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You are in charge of the new Fire Emblem spin-off!

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Choose any FE character from a past installment to be the main character. What features would you change from previous installments, or adopt from other game series? Would it even be an SRPG at all? Feel free to make it as random nonsensical and non-FE like as you wish.

Alright, I'll give it a shot...

"Homer (ホメロス Homerosu, also known as Homeros) is a frequent tavern-goer and womanizer." ~Fire Emblem Wiki

After the events of Thracia 776, Homer runs off to sing songs about Leaf as a bard. One day while travelling, he is sucked into an alternate dimension. Instead of the pixelated madness of FE5, he is thrust into the poorly-detailed scenery of a first-person dungeon crawler. He is granted a party of four by the ruler of this world. He is prepared to start his journey, the way he meets many beautiful women. Naturally being a womanizer, he convinces them one by one to lend him a hand in his adventure. Men (some girls, too) in this world become jealous and decide he must DIE. Homer along with his beautiful female counterparts decide it is best he finds a way back to his world before he gets hurt. Eventually Homer finds his way home, and he is overjoyed when the girls he met choose to follow him back to FE world where he eventually has children with all of them.

Gameplay, would be pretty similar to the SMT series. Not very creative, but hey I tried!

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Well, if I could make a Fire Emblem spin-off of any sort, I'd make a fighting game. Main character is Marth (since not sure who else to pick), and you essentially are doing a big old war between the opposing side (or sides, depends on if it's villains versus heroes or a bit more complicated). Possibly some way to mix the tactical elements of the series with fighting game elements, but not sure how to do that exactly in a way that works out well. Just moving units on a map and engaging them in battles where the victor is determined by who wins the fighting game battle doesn't sound too tactical, but may work.

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Emblem Kart

Fire Emblem + Mario Kart

Race to the finish with your favorite FE characters! ... With absolutely no concern given to class balance!

The online is just... beyond horrible.

Half the players choose horse-mounted characters and select non-desert maps.

The other half choose magic characters and select the few desert themed maps.

You would think flying characters would be king. But you would be incorrect. The Blue Shell gets replaced with the Orion's Bolt - a magical arrow that seeks out the lead character. A flying unit hit by this is basically screwed for the entire race since the recovery process involves mashing the A button for like 30 seconds in order for your character to get back up and onto the mount. Yeah, there is a Delphi Shield item, but it only shows in the item roulette when you're in last place and with a very low probability.

Edited by Gryz
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I'd give it more RPG elements, though whether it be JRPG or WRPG elements, I dunno. It'd still be turn based, but maybe a bit more like a roguelike, or a more action-paced RPG? Just stepping away from the archaic and traditional grid-based design the series has sat in for over 22 years now.

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Well, if I could make a Fire Emblem spin-off of any sort, I'd make a fighting game. Just moving units on a map and engaging them in battles where the victor is determined by who wins the fighting game battle doesn't sound too tactical, but may work.

A basic tournament fighter could be interesting. Like brawl but with FE characters?

Emblem Kart

Fire Emblem + Mario Kart

Can we have huge Holy War maps!? gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

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Can we have huge Holy War maps!? gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

Yeah... they're included in the game, unfortunately. But no one wants to spend 30 minutes on a single race, so no one selects them other than the trolls.

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Emblem Party

Mario Party except FE charas and what have you's.

Mounted Units gets to roll a 8 sided die, while unmounted gets 5 sided die. Armors gets 4. Unmounted units have more "control" over what they roll, etc.

Gold = Coins

You can buy weapons like Halberds, Long Swords etc.

? = Stars, not sure what the winning condition is.

Only thieves can steal gold from charas. Only thieves can go through enemy Armors.

Thieves can't win combat very well because they have shitty stats.

You would be able to form alliances, but only one victor in the end.

When enemy units occupy the same space, they fight, loser can't move for X turns, etc.

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Fire Emblem crossed with Final Fight, Crossed with Castlevania, Crossed with Megaman!.

And make it multiplayer.

SO a multiplayer beat 'em up with a shit load of playable characters and platforms AND you can choose which chapters to do.

