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While less relevant now than earlier due to claim being received, and believed, by town leader,


Now, on a more serious note: I never ' accused' Bizz, if you read my reasoning earlier, you'd understand where I came from, and Kay and Levity explained my thinking process. At the same time, I never acted ' buddy buddy' like. My reactions to Kay mean nothing, at least I see nothing from it. Before I go into it, can you quote this certain reaction of mine?

I already did, the one that bothered me was "Yes Kay, this game is 'different' from other games, you know. :3"

Quotations around "different", in speficically rubbed me the wrong way. And if you're telling me "Aww Levity, you know I wouldn't do that. :3" was just an intent to break character and talk OOC, and not actually reversing your previous opinion, then including the smilie was a silly idea.

I don't know who has claimed and who hasn't, though, so I don't know who has believable roles and I don't know who to suspect from there. I kind of suspect Eclipse, to be honest, along with Ano and Proto.

I just went and read over most of eclipse's posts. A lot of them were specifically focused on analyzing, reminding, or otherwise discussing post restrictions/player characters, but there are certainly contributing posts as well (e.g. N0 Kay pressure, miller claim discussion, Blitz analysis). While sometimes excessive focus on PRs can be a way to active lurk, I get the feeling in this case it's more genuine interest in preventing improper distraction on the part of other readers.

The more telling thing to me might be the information that flipped with the D1 phasechange.

Eclipse seems preoccupied, and as such is not interested in receiving any of your pms.

For now, I'm tentatively embracing the likelihood of a town-leaning eclipse.

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also sry 2 mods for lack of rp :<<

blitz moved off strawman so i don't have much to work with!

I think you're doing great with your RP. Its about all I can understand this game anyways.

Also, Psych is in this game? I totally thought Papermate was Paperblade...but I guess he is one of the hosts.

Anyways, people seem to be complaining about him. I will investigate later after I dig a hole and watch some movies.

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##Vote: Psych

"I ALREADY USED MY SMSES, CAN'T CLAIM, SRY" is the dumbest shit ever because I took the position of Town Leader at the start of the phase. you'd have to be intentionally trying to get out of claiming to use your SMSes up that early, And That's Terrible. It's one thing to be wary and refuse to claim, another to frame things so that you can't claim but that it's clearly not your fault so it's totally okay guys!

Also your priorities regarding Rein are weird. How is Rein being any more useless than, say, Anouleth, Proto, etc? His play so far isn't exactly the towniest (opinions and such from him would be appreciated) but your logic seems to be "this guy isn't posting WoTs and he said something mean about me, he must be scum". Given that you waited until he called you out to reinforce your vote on him, seems like possible reactionary scumhunting.

If you'd like to know, I sent one to Bizz. I'd prefer if she didn't say what it involved, but just confirm that I sent one. It's a bit of a sensitive subject.


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@Shinori #338: Your post seems reportery and apparently you're reading like half the game as town right now. Is Marth the only person you have as a scum read? Apprehensive because it's easier for scum to fake town reads than scum reads.

Alot of players haven't said all that much and i can't get too many reads on them

Lets see, Prims/straw seem town to me, pretty much garunteed. If they were mafia thats a ballsy move and they end up losing two of their members easy.

Iris miller claimed, explained that, If she's scum, it's ballsy.

My thoughts on levi have been mostly town.

I think anou and proto are leaning scum, neither are saying much and it's not helping, Anou lurks, I see him come in here and not post sometimes so meh.

I still have my doubts about marth, but he claimed to prims/straw supposedly so For now I'm not gonna worry about him, still neutral leaning towards scummy. Either way ##Unvote

Elieson is neutral, newbie town don't know that much here.

Blitz is neutral leaning scum.

Kay nuetral.

Psych leaning scum.

Eclipse seeming town-ish, partialyl because him able to use the pm system, not sure why though.

Balc - Seeming helpful, started posting late but has been helpful and starting conversation constantly.

Raymond - has also been dropping decent conversation off, pressuring people and what not and seems town to me.

Everyone else is pretty much neutral. Because of not many memorable posts.

All-in-all thats a total of 5 people i think are leaning closer to scum or are scum more than neutral/town. Not just one, I ended up having to cut my previous post short of various bits of info and other stuff i had wanted to post because of me being in a rush to leave.

Also for now ##Vote: Anouleth for not talking, actively being online and not contributing overall while lurking and the few times he has posted he hasn't said a lick of anything useful, similiar to proto except proto also already has pressure on him and i know i've seen anouleth online. I know i'm not talking too much but there are plenty of people who are talking way less than me that could be helping us.


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If you'd like to know, I sent one to Bizz. I'd prefer if she didn't say what it involved, but just confirm that I sent one. It's a bit of a sensitive subject.


... OH


Okay, I actually got an anonymous PM and I didn't want to mention it until someone claimed to have sent it to me. Thank you so very much for informing me about it.

Guys, Psych is likely town.

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@Prims: Yeah, I agree now, especially after Paperbrad's post. And I have, multiple times. They're very very similar, down to sentence structure / breaks, but with a few changes, and I think the reason is the same as 3 in my SMS.

And I'm pretty sure Anouleth has been legitimately active lurking unlike Proto, so that's why my vote's on him.

