa was the best Assassin out of those three. I still usually promote her to Swordsmaster, though.

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The chapter 17 stealable Dracoshield > Silencer.

In before Dondon/Anouleth says that shield doesn't exist because everyone has to go full speed all the time every playthrough.

aww is someone a wittle bitter how about u suck on a wowwipop or maybe my dick

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I've never seen Colm become that great of a fighter in any of my playthroughs, though he tends to surpass Rennac unless he gets severly RNG screwed. I think if you're going to have an Assassin, then make one out of Marisa or Joshua instead.

What do Marisa and Joshua have to do with Colm?

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All three of them can promote to Assassin.

Marisa is probably the best choice for an Assassin, because she can make the best use of Silencer. (with Neimi, Colm can compete, but it's a bit of a stretch to assume you're using Neimi) I usually make Colm a Rogue, if only because there's a shortage of theives otherwise.

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What do Marisa and Joshua have to do with Colm?

As Baldrick said, these are the other two candidates for the Assassin class in SS (they start out as Myrmidons). They're equally suited for the role, and more so than Colm due to better stats and you'll only have one other opportunity to recruit a Rogue. Personally, I prefer making Joshua a Swordmaster because his Strength is a little higher of the two, and his Skill is lower, making Marisa the better choice but you won't go wrong with either.

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screw 2 turning 1 turning is way cooler

Also anybody who doesn't suck forever can easily kill riev with a killer


With Colm, right.

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With Colm, right.

According to the site, Silencer's activation chance is halved against bosses. Which means you'd have to have 40 crit on Riev to have a double digit chance of one-shotting him... That's nowhere near reliable.

Edited by Golden Cucco
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With Colm, right.

Could you honestly say anything more idiotic than this when we already described that Silencer's activation rate is halved against bosses?

Good fucking lord.

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Could you honestly say anything more idiotic than this when we already described that Silencer's activation rate is halved against bosses?

Good fucking lord.

Dude, shut the fuck up. I only asked.

And way to repeat what the person above you just said. Normally I'd expect it from the poster above you himself.

Edited by The Leaving Song II
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I prefer Colm as a Rouge. I guess I don't like wasting lockpicks, and besides, you could easily get 2 by chapter 8 ( 1 from Colm himself and 1 stolen from the theif that spawns.) Out of the 3 units that can go Assassin, only one can go Rogue and the other 2 could make better Assassins.

Just my 2 cents

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Because Colm can critkill Reiv in two hits without Silencer, right?

Hey, the point is that he is able to 2-turn it.

If the strategy is "reliable" or not is another thing. :awesome:

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Because Colm can critkill Reiv in two hits without Silencer, right?

Now I am curious, under what circumstances can Colm pull it off?

With 0 critical hits:

Impossible. Can't even do it with Audhulma + capped strength (20).

With at least 1 critical hit:

Just barely with capped strength and a Killing Edge.

With 2 critical hits:

16 strength + Killing Edge or 17 strength + Shamshir.

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last i checked, more reliability > less

also, you guys are confused as to how silencer works

what it does is first roll for crit. so colm with 40 skill (impossible) and a killing edge has 50 crit (minus riev's luck - for the sake of discussion, i'll leave it at 0). IF it procs, then it rolls for silencer - a 50% chance. the way the math works out, it almost comes down to a crit/2 chance but it actually isn't. you can whiff a silencer even if you have 200% crit - it rolls for regular crit (and will always proc) but you still only have a 50% chance to proc the silencer.

i bring this up because it rolls again if the enemy is a boss, again a 50% chance. so Colm (with 50% crit) has to proc a 50-50 chance three times to silence.

Edited by Camtech
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Hey, the point is that he is able to 2-turn it.

If the strategy is "reliable" or not is another thing. :awesome:

Rogue Colm is able to 2-turn it as well. All he needs is 15 str, 20 skl, one crit with Audhulma; 16 str, two crits with a Killing Edge; or 20 str, A Neimi B Someone Else, one crit with a Killing Edge.

The point is moot because many units can 2-turn it easier than any kind of Colm.

Edited by Baldrick
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Criticaling with Audhulma is even less reliable. 10 crit from having 20 skill + 5 crit from S-rank - 11 luck on Riev = 4% crit chance. A 7.84% chance of criticaling within 2 attacks.

also, you guys are confused as to how silencer works

Looks like the site's description of Silencer needs to be updated.

Edit: Bloop. I mean, I always interpreted it as "you must crit in order to silence" but I can see how it could be possible for someone to interpret it is as "I have 10 crit, so I have 5% silence. That means a 15% chance to crit or silence" So something like: "50% chance when user performs a critical" would make it less ambiguous.

So let's see...

Colm with 30 skill + S-rank bonus + Shamshir - Riev's 11 Luck = 44 Crit

So taking that in account with the 50% Silencer rate and the extra 50% flip due to being a boss = 11% chance he will Silence in a single attack.

But Colm will double attack so he needs to fail on Silence twice in order to flop on the boss kill (assuming he doesn't have the 17+ strength necessary to make it possible with a regular crit). So, basically a 20.79% chance to Silence within 2 attacks - and I was very generous with giving Colm max skill and the S-rank. If Colm has 20/1 stats with no S-rank, he has 29 crit on Riev which means a ~14% chance to Silence within 2 attacks. By the way... all this so far has assumed Colm has 100 hit. The 20/1 Shamshir Colm I described has 70 displayed hit (82.30 true hit).

Edited by Gryz
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killer lance seth

gg riev

Or even Ephraim might ORKO with Siegmund i'm too lazy to do maths

and again why 2 turn when 1 turning is just as easy

EDIT: oh you asked how

torch staff to reveal an area to warp bosskiller down near riev then he can wait next to riev or kill him on the PP depending on how far your torch range is

Edited by General Horace
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Or even Ephraim might ORKO with Siegmund i'm too lazy to do maths

Yeah, I mentioned that in a previous post.

Probably the easiest way to one-round Riev is to use Ephraim with 20 strength (his average at level 20/3-4) + Siegmund.

And by "easiest" I mean "without needing to rely on a crit"

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