Bad part:IDK

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Yeah, it'd be Brawl like. Probably... 30 characters or so? Main hero, heroine, and villain of the game (maybe mix it up a bit), which gives a large level of variety simply due to how the various ones would be. Actually probably 33 or so, due to Awakening, since I wouldn't count 11/12, as those wouldn't really offer much new. I mean, that's close to SSB's roster number as it is. Maybe include one or two extra which would work well to provide variety (someone like Anna/Jake, or MU, etc., not tied solely to one FE necessarily). Stages would be a lot of fun, definitely a representative from each game, possibly some original ones depending on how the story plays out. (Alternatively last two could be Naga/Medeus, since playable dragons would be fun). Lots of potential here, I'm thinking something along the lines of Dissidia and SSB.

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Emblem Kart

Yeah, there is a Delphi Shield item, but it only shows in the item roulette when you're in last place and with a very low probability.

Doesn't matter people would RNG abuse.

Well, seeing as Pokemon is doing an SRPG, we should return the favour by doing Fire Emblem-themed pokemon. The characters from all the games have been changed into pokemon, and multiplied into the hundreds so that they are generic! You catch them, train them, and fight others who train them too. Promotions = evolutions. The main characters are Legendaries! The Gym Leaders and E4 are the nefarious villains behind the magic that changed your characters to little monsters. They are the villains of all the games. Coming Soon to a town near you: Pokemon Emblem

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Fire Emblem Dating Sim

Tired of having to slug through hours of gameplay to read those conversations? Fret no more! FEDS (^^) allows you take the role of a bachelor and fulfil your fantasies. With a whole cast of characters to seduce, the fun is limitless! Will Marth finally get Minerva to crack? Can Ephraim fend of his sister whilst trying to get into her best friends pants? With a wide array of special techniques such as Marth's Pants-off-mode and Ardan's Cry-of-desperation at your disposal, each character has a unique feel!

Playable characters:











Ardan (unlockable after game overing every other storyline)

Gameplay would consist of hanging around 1ft away from the target until they eventually decide to talk to you. Rinse and repeat twice and you've won!

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I wouldn't mind some sort of FE vs Soul Calibur like they did with Streetfighter and Tekken or Mavel and Capcom, plus it could hold true to the FE series by making whichever archers/snipers included a bit rubbish like they undoubtedly would be in a fight like that.

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There is only one thing I might want to change about the gameplay of the series. First of all, the playstyles and graphics of Awakening would stay put, but I would add one feature. You would have the normal fire emblem style character recruitment, but you chose what mercenaries you hire, and they each cost money, but you get a ton more. And if some are nice, they give discounts as they grow close to you, they vary in stats, you can recruit them one at a time or the entire group at once, bla bla bla.

For plot line, I'd probably do the life of Rath. Never been any FE bow-using main characters anyway. He obviouly had some quest to accomplish, and I don't know when he did it, but this would be about that quest, unless it was fighting Nergal.

Would've made an original story, but I'm pressed for time.

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Fire Emblem Puzzle Challenge!

This would be a new installment in the Puzzle Leage series (known in Japan as Panel de Pon), and also produced by Intelligent Systems. Here's some information about the series if you haven't heard of it. Rather than focusing on cute fairies, Pokemon, or Yoshi and his pals, this installment would feature the cast of Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon. Just as Pokemon Puzzle League games did, FE Puzzle Challenge! will bring some elements from its home game into the series. For example, the symbols on the puzzle blocks will feature images such as wyverns, swords, and magic tomes rather than the generic stars, moons, etc. The game would feature both single player and multi-player game modes. Naturally, all the character sprites and images for the game will be in a cute "Super Deformed" style to fit in with the rest of the Puzzle League series.

