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Blitz, I see you. Say something. I didn't send you a SMS because I got a centered random on gigadelic[H].

what were we talking about again?

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Hey, sorry for my absence recently. As far as this itp goes, I messaged eclipse with a plan that should figure it out, hopefully it all goes as planned. And as far as the rein being outed thing goes, I can assure you I have not given out anyone's information in a way that is detrimental to the town, nor have i even given it at all to anyone not presumed clear or anyone who had no reason to know it.

Also, since everyone was doing it. Fitting in ftw!

Dear Strawman,

Uh, can somebody please explain why there are so many votes on me?

You are Proto, Town Waifu.

You are Kay's waifu. And we mean waifu, since we're pretty sure she wears the pants in that relationship. You seem to oblivious to what is going a majority of the time but we're not sure if that's legitimate or just you being a professional IRL troll. Also, Paperblade wants your hat.

You have no night action, but you do know that your better half, Kay, is Prims. You may talk to her outside of the thread as much as you want, which is quite a lot. You're also sure she is town, you don't know what you'd do if she wasn't.

Post Restriction: You're submissive to Prims, and as such, may not cast a vote for him, your should also support him wherever possible. Overall however, you have any idea what's going on and are just following Prims' lead, so you should act confused and uncertain wherever possible.

You are allied with the Town. You win if all threats are removed.

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Thanks to those weird messages from Bal, we can be certain that whoever it is had town claims. That narrows the field down considerably. I'm gonna flip a coin, and hope the game ends tonight.

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On the roleblocker and downgrader targeting me, no idea. :F That is a question for postgame.

Oh, and probably not helpful now, but I also received a message concerning the same topic as Marth at the same time. I'm assuming this was a last ditch attempt by Balcerzak to confuse the town. You know, I just realized the town doesn't have any good roles left . . . Like, Marth used up all his actions, I'm just Miller now, Strawman never had a night action . . . And then there's Blitz and Eclipse. :c

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Random and totally not helpful, but wow, is there no eclipse role? Like, I assumed there would be, since eclipse plays in almost every SF mafia game, unless someone is lying. More likely, hosts just tripping me up. :P

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SF Mafia can have but one God, and I am he!

Alright town, you better be ready for this because I'm gonna lead this train to victory! You don't deserve me, and I hate each and every one of you, but let's get it on.

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Okay now that Brad is done approving of the flavour:

The few survivors gathered together in the lobby, the damaged lights from the rioting casting long shadows behind them all as they stood in a ring, casting glances at eachother. One of them had to be a traitor, they'd already taken care of the bastards who ran this charade and had gotten their money back, but they still couldn't leave, there were too many unexplained happenings, the mysterious man going around driving everyone into a rage, for one.

A broken clock on the wall ticked, and ticked again, refusing to change it's displayed time, but piercing the silence and echoing through the lobby.

It seemed like an eternity, but eventually Eclipse spoke up, reaching inside her long cloak as she did, "Alright, I think I know who it is, we know that someone ratted out the bedsmith to those miscreants, and that was knowledge only a few amongst us had access to." Turning towards Strawman and Marth, Eclipse revealed what she was hiding within her cloak, a gun. It's metallic sheen glistened in the light and she aimed it squarely at Strawman, and the sound of the chamber being cocked echoed fiercely in the silence. "Blitz, hold him."

"Hang on," Blitz protested, "How are you so sure it's him?"

"He came here with some dame, right? They were looking to lead us out of this mess, but she ended up biting it early this week, he's been acting strange ever since. I should have seen it, I'm a detective, dammit, the answer to the mystery man caper has been right infront of my eyes the whole time. Driven to madness by the loss of his lover, he's been going around doing god only knows what ever since, and we've just sat here and let him, thinking he couldn't possibly be against us." Eclipse monologued, her gaze never leaving Strawman's expressionless face.

A few glances were exchanged between Blitz, Marth and Iris, but quickly Blitz conceded the point, and quickly wrapped his arms around Strawman, holding him in place, "Sorry about this, I still love you, 'k?"

If Strawman cared about this situation, he clearly wasn't showing it, he just gazed into Eclipse's eyes, blankly, as if in his own little world, free from any cares or worries, there wasn't a gun pointed in his face, there wasn't a man clutching onto him to hold him in place for his would-be killer, and most definitely of all, there was not a walking corpse standing behind Eclipse.

"FUCKERS!" the corpse screamed into Eclipse's ears.

