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I Can't Believe It's Still Not SFMM2 Minimafia - Randomlynch Wins


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I still think manix is town, same thing for eclipse. I'd be fine with a lynch though on ether though. I don't have a good read on her at all. I don't want blitz lynched either to be honest.

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I actually think eclipse is a bit scummy.

Interesting. Can you elaborate on this? I personally haven't seen her do anything scummy but ehh I don't catch everything.

It's because I don't like his attitude, but he's been saying nice things. Also, Manix didn't almost have Blitz lynched, you can't lynch someone when we still have 42 hours left. Maybe he noticed that later, after the vote count, and then he thought he still had time to save his scumbuddy and bussing wasn't really necessary.

Well in this game, once you drop the hammer on someone, regardless of how many hours are left, the phase ends and someone gets lynched. If the phase ends and we don't hammer anyone, then it's a random lynch, even if someone has more votes than others. At least that's what I think.

We're running out of time and need to pick a target. Though I personally find Blitz the scummiest right now, chances are he's just not playing well right now and I'm totally reading this wrong. What does everyone think?

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I don't feel most comfortable with a manix lynch either paperblade and i don't want to support that. Can we meet a common ground? IF you are thinking blitz is as town as i think he is then you can join him on his lynch if you want. He won't be on for phase end though so he can't change it from ether. At least i don't think he will be on for phase end.

Which means you can vote for ether or keep your vote on manix. But if people then didn't move with you to vote manix it ends up being a random lynch. I want your opinion paper on who you think is the most logical person to lynch. And i also want us to work as a town to pick one target. If we end up having split votes on people and a random gets lynched it doesn't help us when day 2 comes around with 2 people dead. We won't have good info. We won't have the ability to look at the reasons for wanting to vote said person and we will also have alot of people who refused to work as a group to pick one target. How does that help us work as a team and how does that help us decide whos scummy or not when everyone let it turn into a random lynch.

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For some reason, I also don't like Manix's attitude now: I didn't like his reason to vote Blitz much, nor his reason to unvote him, nor his argument about Blitz being just a player who wanted people to talk and Paperblade being scummier than him.

Hey. I already had to correct Clipsey on this: I did not vote Blitzy, ever. If you meant Helios, fine.

Not particularly. Manix' argument with Brad over the inactives issue isn't making him look great, IMO. It's been said earlier, but lynch people who are suspicious, not people who aren't doing a whole lot.

Wait. Let me find something I said. Oh, here we go:

It's just I didn't like your stance on lynching inactives, because it is still more counterproductive to town if we don't (given no other options).

If there is a good reason to not lynch an inactive (ie: town PR), fine, that's fair enough.

Bolded the important part. I have said that if there are better options, then go ahead.

(Also, I literally just woke up. So yeah.)

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I don't. I said that she was a neutral read, just leaning town. Doesn't mean i think she's town but doesn't mean i think she's scum either.. However i don't want a random lynch more. Random lynch gives us hardly any info. I don't want to lynch manix and i don't want to lynch eclipse. Unless you can provide ample reasoning. Out of your list the only person im fine with voting is ether. I never once said i would move my vote over to ether either. However a lynch on Ether is better than a random lynch i believe. I still would prefer someone like alpha though. That's only me though.

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Starting now, if you post in the game while you're not playing and are on the sub list, you will be removed from it for being a distraction (and to give other folks a chance).

Also, about 4.5 hours left!

Edited by Prims
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I don't. I said that she was a neutral read, just leaning town. Doesn't mean i think she's town but doesn't mean i think she's scum either.. However i don't want a random lynch more. Random lynch gives us hardly any info. I don't want to lynch manix and i don't want to lynch eclipse. Unless you can provide ample reasoning. Out of your list the only person im fine with voting is ether. I never once said i would move my vote over to ether either. However a lynch on Ether is better than a random lynch i believe. I still would prefer someone like alpha though. That's only me though.

What is the difference between Manix "seems town" and eclipse "townish vibe" and Ether "leaning town?"

Manix backtracked from "Paper doesn't want to lynch inactives he must be defending scumbuddies" and "wow you voted me? OMGUS" to "We can lynch an inactive as a last resort" and "I think you're town"

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Didn't manix state he would be fine lynching inactives if we didn't have better choices? Which i believe there are better choices.

Paperblade: leaning scum, see little discussion between us. Small feeling that we might just be town infighting, though.