VS mode/ Story Mode: Play your way through an abridged version of Marth's story... in puzzle mode! The stages are called "Chapters," and each feature one or more of the boss enemies from the SRPG game as a computer opponent. Unlike in normal Puzzle League games, you pick one to three characters/ units to "fight" in each chapter. At the start of Chapter 1, you only have Marth and Caeda, but you will gain a new unit from the story, the last to join being Elice. Not every unit from the original game will be featured in this spinoff, only about fifteen or so who have the most importance to the plot. The screen is divided into two sides, one for the player and one for the computer. Unlike in other PanePon games, you have one active unit at a time from your chosen three (or less), and can switch between them freely. In this game, each unit only uses one type of weapon or magic even if they used more in the original game. This is important because the Weapon Triangle and Trinity of Magic are in effect! For example, if Marth is fighting an enemy who wields an axe, his Garbage Blocks (useless blocks that are thrown into your side by your oppoenent when they make a combo or chain) will be one line thicker than usual. The axe-using enemy's Garbage Blocks thrown onto Marth's side will be one line thinner. To prevent this system from being abused, there's a 30 second cooldown after switching characters before you're allowed to switch again. Tiki is a special case here, as she is uneffacted by both the Weapon Triangle and Trinity of Magic. Her Garbage Blocks don't change size based on the opponent's weapon. As always, once the pile of blocks reaches the top of the screen, that side loses you can continue if you lose, but you take a penalty to your overall score. Between chapters are cutscenes that tell the story of Marth's journey from espacing Altea to the ultimate showdown with Madeus.

Endless Mode: Pick your favorite character to represent you (in this game mode it's purely asthetic) and get cracking! The stack of blocks keeps on coming, and you need to line up three or more vertically or horizontally to make them disappear! There are no garbage blocks in this mode.

Puzzle Mode: In this mode, blocks are set up in special formations, and you only have a certain number of moves to make them all disappear. The blocks don't rise or increase in number, so you can take your time to think. Each set of ten stages is represented by one of the playable units, starting with Marth and going up to Elice. Before each character's set of stages, they will appear and give you some hints about the puzzles to come and what tactics you will need to beat them. For example, if Shiida's stages are about making combos, she might say, "Try to clear as many blocks as you can in a single move! If sliding one block one way will let you clear four or five at a time, do that first!"

Multiplayer: The multiplayer mode pits two players against each other in matches similar to Story Mode, the main difference being that your opponent is a living, breathing human being. Players can compete directly or over the Nintendo WFC. Each player chooses three units to bring to battle, and the game begins!

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Fire Emblem Puzzle Challenge!

This would be a new installment in the Puzzle Leage series (known in Japan as Panel de Pon), and also produced by Intelligent Systems. Here's some information about the series if you haven't heard of it. Rather than focusing on cute fairies, Pokemon, or Yoshi and his pals, this installment would feature the cast of Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon. Just as Pokemon Puzzle League games did, FE Puzzle Challenge! will bring some elements from its home game into the series. For example, the symbols on the puzzle blocks will feature images such as wyverns, swords, and magic tomes rather than the generic stars, moons, etc. The game would feature both single player and multi-player game modes. Naturally, all the character sprites and images for the game will be in a cute "Super Deformed" style to fit in with the rest of the Puzzle League series.

VS mode/ Story Mode: Play your way through an abridged version of Marth's story... in puzzle mode! The stages are called "Chapters," and each feature one or more of the boss enemies from the SRPG game as a computer opponent. Unlike in normal Puzzle League games, you pick one to three characters/ units to "fight" in each chapter. At the start of Chapter 1, you only have Marth and Caeda, but you will gain a new unit from the story, the last to join being Elice. Not every unit from the original game will be featured in this spinoff, only about fifteen or so who have the most importance to the plot. The screen is divided into two sides, one for the player and one for the computer. Unlike in other PanePon games, you have one active unit at a time from your chosen three (or less), and can switch between them freely. In this game, each unit only uses one type of weapon or magic even if they used more in the original game. This is important because the Weapon Triangle and Trinity of Magic are in effect! For example, if Marth is fighting an enemy who wields an axe, his Garbage Blocks (useless blocks that are thrown into your side by your oppoenent when they make a combo or chain) will be one line thicker than usual. The axe-using enemy's Garbage Blocks thrown onto Marth's side will be one line thinner. To prevent this system from being abused, there's a 30 second cooldown after switching characters before you're allowed to switch again. Tiki is a special case here, as she is uneffacted by both the Weapon Triangle and Trinity of Magic. Her Garbage Blocks don't change size based on the opponent's weapon. As always, once the pile of blocks reaches the top of the screen, that side loses you can continue if you lose, but you take a penalty to your overall score. Between chapters are cutscenes that tell the story of Marth's journey from espacing Altea to the ultimate showdown with Madeus.