Eclipse reeled from the shrill cry, dropping her gun and clutching her ears as she staggered away, deerstalker falling from her head as she did. Everyone quickly backed away as the corpse staggered towards them, screaming obscenities and babbling about how to play mafia, judging from his crass speech, clothes and noose hanging loosely from his neck, this was the corpse of Balcerzak, back for vengeance.

Eclipse scrambled for her gun, but just as she grabbed hold of it, the merciless zombie gripped the other end, and the two became locked in a struggle over the gun, kicking, clawing and bashing at eachother to try and get the other to relinquish the weapon.

Meanwhile, Strawman lay motionless on the floor, having been released from the vicegrip of the terrified Blitz, Iris and Marth knelt down next to him and shook him slightly, "Uh, are you dead already dude? asked Iris, eliciting an incoherent mumble from Strawman.

Iris leaned closer to try and hear what he was trying to say.

"I... ope... u've been paying attention, Iris." he said, as a small smile creeping it's way onto his face.

Iris recoiled away from Strawman, clutching her head and screaming in a violent mixture of pain and fury, all the feelings of rage were flooding back to her at once, Marth quickly ran to her to try and calm her down, but was swatted aside by Iris' primal fury, quickly turning to Strawman, who had by this point stood up and was dusting himself off, he yelled, "What the bloody hell did you just do?!"

Strawman chuckled, "What are you even talking about? I just tried to help provoke good scumhunting." he retorted, in a barely audible mess that could hardly be called a sentence. Marth scratched the back of his head, unsure whether to be insulted or angry by that response, when he suddenly felt his face assaulted by a torrent of hot fluid and rock. He turned to the source, and saw Iris, or at least what was left of her, her head was entirely gone, the only indication it was ever there the stub that remained of her neck and the blood attempting to pump itself into the non-existent bodypart. Tearing himself away from the horrific sight to look down at himself, he realised that the fluid and rock he had just been struck with were the remnants of Iris' skull and a hefty quantity of blood and brainmatter which now dripped down his business suit.

"JESUS FUCKING UNHOLY SON OF MARY LUCIFER CHRIST'S TABLE WHAT DID YOU JUST DO?!" He exclaimed in complete horror, swiftly crawling backwards from Strawman and throwing aside his bloodstained jacket.

Strawman, however, was uninterested, Marth wasn't a problem, he could be dealt with later, he was more concerned with the brawl currently taking place between the good detective and the rat zombie bastard who had almost foiled his plans to get revenge for his beloved. At least, he thinks he had plans, he can't really remember, but given the circumstances, there must have been. Casting aside doubts, he quickly moved behind Blitz, who was standing frozen on the sidelines, unsure what to do.

Wrapping his arms around her as if to mock what she had done to him mere minutes earlier, he leaned in close to her ear and whispered "Don't worry, I still love you, I just want to know, have you been paying attention?" After delivering the fatal words, Strawman threw him aside and advanced on the final two obstacles in his path. An an all too familiar reaction occured within Blitz as he rolled around clutching his head in agony, moments later, his head erupted and split apart, showering the surrounding area with blood and various other pieces of his head.

By this point, Eclipse had started to gain the upperhand, and was all too aware of what had become of two of her comrades, gritting her teeth she threw the zombie off of her while wrenching the gun from his hands. Clambering to her feet, she quickly tried to take aim at the incoming madman.

Too late.

Strawman pushed the gun aside as he leaned in close and whispered the familiar phrase into Eclipse's ears, "I hope you've been paying attention." Eclipse fell to the floor, dropping her gun as she did, attempting to keep her composure, but it seemed to no avail as she too began screaming as rage and pain flooded every sense and blood began dripping from her eyes.

Turning to the zombie, Strawman tilted his head, "And you, ha, I don't even have to ask if you were paying attention, you couldn't even figure out who it was who told you about the bedsmith." he tauned, this taunting was too much for the proud zombie, who followed the example of the other two victims, and exploded.

Marth watched on in horror, Strawman had just killed two of his friends, another was on the verge of death, the zombie was dead, and now the deranged madman was walking back towards him, the same blank expression on his face, as if he didn't have a care in the world.

"Well friend," he began as he knelt down in front of the terrified Marth, "I guess it's just you and me left. The CEO and the guy who lost the love of his life. In another world, it could probably make a good movie, but really, now, I just need you to die, okay?" he rambled on, as Marth sat there, frozen.

