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...Why would you use a Lynch stop during MYLO? Seriously? The whole point of it is you have to lynch the mafia. If Iris stopped that, the mafia would get a free kill and win the game. That's not townish at all.

I thought mylo was like if you lynch a townie you lose because mafia evens out after night kill (unless doc miracle save)

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I thought mylo was like if you lynch a townie you lose because mafia evens out after night kill (unless doc miracle save)

MYLO = Must lynch a mafia, or else they will tie during the night

LYLO = If you mislynch, Mafia will tie during the night

So MYLO would be like 4-3, and LYLO would be 4-2. If you don't lynch mafia in the first situation, they would win that night. In the second one, if you lynch wrong then they tie during the night, but you can still no lynch.

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MYLO = Must lynch a mafia, or else they will tie during the night

LYLO = If you mislynch, Mafia will tie during the night

It's the other way around.

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Eh. Half of these terms are just stupid and should be simpler acronyms.

What, do you want lynch or lose to be lol? Who are you, Nightmare? "hey guys it's lol"

That just doesn't have the same ring to it, either. Doesn't convey any sense of urgency It's subtle differences like that, and like DETHY and dethy, that make the acronym.

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First off, about the recent claims.

So Psych was not exactly what I though he'd be but I think that confirms him as town. If we decide to claim to anyone n the future, its him.

What I can also confirm is that Iris is most likely not lying. Considering its very possible that Haz just reused a role, and that my role PM too is very similar to one inSFMM1, she indeed could be the Miller Governor. My problem is, it looks like she stopped the lynch, so why?

Also Shinori is starting to look like he just has no idea what's going on. Kaoz isn't talking, that's bad.

So that just leaves ##Vote:Kay because I trust Strawman's judgement

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Oh yes. Anouleth's degrade claim sounds trustworthy. It honestly doesn't sound like a fakeclaim. Should he use it this phase though? Doesn't seem like a good option, considering we might lose two townies.

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They did. Me. (It's not like the mafia doesn't already know this, so I figure it doesn't hurt to share it.)

So, considering it's already happened to two of us, it's probably safe to assume that it isn't 1-use only.

When did this happen, N0 or N1?

I'm wondering if they can target two players.

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When did this happen, N0 or N1?

I'm wondering if they can target two players.

I'm assuming that if only Ray and Anouleth were weakened, then there's only one Role-weakener. Otherwise, there could easily be 3 or 4 players with weakened roles.

Awesome. It seems like this is a Poison mafia, and this looks rather annoying, to put it lightly. I never use status spells in games like Final Fantasy, but it sure looks effective seeing it confuse the fuck out of us.

We have 2 players crippled, but both still looking extremely town (Anouleth and Ray) Anouleth isn't gonna use his vig role...probably ever. I can see why, but I think it still might be a capital mid-late game utility to keep on our hands. Getting to the point of having 1 or 2 mafia left vs say, 5 or 6 town, Anouleth's ability would be a pretty surefire way to target a well confirmed mafia. It's better than him getting NK'd and dying without taking a likely suspect with him.

Psych just plastering his Wizard role on the wall openly like that seems pretty town to me. It's damn complicated, but if it tells alignment, then I don't see how it could possibly be useful for mafia, since mafia can already smell mafia.

I am way more confused now than I was at the beginning of D2. I honestly have nothing useful to bring to the table now, and i've reread the last 6 pages probably half a dozen times, if not more.I'm gonna try something here.

##Unvote##Vote BalcerzakGet in here. You've been in FE4 Thread all day. Say something (again).

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If by "all day", you mean, I made one post in FE4 thread, and spent the other time on mod business, which is almost exactly the extent of what I got accomplished on SF yesterday, then sure. I'm trying hard not to have to sub out, but there's a ton of other stuff going on. I just spent the time to come through everything that's happened since the last time I peeked in here, and I do find the situation very vexing. I didn't get a chance to send in my night action (same old story, same old it appears).

