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Bye Bye America

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If he's worried about not having a degree in the subject area the teachers teach, then he's got it backwards. Good teachers know how to effectively get the material from the teacher to the student, and they give a shit about their students. This doesn't require a degree in the subject they teach.

Well, he lives by old standards, like 1950s standards and all.

Anyways, travel itself is a way to learn, and besides, I'll have to live up to his expectations, since he's pushing 70.

He does have a habit of calling anyone under 65 a snot-nosed brat, and he had an adventurous life.

On another hand, I understand the points of V-Raven and Eclipse, but I cannot articulate what my Father said into text very well.

Oh, and about 95% of the teachers we know are incompetant.

And, since my pop has taught at university level, and then he watches 25-30 year olds screwing up at the simplest teaching tasks in a classroom, he just doesn't want to have me in it.

Also, there is a chance that I could run into Frosty in the Phillipines!

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Try to give it a more positive feeling.

Like I heard how the philippines has one of the largest sex industries ever, especially child sex industries.

You might be able to purchase the services of a very special lady every day you're there!

You've made my day XD.

Also, he's what you people would describe as a "Geezer".

But heck, he collects books, old movies and OTR and he actually taught me how to enjoy movies with Laurence Olivier, James Stewart, and many other old actors.

Heck, he's the one who got me into Manga somehow.....and instilled bibliophillia in me.

Of course, he told me that premature balding runs in the family, and that I may be bald by 25.......-_-

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Here's a story from back when I was in high school:

During my senior year, the teachers went on strike. Before doing so, they assigned us a lot of homework. On the first day of the strike, the entire math class met to go over the homework. When the strike ended a month later, everyone was able to hand in something.

You as a student can do something about the subject matter. Even the worst of teachers can't deny you the opportunity to learn.

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In places like the Philippines, servants/maids are super cheap compared to what we expect in America/the First World. If you're only going to the Philippines for education, I suggest you get out as soon as you're done with it.

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I'll have to live up to his expectations.

Piss on what is expected of you by the people of the day before yesterday. You owe him nothing. Go out there and make your own rules.

That's the only way you'll get respect from me, anyway.

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Piss on what is expected of you by the people of the day before yesterday. You owe him nothing. Go out there and make your own rules.

That's the only way you'll get respect from me, anyway.

My own rules:

Get an education and get to live comfortably.

His expectations-

See above, only make it live lavishley and become famous.

I'm not thinking clearly these days

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My own rules:

Get an education and get to live comfortably.

His expectations-

See above, only make it live lavishley and become famous.

I'm not thinking clearly these days

you dungitit

that's not a rule

that's a plan.


feel free to try again.

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I agree with Excellen and Eclipse. While he is partly responsible for giving you life, your life is no your father's to be in control of.

Do you really want to move to the Philippines just because the education is cheaper and apparently "better"? While it is partly the lecturers who are responsible for your tasks and to teach you what you need to know in the subject, it is up to nobody but yourself to actually learn the work being taught and to get the work set for you done. It is the same no matter where you live.

If you want to go, then fair enough. Have you stopped to think whether or not you really do want to go? I know that if my father told me that we're moving from here to a third of a world away just because the education here is apparently crap and expensive, I'd tell him he's a bloody idiot. Plus, I'm not very clued up on what it's like in the Philippines, but I'd imagine Florida is a nicer place to live overall.

Edited by Raven
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It's kinda late to turn back now though isn't it? Everything's been prepared for the move. Doesn't help that nobody asked Greeny about these things until just now...

He mentioned a long time ago that he was moving and nobody said a thing about it XD Oh wait but that was probably only in the Folgore topic...

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It's kinda late to turn back now though isn't it? Everything's been prepared for the move. Doesn't help that nobody asked Greeny about these things until just now...

He mentioned a long time ago that he was moving and nobody said a thing about it XD Oh wait but that was probably only in the Folgore topic...

Well he seems pretty excited about going, or at least he doesn't seem against the fact.

I just hope he really thought it through first before agreeing to this, instead of taking the "papa's always right" approach. I also hope his father wasn't so selfish as to just one day get up and say "right guys we're all going to Philippines, no questions asked" but instead actually asked his family what they thought of the idea before setting things in stone.

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I don't understand. You're all moving because the education is cheaper for you? Plus you'll have housemaids and servants?

If your family can afford housemaids and servants in the Phillipines then why are they moving from the more expensive education system in Florida? I'm not saying it's a bad idea, but it seems... redundant to me.

This has already been kind of said, but the Phillipines is a fairly impoverished nation, the average person is really poor, and lives far below a first world standard. This means, however, that even someone who would be moderately poor here would be pretty rich in the Phillipines, and would be able to enjoy a fairly good quality of life there.

Basically they have terrible division of wealth.

Edited by Defeatist Elitist
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This has already been kind of said, but the Phillipines is a fairly impoverished nation, the average person is really poor, and lives far below a first world standard. This means, however, that even someone who would be moderately poor here would be pretty rich in the Phillipines, and would be able to enjoy a fairly good quality of life there.

Basically they have terrible division of wealth.

I see. I'm not all that clued up on how things are there so I don't want to go making assumptions about the place. But given what I do know, I'd choose to live in Florida over Philippines, regardless of the education systems, any day.

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Episode 23 is where Bandit Keith first confessed that he was actually Canadian.

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Also, Filipino chicks>American chicks, in looks.

What a laughable perspective. You can find such variety in America, including Filipino women.

Piss on what is expected of you by the people of the day before yesterday. You owe him nothing. Go out there and make your own rules.

That's the only way you'll get respect from me, anyway.

Ya. Fuck what his father thinks of him. More important to get the respect of some guy on the internet.

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