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Fire Emblem 7: Rearranged Mode


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Are you a troll

I published a Patch okay, so I need information about all of it by the ones that played it, if they played it, 'kay? If you want to be trolled, you just ask for it with your ineptitude at being coherent with what I ask. Not the Furetchen I am, but a least of consideration so I can tell "fuck finally some prompt to improve the patch even more"

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I would agree that you aren't me. That is obvious because I speak coherent fucking English. I do not stalk people over the internet. I do not make terrible patches and then refuse to admit any fault with them. You are not some master troll, you are just an idiot with an inflated ego.

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I would agree that you aren't me. That is obvious because I speak coherent fucking English. I do not stalk people over the internet. I do not make terrible patches and then refuse to admit any fault with them. You are not some master troll, you are just an idiot with an inflated ego.

Off-topic mode on

Lol Furetchen what the hell you still think about the trolling I did? And you even write about stalking? You know what a stalker is?

A stalker is somebody that lurks near you costantly and you are aware he is there but you can't perceive him! And when you perceive him, he is at your side and he is pwning you!

Learn your Coherent fucking English you self-deprecating boob!

True english is british english and british semantics and I write that english. Maybe I do fall sometimes, but I notice that my sentences are, mostly, way more complex than yours because I can allow myself to write that. Plus I train myself at writing these sentence, so it's a plus to me being some kind of a joker here. And I'm a fucking italian that learnt english by himself through mainly, guess what neguses, FIRE FUCKING EMBLEM, where some ancient english and weird semantic is used in the official translations too, so just smooth that debauched mouth of yours and don't you dare to address me as a stalker anymore, you ankle-biter!

Off-topic mode out

I do not make terrible patches and then refuse to admit any fault with them

BULLFUCK! I played Super Thracia and it's very funny just for the first 9 chapters! Then it's impossible from there! And people here praise it like a good patch! My patch makes the game harder, not impossible, and gives you the tools to deal with it, you dweeb! Not Dream of Five, a mod I put myself after because the concept is interesting, but my patch is much better than some grime splattered here and there.

Edited by marcus90
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marcus90, you need to calm down and stop treating everyone like an enemy. Just because you don't agree with someone's criticism does not mean you need to get angry at them for it.

Everyone else, try not to provoke him so much.

Now let's not let things get any worse from here.

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I published a Patch okay, so I need information about all of it by the ones that played it, if they played it, 'kay? If you want to be trolled, you just ask for it with your ineptitude at being coherent with what I ask. Not the Furetchen I am, but a least of consideration so I can tell "fuck finally some prompt to improve the patch even more"

So is that a yes

Also, is it possible not to provoke this guy I mean look at what he posts

Edited by Alpha Kenny Thingthatmoves
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I guess it takes much restraint, but when he's shouting down the people that try to give constructive criticism, it doesn't look good.

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lol furet he called you a boob and an ankle-biter

Also, I'd say Furet's sentences are much more complex and coherent than yours; when I talk to Furet, I find myself trying to keep up the high standards of conversation and beautiful, articulate language with which Furet composes the poetry that is HIS WORD.

Basically though, the root of this topic: so far, you haven't taken one bit of critique people have offered. No one is going to offer you more critique because you have, so far, refused to take it. :> Try, JUST TRY, doing what Fuzz recommended. No one will seriously offer crit if they don't think you're going to take it.

Also, did you insult Dream of Five? angry.gif I couldn't really interpret your post very well and would appreciate some clarification :3

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He called us all neguses, terminology you could find used on a certain notorious imageboard...

Seriously, do you really think an earnest, aspiring hack maker would act like this?

I'll be damned if it really is that kind of staggeringly rare case.

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Let's try this again.

Chapter 1:

Okay so I'm not sure why Sain is the great lord, but it's interesting, and he isn't to shabby.

Palette issues again, the boss lacks one and sains does not really make sense, but it does look good.

Pretty difficult, hiding in forrests and using vulneries saved me.

Good job in making this chapter difficult.

