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Game Timeline Discussion


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If I remember correctly, you can see the bottom part of a continent that looks like Magvel on the FE13 map, which means the earthquake in FE8 couldn't've happened yet, placing FE8 as the latest, chronologically.

We're not sure what that continent is. We can't see a whole lot of it.

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We're not sure what that continent is. We can't see a whole lot of it.

Are there any pictures? I'd like to see it for myself if I could, but the map on the site here is more cartoony and doesn't show anything else.

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Are there any pictures? I'd like to see it for myself if I could, but the map on the site here is more cartoony and doesn't show anything else.

I don't know of any images or have a good way to take one myself, but looking at it... there's one part that seems to match the southeast part with Grado and Jehanna, but the rest of the south edge doesn't really line up with Grado: it appears to be much more round and sticks out in one place. So I'm not sure.

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Quick question. I'm not sure that this is quite the right thread to ask this, but this thread is about the timeline, and what's been bugging me is on the site's timeline.

In the 'Mystery of the Emblem' timeline, there's a bit which confuses me.

Around -1000

- Decline of the dragon tribe.

- Signs of degeneration, fall of birth rate.

- By the elders' advice, part of the dragon tribe takes human form.

By 'taking on human form', does it mean that they 'became' the origin of humanity? As in, humanity in the setting are simply dragons that shapechanged into a new form and there are no 'real' humans?

I would assume that this is not the case, because I can't remember this being mentioned anywhere else, but the wording bothers me enough that I feel compelled to ask. My guess is that it's talking about the dragons that stay in human form most of the time and use dragonstones to shift back, as opposed to dragons that primarily stay in their true forms and occasionally take on human form.

But like I said, annoying wording is annoying so clarification would be nice.

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Quick question. I'm not sure that this is quite the right thread to ask this, but this thread is about the timeline, and what's been bugging me is on the site's timeline.

In the 'Mystery of the Emblem' timeline, there's a bit which confuses me.

Around -1000

- Decline of the dragon tribe.

- Signs of degeneration, fall of birth rate.

- By the elders' advice, part of the dragon tribe takes human form.

By 'taking on human form', does it mean that they 'became' the origin of humanity? As in, humanity in the setting are simply dragons that shapechanged into a new form and there are no 'real' humans?

I would assume that this is not the case, because I can't remember this being mentioned anywhere else, but the wording bothers me enough that I feel compelled to ask. My guess is that it's talking about the dragons that stay in human form most of the time and use dragonstones to shift back, as opposed to dragons that primarily stay in their true forms and occasionally take on human form.

But like I said, annoying wording is annoying so clarification would be nice.

"Taking on human form" refers to them becoming Manaketes. Note that Manaketes are in the form of humans when not using dragonstones.

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No FE1 takes place in year -100 something and FE4 takes place in +700 something so almost a thousand year difference there

One, FE1 and FE4 use different calenders. FE4 uses the Gran calender, while FE1 uses the Akaneian calender. 2.FE1 is set in 604-5, not -100. Actually, by the time of FE4, the calender used in FE1 hasn't even started yet, and wouldn't for a few hundred years or so I think.

The reason that they don't use the same calender is why we have confusion such as when to "connect" the Akaneian and Jugdral timelines, and such.

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I remember someone did the math. The Lopto Cult starts in year Gran 440, which I think corresponds to around Archanea -740, when the Earth Dragons fight humans. FE4 and FE5 take place just over 300 years later (Gran 757-777), so that's like Archanea -400, 1000 years before FE1/2/3 (Archanea 604-608). Which is less than I remember them saying. Maybe it had to be before that time?

Whatever, I'll work with that. Now, if we assume the Ending Winter corresponds to Archanea -1000, which seems like a safe bet, and therefore use the Elibe calender starting from it, that gives us the following timeline on it for the easiest-to-place games:

FE4/5: ~600

FE6/7: ~1000

FE1/2/3: ~1600

FE13: ~3600

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and FE8?

FE8 is not so easy to place. As I noted earlier, I'm waiting on more info from FE13 before making any guesses.

One other thing I remembered is that because of FE13's time-travel and past-changing wackery, it might be very much nonsensical to meet characters from the future. If FE8 takes place some time after FE13, that would mean that following the bad timeline ending for FE13, FE8 probably couldn't happen. But the appearance of FE8 characters in the Other-World indicates that FE8 either did happen or could happen, and those maps are available from rather early, so it seems odd that with the timeline wackery, the future would already be so set by that point as to necessarily allow for it.

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Even if Mark from Awakening is Mark from Blazing Sword, that doesn't necessarily put Blazing Sword after Awakening.

We have a time and dimension traveling Other World Gate as a plot device.

Of course, we need to wait for Mark's ending to see if s/he really is the 7 guy.

EDIT:I just noticed that could be considered a spoiler. I am stupid. Sorry!

yeah thats also right.

I realized,that the mark thing may even hint at FE7 playing before FE13(at least from marks point of view),since mark can't fight in FE7,but by the time of FE13,he learned how to fight.

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"Taking on human form" refers to them becoming Manaketes. Note that Manaketes are in the form of humans when not using dragonstones.

Ah thanks. So humanity and dragons/manaketes are entirely seperate species?

Sorry to be persistent about this, but this was really annoying me for some reason.

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Ah thanks. So humanity and dragons/manaketes are entirely seperate species?

Sorry to be persistent about this, but this was really annoying me for some reason.

More or less. If you believe the "Tellius is the start of the timeline, and the humans are descended from Beorc, and the Manakete/Taguel are descended from Laguz" theory then they have a common ancestor, but otherwise, yes they are separate species.

Yet they can breed. I'd not worry about it.

