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Right, so:

Shit That Needs To Stop:

- The Anouleth wagon in its current state. This is dumb and full of easy voteparks. I'm seeing it as typical SF being too lazy to re-read the thread and scumhunt so they vote some dude who hasn't been posting because it doesn't require effort. The entire wagon is awkwardly prioritized since it fails to consider shit like how Proto hasn't posted either and his posts were scummier, and how Elieson might as well not exist yet he has no votes. Inactivity is a bad reason to lynch somebody on D1. I want everybody on the Anouleth wagon who's staying on it to justify why he's still scummy enough to be a good lynch after his recent posts.

- Six Five no-voters. We're approaching 24 hours left, this is not okay. Everybody without a vote, post two people you think are scum and why and vote one of them. ASAP.

People I Would Lynch:

- Psych, for previously mentioned reasons and his weird-ass waffle about Levity's alignment but apparently he's town because magical SMS pixies (which I haven't received) so whatever. I don't think his behavior is justified and honestly I still think he's the most likely to be scum, but there's obviously no interest in this from the rest of the town and time's winding down.

- Bal, for voting Marth over what looked like a contrived misrep then totally disappearing after making an empty unvote that didn't actually explain his Marth vote in the first place. You still need to respond to me.

- Shinori because he's basically just bending with the winds of change. Easy jump on Marth wagon -> easy jump on Anouleth wagon because all the cool kids are doing it. Still looks like all his opinions are town's general conensus and that his town reads are very, very easy. Probably the scummiest so far since I get an impression of blending in from him.


##Vote Shinori

People I Would Not Lynch

- Marth's still not lynchable

- Rein is probably town sry

- Blitz is also probably town sry, he's just being really thick-headed. Can't really get into this since this is more from :roles: than me reading his posts, unfortunately.

yeahhh so I got cut by Anouleth sheeping me on Psych while making this post. I'm still gonna keep my vote on Shinori because I somehow don't see there being enough interest in killing Psych to get him lynched in 24 hours given Levity's claims. would of course switch back if other people started voting him too

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Also, if Anouleth is around whenever D1 is a few hours away from ending, I want to have him use his ability on somebody (probably a dictated target) to make it unusable for the rest of the game just in case he's scum. Scum having his ability in reserve would be a huge problem for us.

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Also, if Anouleth is around whenever D1 is a few hours away from ending, I want to have him use his ability on somebody (probably a dictated target) to make it unusable for the rest of the game just in case he's scum. Scum having his ability in reserve would be a huge problem for us.

Quite aside from the possibility that I could die before using it.

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votals coming soon maybe

Anouleth (4): Bizz, Iris, Shinori, Kay

Blitz (2): Raymond, Marth

Kaoz (2): Rein, StSS

eclipse (1): Blitz

Rein (1): Psych

Psych (1): Anouleth

Shinori (1): Prims

Not voting: Balcerzak, eclipse, Elieson, Kaoz, Slayer

Edited by Paperblade
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On second thought did it myself. mods: pls post more votals so players don't have to do it themselves, thx

Psych (1): Prims

Voteless Scum: Anouleth, Balcerzak, eclipse, Elieson, Kaoz, Slayer

I had a vote on blitz from yesterday and never unvoted.

But it seems i should ##Unvote anyway.

The discussion i had yesterday with psych led me to feel uneasy about him. No its not because he suspected me, rather his reasons for doing so.

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I will be present soon to post legitimate thoughts.

I've been reading the thread through my phone though, and I would really like to say that Anouleth's opinions on how to play mafia are appalling. I kind of wish he would sub out.

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I will be present soon to post legitimate thoughts.

I've been reading the thread through my phone though, and I would really like to say that Anouleth's opinions on how to play mafia are appalling. I kind of wish he would sub out.

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I will be present soon to post legitimate thoughts.

I've been reading the thread through my phone though, and I would really like to say that Anouleth's opinions on how to play mafia are appalling. I kind of wish he would sub out.

The feeling's mutual.