I will say however, that Slayer has definitely upped his game and has actually been talking a lot of sense recently. Congratulations are in order there I suppose. Of the other people I was suspicious of yesterday, Rein is looking better but only by virtue of the hoops we had to jump through to sort out the Pysch info, but that's enough to bring him back from the chopping block. I don't have the full time to go over the case against Kay, but at first blush it seems a little jump-the-gun, maybe I'm missing things. Kaoz is non-existent, and the attempted 3rd party diversion definitely doesn't look good, but I'm still feeling worse off about Shinori. To be honest, I'm not buying the Iris is mafia governer claim, unless Shinori is also mafia, in which case why don't we fucking start with him, am I right?

##Vote: Shinori

I still think an Annouleth using his kill is something we should attempt, but if he's not up for it, I don't know how we can force him.

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Town better have awesome roles.

Like lots of investigation roles, maybe?


Blitz - Acting like town despite his crazy ideas.

Shinori - Probably scum based on the lynch stop/not really saying much of substance.

Levity - Neutral, leaning town.

Anouleth - I had thought that the mafia probably wouldn't have a daykill because it would be OP, but I don't know anymore. Has anyone else had their role messed up? I doubt that could have happened to more than two people.

Rein - Unlikely that he's a godfather, but he's doing a terrible job of playing. If he wasn't clear I would think he was scum but he is so I'll just yell at him.

Eclipse - I don't like how a lot of her content seemed to discourage people talking because of stuff like fishing for info. I'm inclined to think she's town because of being targeted by the OC block but she's acting like she does as scum IMO. Neutral, leaning scum.

Slayer - Has done absolutely nothing remotely memorable except post some jokes and town leader nonsense.

Marth - Also inconspicuous and unmemorable.

Psych - should probably not have been softclaiming all D1. I'm inclined to believe him since that doesn't look like an ability the mafia would have or could fake well.

Elieson - Standard paranoid noob. Looks townish to me.

StSS - I don't think the hosts are trollish enough for him to be anything but town.

Iris - Miller claim was still fishy even if posted in a townish way, and claiming a role that would just so happen to fit with something that happened... well, could be something crazy happening, but Iris being scum governor does make more sense than a lot of things. Not acting particularly townish either.

Raymond - Looks pretty definitely like town to me.

Kaoz - I don't think his mention of a cult was an attempt to deflect attention, it seemed like a good thing to bring up considering that recruitment would be a big disaster if no one was wary of it at all. Mostly he's just been fairly average. Neutral.

Balcerzak - EXIST, PLEASE. Neutral, leaning slightly toward scum since it's not like he hasn't been online.

Iris, don't think you can avoid talking just because Straw suspects me.

What will they say about you when I'm gone?

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Kay (5): StSS, Shinori, Bizz, Slayer, Marth

Kaoz (3): eclipse, Raymond, Iris

Iris (2): Kay, Psych

Shinori (1): Balcerzak

Balcerzak (1): Elieson

Not Voting (4): Blitz, Anouleth, Rein, Kaoz

Edited by Paperblade
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Kaoz is on RIGHT NOW.

Kaoz also didn't read this thread or his role pm since the end of D1. I want to apologize for this, but I'm not really feeling this game, I'm having some trouble when subbing in in general lately, but it's worse than usual this time around.

Got blocked as well btw.

I would also like to point out that this role PM is REMARKABLY similar to the original incarnation in SFMM1 (flavor wise), which leads me to believe Haze got lazy when writing it (further supported by other reasons);; but you probably already knew this, as I kind of told Prims.

Also makes it pretty easy to fake.

I can probably point out every instance of me using my PR if that's allowed, I don't know.

Meaningless given that we're not forced to use our PR in this game and you could easily just fake a different one.

Also, I don't get why a mafia governor would claim Miller Governor to the town leader when miller itself is already the clumsiest mafia fake claim ever, and that they would use their ability on Day 1 which would make them very suspicious.

When exactly did you claim? If it was at the beginning of the day, you wouldn't have known who would be lynched and maybe Shinori's role is good enough to keep around, and it's not like you're even getting that much heat right now.