Picking up a disgarded knife from a previous case, Strawman prepared to deliver the final blow, ensuring that he would be the only survivor, Marth closed his eyes, as if to accept his defeat, when a loud "BANG!" pierced his ears for a second, followed by complete silence.

Marth waited, only the ticking of the clock as a reminder that he was still alive, when he heard something collapse with a "thump", risking a glance, he saw his attacker, lying on the ground before him, bleeding out of a hole in his chest, and a clearly pained Eclipse kneeling, gun in hand, aiming in his direction.

Eclipse's gun fell to the floor once more as she dropped it, blood was still pouring from her eyes and ears, and she struggled to prevent herself from completely collapsing as she stiffled her screams of pain. Marth scrambled to his feet and ran over to her, risking to hope that she would be alright, sliding down to a knee next to her, he took hold of her shoulders and held her upright, "Hey, hey, come on, just, don't die, I've got doctors, awesome corporate doctors, just, hang on."

"He...h," Eclipse mumbled, "An, ng, organized crime ring, and a madman in one wwweek... and I complain when, gaaagh, some dumbass asks me to find wh-who dinged his car." It was clearly taking all of Eclipse's effort not to succumb to the rage building up within her.

Marth's eyes darted around the dimly lit lobby, looking for his disgarded jacket, as luck would have it, it was nearby, snatching it up, he pulled out his phone from inside and began dialing a number rapidly.

"It's n-not all bad, tho-ugh, two capers ssssolved." This was a fight that Eclipse clearly wasn't winning, as she gritted her teeth together and widened her still bleeding eyes. "I guess I realllly am a g-good detective."

"Yeah, doc? I need you to- Hey, come on, stay with me here." Marth pleaded, wondering for a moment whether he would be the only survivor of this grim tale.

"N-nah... this is it.. it's the end, but hey," Eclipse raised her head to look Marth in the eyes, "At l-least, we got... justice." Eclipse's head hung low again.

"C--case... closed."

A "pop" sound broke the momentary silence, before Marth was once more assaulted by a wave of wet fluids and bone fragments. He paused for a moment, staring sadly at the headless corpse he was holding, before he lay it to the ground and stood up.

He glanced around the room one more, 10 minutes ago, 5 people stood here to decide how this would end, now, only he remained, surrounded by bodies of those he had come to call friends.

He hung up his phone and turned away from the macabre sight and staggered towards the door. Pushing it open and stepping out into the rising sun, he risked one more glance back into the theatre where so many had died in the name of justice, and he could have sworn he heard a voice respond to his gaze, whispering "your fault."

Disregarding this phantom voice as he wiped a mixture of tears and blood from his eyes, Marth began the long walk back to his home.

Game Over.

Eclipse, Blitz, Iris, Strawman, and Balcerzak (again) have all died, they were:

Dear Eclipse,

What life? All I've been doing is sleeping in.

You are Prims, Town Radar Georgua Georgua Nuva Akruru Prims.

You are a ten year old boy on the internet who is surprisingly good at mafia games for your age, and even though Haze has known you for what must be around 8 or 9 years now he can barely think of anything to say about you. Once upon a time, however, you were Giovanni and so naturally I must conclude that you are the Patron Don of all scum teams.

At night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - I speculate that USER is PERSON." You will take a guess as to the true identity of USER. You will be informed if you are correct, and if you make enough correct guesses, we may give you something nice for your 10th birthday (again.)

At night, you must respond to your role PM with "Night X - Inspecting USER." You will inspect USER with your gun, which will publicly reveal his entire role PM with 100% accuracy. You will do do this every night, as it's for the good of the town.

Post Restriction: You like to talk big, especially when it comes to mafia, so you should use an excessive amount of mafia jargon wherever possible.

You are allied with the Town. You win when all threats to the town are removed.

Dear Blitz,

You fuckers and your IRC

back in my day, we had no IRC

You are Levity, Town Lover.

You really hate OC because fuck it's too confusing and IRC sucks and goddamn why does everyone target you with everything. However you are a good player even if your posts seem to be confusing since you don't really explain your thought process. Unfortunately everyone kills you Night 1 because everyone is unoriginal, despite this, you still love each and every one of us, awww.

At night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - ilu USER." You will talk excitedly with USER throughout the night. As a result, USER will determine that you are Levity and a good player that they should totally target you instead.

Post Restriction: You like to rely on your gut to guide you, so you should make frequent references to it and any "gut feelings" you get throughout the game.

You are allied with the Town. You win when all threats to the town are removed.