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For Starters, you may have noticed my lack of a vote.

and how Elieson might as well not exist yet he has no votes. Inactivity is a bad reason to lynch somebody on D1.

Cool. I guess that means I need to jump on a bandwagon and vote for somebody before I've formulated a valid opinion, and can back it up in a reasonable and factual manner. I've not made any votes yet because I clearly don't have an obvious suspect to vote for. I understand I've been inactive in posting, but I'm phone lurking. I openly admit to that. I have 2 jobs, 2 kids, and I'm trying to prevent a divorce, and I'm sick, so I'm not avoiding the game, I'm just distracted from being able to sink 1-2 hours worth of serious post development time into this thread. So far anyway. Medicine and upcoming summer vacation for my son will give me more time.

Ahh, just repeating what I said earlier.

There, I got that off my chest. Now onto material that makes sense and is related to this.

[spoiler=My Thoughts on every player here so far]

1. Blitz

He doesn't seem 100% able to explain his thought processes in a way that he'd like to, but in no way to me do his posts seem antitown, because it seems to me he's having more trouble working with his PR.

2. Shinori

His move on Marth was defensive and quick to accuse. And he has been on the defensive for quite a bit.

3. Levity

A Postaholic. I'm assuming her PR has something to do with her posting as much as she is (though from what I've been reading, she'd be posting this much anyway).

4. Anouleth

A douche who should just go play Diablo3 if it's that big of a deal to be dragged back here to defend himself. BUT, He is playing and participating. So I think he is just the kind of character who sits back and watches the show, and jumps in when it's his cue.

5. Rein

A Postless fiend, like myself, who hasn't done anything really noteworthy to me yet.

6. Eclipse

Same as Rein. And Anouleth. And me. And all the other inactive people around here. You jumped on Anouleth for being relatively inactive, but you've both been doing "life".

7. SlayerX

Demanded leadership as soon as he possibly could, which seemed kinda shady to me. After studying the SF Mafia Info Dump thread, and roles, I suspect a scum-Godfather role with him. Even if it was his PR, I could see it fitting, because it's not mandatory that you RP, just encouraged.

8. Marth

I see you making posts that are being interpreted in just about every possible way. Which in part, is why I'm not posting. I don't want to say something like you, and throw myself on the chopping block because I couldn't explain it clearly, and even worse, if I post something, then have to go to work for 5 or so hours, and miss being able to defend myself. As Prims said, "silly town"

9. Psych

OnTopic though, you seem rather cynical, like Bal. I don't know how to interpret your posts, like Ray.

10. Kay

You too, argue with logic, but argue fiercely. Almost like Ray. You argue for a Townleader, and suggest Prims, and you being open to just jumping on board seems a little suspicious to me.

11. Elieson

I really don't think I'm a threat to anyone, TBH.

12. StSS

Apparently, you're Prims' partner, but that seems odd. I don't know whether to believe your claims of Masonry, or to think Neighbor with Prims, and you or him have some other special talent (as Iris claimed, she has 2, so I guess it might be possible). But, you're quiet, so I don't see anything really threatening from you.

13. Iris

You called Miller on day one. I still haven't found out exactly what that does (Context leads me to guess the opposite of Godfather). So I see your point in calling that right off the bat. It's much easier to just come out and tell everyone something rather than be caught with it and have to defend yourself over it.

14. Raymond

You're really really intimidating. But you seem right, like, most of the time. All your posts seem relevant to moving the game forward, so I can't argue with you. In fact, I'd say I support you, but I really am trying not to jump on any bandwagon at all until something more conclusive occurs.

15. Proto/Kaoz

Where are you? Oh yea, you're subbed out. Say something, and I'll come up with thoughts on you. I don't feel that I can post opinions on someone that hasn't posted and jumped in to a role yet.

16. Prims

Quite honestly, I question you the most. I still haven't sent you my PR yet, and I'll openly admit, I don't 100% trust you. I don't 100% trust anyone, but you so demandingly ordering everyone to send you our PRs or be identified as scum seemed kinda scummy to me. Especially since you have a partner (though he's keeping rather out of the way, letting you do all the work). I don't feel comfortable sending my role out to you just yet (and it's probably since this is my first Mafia and I haven't seen consequences to doing so or not), but I prefer to sit tight and keep my information to myself, as I honestly expected the majority of the other players to do. For More, see StSS.