We are planning on having Anou shoot whoever we want to lynch to prove his role right? If not then what's to stop him form using it as mafia here in the future?Also people have said it before, Kay might be rping as balc, few posts but with alot of stuff in them. I'm not sure if that helps at all because she definitely hasn't posted for quite some time(Pot calling the kettle black, weeee). Where are a few other people, because night phase ended and i'm pretty sure a few people still have yet to come in here and post since it ended. I at least posted here explaining that i wasn't told anything about being lynchproof.

With the fact that a mass roleblock would be a one shot would be a reason to keep a mafia member alive, which doesn't help my case, but you also have to think about the fact that they blew a strong one shot ability all ready.

Well with the fact that a lynch was stopped (Assuming mafia role apparently) And assuming the mass roleblock, mafia might have some really strong roles and abilities, which could mean there would be a lot of investigation on town side or a fair amount of strong roles on town side because of the strength of the mafia. Also we can't let it fade that there might also be a ninja in the mafia which counters a fair amount of investigation such as tracker/watcher. Also with a supposed miller and possibility of a godfather that would skew with the investigation reports as well thus making them not as useful. The fact there are a lot of them here, doesn't nescarilly mean they are all scum. But could be.

That being said, ##Vote: Kay I WILL FOLLOW YOU STRAWMAN, you are the person with the most A's in the class at the moment.

Maybe it's just me, but you're doing the exact same thing again.

>arguing that having lots of info roles doesn't necessarily mean one is mafia

>votes claimed info role based on there being too many

And if you want to justify that with the "But could be" at the end, it basically invalidates the complete paragraph.

@Strawman: Does that mean there's no other cop claim?If so, why would there be a miller in a game without cops?

Psych's role gets an allignment if I'm seeing this right, no?

I'd lynch one of Shinori/Iris today.

Shinori because his posts are still full of trying to stay neutral on basically everything. Also he refrained from voting at the end of D1 when he could have forced a NL by voting for me which might mean that he knew he wasn't gonna get lynched (hello Governor). Iris is on the same level because of that connection and because of the miller claim, we can't even inspect her to confirm/deny her alligment. Yeah, claiming Governor and then using it so early isn't the smartest thing in the world to do, but given the roles mafia seems to have, it might have been worth it.

Can't split my votes, so for now

##Vote: Shinori

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Hi Kaoz~!

Also he refrained from voting at the end of D1 when he could have forced a NL by voting for me which might mean that he knew he wasn't gonna get lynched (hello Governor).

I think he's smart enough to realize that if he tied the vote, he'd look even scummier.


I'm seeing role names up the wazoo. I'm not really liking this much stuff being revealed; the only ones that had an excuse were Prims, Strawman, and Iris. Now, then. . .

1. SOMEONE forgot what happened in Unicycle Mafia when Life/Haze outed themselves

2. Finding the difference between a scumtell and a PR is vital

3. Alright, Kay, I admit it, I told Anouleth to shut his trap

4. I am allowed to call people obtuse for not claiming for stupid reasons

5. Again, I tell Anouleth to stay silent

6. Here I am being unhelpful

7. Oh man, you caught me telling the town to be quiet

8. Terrible advice in terms of talking

9. Death Note 2: Now With Little Boys

10. Oh, here's another one where the town needs to be quiet

11. Yep, another instance of "don't say anything".

12. Here I don't say anything useful

13. And here is some non-sarcastic common sense

14. I refuse to say anything about myself

Kay, what the hell are you doing? Your logic regarding me makes no sense, and while you find Shinori to be scummier than Iris, your vote's on the latter. You know better than to give out nonsense in place of logic, and I know Paperblade wouldn't make that a PR; he was pretty pissed off about it in ToV.

##Vote: Kay


I think I've breadcrumbed enough about my role.

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Kay, what the hell are you doing? Your logic regarding me makes no sense, and while you find Shinori to be scummier than Iris, your vote's on the latter. You know better than to give out nonsense in place of logic, and I know Paperblade wouldn't make that a PR; he was pretty pissed off about it in ToV.

##Vote: Kay


I think I've breadcrumbed enough about my role.