Dear Iris

more likely than not you'll get yourself ironically modkilled before negotiating anything

You are Reinfleche, Town Miller Governor.

Reelected for a second term, you're former Overlord Levity's self-proclaimed biggest fan, even going as far as to refuse to join naming fads until she does. Speaking of which, you change your name way too often. You are also always mafia.

During the day, and only once, you may respond to your role PM with "Day X - NOW IT'S REIN TIME!" If you do, you will cause everyone to have second thoughts about the lynch at the last minute, and it will be called off.

Additionally, you keep some pretty incriminating objects in and around your house, so if investigated, you will appear to be a member of the mafia.

Post Restriction: Since this role was such a big hit in the first game, you should try to quote lines made by Kevin, the original Miller Governor, in SFMM1 wherever possible. They should not be in quote tags and should be seemlessly worked into your content as if it were your own.

You are allied with the Town. You win when all threats to the town are removed.

Dear USER,

Uh, can somebody please explain why there are so many votes on me?

You are Proto, Town Waifu Neutral Troll.

You are Kay's waifu. And we mean waifu, since we're pretty sure she wears the pants in that relationship. You seem to oblivious to what is going a majority of the time but we're not sure if that's legitimate or just you being a professional IRL troll. Also, Paperblade wants your hat.

You have no night action, but you do know that your better half, Kay, is USER. You may talk to her outside of the thread as much as you want, which is quite a lot. If Kay were to disappear, you're not sure what else is there to keep you in check...

At night, you may respond to your Role PM with "Night X - Disregard everything USER says." You will talk at USER and pretend(?) to not know what he is talking about, which is kind of infuriating. USER will be so frustrated by this that he will forget to perform his night action and be considered trolled for the rest of the game.

Alternatively, at night, you may respond to your Role PM with "Night X - I hope you were paying attention!" Everyone you trolled will be so angry that their heads explode, killing them. This ability can kill any number of players.

Post Restriction: You're submissive to Prims, and as such, may not cast a vote for him, your should also support him wherever possible. Overall however, you have any idea what's going on and are just following Prims' lead, so you should act confused and uncertain wherever possible. Your confusion has only grown with Prims' death, so ramp it up!

You are allied with the Town Kay. You win if all threats are removed everyone else is dead.

Dear Balcerzak,

I am going to play a little different. I call it the Randy Bailey strategy.

I will do my best despite hating each and every one of you.

You are Life Admiral, Mafia Asshole.

You believe that NOC requires no skill and is totally random, probably because you've been listening to certain members of Smogon a bit too much. Also you have little patience for stupidity and can be very blunt and hostile about it, which combines... oddly with your low opinion of just about everyone. (Un)fortunately, you joined the army and are probably not going to be seen again for many years.

At night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Berating USER." You will insult USER for whatever dumb remark he's made lately. If USER is town, this will make him feel so bad that his role will be permanently weakened in some way.

Post Restriction: Anything you do or agree with is for the good of the town (not really), anyone who dissents is terrible and deserves a verbal bitchslapping, so you should insult dissenters and those who disagree with you wherever possible.

You are allied with the Mafia. You win if all threats to the mafia are removed.

Leaving Marth as the sole survivor:

Dear Marth,

I claim Town Activist Betrayer Bodyguard Bro Cultist Cop with Infinite Bulletproof Vests and one Lynch Proof Vest, I can also Nightkill. Flavour is that I'm Laharl, and while I'm technically not a schoolboy I got into the school anyway and can do whatever I want because I'm the fucking OVERLORD!

You are Haze, Town Fakeclaimer.

You have no idea why Paperblade is making you write a role about yourself, but hey! One of your favourite pasttimes in mafia games is making up as many fakeclaims as you can, ranging from semi-believable to utterly ridiculous. One the other hand, sometimes you are just completely honest and don't tell a single lie all game, but that's a rarity. You're also the CEO of Haze Co, which isn't real but SHUT UP.

You have prepared a variety of fakeclaims in advance, and since you're the host, clearly they are all 100% real and thus you can make use of them as your role whenever you want, but you should never repeat, one should never use the same fakeclaim twice, after all.

Your fakeclaims are;

Town Snoop - "Night X - Do a background check on USER." You will make sure USER doesn't hang out with any seedy folk by sending some people to see who all visits him that night.

Town Slavedriver - "Night X - Make USER work overtime." You will make USER work overtime, which means that all non-killing actions will fail because they will be at his house instead of at work. However, killers will not be so easily deterred and will come to work and kill him.

