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I Play FE5 (Blind)

Ema Skye

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So hey everyone. I've never played FE5 before, and I've heard that it's the hardest game in the series. So I'd figure that I'd try playing it, as blind as possible. I don't know a whole lot. In fact, I only know these:

-Capture/Rescue mechanics

-Escape with Leaf last or units go away

-All units names and their classes, as well as dismounting

-Skills and weapons, but not where to obtain them

Sounds like fun, doesn't it? :P Try not to post spoilers, but vague tips are fine (and probably needed). I'm obviously not going for uber efficient play, but I will try my best to play as fast as I can.

Chapter 1

Gasp! Little girls have been kidnapped, and the one with black hair is kinda cute :P. Eyvale's village is full of imperial troops, so I guess we're going to have to take it back. Eyvale tells Leaf to run, but Leaf is tired of being a wimp so he fights back. These characters look pretty solid, although Eyvale is a Jeigan if I ever saw one. Eyvale joins with a random door key.... Okay? Othin goes to the right house since he starts the closest to it, while everyone else heads into town. Everyone seems incredible, with Havan and Othin doubling everything, Fin having Brave Lance, Leaf range attacking and Eyvale being Jeigany. Dagda, Tania and Marty join. Marty's bases are eww. Dagda is another Jeigan? Is this game really that hard for two Jeigans to be given? Tania seems cool, but I don't know if she's the typical early archer or not (like Rolf and Wolt). Othin gets the Pugi, which seems hilariously broken on paper (Killer Hand Axe much?). Everything just gets easier from here on out. This is a really easy map. Eyvale captures a soldier and then gets a music not above her sprite, which lets her move again I guess? o.o Fin gets the Life ring, which, judging by the house convo, is this games equivalent of Seraph robes. Havan visits the far right house and gets the Brave Axe (more o.o). This is crazy. Eyvale goes to the final house and gets a... Vulnerary (big let down :[). Eyvale burns Wiseman to a corpse with the Fire Sword, ORKOing. Leaf siezes next turn.

Total turns: 8

Stats (big image ahoy)



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I logged about 94 restarts by endgame, and I ended up using rewind and savestate abusing like fuck by about the 40th time in the goddamn prison levels.

The first prison level is really wonky. I remember a couple times it felt nearly impossible. But the last couple runs, it went better than expected (<insert meme face here>). Machyua and the axe-dude just wiped the floor of everything, then Leaf and Rifis got in on the action and slaughtered everything else.

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Eyvale goes to the final house and gets a... Vulnerary (big let down :[).

You'll be grateful for every vulnerary you get. You'll need them more than in most of the other FE's.

Have fun. :D

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@Goopy: Elite mode?

Chapter 2

Ith is probably the worst name ever for a village. Just sounds so... bleh, and looks weird. The intro makes it look like we'll be facing Bandits in this map. and... Yup, I'm right. Dagda saves the closest village on the first turn. The women inside talks about some priest who was taken away. Maybe we'll run into said priestess soon. FE5's Swordmaster crit seems very similar to FE9's with the leap up and all. I thought it was cool but whatever. That one village where there's the dude who calls us out for saving him is pretty hilarious if I say so myself. His Sister is very generous though with that Speed Ring :). Eyvale vists the top village and.. oh, a new unit. He seems desperate to say the least. Minus the higher build, Ronan just seems like an inferior Tanya. This map sure has lots of reinforcements... and they show up before the enemy phase too :/. Argh.. the throne gives +10 defense. :angry: Pretty sure Othin is getting crits on every counter he does, maybe Wrath isn't how it is in F9 and 10. Fin beats the boss after Dagda weakens him, while Leaf and the Axe bros take on the reinforcements. A few turns later, Leaf seizes.

Turns: 12 / Total: 20

You know, let's do one more.

Chapter 2x

o.o I can't see a thing. The enemies are pretty managable though, and thanks to the turn 2 cutscene, I know where I'm supposed to go. Of course, I say that just as a prepremote Warrior shows up. But its got a torch, so I guess I'm catching it (like its a Pokemon). Othin catches the Warrior, steals his stuff, and trades the torch to Dagda who uses it and... "We can see clearly now, the fog has gone". That's some serious range on that Torch. Leaf has a convo with Eyvale who tells him to catch Lifis and not to release him so he can apoligize. Shiva's presence made the end difficult, because I didn't want to kill him. But turns out he doesn't move, so yay for easy map. Leaf then seizes. Fog of war maps are dumb in this game. Thankfully they got changed.

Turns: 14 / total: 34

Stats - Characters not shown are at base level


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Elite mode or not?

Also, when people reference how hard this game is, is it in terms of elite mode or not?

They reference it in terms of blind runs, where you really have zero clue what to expect.

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You'll probably want to raise Leaf this next Chapter, it'll make the next few much easier. Leave decent equipment with Lifis and Leaf too.

Edited by Serious Bananas
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or just give him the speed ring, and maybe the life ring

I figured someone else would make better use of the Life Ring, due to fatigue.

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You'll probably want to raise Leaf this next Chapter, it'll make the next few much easier. Leave decent equipment with Lifis and Leaf too.

or just give him the speed ring, and maybe the life ring

You get another one in 4x, may as well give the first one to Leaf. Having a competent Leaf in Manster makes things a lot easier.

You know, it defeats the purpose of a blind run if you give advice and spoilers to the participant. Don't read them, OP!

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You know, it defeats the purpose of a blind run if you give advice and spoilers to the participant. Don't read them, OP!

It's a vague tip. I'll spoiler it, if he wants to read them he can.

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