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So, how do you think Jugdral and Tellius are doing nowadays? (SPOILERS)


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The first kanji looks right; the second doesn't.

Does that one fit when Eirika uses it in her dialogue? It might just be a matter of font, but it looks pretty different, even if it's not so clear in the image.

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Pardon me for interrupting the flow. Couldn't resist, had to sign up to post this tidbit: Tellius = Jugdral. The maps line up rather nicely, if you rotate Tellius' map 180 degrees.

First thing to note, is the tower on the island east-southeast that has the name "Asmin" on it:


Whether Asmin is referring to the island or the tower, I don't know. Now then, a tower on an island. Friend of mine instantly thought of Blaggi Tower, so I decided to compare maps. Rotate Tellius' map:



Very similar, wouldn't you say? (Just disregard Phoenicis/Kilvas. They appeared/disappeared sometime, I guess.) The desert is even the same general location...sort of. ...And the "tower on an island" syndrome.

I was always bothered that the rest of Tellius' land mass wasn't explored further. Desert to the east, Hatari located somewhere passed it, and the extension to the north on the eastern side. So much uncharted land! Incomplete map! -complains-

Whether FE9/10's timeline is before or after FE4's is still debatable, but this adds a little to the speculations. I really want to bring up the song about the white heron princess and the raven prince. That puts 9/10 before 13, at least. I'd like to think it's significant, and not just a reference for fun.


Couple thoughts on the mysterious Paris.

First is mostly about the first Holy King. If Paris is actually the Holy King from 1000 years ago, I for one hope he's either a manakete or laguz/taguel, if only so that there isn't a funky time/dimension travel explanation. You know, since manaketes can live for a few thousand years and apparently so can bunny taguel, not to mention dragon or heron laguz...Lehran is HOW old...? Time travel and dimension hopping is rather cliche (personal opinion), and we already have both in Awakening. Do not want more of it.

However, the taguel part seems both likely and unlikely because of this: the first Holy King--according to Velvet--freed the taguel from slavery. Perhaps a fairy-tale story about a taguel gaining the trust of enough humans in order to free his kin. But, it's too much of a fairy-tale to happen, given what happens in Tellius. Being a manakete makes a bit of sense. We don't know the position of manaketes around the time of the first Holy King, though it might be worth remembering that Tiki was/is hailed as a "divine dragon priestess"--at least in..."Warm". (Tiki may very well be a special case, as she "has the power to destroy the world". Three quick possibilities: 1-Tiki is a special case, 2-Tiki is a special case and thus influenced opinions about other manaketes to the positive, or 3-Tiki's position has no effect whatsoever.) Manaketes might have also been persecuted because of the ability to transform into a creature, but, they might not have been. Manaketes and taguels are similar because of the transformation aspect, so perhaps the similarity caused a certain manakete to attempt to free the taguel from slavery; that certain manakete eventually becoming the first Holy King.

...Oops, I make it sound like freeing the taguel was the only thing he did. Just for clarity: I'm focusing on that one aspect to try to make of sense of whether or not he could have been a manakete or taguel. ...IF Paris turns out to be him (the first Holy King), thus explaining why he shows up 1000 years later in Awakening's timeline.

SECOND... Maybe the first Holy King was Ike. Why not. Even if Ike's character makes him unlike to have taken the ruler position, depending on exactly what happened at that time he might not have but the people decided to name him the first king regardless. ...Or the legends became skewed as time passed. Or both. (Edit while still writing the post! Velvet says the first Holy King argued that humans and taguel are "the same"? That just SCREAMS Ike. You know, 'people' are 'people', regardless of what color their hair or skin is or whether they have claws or a tail or wings. Somehow didn't catch it until just now..)

This kinda means Paris is some random important--or semi-important--person we'll find out more about when that SpotPass chapter comes. Or...

Third, that Paris is a person that time traveled or went through a dimensional gate. ...This prospect is so uninteresting to me. It's exciting at first, but it gets old fast.

End of thoughts.

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They're similar... but Silesia/Augustria connecting and the various islands appearing makes it kinda hard for me to believe. I suggested elsewhere that map differences could be caused by the fact that map making was not precise in the pre-gunpowder era, but missing entire chunks of land seems awfully unlikely. It's possible some sort of significant event (natural or otherwise) could have caused the change, though.

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I've been thinking that, should Paris end up being some form of Ike that the people just started calling him Holy King as opposed to him taking up a ruler role. After all, if a person has enough sway over people that whatever he says goes, they may as well be a king.

Judgral and Tellius do look pretty similar. The only problem is how do we explain the islands and what happened to them, though, if there was a large amount of time in between them it's possible something happened that altered the geography.

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It is entirely possible that at the time the other continents started popping up(assuming some earthquake happened that triggered them or something) the water displacement covered up the islands and natural bridge between silesia/augustria thus creating jugdral

There is no use speculating what Paris is , we'll know in like a month and a half(if they are consistent)

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Thinking about Tellius:



How long has it been? A hundred years? Five hundred?


About twelve hundred years.


I see. For mortals, that is many, many lives.


Yes. The peace we once had is on the verge of crumbling again.


That is unfortunate. The miasma of war is beginning to shroud the world. However, I shall not again be frightened. As one born of the hopes of man I shall protect this world.

That conversation bothers me a bit. Are they referring to when she was split as Ashera and Yune (thus the end of FE10), or the previous time she was the whole being, Ashunera? I see it going either way quite easily...

