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I Can't Believe It's Still Not SFMM2 Minimafia - Randomlynch Wins


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Eh, it's just a thought. I could be completely wrong.

I really don't think there would be an SK in the game, because we could be at MYLO D2. yeahhhhhh nope

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Well, I kind of want Rapier to share some more. This may be a bit hypocritical coming from me, but he hasn't said a whole lot, either.

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##Unvote, ##Vote Helios

A lot of his posts for the first half of the game (up til page 5 on 40ppp) were pretty devoid of content. Like, he was talking about stuff totally unrelated to the game. =/

Then a lot of his later posts... are kind of eh. He seems to think a lot of people look townish and claims to spend a lot of time rereading the thread but... He doesn't really pressure anyone and just sort of waffles around and goes "guys Blitz is scummy."

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Votal Time !!

Helios (1) - Paperblade

Rapier (1) - Shinori

Not Voting: Aere, eclipse, Ether, Helios, Manix, Rapier

With 8 alive, it takes 5 to lynch. You have under 69 hours left in the day.

Edited by Prims
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Gonna agree with everyone who said that there isn't an SK. Highly doubt we would have no kills with an SK around, unless their's a doc AND BG or something.

I think that Manix hit a safeguard more than anything. Chances are this early in the game, Manix was watching an obvitown, and if there's a town safeguard chances are he/she went for the same target. If that's the case it could explain your role failure.

My bad for the sporadic posting; I just have been on the internet at random times during the day and I've been paying more attention to trying to win Haphazard than this game. I gotta reread the thread so I can get better info. I'm sorry I didn't change my vote 38927 times to pressure everyone lol, I just pressured Ether and Blitz, and in the end I thought Blitz was the scummiest so I voted him.

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Why the hell would a town safeguard hit the most obvious town target? That's asking for the doctor to fail, among other things.

Seeing that Blitz was the L-1 on Helios, and Blitz was town, that makes Helios ever-so-slightly less townlike on that front. Manix is claiming blocked, and I have to wonder why.

Anyway, go doctor, whoever you are. Now, then. . .

##Vote: Aere

Why do you think there's a SK? I have no reason to believe there is one, so I want you to explain your logic. Clearly.

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Honestly, the main reasoning behind an SK was flawed, from my end. I misinterpreted Manix's fail/failed mafia kill into an SK with defensive traits. But, there was no kill at all, so...

Why would you wonder why Manix was blocked? If he's the watcher, one of the mafias could have blocked him because they thought there was a good chance Manix would inspect them during the night.

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Why would you wonder why Manix was blocked? If he's the watcher, one of the mafias could have blocked him because they thought there was a good chance Manix would inspect them during the night.

This is a good point. They would want me to have as little information as possible, making it easier on them to win.

And I don't think a mafia will tell you if they did it...

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I don't think there's a SK, the Doctor would have to be the luckiest person alive to stop two night kills. I also think Manix hit someone who was being protected by the Safeguard, that's why I wanted to know who he targetted, I think the only reason a Safeguard would protect someone in D1 is if it's his scumbuddy, since the only claim we had was Manix's.

Was anyone else roleblocked during the Night?

Uhh, quick question. If I was mafia, why in the hell would I let a random lynch happen, which could hit me or a teammate, when I could force a guaranteed mislynch, and likely get less backlash for it overall? Give me a little credit, guys, I'm not that stupid.

Good excuse, bad reasoning. It still doesn't change the fact that you had no opinion about lynching Blitz or not lynching him, and you let people choose over what you should do - people who could be scum, or third-parties. This is a game that -requires- you to have an opinion, especially on D1 where everyone can be scum. Still, I don't think you're scummy. I'm leaning towards third-party.

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I was not roleblocker last night that i know of. Of course even if i was role blocked i wouldn't know it.

So you idled?

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- you will be told whether your action failed or not, but not what caused it to fail

- you will be told if your action is redirected

If that answers your questions about that (from the rules)

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So Shinori has a passive role, unless he's lying/he's the guy Manix watched. Not many passive roles are scum, I guess.

Damn it I can't think of anyone to lynch.

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I'd still like to hear back from Helios other than a "Sorry I can't post I think it was a safeguard."

I don't see any reason for it to be a safeguard as opposed to any sort of hooking ability or Manix lying. =/

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Votal Time !!

Aere (1) - eclipse

Helios (1) - Paperblade

Rapier (1) - Shinori

Not Voting: Aere, Ether, Helios, Manix, Rapier

With 8 alive, it takes 5 to lynch. You have 48 hours left in the day.

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I'd still like to hear back from Helios other than a "Sorry I can't post I think it was a safeguard."

I don't see any reason for it to be a safeguard as opposed to any sort of hooking ability or Manix lying. =/

I didn't know Hookers could roleblock.

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