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...I had looked over it until now but there is actually a governor claim.

So I have to wonder why was there a stopped lynch and a governor claim when obviously a town governor would not have stopped that lynch? So either that governor is lying about their alignment or they need to explain what the heck happened.

So there's a governor and they used their ability without your consent?



...Haze wouldn't put two governor-type abilities into the same game, would he

Considering the circumstances, I request that the name of the governor claim be outed so that we can pressure them.

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So there's a governor and they used their ability without your consent?



...Haze wouldn't put two governor-type abilities into the same game, would he

Considering the circumstances, I request that the name of the governor claim be outed so that we can pressure them.


Hence why I was suspicious of her.

And notice how much shes pressed the whole "a town governor wouldnt have stopped that lynch" but I can't tell if its to say "I actually didn't stop that lynch" or "oh gosh I sweeeeeaaaar it wasn't me(/lie)."

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D1 scenarios from most to least likely.

1. Someone in the mafia used a lynch stop ability to halt the lynch, and someone else in the mafia used his/her night stop ability to make sure that most of the town failed, possibly to ensure a kill. Not sure if Shinori himself would have this ability, as he seems to be acting like JB (I'll grab some posts and explain, if needed; I'd best be able to recognize my son!)

2. Same day/night actions, but Shinori's being framed.

3. The lynch stop had an added effect of stopping a lot of night actions, and not just people who voted Shinori (Psych mentioned he was stopped, IIRC).

4. Shinori's lynchproof and forgot to claim that.

5. Shinori's lynchproof and his role PM doesn't say a damn thing about it.

6. Something else that isn't coming to me this early in the morning.

Anouleth can probably shoot Shinori, if he feels inclined, but only AFTER the latter says something. It would be an extreme waste if Shinori died and said nothing.

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Strawman, thanks~! I'd like to see if anyone else had their ability go through last night. My flavor implies that I wasn't at the dance, but I heard the music. . .or it could be because the hosts don't wanna a little kid to have fun. :cry:

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Hold ooooon.

Another miller governor!?




...what the hell

Either Haze is a massive troll or Iris is a big damn liar.

The fact that this actually has happened before just makes it even trollier.

@eclipse's Nr.3: I didn't vote for Shinori either (my vote was on Kaoz).

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In fact - I just checked - the previous instance of a miller governor that was town was in the original SF mafia.



(Don't think you're off the chopping block, Kaoz.)

##Vote: Iris

Explain yourself.

Most importantly, did you cancel the lynch?

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First off @ eclipse, my fellow class mate: My role said nothing about being lynch proof. I have no idea what happened. I kind of gave up and now have been trying to think of what to say that won't make me look bad, because i know the situation i'm in, with my flunking grades and all.

Also would the governor have actually done that? That means they would have redirected the lynch to a nolynch, which i doubt would happen if it was a mafia gov, that just seems downright dumb of the misfit organization in the midst of our class. And a town gov has no reason to use it unless they are in danger or otherwise specified. We could always wait for her to talk but this seems to suspicious to me, i figured she was town because of the miller claim, but if she chose to use her governor ability without consensus of the town leader then i don't know. Maybe she's third party? Is that a possibility?

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Oddly enough, Iris voted for Kaoz. Hmmm. . .

Let's pretend that you're mafia, Shinori, and so is Iris. Stopping a D1 lynch on you helps the mafia. Now, then. . .while voting might not accomplish things today (after reading that, I have no problems with Anouleth shooting Shinori; I really, REALLY don't like that third-party theory, as a miller third party makes no sense), I do want my opinion heard:

##Vote: Kaoz

Get in here and say something. Iris has a lot to answer for, as well, but she'll eventually come on and see the votes. Kaoz is on RIGHT NOW.

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Actually, thinking about it some more, let's just lynch Kaoz.


##Vote: Kaoz

He has been scummy all along, and knowing his alignment would tell us quite a lot.

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Home from school. ):

Dear Iris

more likely than not you'll get yourself ironically modkilled before negotiating anything

You are Reinfleche, Town Miller Governor.

Reelected for a second term, you're former Overlord Levity's self-proclaimed biggest fan, even going as far as to refuse to join naming fads until she does. Speaking of which, you change your name way too often. You are also always mafia.

During the day, and only once, you may respond to your role PM with "Day X - NOW IT'S REIN TIME!" If you do, you will cause everyone to have second thoughts about the lynch at the last minute, and it will be called off.

Additionally, you keep some pretty incriminating objects in and around your house, so if investigated, you will appear to be a member of the mafia.

Post Restriction: Since this role was such a big hit in the first game, you should try to quote lines made by Kevin, the original Miller Governor, in SFMM1 wherever possible. They should not be in quote tags and should be seemlessly worked into your content as if it were your own.

You are allied with the Town. You win when all threats to the town are removed.

Since everything's out in the open, (finally), now, the role PM. Does the idea of a role that's designed to be mislynched seem that farfetched, especially since SFMM1? I would also like to point out that this role PM is REMARKABLY similar to the original incarnation in SFMM1 (flavor wise), which leads me to believe Haze got lazy when writing it (further supported by other reasons);; but you probably already knew this, as I kind of told Prims. I can probably point out every instance of me using my PR if that's allowed, I don't know.