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I remember someone did the math. The Lopto Cult starts in year Gran 440, which I think corresponds to around Archanea -740, when the Earth Dragons fight humans. FE4 and FE5 take place just over 300 years later (Gran 757-777), so that's like Archanea -400, 1000 years before FE1/2/3 (Archanea 604-608). Which is less than I remember them saying. Maybe it had to be before that time?

Whatever, I'll work with that. Now, if we assume the Ending Winter corresponds to Archanea 1000, which seems like a safe bet, and therefore use the Elibe calender starting from it, that gives us the following timeline on it for the easiest-to-place games:

FE4/5: ~600

FE6/7: ~1000

FE1/2/3: ~1600

FE13: ~3600

That would've likely been me, but I made some pretty obvious errors at the time. I've since cleaned up the synchronisation and thrown it together here. The Arch/Jug dates are more like:

Lopt Sect formation/Earth Dragon war: -740 Arch. / 440 Gran

Start of FE4: -423 Arch. / 757 Gran

Foundation of Archanea: 0 Arch. / 1180 Gran

Start of FE1: 604 Arch. / 1784 Gran

End of FE3: 608 Arch. / 1788 Gran

That's not all that important now I think about it, but eh.

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I was referring to how some (VincentASM I think) were claiming manaketes became bound to dragonstones 1000 years before Marth's time. I was contesting that and arguing it happened tens of thousands of years before Marth.

EDIT: I see the timeline does claim only a thousand years since dragonstones emerged. Not really sure what to make of that--perhaps Xane meant that the dragon civilization began tens of thousands of years ago?

FAKE EDIT: And now I see that time is measured relative to Akaneia, not to Marth. So ~1600 years.

Just to clarify, although it's probably all sorted now.

Archanea -4000 is the golden age of dragons, when they were at the height of power.

Then, later, in Archanea -1000 is when the mysterious decline occured.

I believe Xane is talking about dragons first appearing on Archanea tens of thousands of years before Marth's time. The first dragons were probably pretty primitive and it likely took many thousands of years to reach their golden age.

Are there any pictures? I'd like to see it for myself if I could, but the map on the site here is more cartoony and doesn't show anything else.

I'd love to have pictures or footage as well.

Here's the few images I've got:

The northern continent

...And I don't think I got around to showing this off:

The southern continent

IIRC, there's one or two more continents, from when I was discussing with Othin.

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Just to clarify, although it's probably all sorted now.

Archanea -4000 is the golden age of dragons, when they were at the height of power.

Then, later, in Archanea -1000 is when the mysterious decline occured.

I believe Xane is talking about dragons first appearing on Archanea tens of thousands of years before Marth's time. The first dragons were probably pretty primitive and it likely took many thousands of years to reach their golden age.

I'd love to have pictures or footage as well.

Here's the few images I've got:

The northern continent

...And I don't think I got around to showing this off:

The southern continent

IIRC, there's one or two more continents, from when I was discussing with Othin.

Taking a good look at the southern continent, I think it's most likely Elibe. The slightly mountainous peninsula is pretty similarly shaped to Bern's southern coast, and also it looks like the Other-Worldly Gate is basically right in the area where Valor is supposed to be.

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Taking a good look at the southern continent, I think it's most likely Elibe. The slightly mountainous peninsula is pretty similarly shaped to Bern's southern coast, and also it looks like the Other-Worldly Gate is basically right in the area where Valor is supposed to be.

I was thinking that, but I was afraid I was going crazy. It seems you can see more of that continent (to the left and right), but the video I was watching didn't really stay around that area long.

It would be really funny if that was Elibe and when Elibe people come to Iris, they have to fix their compasses.

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It doesn't really work unless the Elibe map is drawn horrendously inaccurately--there's just no way that Iris wouldn't appear on the map. The otherworldly gate is closer to Iris than to the mysterious southern continent. It just seems odd that even if the map intentionally left out a continent that was there the whole time, that in FE7 Valor wouldn't be mentioned as actually being off the coast of a separate, nearby continent.

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It doesn't really work unless the Elibe map is drawn horrendously inaccurately--there's just no way that Iris wouldn't appear on the map. The otherworldly gate is closer to Iris than to the mysterious southern continent. It just seems odd that even if the map intentionally left out a continent that was there the whole time, that in FE7 Valor wouldn't be mentioned as actually being off the coast of a separate, nearby continent.

Considering that it's a looks like a few thousand years occur between Elibe and Awakening, whose to say that Valor didn't just slowly drift out to sea over that time period. It would account for why it's not closer to Elibe instead of Iris.

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I've fired up my copy of the game, and scrolling farther east, the coastline doesn't match etruria at all.

The southern coast of the northern continent could pass for Magvel, though it has an extraneous island. It could also pass for the coastline along Goldoa/Gallia's border, though that would require Tellius being much much larger than Archanea.

There's also a western continent which doesn't bear any similarity to any continent we've seen, as far as I can tell.

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I've fired up my copy of the game, and scrolling farther east, the coastline doesn't match etruria at all.

The southern coast of the northern continent could pass for Magvel, though it has an extraneous island. It could also pass for the coastline along Goldoa/Gallia's border, though that would require Tellius being much much larger than Archanea.

There's also a western continent which doesn't bear any similarity to any continent we've seen, as far as I can tell.

Do you think you could post an image of the further east portion of the southern continent you viewed?

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Hopefully my cell phone camera can be of some assistance.





The southern continent, from east to west. There's nothing farther to either side, so it seems to me that area in the far east with the Other-World Gate can't possibly be Lycia. In case it's not clear, the Other-World Gate is the shiny place in the first two images.


This is all you can see of the western continent. Don't know what to make of it. The area to the east is Varm's southern tip.





The northern continent from west to east, starting from near Valhart's castle in the far northeast of Varm.

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