Or if you meant blitz.

Blitzy: Vote jumping isn't really that useful. Still leaning slight scum.

The only people he said he thought were leaning town were eclipse and helios. Unless i missed a post, which is possible. In which case could you link to me so i could read it?

In regards to your other question to me they all seem town, I'm leaning town on all 3 of them from what i have seen so far. With ether being more of a neutral read. Of course i could just be bad at reading people, I need more practice at it.

Now question for you. You seem to want manix lynched and you have stated your reasoning to an extent but i figured manix's defense was enough to at least clear him for now unless he did something else. So why not look at other targets with the town as a whole? Do you really just think Manix is wholeheartedly scum? Is that the issue?

What happens if you end up drawing enough people to lynch manix because he seems scummy to you and after that he turns out something like doc? or cop? What happens then? Your reluctance to look for a different target by talking with the town wouldn't look that good.

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Interesting. Can you elaborate on this? I personally haven't seen her do anything scummy but ehh I don't catch everything.

Well in this game, once you drop the hammer on someone, regardless of how many hours are left, the phase ends and someone gets lynched. If the phase ends and we don't hammer anyone, then it's a random lynch, even if someone has more votes than others. At least that's what I think.

We're running out of time and need to pick a target. Though I personally find Blitz the scummiest right now, chances are he's just not playing well right now and I'm totally reading this wrong. What does everyone think?

I thought Manix voted Blitz, but actually he voted you. I made a mistake. Either way, my case still stands.

I think Blitz's lynch will reveal some things to us. Like Clipsey said in Haphazard Mafia, we'll get to know who's who and analyze their actions depending on his flip. If Blitz is Mafia, then Manix is also Mafia for trying to defend him/advert the lynch from him and point to Paperblade instead. I'm not so sure about this, but that's all I have. It doesn't help to say that Blitz is the scummiest player in my opinion, right now.

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Looking at it form that way rapier, paperblade also doesn't want blitz to be lynched and hasn't for quite a while. Whats to say he wouldn't be the scum buddy there rapier? He could easily be blitz's scum buddy and then force a lynch on manix since he looked scummy to a few players.

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I didn't vote Blitz because it would have been a hammer, ending the phase early and leaving town without this discussion. Let me quote something else I said.

2)I'd like to see Paper or Blitzy lynched, but we can't afford to hammer too early, so I'm not going onto Blitzy yet.


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Jesus Christ! I'm sorry, lacrosse season just ended, I'll have more time now, but I'm sorry for not being able to post when I'm asleep or in school. I'll reply to everything else in a second, just got home.

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Didn't manix state he would be fine lynching inactives if we didn't have better choices? Which i believe there are better choices.

Yeah, that's what he said later. I said that lynching inactives is dumb, and he said "No it's not the only reason you wouldn't want to lynch an inactive is if they're you're scumbuddy or you don't want to lynch a PR but an inactive PR is worthless so you must be covering for your scumbuddy."

The only people he said he thought were leaning town were eclipse and helios. Unless i missed a post, which is possible. In which case could you link to me so i could read it?

"There's a chance we are townies infighting" is him backtracking. He qualified his thoughts on the matter. Why?

In regards to your other question to me they all seem town, I'm leaning town on all 3 of them from what i have seen so far. With ether being more of a neutral read. Of course i could just be bad at reading people, I need more practice at it.

Ether is avoiding giving real opinions on anything. Here's the extent of Ether's thoughts:

Early hammering is bad so people that are the third/fourth votes are scummy.

While I agree that people jumping on bandwagons are questionable, why does he feel the need to keep making the same point over and over? He lacks opinions.

Now question for you. You seem to want manix lynched and you have stated your reasoning to an extent but i figured manix's defense was enough to at least clear him for now unless he did something else. So why not look at other targets with the town as a whole? Do you really just think Manix is wholeheartedly scum? Is that the issue?

What defense? He wants me to get off his back but isn't providing a better lynch target. It was a bad defense, eclipse, Ether, and Blitz thought so as well.

What happens if you end up drawing enough people to lynch manix because he seems scummy to you and after that he turns out something like doc? or cop? What happens then? Your reluctance to look for a different target by talking with the town wouldn't look that good.

This argument is dumb. You are factually wrong: I listed other people I am okay with lynching (in fact the only lynch I am adamantly against is Blitz). Just because you disagree with my suspicions and no one else is around doesn't mean I'm tunneling.

