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anyone eles a lil bummed at the spotpass units they chose?

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FE2: I'd like Ruka and Saber, but they can only use characters with manual art.

FE3: Good choices overall.

FE4:I like Arden and I'm glad he can be a good unit finally.

FE5:Dagda is pretty important to the plot, so I can see why they'd put him. Too bad at the lack of Galzus and Linoan but ah well.

The General Nephenee I can completely understand why people would be annoyed at that. Generals look and fight completely different then Halberdiers, she doesn't have her helmet either on her battle model, so why did they put Nephenee in at all? Jill, Meg, Aran(a male soldier model exists), Nolan, any of those characters would've been better.

Edited by Emperor Hardin
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Define "they" and for what.

From the looks of how even some lords are being assigned classes, it's based more around what is easily available, rather than what is accurate.

i.e. Elincia cannot use swords as, despite that being her own weapon, and yes; Nephenee becoming a tank class when she was a speedy powerhouse. Basically, we're getting a decent amount of units free, but like most free content, it's not going to be perfect. . . and even in the case of characters like Elincia; we're still not getting a 100% representation of what they were in their game of origin. Again, not terrible, just disappointing.

and it's an interesting way of looking at it, what you were pitching back there. . . but it's a little too lenient, especially when some characters are getting unique classes, while most are being relegated to whatever is "eh, close enough".

Edited by StrategistPockystix
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I kind of wanted either Dieck, Rutger, Fir, Niime, Hugh, Wendy, Astol, Zeiss, Miledy, Douglas, Geese, Gonzales, Echidna, or Garret for Sword of Seals' SpotPass, but I guess I'll have to settle for what we're given. Such a shame, though.

Intelligent Systems must REALLY love their Swordmasters in the series. I mean, REALLY, they are giving us so many. Deen, Athena, Lakche, Skasaher, Evalye, Mareeta, Lyn, Eirika, Marisa, Mia, Zihark, Lucia, Edward, Lloyd, there's just SO MANY! But giving us Jaffar from Blazing Sword...this pleases me. :P

Also, it's interesting to note that Ephraim comes as a Soldier in SpotPass, which has always been an enemy-exclusive class up until now, yet he comes as a Great Knight in DLC. What's up with that? Can Soldiers even promote to anything?

EDIT: Though if none of the following are in Blazing Sword's spotpass, I'm gonna be pissed: Hector, Rath, Hawkeye, Pent, Louise, Karel, Harken, Raven, Guy, Farina, Karla, Dorcas, Canas, Legault, Dart, Erk, Wil, Oswin, Nino, or Renault.

Edited by Karaszure
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Also, it's interesting to note that Ephraim comes as a Soldier in SpotPass, which has always been an enemy-exclusive class up until now, yet he comes as a Great Knight in DLC. What's up with that? Can Soldiers even promote to anything?

It's not clear if recruitable SpotPass Ephraim joins as a Soldier. He just shows up as an enemy like that, using his art as if he was SpotPass, but not necessarily in his definitive SpotPass form. We should note that the three Lords actually released so far in SpotPass, Marth, Sigurd, and Roy, all join at very high levels: the latter two are LV20 promoted, while Marth is near the top of his single-tier Star Lord class. So far, they've all joined as they were in LvD, as opposed to as they were in ST. There's a good chance we'll see SpotPass Ephraim similarly as he was in LvD, as a Great Knight.

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We also have several villains who weren't playable at all, and then you advocate for Medeus himself. I guess being playable isn't that big of an issue?

All those villains still were gameplay bosses though. It's not unusual to see people wanting something they can't get. Meanwhile, Nina was a supporting character in FE1, never participating in battles there, and in FE3, her only playable appearance, she was just one of the 4 last chapter units.I don't think anyone was asking for her.

does anyone have an image of nephenee in the game? or is her portrait just the same as in raidiant dawn?

Portrait is the same. She appears as an enemy in this video:


Here's are two pictures taken from it (Red armor is because she's an enemy - every enemy in the DLC chapters wears red):


Edited by NeonZ
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All those villains still were gameplay bosses though. It's not unusual to see people wanting something they can't get. Meanwhile, Nina was a supporting character in FE1, never participating in battles there, and in FE3, her only playable appearance, she was just one of the 4 last chapter units.

So she was something important you really couldn't get?

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So she was something important you really couldn't get?

We could "get" her though. She was just too useless to help in battle most of the time and so was just a talking head...

Edited by NeonZ
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All those villains still were gameplay bosses though. It's not unusual to see people wanting something they can't get. Meanwhile, Nina was a supporting character in FE1, never participating in battles there, and in FE3, her only playable appearance, she was just one of the 4 last chapter units.I don't think anyone was asking for her.

Portrait is the same. She appears as an enemy in this video:


Here's are two pictures taken from it (Red armor is because she's an enemy - every enemy in the DLC chapters wears red):


Now I know that the general armor looks the same and all, but that's just plain old ugly.

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FE 1 - I would have liked to see book 1 Hardin and Palla, but that's about it.