And Shinori, third party miller is dumb for obvious reasons.

...I had looked over it until now but there is actually a governor claim.

So I have to wonder why was there a stopped lynch and a governor claim when obviously a town governor would not have stopped that lynch? So either that governor is lying about their alignment or they need to explain what the heck happened.

Most importantly, did you cancel the lynch?

No, since I'm not retarded, I still have my one-shot lynch cancel. Also, I can't explain what happened since I didn't use it (the only logical reason why a town governor would use it is to save themselves), which is exactly when I would use it. That's why I don't think there's a mafia governor, but according to you, the only likely / possible ideas are a vote negator or a mafia governor. On second thought, I wouldn't put it past Haze. Also, I don't get why a mafia governor would claim Miller Governor to the town leader when miller itself is already the clumsiest mafia fake claim ever, and that they would use their ability on Day 1 which would make them very suspicious.

Responding to other things next post + voting.

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Also, I don't get why a mafia governor would claim Miller Governor to the town leader when miller itself is already the clumsiest mafia fake claim ever, and that they would use their ability on Day 1 which would make them very suspicious.

Simple: due to what happened in SFMM1, it's the perfect fakeclaim. It's happened before, this game has been pretty trolly so far and I wouldn't put it past Haze's cruel sense of humor.

And yet, for that exact reason, you might as well be telling the truth.

I'm extremely uncomfortable about this, but instead of wasting another day with a lynch cancel for you to prove that you haven't used your ability yet, I feel it's better to look for scum elsewhere and maybe come back to you later. So Kaoz it is.

Obviously, don't use your ability.

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@Strawman: I quoted you last time, but forgot to respond to that bit; how did you forget there was a governor claim? Shame on you, Prims would have remembered. Which reminds me, I forgot to cry about Prims' expected night one death. D: Obviously to prevent a misunderstanding between us, but I can see how that would make me seem scummy.



To explain that SMS to Prims. 8)

@Raymond: Yeah, I know, again, not that dumb. And you're right, there's actually a lot more WIFOM to my role than I thought. ;/

@Rein: How come you don't have opinions? Rather, how come you don't voice them (since you definitely have to have them). I mean it's great that Psych cleared you apparently, but people are still worried you could be a godfather (oh my goodness, that would be so ironic, actually).

Again, like last day phase, I find Kaoz to be slightly scummier than Shinori.

##Vote: Kaoz

Oh and Haze is the most awesome host ever since he updated the subtitle with phase end. <3 <3 <3

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That's not even what I'm arguing! Of course they can be mafia. The lynch stop just doesn't tell us anything about whether they are, which you are currently insisting on a bit too much.

Alright, however, the way things stand they don't look too good for shinori, in my eyes as i have explained before. And for now, most of what we have to go off of now, aside from posts and such.

Mafia doublevoters are retarded if Haze likes balanced games, and there's no reason for a town doublevoter not to claim.

Vote negator is possible, but somewhat bastardish if it doesn't give the target any notification indicating what happened.

I'm ignoring it because that's not what I was getting at!


Also, psych, Strawman is said to be Proto, told to us by prims and later confirmed by him.

As for my thoughts on the current situation, i'd think they are pretty much have been said. Either way you look at things, what happened day 1 doesn't look too good for shinori, and maybe i'm wrong, and Raymond is right, but for now, i'll keep my vote on him.

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Eclipse - Prims

Iris - Rein

Prims - Kay

Strawman - Proto

I'm gonna keep my vote on Kaoz, since I'm okay with Iris right now, even though that seems ridiculous and Shinori just feels iffy and flimsy to me if he's the lynch.

I do think once we get more info and have a bit of a safeguard, we should lynch Iris. Maybe Day 4 or 5.

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@Strawman: I quoted you last time, but forgot to respond to that bit; how did you forget there was a governor claim? Shame on you, Prims would have remembered. Which reminds me, I forgot to cry about Prims' expected night one death. D: Obviously to prevent a misunderstanding between us, but I can see how that would make me seem scummy.

The same way I forget so many of the things I forget but shouldn't. Which is a lot. of things. A lot of things indeed.

Eclipse - Prims

Prims - Kayhttp://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?app=forums&module=post&section=post&do=reply_post&f=54&t=32678&qpid=1991264

Iris - Rein

Am I missing anyone who claimed?

Me as Proto, silly.

On a more serious note, I should probably vote now.

##Vote: Kay

Kay is in this game? I had no idea.

It was Prims' dying wish to expose you for the probable scum you are. It is my sworn duty to carry out this wish and make it finally come true.

We got too many investigative town power roles as claims yesterday, we did. And it is funny because if all of those were actually town, well that would just be way too OP. Way way way too OP. not saying that yours is less credible, but its the most powerful. And a number of those other investigative roles are already seeming town and gave us some backed up info without certain other ramifications that would make us doubt them. So then that leaves you, our supposed cop, who failed to initially mention the alignment of the person you investigated. Which seems weird to me, like we were just supposed to assume you got a town scan on him/her. Or a scum slip because unless town has way too many investigative PRs, We were both pretty convinced you're the scum rolecop.

