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For essay section, use at least 3 examples that supports your point. That will guarantee you to have a good grade on it.

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For essay section, use at least 3 examples that supports your point. That will guarantee you to have a good grade on it.

I've been told to keep things at 4 paragraphs since I do not have the time to write 5 paragraphs.

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Man, I did well on these, but I took them so long ago.

Eat a good breakfast!

Do they think the essay portion even matters? When I was taking them, the writing portion was pretty new, and word was that the writing portion wouldn't be taken seriously by colleges (which is too bad since I think I got an 800).

If it's a fairly obscure example, or a well chosen personal anecdote, you can juts make something up for examples for your essay without much fear of discovery and downgrading, since the graders have only 2 minutes. Probably not very hard to come up with 3 true examples thought.

Edited by Jet Black Gunner
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Get a lot of sleep, eat a good breakfast, and try to get some work out or exercise before you test. It'll energize the brain, making it ready to do work.

Or get an incurable condition, like diabetes. Extra time? Extra 3 hours? Yes please.

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Get a lot of sleep, eat a good breakfast, and try to get some work out or exercise before you test. It'll energize the brain, making it ready to do work.

Or get an incurable condition, like diabetes. Extra time? Extra 3 hours? Yes please.

Psshaaaa, I wish there was a condition where you could get less time on standardized tests. At least in college you can often leave early.

Edited by Jet Black Gunner
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Well my friend who got a 12 on the essay said he told a sad story about his point involving an orphanage. Max I ever got was a 10 though. For the critical reading, relax because the answers are literally right in front of you (well except in the what was the author thinking ones, but those just require some critical thinking). Try to make a two word summary of each paragraph, that helps maintain your focus on the readings and finding the answers later on.

However, most of all, just be relaxed and make sure to eat before the exam.

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I wouldn't reallly know i'm in the midwest so emphasize is placed on the ACT instead , but if there anything alike I'd say always keep an eye on the clock .Don't dwell on individual questions too long or it could really hurt you . For the essay be sure you have 3 main points . Your body paragraphs should be one part evidence two parts explanation , be sure all 3 points support one central idea . Good writing is planned writing take 3-5 minutes to draft a short plan as well. Again I've only taken the ACT so take my advice with a grain of salt..

Edited by The_Purple_Knight
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Definitely get good sleep. I only got 5 hours asleep (because my baseball coach thought it would be a GREAT idea to have 5 am practices) and I ended up sleeping through parts of the math and reading sections, as well as the end of science. Still managed to do decently, but I know I could have done better. Oh well.

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Definitely get good sleep. I only got 5 hours asleep (because my baseball coach thought it would be a GREAT idea to have 5 am practices) and I ended up sleeping through parts of the math and reading sections, as well as the end of science. Still managed to do decently, but I know I could have done better. Oh well.

They added a science section?

What does it cover?

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They added a science section?

What does it cover?

My bad, I forgot to mention I took the ACT, since I'm from the midwest too. I apologize for any confusion, just figured that the advice would still help regardless.

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My bad, I forgot to mention I took the ACT, since I'm from the midwest too. I apologize for any confusion, just figured that the advice would still help regardless.

Oh. I didn't even know the ACT had a science section!

They do offer the ACT in the NE, but I didn't bother taking it. I did get a good score on the SAT, but it probably would've made sense to try the ACT too...I just didn't.

What is the science section like? I remember on the HSPAs, which is NJ's high school test that you have to pass to graduate, they introduced a science section our year, but the grade you got didn't matter to passing the exam. It wasn't really hard or anything, but I had fun with the open ended question which asked how volcanoes forms. I drew pictures of god, aliens, and godzilla making volcanoes, and then dinosaurs running from lava.

Edited by Jet Black Gunner
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Unfortunately, I took it well before there was an essay section, so I'll help you with the critical reading part instead.

Read through it once, and note down the subject and type of passage. Both will help you with the interpretation stuff that you'll come across later. Everything else should be supported with direct quotes from the reading, IIRC.

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Oh. I didn't even know the ACT had a science section!

They do offer the ACT in the NE, but I didn't bother taking it. I did get a good score on the SAT, but it probably would've made sense to try the ACT too...I just didn't.

What is the science section like? I remember on the HSPAs, which is NJ's high school test that you have to pass to graduate, they introduced a science section our year, but the grade you got didn't matter to passing the exam. It wasn't really hard or anything, but I had fun with the open ended question which asked how volcanoes forms. I drew pictures of god, aliens, and godzilla making volcanoes, and then dinosaurs running from lava.

Ehh IIRC it was just a bunch of graphs and questions asking you for information based on reading them. It was only even remotely considered "science" because the graphs were things like "based on this study, here's the rate of the growth of a plant" and stuff like that. It was extremely boring, and since you take it at the end of the exam (well right before the writing portion at least) I felt so tired I finished it in 10 minutes and went to sleep haha.

Hahahaha you remind me of what I did on the AP Calc exam. Looking back now it was probably a simple short answer question, but at the time I had no idea how to answer it, so instead of even trying I drew the most random pictures and freestyled a rap and wrote it on there. Shit was so ca$h.

Oh yeah another tip: Don't stress over a question for too long. If you don't know how to do it and like 30 seconds pass, just skip it and do it later. You want to answer as many questions as possible anyway. I'm not sure if it was this test specifically, but on the SAT is it actually better to skip a question instead of answering it wrong?

Edited by Helios
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Oh yeah another tip: Don't stress over a question for too long. If you don't know how to do it and like 30 seconds pass, just skip it and do it later. You want to answer as many questions as possible anyway. I'm not sure if it was this test specifically, but on the SAT is it actually better to skip a question instead of answering it wrong?

Well...I'm not sure how they grade it now, but about 5 or 6 years ago, there were 5 possible choices. And if you got it wrong, it was something like 1/4 of a correct answer (that's what I was told repeatedly anyway). So if you can eliminate at least 2, you should get a good chance of a higher score, and if you eliminate 3 you may as well guess if you're not sure.

And ya, skipping and coming back to questions is a great idea.

There are also math questions that require you to bubble in numbers, so for those you obviously don't want to guess unless you think you know what you're doing.

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1. sleep well

2. eat breakfast

3. excersize

4. take a drink and some snacks

5. take some earplugs with you if you have trouble concentrating because of background noise

6. fuck your lover the night before you take the SAT. Yes, this actually helps you relax and get a good score.

Edited by Daigoji Excellen
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Just got back from em.

I'm so sick of sitting! I'm gonna sit on mah computer and complain.

But still, it angers me I'll likely have to do this again.

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Hey~! You're probably either done with the test or just finishing it up. Regardless, I hope you did well, and don't worry too much about your score. I got into an awesome school with not quite so awesome math scores, so that just goes to show that they aren't the determining factor for admissions. XD Still, hopefully you did alright!

whats an sat

SAT Test

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