This is actually why I was worried about Rapier miller-paranoia post and also some of Marth's behavior towards Prims at first.

Rapier's not in this game? And uh, you said you would explain some thoughts but you were on your phone or something, IIRC, does this still stand? Oh, found the post in question:

Basically, what I said about Iris's claim was more or less a test, and her response gave me quite a few interesting things to note down. I can't be any less cryptic than that nor can I reveal any of my notes until later, though, because phone. But I'll be cleaerer about some things later.

@Shinori, I know I'm normally inactive, but you're lumping me with people who aren't even existing / or active lurking. ): And I've actually felt slightly more active, or posting things more content-based than I do in normal games, haha.

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Rapier's not in this game?

I meant Slayer, sorry. :facepalm:

I don't know if what I had on you was relevant anymore, but you were oddly distancing yourself from me, which was interesting.

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Anyway, yeah, Psych is likely town. And Anouleth posted something earlier, let me get it...

My performance this game hasn't been the best, but I'm not very worried because :things:. I'm actually kind of afraid of carelessly saying things more than anything. I've been too cryptic for a lot of reasons. ):

And uh, you said you would explain some thoughts but you were on your phone or something, IIRC, does this still stand?

Yeah, don't worry.

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Sorry about that, darling, but I don't really have any information to go on. Plus, I hate my PR. I know I don't have to follow it, but I feel guilty about not doing so especially since I got the impression that Bal and co. would be disappoint.

This was his 'excuse' for lurking but not contributing. I feel like a lot of people missed this.

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Man I totally need to learn to separate myself from the game, I thought you were serious about the Rapier thing; and oh, I see, but I don't recall trying to do so, hm.

I looked at the amount of posts all players have. There are about 4-5 people with 7 or less posts in the entire thread. That shouldn't be happening.

Four players, actually: Kay, Balcerzak, Anouleth, Proto.This is implying that post number > quality of posts... if you need an example, look at Balcerzak's posts, or even Kay, really. Despite the amount of times the first two have posted, the content of such posts is better than some of the more "active" users, here. And the latter two, as everyone's stated, are (in)active players/lurkers.

Okay, I wasn't feeling the Psych lynch, too much. . . Hm, Anouleth posted once this phase in response to Bizz's vote, I think, and that didn't satisfy me, so I voted for him.

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It's strange, cause I get the feeling they'd be madder that you weren't contributing rather than you not following your PR. Plus that darling gives me an eclipse vibe.

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Levity: if you have a message left, can you SMS me why Psych is town?

Want Bal to make another vote + explain his thought process on Marth.

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@ iris: I know, that's why i didn't add them to the list, however if you look at your inactivity posts the gist of your posts have been of you claiming miller and talking about that minorly. You haven't contributed to multiple different conversations with long quality posts such as the other two.

Also let it be shown i wasn't badgering you too much, I'm just agreeing that i would like a little bit more conversation from you, you could at least post your thoughts on the important stuff if you get the chances to come online at least once a day.

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Levity: if you have a message left, can you SMS me why Psych is town?

PSYCH: Is this okay? I still have one SMS.

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PSYCH: Is this okay? I still have one SMS.

Uh...I guess if you can kinda keep how. I mean, something like that. I still don't feel comfortable claiming to Prims yet.

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Using Prim's method my vote is certainly staying Rein. He's only posted spam and saying all my ideas are stupid yet not rebutting them simply because I'm me so I'm not threatening. It's like he's proving my point for me.

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... Hey, wait a minute.

Psych, if you are 95% CERTAIN that I am town and that was you that sent me that message, what is your reasoning for that random suspicion on me earlier? Legitimate question.

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... Hey, wait a minute.

Psych, if you are 95% CERTAIN that I am town and that was you that sent me that message, what is your reasoning for that random suspicion on me earlier? Legitimate question.

I think I remember what you're talking about, but can you bring up where? I've changed my mind about some things so I don't remember my exact reasonings from before. I think it was basically I knew you were town but you still seemed kinda weird about it. I said there was something up not that you were mafia though.

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That is the most useful thing ever, Prims, wow, you're the best.

And Shinori's making me SMH and thinking OMGUS so many times, almost exclusively because of hypocrisy and some inaccuracy. Or just post count = quality, Rein's pretty useless for someone who has posted more than me. I'm just getting kind of sick of seeing the same stupid thing every game. Okay. I'm just done there. (Part of that was PR, Shinori, don't be offended >: ).

@Elieson: Protip: I assume you're on your phone right now, since lack of posts and such, but by the time you come back to your desktop computer / laptop to type, you might forget a good portion of your thoughts, unless you're keeping notes (like you should!) It might be easier to catch up instead of reading on your phone and then forgetting things for later.

@Prims: You're willing to wagon Proto because of uselessness, but I don't know, didn't you once state that you dislike lynching inactives? Is it just because his only two posts were pretty terribad? (Not that I disagree.)

@Psych: I think Bizz means this post:

Also now that I look at replies, Bizz seems to be spamming a lot to get her post count up and yet not saying anything of grave importance. I wouldn't say she's scum cause I'm not getting those vibes from her, but it seems kinda stupid for someone like her.

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