FE 3 - Chainey and Mishel

FE 4 gen 1 - Overall I'm really happy with this one. Sigurd, Cuan, Ethlin, Diadora, Levin, and Alvis. The rest of the characters I really don't give a shit about.

FE 4 gen 2 - NO ARIONE? WHAT THE FUCK? NO OIFEY? NO SHANAN? But they have the fucking sword twins? At least they make up for it by having everyone else they have, who are some of my favorite FE characters. Basically, I would have taken out the sword twins and put in Shanan and Oifey.

FE 5 - Overall, pretty happy. They have Fin and Evayle. It would have been nice to see Galzus, Linoan, Fergus, Othin, and Homer, but not a huge loss. And fuck Leidrick. Put in Arione. I don't care if he's not an actual villain. Reinhardt would have been nice too.

FE 6 - Pretty mediocre. I'm glad they have Percy and Cecilia. But most of them I really don't care about. Niime, Brenya, Igrene, Miledy, Echidna, Gonzo, Hugh, and Guinevere would have been my choices.

FE 9 - Pretty happy with this. They have Tits, Elincia, Mist, and Ashnard. Geoff is cool, but there are other characters I would have liked. Shinon, Volke, Stefan, and Nasir and Ranulf, but there wasn't much chance there, would have been nice.

FE 10 - Again, pretty mediocre. I like Sigrun, Seph, Sanaki, and the BK, but he can't fucking use swords. I would have liked to see Nolan, Haar, Jill, Renning, and Volug.

Villains - Probably my favorite after FE 4 gen 1. There are some other villains I would have preferred to some of the ones they picked, but I like all the ones they did pick.

Overall, I'm pretty happy with it. FE 4 both gens and villains are probably my favorites. FE10's probably my least favorite.

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I am actually one of the few lucky ones who everyone I like seems to have been picked (Aless, Cuan, Nanna, Elincia, Ethlin, Percival, Sety, Camus, Geof, Eddie, ect.). And even Elto maybe comming--I don't know what the details on that are, but he seems to at least be there as a villain, so there is a shot of him being playable (if he isn't, IS you have tricked me again and must really be trying to burst my happy bubble).

My main concern is how someone like Arden got in when pretty much any other unit in G1 had more plot importance than that guy did. Also no Sara or Linoan for FE5 was kind of a shock, since I felt they were pretty important when I played Thracia (well at least Linoan was...Sara was more for Kia staff). I would have preferred Shannan over Lakche for G2 since we already have Ayra and Mareeta, but I don't really mind that they picked her over him since she has a pretty good fanbase, it seems. Also wish that Reinhardt and/or Aerone had been in that pic with Elto, Ishtar, and Trabant, but I guess we can't get everyone.

I wonder who will be the FE7 people. IS has been keeping really mum about that.

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FE5:Dagda is pretty important to the plot, so I can see why they'd put him. Too bad at the lack of Galzus and Linoan but ah well.

......But it's Daaaagggdddaaa.....Plot importance or not ( Honestly i can't argue how important or not he is as...Every playthrough i've ever done he is always resigned to the grim fate of being Drei...course to me this is his good ending... XD)

Ahem that was long for a parenthesis but anyway, At the end of the day we have this...thing...


Instead of ANYBODY.

Semi joking aside ( Yes i've been mostly joking, most of the teams aren't too bad. At least there's a million other swordmasters...)

......... :dry:

Yeah i'm not even start with that...

Edited by Eriad
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I am actually one of the few lucky ones who everyone I like seems to have been picked (Aless, Cuan, Nanna, Elincia, Ethlin, Percival, Sety, Camus, Geof, Eddie, ect.). And even Elto maybe comming--I don't know what the details on that are, but he seems to at least be there as a villain, so there is a shot of him being playable (if he isn't, IS you have tricked me again and must really be trying to burst my happy bubble).

My main concern is how someone like Arden got in when pretty much any other unit in G1 had more plot importance than that guy did. Also no Sara or Linoan for FE5 was kind of a shock, since I felt they were pretty important when I played Thracia (well at least Linoan was...Sara was more for Kia staff). I would have preferred Shannan over Lakche for G2 since we already have Ayra and Mareeta, but I don't really mind that they picked her over him since she has a pretty good fanbase, it seems. Also wish that Reinhardt and/or Aerone had been in that pic with Elto, Ishtar, and Trabant, but I guess we can't get everyone.

I wonder who will be the FE7 people. IS has been keeping really mum about that.

All the characters who have showed up in the DLC maps, including the villains in Ephraim's map and elsewhere, are almost certainly playable. It's the only way to explain the 12th team. So no worries about that.

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They'll eventually release all characters from all the games as DLC, right? Right?!

Oooohh, yeah they should just do that. Course, given how pricey the lords are, i don't even want to imagine the bill this would amount to...


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It's just not the same :(: It'd be like having Ike and making him a fighter.

well fighter can promote to hero tohugh really it depends on skills late initiative and weapon saver does seem to fit him better thatr max hp +5 and fiery heart

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I don't really see the problem people have with Neph. I mean, I always felt Sentinel's in RD were just non-crappy speedier Generals anyway, it's really not that far off.

Admit it, you're mostly just upset because her armor makes her look fat.

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