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Haha, I knew it! I knew Kay was making me uncomfortable!

I didn't get internet access yesterday, so sorry for lack of activity. I'll get some in about half an hour from now, though.

Also, Psych, what the fuck are you going on about? What is wrong with Marth's plan? You're always so hard to work with. ))):

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Haha, I knew it! I knew Kay was making me uncomfortable!

I didn't get internet access yesterday, so sorry for lack of activity. I'll get some in about half an hour from now, though.

Also, Psych, what the fuck are you going on about? What is wrong with Marth's plan? You're always so hard to work with. ))):

If you saw it, you'd probably disagree with it too.

I'm also going to vouch for Levity looking incredibly town in my eyes because of her attitude as well as the fact that her role is kinda stupid for a mafia member.

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We are planning on having Anou shoot whoever we want to lynch to prove his role right? If not then what's to stop him form using it as mafia here in the future?

Also people have said it before, Kay might be rping as balc, few posts but with alot of stuff in them. I'm not sure if that helps at all because she definitely hasn't posted for quite some time(Pot calling the kettle black, weeee). Where are a few other people, because night phase ended and i'm pretty sure a few people still have yet to come in here and post since it ended. I at least posted here explaining that i wasn't told anything about being lynchproof.

I'm gonna take a longshot here and assume that Shinori was kept alive during the lynch because of this specific role, and that he's used his role and is now without any special ability for scum to use. I think Slayer hinted at this, but I can't find his post now that I'm on my computer. He's been protected from a lynch, but Anouleth should save his vig hit for someone else.

With the fact that a mass roleblock would be a one shot would be a reason to keep a mafia member alive, which doesn't help my case, but you also have to think about the fact that they blew a strong one shot ability all ready.

On a more serious note, I should probably vote now.

##Vote: Kay

Kay is in this game? I had no idea.

It was Prims' dying wish to expose you for the probable scum you are. It is my sworn duty to carry out this wish and make it finally come true.

We got too many investigative town power roles as claims yesterday, we did. And it is funny because if all of those were actually town, well that would just be way too OP. Way way way too OP. not saying that yours is less credible, but its the most powerful. And a number of those other investigative roles are already seeming town and gave us some backed up info without certain other ramifications that would make us doubt them. So then that leaves you, our supposed cop, who failed to initially mention the alignment of the person you investigated. Which seems weird to me, like we were just supposed to assume you got a town scan on him/her. Or a scum slip because unless town has way too many investigative PRs, We were both pretty convinced you're the scum rolecop.

Well with the fact that a lynch was stopped (Assuming mafia role apparently) And assuming the mass roleblock, mafia might have some really strong roles and abilities, which could mean there would be a lot of investigation on town side or a fair amount of strong roles on town side because of the strength of the mafia. Also we can't let it fade that there might also be a ninja in the mafia which counters a fair amount of investigation such as tracker/watcher. Also with a supposed miller and possibility of a godfather that would skew with the investigation reports as well thus making them not as useful. The fact there are a lot of them here, doesn't nescarilly mean they are all scum. But could be.

That being said, ##Vote: Kay I WILL FOLLOW YOU STRAWMAN, you are the person with the most A's in the class at the moment.

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We are planning on having Anou shoot whoever we want to lynch to prove his role right? If not then what's to stop him form using it as mafia here in the future?

Also people have said it before, Kay might be rping as balc, few posts but with alot of stuff in them. I'm not sure if that helps at all because she definitely hasn't posted for quite some time(Pot calling the kettle black, weeee). Where are a few other people, because night phase ended and i'm pretty sure a few people still have yet to come in here and post since it ended. I at least posted here explaining that i wasn't told anything about being lynchproof.

Well with the fact that a lynch was stopped (Assuming mafia role apparently) And assuming the mass roleblock, mafia might have some really strong roles and abilities, which could mean there would be a lot of investigation on town side or a fair amount of strong roles on town side because of the strength of the mafia. Also we can't let it fade that there might also be a ninja in the mafia which counters a fair amount of investigation such as tracker/watcher. Also with a supposed miller and possibility of a godfather that would skew with the investigation reports as well thus making them not as useful. The fact there are a lot of them here, doesn't nescarilly mean they are all scum. But could be.

-I'll leave the first one up to y'all/anouleth. It might not be bad to prevent him from killing town to win the game near the end if hes maf or something like that, but it could also be useful later as well :/

-Its not Bal.

-But I'm talking extremely OP. As in clear/find 3 town/scum plus tell if 2 people are lying about role in 1 night, plus Prims and I confirmed to each other as town. Thats ridiculous.

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What are the possibilities though that she is telling the truth and someone else is faking? Maybe the whole goal with the OC part of this game was for the town to be able to get a nice organization going while the mafia had extremely strong stopping powers and useful roles.

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