17. Balcerzak

Moving things forward, when you're posting. I get kiiiind of a mixed read though.

My thoughts on the potential "scum" here.

SlayerX, for demanding leadership instantly, and getting 0 support for it, but continuing to demand it anyway. Only, you eventually said something like "C'mon, does this seem like something I'd actually try to do?", making me thing you might just be following PR.

Prims, for demanding PRs, and getting about 50/50 (I'm guessing. Correct me if I'm wrong) support, and continuing to demand it.

Ray and Kay, for both saying "Just go along with Prims and send in your PRs", almost blindly.

Look, I'm not comfortable with someone just stepping up and demanding to be in the leadership role, especially so soon. I haven't seen a town leader in action before, nor have I really played one of these before, so it's probably my lack of experience making me overly cautious. I'm really trying to stick to the rule

10. Be careful who you trust.

and it's rather challenging.

Furthermore, I'm having a hard time placing a vote, because I want to see more chatter from others (Kaoz, Iris, StSS, Bal, etc). If I had to vote now, assuming it was 1 minute before the timer ran out (because I don't want to be Randolynched), I'd say

##Vote Prims

For being the most adamant at demanding information from others. I can see how your point on creating a Town Leader would be effective (and many have backed it up), but because of

10. Be careful who you trust.

I'm still being cautious

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##Daykill: Anouleth

(just kidding)

##Unvote: Anouleth

That done, I'm glad we can be in agreement here!

I think the sad part is that, so far, most of the players that aren't claiming/refused to claim in the past (at least from Psych, Marth and Anouleth) are town. For what it's worth, I also really like Kay's post content when I read it. She hasn't posted much, but when she does it's really quality when I read through it and it makes me nervous for some reason.

Prims, I'm going to send you an SMS. I won't put my name in it because the content should make it pretty obvious.

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All right, SMS sent. I have no more messages for D1.

Please forgive any incoming quote-trains after this post.

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SlayerX, for demanding leadership instantly, and getting 0 support for it, but continuing to demand it anyway. Only, you eventually said something like "C'mon, does this seem like something I'd actually try to do?", making me thing you might just be following PR.

I'm following the PR, probably in the most horrible way though, because i don't think the SFer i got acts like this... Sorry person i'm impersonating...

bleh, might as well show you pr... Copy pasted from my role PM

Post Restriction: You are the village leader, everyone must know this, act like a true leader, confident and outspoken, boss people around, oh, and it never hurts to remind everyone that you are, in fact, leading the village every now and then.

further clarification from haze

Your PR is that you think you're the leader, the boss, if you will, so you should be pushy when you have an opinion, and if you think someone should do someone you tell them to do it and more than that they will do it because you are leading this town.

Be confident, act like a leader, and don't take no crap off of nobody!

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The main reasons Bal cited for attacking Marth seem contrived. Like... how was Marth buddying or attacking Levity at all? The given quotes seemed more like he was having fun with RP (or just general non-RP fluff) than anything else. I remember Marth being paranoid about Levity but I don't think he actually attacked or buddied her. Possible awkward wagon jump.

Look, apparently you're convinced that in my due haste to jump right onto a bandwagon, any bandwagon, I was just inventing fluff. I'll have you know that it is not the case, the points I raised were in addition and beyond the common points already cited involving his (at the time) refusal to claim and so forth. I still feel very disturbed by some of what I saw N0, but note how at this point I've backed down. I think it's starting to be probably that I'm pulling another case of misreading based on non-tells and post restrictions, much like how I hounded the insane cop to death in CMIV. I'm not all that good at aggressive NOC (ugggg...) scumhunting, because there's nothing to really be good at. It's all chance man. What more do you want from me after admitting I may have just fucked up plain and simple?

I really wish I was Life, so I could properly tell Blitz just how hard his logic sucks. Victim complex at its finest.