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@Tsamimi: That comparison totally blew my mind apart! That's an absolutely incredible discovery, and I'm inclined to think that you're on to something.

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That's a fascinating find. Makes sense if the comparison isn't perfect: the timespan from FE1/3 to FE13 is at least as much as the timespan from FE9/10 to FE4, so it makes sense that we'd see just as big changes. The real question is, why don't we hear about the Laguz in FE4, in that case?

That conversation bothers me a bit. Are they referring to when she was split as Ashera and Yune (thus the end of FE10), or the previous time she was the whole being, Ashunera? I see it going either way quite easily...

Hm... now that you mention it, I'm not sure. If she's saying it was just 400 years since the end of FE10, that wouldn't fit with the Scouring; it puts it too close to the other games.

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Really intersting. Though the Kilvas & Phoenics disappearing could be the ocean level decreased a little and they became Trove in Silesia. If the Laguz have anything to do with Holy blood it's fitting that Bird Laguz would be located closest to what would become Silesia and most of the Pegasus Knights which in Tellius are associated with Begnion which is essentially in the same spot and became Silesia which is associated with Pegasus Knights and Wind Mages.

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It's possible the flood some how wipes out FE4 or something like that. It's also kinda of similar with Holy Blood Markings and Branded marks.

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It's possible the flood some how wipes out FE4 or something like that. It's also kinda of similar with Holy Blood Markings and Branded marks.

The flood what?

I think it's pretty much consensus now that FE9/10 are the first games in the series; the only question is how they connect to the rest.

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The flood affected the world outside of the continent of Tellius, or at least the part of Tellius that we know from 9/10. Perhaps 4 actually took place before 9/10. Although, 1/3 is about 1000 years after 4, and 13 is 2000 years after 1/3...and 1000 years prior to 13 there was major activity on the Akaneia/Iris continent. Seems to point in the direction of 9/10 being before everything else. ...Or the flood was the apocalypse of the world outside the one continent. But that's silly; that prospect just destroys all the stories from the other games.

Curious. Could the tower on the island in Tellius' map actually be Blaggi Tower?

If so, that puts 9/10 after 4. Might be a coincidence; there could have been a random (or not-so-random) tower there in the past, and Blaggi constructed a new one sometime after the original was destroyed? Didn't find anything mentioned about him 'rebuilding' a tower, but that little detail may have been omitted from history so as not to detract from the great "Blaggi Tower". <--9/10 is before 4 in this case

Very curious about where the laguz disappeared to. Would be a little odd if there was so much interbreeding between laguz and humans that the laguz races dwindled into near-extinction. Ok, very odd, though not completely debunked. [Weee, double edit: Methinks the taguel race is some sort of evolved type of laguz. How else do you explain Chambray being entirely taguel and Velvet not loosing her abilities when he's born?]

edit: A thought I have: the marks might be some sort of 'natural law' type thing in the Fire Emblem world(s) caused by mixed blood. It just...happens, and randomly at that. Meh, just a little thought.

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Very curious about where the laguz disappeared to. Would be a little odd if there was so much interbreeding between laguz and humans that the laguz races dwindled into near-extinction. Ok, very odd, though not completely debunked. [Weee, double edit: Methinks the taguel race is some sort of evolved type of laguz. How else do you explain Chambray being entirely taguel and Velvet not loosing her abilities when he's born?]

edit: A thought I have: the marks might be some sort of 'natural law' type thing in the Fire Emblem world(s) caused by mixed blood. It just...happens, and randomly at that. Meh, just a little thought.

[spoiler=Chambray Spoiler]

There was some information from Chambray's support with his father, that they are not his biological father and that Velvet had an encounter with another Taguel.

That's about all we know.

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[spoiler=Chambray Spoiler]

There was some information from Chambray's support with his father, that they are not his biological father and that Velvet had an encounter with another Taguel.

That's about all we know.

So it confirms there was another Taguel? I thought Velvet was the last until Chambray.

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For some reason, I always thought the tower at Asmin was where the Guiding Tower was originally planned to be, but they decided to put the Guiding Tower at Sienne and couldn't be bothered to remove it from Asmin.

Asmin's Japanese name "Animus" (same root as Anima, I believe) sounds awfully suspicious to me.

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Assuming that the taguel may have been an evolution of the laguz, would they have marks of their species as well? If not, does that mean they are full-blooded taguel or lying about being one?

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I'd be very interesting in seeing that Linus & Lloyd / Mark dialogue translated. Along with FE8, FE7 is the only game left that doesn't have a strong connection to the rest of the series yet, and any clues could prove valuable.

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I'd be very interesting in seeing that Linus & Lloyd / Mark dialogue translated. Along with FE8, FE7 is the only game left that doesn't have a strong connection to the rest of the series yet, and any clues could prove valuable.

Dragon's Gate perhaps? It is most likely the same gate used here to access the "Other World"

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In addition to the Dragon's Gate seeming to lead to Archanea, the Scouring and Ending Winter being linked to the dragons' downfall on Archanea seems like a clear connection to Elibe that also makes it easy to fit on a timeline.

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And perhaps the Scouring and Ending Winter caused the extinction of the laguz, and only the dragons (which became Manaketes) survived.

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And perhaps the Scouring and Ending Winter caused the extinction of the laguz, and only the dragons (which became Manaketes) survived.

Don't think so; apparently a lot of the Laguz were still alive 2600 years later as Taguels. Not so many are alive 3600 years later as of FE13, but the support mentioning the Holy King freeing the Taguels indicates there must have been plenty of them 1000 years before FE13.

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