"You look bad for trying to lynch a PR who has not outed and has given no hints that he is a PR." This makes no sense. Are you saying I shouldn't push a lynch on something I think is scummy because there's a chance I am wrong and he is a PR? I better not push for a lynch on anyone ever then, because they might be the cop! No, if Manix is town he needs to play better.

"Blitz is clearly scumbuddies with Paperblade who is looking out for him"

You are dumb and wrong. Thinking someone is town doesn't immediately make you scumbuddies

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No, the point isn't to whine about "I was only around for one lynch", the point was to improve so that you'd be around for more than one lynch. Your reasons for not liking Blitz and Helios are completely opposite, as is what you said about Rapier and Shinori. I'm not certain if this is because you're not paying attention, are still kinda new at this, or are trying to twist things around so people get the wrong impression. I should be back right before phase end, so I have no problems leaving my vote where it is for now

7. Rapier: Said less than me, and hasn't made any worthwhile votes. Neutral, I guess.

9. Shinori: Helping out the best he can, I guess. Not saying much worthwhile, but he's been pretty active and gives his opinion often enough.

Rapier, at the time of my posting, had very few posts. I guess Shinori hadn't made any worthwhile ones, but it's been clear he's trying to be as active as possible.

5. Helios: He gives a lot of reasoning for his choices, which I actually see as slightly scummy. If he thought he was suggesting people who we'd agree with, he wouldn't have to try to cover every angle.

2. Cap'n Flint: I've already said this: His vote jumping and utter lack of a defense is why I have my vote on him. Shinori, I completely disagree with what you said about the lack of defense being a townie. It's pretty clear he either wants to be killed or has no idea what he's doing.

How are these opposite? Helios has been providing too much reasoning for my tastes, being over-analytical. I haven't read his recent posts, so I'll check up on those, but how is that opposite for anything? And I have no idea what you mean with Blitz, what's there to like about somebody who's vote jumping and refusing to defend himself?

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I think Blitz's lynch will reveal some things to us. Like Clipsey said in Haphazard Mafia, we'll get to know who's who and analyze their actions depending on his flip. If Blitz is Mafia, then Manix is also Mafia for trying to defend him/advert the lynch from him and point to Paperblade instead. I'm not so sure about this, but that's all I have. It doesn't help to say that Blitz is the scummiest player in my opinion, right now.

I agree with Rapier's reasoning here. Blitz hasn't helped throughout the day, either, which is why my vote will stay on him.

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This argument is dumb. You are factually wrong: I listed other people I am okay with lynching (in fact the only lynch I am adamantly against is Blitz). Just because you disagree with my suspicions and no one else is around doesn't mean I'm tunneling.

"You look bad for trying to lynch a PR who has not outed and has given no hints that he is a PR." This makes no sense. Are you saying I shouldn't push a lynch on something I think is scummy because there's a chance I am wrong and he is a PR? I better not push for a lynch on anyone ever then, because they might be the cop! No, if Manix is town he needs to play better.

"Blitz is clearly scumbuddies with Paperblade who is looking out for him"

You are dumb and wrong. Thinking someone is town doesn't immediately make you scumbuddies

I didn't mean to imply that you would be scum if we lynched a town, I more or less meant it could be bad if you DID end up tunneling when other townies came online. I also never actually said you were scumbuddies because of you thinking blitz was town. I was correcting rapiers thoughts where he was saying manix would most likely be scum if blitz flipped scum which i disagreed with. If i had said blitz is scum buddies with you because you said he was town, then i would be calling myself scum as well because i said i think blitz is town as well.

I also admit that i wasn't entirely sure at the ether argument and I know i was wrong there. As i stated i need help at scum hunting players as i tend to do a bad job of it. I used to always vote for inactives and that never got me going anywhere so i've been trying to look for more reasoning behind votes. I always think i may over think things. I tend to think, "There's no way this could make this person seem scummy" or "This seems townish because a scum wouldn't be that dumb to do that" And i need to get better at it. Thank you for pointing out faults such as this.

Blitz also needs to return i would love to hear his thoughts on the current matters.

For now after rereading manix's posts and rethinking my thoughts and being yelled at by paperblade and blatantly showed how stupid i am, I'm going to end my post with this.


##Vote: Manix

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