Well, my logic about you makes sense to me, and you would probably say it was scummy to ask why it doesn't make sense to you, so I guess I'll accept that, eh?

I'm voting for Iris instead because she had more votes on her and I don't really want to die. -_-

##Vote: Shinori

because that is no longer the case.

Also I will be more gone than usual this weekend so I won't be able to post then, sorry.

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Well, my logic about you makes sense to me, and you would probably say it was scummy to ask why it doesn't make sense to you, so I guess I'll accept that, eh?

I'm voting for Iris instead because she had more votes on her and I don't really want to die. -_-

##Vote: Shinori

because that is no longer the case.

Also I will be more gone than usual this weekend so I won't be able to post then, sorry.

I didn't make fourteen links for my own amusement.

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Just posting real quick to say there's a Con here this week end so I'm practically going to be non existant Saturday and probably won't be on again today, but I'll see how it goes. Sunday isn't looking great either so I'm basically MIA this weekend.

Sorry bout that but at least you have me Monday since it's a holiday.

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No it'd just lead us to this day again, just knowing that iris can cancel lynches and no more.

It would definitely make her seem pretty town, as there's no way the mafia gets two lynch cancels.

Honestly, I think Anouleth should use his role. I know him dying is a bad thing, but it's possible however likely that he's mafia and now trying to get out of the obligation of using his role. Just throwing that out there. I'd rather have two people dead today and see where that gets us then do nothing.

If he's mafia, it's overwhelmingly likely that he's just fakeclaiming his downgrade, and thus wouldn't actually die using his role.

But then there's the thing that his vig shot apparently instantly ends the day, which, considering a lynch cancel already happened, would again be incredibly overpowered in the hands of the mafia (you don't hand scum two lynch cancels. You just don't) and thus isn't going to be in the hands of the mafia in that form.

So, if he's actually mafia, logic dictates that he'd be a different role than actually claimed, and claiming a role like this when you're something different doesn't really make sense, which is why I'm willing to believe he's town.

What use is that? If she is town, we possibly lost one of towns saving graces during a critical lynch day (i.e. instances of mylo) if she is mafia, she can't use it at all (assuming this game has any balance at all and she was the cause for yesterday's no lynch). She saving herself tells us nothing about her alignment really.

Stopping the lynch never is really useful for the town unless the user is 100% certain of the lynchee's innocence, which usually only occurs when the user is the lynchee.

So, pure logic says her stopping a lynch on herself would indicate her likely towniness.

When did this happen, N0 or N1?

N0. I'm so popular, the mafia always goes for me first no matter what. :(:

It's better than him getting NK'd and dying without taking a likely suspect with him.

Actually, unless scum like wasting their time, they're probably not gonna kill Anouleth, like, ever.

Not liking Bal's post, I disagree with almost everything in it.

I also don't like the constant "I've been busy"-excuses, simply because you can't argue with them. Leave something like this out of a game, for damn's sake. I've seen mafia use these to avoid getting bothered by the town before, and that's really just bad sport.

Psych's role gets an allignment if I'm seeing this right, no?

Apparently. But it's so vague to begin with, if just one of his targets were a miller/godfather, it would basically extend to the other two targets as well, simply because there's no way to tell what result applies to what target - and adding millers/godfathers just to mess with Psych's role when there's no cop would seem needlessly bastardish to me (and the mafia is mighty enough as it is, as they repeatedly prove).

I just can't see millers/godfathers in this game without a cop... Even though it's possible if Haze is a terrible person. :|

Also he refrained from voting at the end of D1 when he could have forced a NL by voting for me which might mean that he knew he wasn't gonna get lynched (hello Governor).

Actually, why would mafia not tie a lynch when they not only have the opportunity to, but also have a lynch cancel in reserve? While it'd make his alignment more obvious than a simple lynch cancel, as you can see, the lynch cancel already didn't help his case in people's eyes, and a tie + lynch cancel would allow the mafia to make the town waste TWO days being unable to do anything. It'd seem like a worthy tradeoff to me.

Not changing my vote because I'm more and more convinced that Kaoz is anti-town.

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