Town Detective - "Night X - Ask Specta to check USER's paperwork." You will have your secretary, Spectakitty, go look over USER's paperwork to make sure he is a legal citizen. From this, you will get his entire Role PM.

Town Boss - "Night X - Give USER a promotion." USER has been working hard lately, so you give him a raise, giving him more power in the company, which in turn makes his role stronger. This ability doesn't always work.

Post Restriction: As the CEO of HazeCo., you are very professional. As such, you should treat this game like a board meeting, and make sure everyone is aware of such vital things as profit margins and risk vs reward whenever possible.

You are allied with the Town. You win when all threats to the town are removed.

Meaning that the Town have won.

Rather than list the winners, I shall list the losers:

The Mafia: Kay, Proto/Kaoz, Elieson, Balcerzak and Shinori.

The Lovers: Prims and Strawman.

If you're not listed, congrats, you won.

Edited by Haze
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In lieu of full postgame, which I'll need Brad to write a lot of since he was the chief designer of this setup, have some awards:

The Good.

Town MVP: Balcerzak, for messaging every surviving member of the town that someone told him that Rein was the Doctor, thus allowing the town to narrow the third party down to Strawman with ease.

Mafia MVP: Cows, for somehow surviving Day 1, denying town a lynch in the process, and immediately pushing to take Prims out by using his one-shot ability. This string of events nearly caused town to lose, though not by the mafia's hands.

Lover/Wolf MVP: Prims, pretty much ran the show, Strawman counted on him a lot for advice, which was kind of the idea behind allowing the dead lover to be a logic wall for the surviving now-wolf.

Haze Award for Best Unintentional Roleplaying: Prims & Strawman, for their lovers topic where Prims did all of the planning and Strawman just acted confused and did as Prims said the whole time.

Levity Award for Best Use of Post Restriction: Balcerzak, self explanatory.

Kelsey Green Award for Best Use of Role: Levamantobizzy.

Strawman Award for Hiding Under the Bedsheets: Marth, for um, being the only survivor.

Intercom Award for Best Moling: "Strawman is obvtown."

The Bad.

Anouleth Award for Worst Use of Post Restriction: Anouleth, because he didn't know how to flirt and decided he was going to be an asshole instead because he could blame it on his PR.

Psych Award for Screwing Over your Faction: SlayerX, who henceforth shall be barred from any games I am involved in hosting.

Sho M Award for Most Disappointing Moment: The Town not screaming about a recruitment after the Paperblade the Town (Mafia) Mayor died.

Reinfleche Award for Worst Hosting: Forgetting to send Bal's claim to Levity

Brad's flavour killing someone with a gun instead of a table as we had pre-agreed

Brad saying "Have a nice day." instead of "Have a nice day~"

Brad immediately changing Eclipse to Town Prims when I still had like 2 names to go through before I got to that, god dammit Brad!

Proto Award for Most Confused Player: Eclipse, after having her role name change repeatedly, and managing to think that "Inspecting someone with your gun, revealing their role pm publically with 100% accuracy" wasn't a vigilante.

Raymond Award for Worst Luck: Strawman, who got screwed by Balcerzak sending a message to every member of the town asking if they were the one who told him that Reinfleche was the doctor.

The Fast and Furious.

I never got to use my slideshow video of every instance of the town saying "Strawman is obvtown/clear" or variants thereof played to stupid music during the final intermission to foreshadow Strawdomination. You all suck, but especially Eclipse.

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I want to see how last night actions went down! :O

Thanks Balcerzak~ <3

Oh, um, Blitz if you ever got my last SMS (I hope you didn't), you should disregard all of that, since apparently I missed Eclipse's claim + a bunch of other things. ;/

This game was absolutely fun to play, even if I was remarkably average in playing; would play in SFMM3. 8)

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What can I say, I suck at third party.

My (eclipse's) role was amazing though.

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Prims, you and Strawman lost through no fault of your own, really.

Though maybe Strawman should have done the thing where he said to Bal he was a mafia traitor who couldn't nameclaim.

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Also sry Strawman. ;_; We probably could have won if we had hooked Marth instead of eclipse, then lynched eclipse after Bal died. I dunno why I didn't go with that...

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Yeah, that plan would have totally won us the game, but BAL WAS MESSAGEBLOCKED WHEN I THOUGHT OF IT. There was no town cred to be gained from that, Bal, just Screwing Over The ITP Cred. fuck all'a y'all

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