Boss. Once again he is easier than the regular enemies, why does he only have a hand axe? It makes him easier to kill. Consider changing his equipment

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i'm not entirley sure what he was insinuating

"I PLAYED THROUGH SUPER THRACIA" what the fuck does that have to do with anything

"I WANTED DREAM OF FIVE" you've just complimented furet since he writes the damn thing


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Let's try this again.

Chapter 1:

Okay so I'm not sure why Sain is the great lord, but it's interesting, and he isn't to shabby.

Palette issues again, the boss lacks one and sains does not really make sense, but it does look good.

Pretty difficult, hiding in forrests and using vulneries saved me.

Good job in making this chapter difficult.

Boss. Once again he is easier than the regular enemies, why does he only have a hand axe? It makes him easier to kill. Consider changing his equipment

Gonna do it.

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DoF sucks, man. All those stupid flashy graphics and characters and custom text and maps and icons and the whole custom game thingy mabobber and uh...

Oh right, it doesn't suck.

Go to hell.

Patch has been updated and now shit is Sirius.

Edited by marcus90
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Playing through it to give you some stuff:

First off, this is definitely hard as fuck. Personally I have no idea how this is funny but holy crap there are already more enemies than my guys, don't make them have better stats too.


Did you change Batta? IDK if he's easier than the bandit (because both 2HKO anyway)

Lyn suck so badly. She can't double and has shitty defense :|

Lyn's sprite, but you know that

Batta's palette, but you also know that.


Chapter 1:

You sure had fun messing with classes (lol great lord with the weirdest (and coolest) palette)

wtf I can actually do damage now! Woohoo Sain! (PS. now lyn is actually useless)

Why does Lyn get doubled seriously.

At least Sain's a boss (I feel like someone who only uses Marcus and nobody else...)

Difficulty on this level is pretty nice. There are enough forests and Sain is a beast so it's not too hard.

Chapter 2:

Glass' palette is a bit strange but okay

Thrones give way too much defense, nothing can even hit Glass except Light Brand. :| Lower it to maybe 5?

Difficulty is pretty easy except for glass because wtf 10 defense throne

Chapter 3:

Back to hard as hell as the default difficulty

Does Mani Katti pierce defense or something? It's really useful

Level's pretty hard, although I'm finally starting to hit doubles. The promoted guys for some reason aren't much stronger than the others, but they're 10/10 for EXP lol

Chapter 4:

If you try and do this properly, it's hard as fuck.

If you just put everyone into Natalie's room and wait, it's a bit ridiculously easy.

Chapter 5:

The Snipers are really slow and they get doubled by literally everyone. Can't believe I'm saying this, but they could probably get a bit more speed.

The boss is so hard; he double everyone and OHKOs them, as well as having a brickload of HP. At least the forest is good. I beat it by sending someone in, attacking, then rescuing with Kent and pulling out again. There has to be a better way.

I stand corrected: This is surprisingly fun for a stupid hard patch.

Edited by Ninja Caterpie
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Chapter 2:

I made him a little blue-haired I know

Thrones now gives 7 and you can damage him and further bosses enough... still, here the scope is to own him with Sain so next chapter is much more affordable

Difficulty is gonna be revamped here a little here with more disdainful equipment for the enemies

Chapter 4:

Defeating the boss will help a lot because of the Wind Sword that is relegated to...

Lyn is pure glass cannon: high reward for High risk.

Berserkers can get a lucky crit and your fucked, that's where they are dangerous.

Exp to the right people is fundamental to forward in this hack.

Chapter 5:

Snipers now are gonna kick your ass because of their equipment. The boss is much more frail if you took the wind sword and gave it to...

Edited by marcus90
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i played this patch until chapter 9 but it has a mistake when Wallace cant promotion and the game was crash. Can you help me Marcus ?? sorry my english not well.sad.gif

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i played this patch until chapter 9 but it has a mistake when Wallace cant promotion and the game was crash. Can you help me Marcus ?? sorry my english not well.sad.gif

YOU HAVE TO PLAY "LYN HARD MODE", go to gamefaqs and download the Save Game for "Fire Emblem" (GBA) and load it manually with "Visual Boy Advance" emulator

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