Endless Mode: Pick your favorite character to represent you (in this game mode it's purely asthetic) and get cracking! The stack of blocks keeps on coming, and you need to line up three or more vertically or horizontally to make them disappear! There are no garbage blocks in this mode.

Puzzle Mode: In this mode, blocks are set up in special formations, and you only have a certain number of moves to make them all disappear. The blocks don't rise or increase in number, so you can take your time to think. Each set of ten stages is represented by one of the playable units, starting with Marth and going up to Elice. Before each character's set of stages, they will appear and give you some hints about the puzzles to come and what tactics you will need to beat them. For example, if Shiida's stages are about making combos, she might say, "Try to clear as many blocks as you can in a single move! If sliding one block one way will let you clear four or five at a time, do that first!"

Multiplayer: The multiplayer mode pits two players against each other in matches similar to Story Mode, the main difference being that your opponent is a living, breathing human being. Players can compete directly or over the Nintendo WFC. Each player chooses three units to bring to battle, and the game begins!

If we had an artist, we could do this. The graphics are compressed, but I'm pretty sure it's probably some simple LZ derivative. There was a translation of the original Panel de Pon, so we could likely use its resources in reference for the localized release (including graphics/text stuff). Or even just work from that translated project :)


Sounds pretty awesome.

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Oh no... I am now having terrible flashbacks of Pokemon Puzzle League.

Ash's stupid "I'M GONNA WIN!" line that he says a million times during gameplay is permanently etched into my brain. Also, Gary's Kingler saying "COOKIE! COOKIE!"

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There is only one thing I might want to change about the gameplay of the series. First of all, the playstyles and graphics of Awakening would stay put, but I would add one feature. You would have the normal fire emblem style character recruitment, but you chose what mercenaries you hire, and they each cost money, but you get a ton more. And if some are nice, they give discounts as they grow close to you, they vary in stats, you can recruit them one at a time or the entire group at once, bla bla bla.

For plot line, I'd probably do the life of Rath. Never been any FE bow-using main characters anyway. He obviouly had some quest to accomplish, and I don't know when he did it, but this would be about that quest, unless it was fighting Nergal.

Would've made an original story, but I'm pressed for time.

Mercenary Tycoon

Seperate from my original idea, I think a bow using FE lord would be pretty sweet. Protecting him/her would either be a new challenge, or he/she could be op and destroy everyone from a distance

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Fire Emblem MMO

you start by choosing a base class and creating your character around it. you start by either working for the king/queen as a soldier, as a mercenary or as bandit(can be changed whenever you want). you get to walk over a map where you can enter certain area's that commence a "chapter". for example you can enter a bandit hideout and start a rts map where you can try and beat the bandits with everyone else whom entered the hideout.

you can work yourself up to noble, mercenary leader or even king/queen. as leader of other people you can give them quests (for example slay bandits). If the king/queen desires so, he/she could start a war with another country.

you can level yourself up to level 100, from level 50 and on you could ask your superior to use a promotion item on you. (can't use it yourself). each level up will be random, though it will always be 3 stats, growths depend on class, personality and alliances.

all enemies are human, either players or NPC villagers (for bandits to destroy, for mercs/soldiers to protect)and maybe NPC bandits/NPC soldiers, to not make things unfair. if you win you are awarded with experience(20+(enemy level-level)) and 1% of the opponent's gold, if you lose you will respawn at your base (castle/merc hideout/bandit hideout/village)

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I think I'd rather have a Fire Emblem fighter that took inspiration from KoF, Street Fighter or Guilty Gear than from Brawl.

A brawler could work, but I think it might need to be more like the cutscene fights than the gameplay fights to be anything more interesting than a Golden Axe clone. I'd stop short of suggesting a Dynasty Warriors setup, though.

A Total War setup would be awesome, and I think a Civilization Fire Emblem would be cool too.

Sain would be the perfect protagonist for a spiritual sequel to Sengoku Rance. No rape though, Sain don't never go where he's not invited.

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