Blitz. Your whole "Kay and Proto, as roles, must be mafia roles" is ab-so-fucking-lutely unhelpful and anti-town. I mean, there's absolutely nothing stopping Ganondorf from being Town or Link being mafia in a Legend of Zelda game, or Mario from being Mafia in a Smash Brothers game while Bowser is town, or fucking Bugs Bunny being mafia while Wile-E-Coyote is town. Even if Kay and Proto are always mafia-sided in games they both play in, there's nothing that will wed that as canon in this game, so give it the fuck up. Speculating on who has or does not have what character, and what the implications that holds is only important in the case that some pair of individuals have claimed the same character. Beyond that, it is worth shit-all other than amusing flavor, and the reason this is SFM2.

Now maybe I didn't address everything eclipse wants me to, but fuck it. I'm busy now that I've joined the army, and letting other people learn how to fill my (fucking huge) shoes also helps the town.

- Six Five no-voters. We're approaching 24 hours left, this is not okay. Everybody without a vote, post two people you think are scum and why and vote one of them. ASAP.

Without any of the inside information and organization that's been collected, all I have for you are the following.

Shinori. Doesn't look the cleanest, as some of his game content posts are the lists of "my opinions on user x", which I know can easily be used by mafia as ways of looking like they're saying things without actually saying anything. This is by no means a strong read.

Reinfleche. His absence right now is bothering me a lot more than many others, and everything he has done has seen rather flippant, but I bet I'm just falling into a trap.

Slayerx. Hasn't had an original opinion ever in his life, and doesn't seem to be about to start this game. May have tried in looking good by voting Blitz while many others were on Marth, but honestly, Blitz was just as viable a wagon.

##Vote Slayerx

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Slayer, you know I don't actually hate you, that's just the roleplay talking. You are however coming off as scum. I feel the need to clear this up so you don't actually feel like I'm personally abusing you.

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I was bringing that up with regards to people like Slayer and Rein. I was wondering why Bizz seemed to me more all over the place then what I would usually classify as all over the place when it comes to her.

I think it’s just harder for me to contribute this game because

1. I don’t like village leaders, and it’s just a subconscious thing. As in, I’m not posting because it’s a spite thing, but it’s just that I feel overall uncomfortable ad I don’t know who has claimed and who hasn’t. I might be suspicious of someone with a likely-town role that is provable and I wouldn’t know it.

2. I have limited internet at home, and my phone can only handle shorter posts. I don’t like using this as an excuse, though.

also blitz i bet bizz is a scum role 8)

I actually think so, too (I was pretty much scum godfather last game so I DON’T KNOW but if I’m in this game I wouldn’t rule out the possibility of me being a third-party role actually)

I meant as roles, sheeesh looks like you will do anything to get dirt on me cause I suspect you

(this was in response to eclipse)

I don’t like this post. Like, at all. It didn’t look like Eclipse was trying to OMGUS to me. /:

I guess for the record I am getting neutral vibes from Eclipse, even though reading over her posts again have made me feel a little better. I suppose the problem was that I couldn’t remember any of her posts at all, but I’m not certain why that was anymore.

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Slayer is also starting to come off as scum to me, yeah (sorry that I called you Rapier by the way ): )

But ##Vote: Blitz for now because eugh

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Blitz. Your whole "Kay and Proto, as roles, must be mafia roles" is ab-so-fucking-lutely unhelpful and anti-town. I mean, there's absolutely nothing stopping Ganondorf from being Town or Link being mafia in a Legend of Zelda game, or Mario from being Mafia in a Smash Brothers game while Bowser is town, or fucking Bugs Bunny being mafia while Wile-E-Coyote is town. Even if Kay and Proto are always mafia-sided in games they both play in, there's nothing that will wed that as canon in this game, so give it the fuck up. Speculating on who has or does not have what character, and what the implications that holds is only important in the case that some pair of individuals have claimed the same character. Beyond that, it is worth shit-all other than amusing flavor, and the reason this is SFM2.

I agree with you except that the Anouleth role MUST be town.

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