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[FE7] Ultra sadistic Eliwood Normal Mode bad idea thingy draft


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I just figured Cog of Destiny might have been impossible otherwise. Since everyone except the guy with Dart/Hawkeye would have to face reinforcements and probably run out of weapons D:. But if you all want it gone, sure.

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I just figured Cog of Destiny might have been impossible otherwise. Since everyone except the guy with Dart/Hawkeye would have to face reinforcements and probably run out of weapons D:. But if you all want it gone, sure.

You are, fool!

I'm just being sarcastic though PKLs, don't worry about it~

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26: 15 turns clear = 195 turns total

piss, lost the boots

oh well, 26x GET

26x: 18 turns clear = 195 turns total


nino is level 17 now

27: 20 turns clear = 215 turns total

lol nino fucked shit sideways

i'm a dick and made her kill linus

28: 10 turns clear = 225 turns total


29: 11 turns clear = 236 turns total

wow really 11 turns? weird

29x: 5 turns clear = 236 turns total


30: 11 turns clear = 247 turns total


nino's staffbot utility proved essential

Light I: 8 turns clear = 255 turns total


two uses of rescue burned NOW WE KILL TEH DAGRON

Light II: 2 turns clear = 257 turns grand total

man that was a blast

stats and shit

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Eliwood   15.34  51/26/22/24/17/17/11
Nino      20.00  45/23/28/26/25/15/23
Rebecca   20.00  50/24/26/29/19/ 7/14

Holy Christ Rebecca's DEF is awful. Nino is actually MAG cursed WITH AFA'S DROPS fuck you game. Eliwood ate statboosters and shit death.

ELIWOOD: 363B, 231W

REBECCA: 464B, 217W + dragon

NINO: 162B, 120W



i regret nothing

Edited by Integrity
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Chapter 29 - 11/152 turns

damn tied integ

Chapter 29x - 5/157 turns

damn tied integ again

Chapter 30 - 4/161 turns

waaarrrp and rescueeeee

Chapter Final part 1 - 3/164 turns

hawkeye smashed uhai with an unexpected EP critical that saved like two turns

warp and rescue so op

Chapter Final Part 2 - 1/165 turns


other stuff in a sec





the fuck hawkeye

and yeah i suck erk died once

and the one death was meatshield rebecca in chapter 11

Edited by General Horace
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I'd keep it just because that map is already a pain with mounts. If everyone wants it gone though, it's fine by me.

Chapter 15 - 8 turns (48)

Everyone makes a run for it. Lyn gets the village, Wil buys weapons and Kent and Sain die taking away some enemies.

Chapter 16 - 11 turns (59)

Everyone helps Eliwood through the middle, before Oswin goes away to OHKO Raven with the Silver Lance and save the soldiers, and Matthew loots the chests for the Knights Crest and the Silver Sword.

Chapter 16x - 3 turns (62)

LETS GO SUPERMATTHEW. He gets hit by 13s and doesn't afraid of anything. Eliwood grabbed the Devil Axe last turn.

Chapter 17 - 4 turns (66)

Promote Oswin at 18/1. He starts maining Axes, and aids Matthew's charge. Eliwood kills the right side of the ship for their items and Matthew steals the Speedwing on turn 4, before Oswin kills the boss. Eliwood caps his level.

Chapter 18 - 5 turns (71)

Oswin chugs the Speedwing, and escorts Matthew towards Uhai, who Matthew is able to 2RKO with the Longsword. Eliwood protects Dart.

Chapter 18x - 7 turns (78)

Dunno how Horace could get less as Erk can't bosskill. Oswin was a square short of being up close and couldn't have killed anyway. Matthew got the Icon.

Chapter 19 - 6 turns (84)

Could've shaved a turn if I could have killed Darin in time. Had to stop to kill the Sniper >.>

Chapter 20 - 2 turns (86)

Matthew had to step on this specific tile just out of Oleg's range to lure him to attack Oswin who critted him through a wall.

Chapter 21 - 2 turns (89)

Oswin rushes another boss.

Chapter 22 - 4 turns (93)

Haha, Pent cleared most of the map for me. Oswin killed the boss near the starting position after a push from Ninian. Eliwood guarded her.

Chapter 23 - 4 turns (97)

Oswin doesn't reach Lloyd in time and Matthew only 3HKOes. Tough luck I guess.

Chapter 24 - 11 turns (108)

Oswin gets more training done. Eliwood buys Killer Weapons.

Chapter 25 - 9 turns (117)

Fucking long range magic bullshit and snow sucks too. Oswin ferried Eliwood.

Edited by Serious Bananas
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Team - Eliwood, Dorcas, Lucius, Nils/Ninian, Athos.

Chapter 11 - 7 turns

Eliwood rushes with Dorcas's hand axe help. Eliwood gets awesome def and res level ups, but omg Dorcas. No Dracoshield though.

Chapter 12 - 7 turns (14)

Eliwood rushes to the mountain while...where's Doorcas? Knocking doors and getting a Secret Book, lol. Bosswin and Hector kill shit. Wtf is happening with Trolliwood, good level ups and sudden crtkills with Rapier O_o!

Chapter 13 - 6 turns (20)

Go go Trolliwood! He kills loldiers with Steel Sword. Dorcas gets the torch and does nothing more than getting Hp, Str and Skl, and Lck occasionally. Trolliwood crosses the river and rapier crts the baws, kills at EP.

Chapter 13x - 7 turns (27)

Lol, defend, rescue meatshield. Trolliwood and Dorcas kill shit, Dorcas finally gets good defense and lck, Trolliwood is wtf.

Chapter 14 - 13 turns (40)

Lol, Trolliwood rushes to Darin's son, then retreats back to Merlinus to kill pirates. Doorcas knocks another door and gets Priscy. Btw, Doorcas uses the Energy Ring and the Secret Book.

Chapter 15 - 8 turns (48)

Trolliwood full moves to Merlinus, Doorcas rescues. Moves to a mtn and drops Trolliwood with a Steel Sword to OHKO the myrm. Enemies block shit so turns spent. Dorcas finally gets spd! Lol he OHKOs with Steel Axe. Trolliwood uses the last two rapier uses on Bauker, then he kills him with an Iron Swd.

Stats so far


ELIWOOD  LORD         17.24     29/15/17/15/16/13/10                    SWORD A
DORCAS    FIGHTER   11.65     37/14/14/07/08/07/01                    AXE B

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Pent and dart. I reckon that is a beastly combo.

Dont have bs with me, so when i get back. Have to much fe12 todo first anyway.

Horace and i have the same team kinda, his is earlier and better. >=( 14 - 18

22 - 24

Both a sage and a zerker. Now to beat horace. 8D

Edited by Vicious Sal
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Bosswin and Hector kill shit.

5. Oswin and Hector are free for chapter 12.

what the fuck how long has this been a rule I swear it wasn't there when I started

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Chapter 16 - 15 turns (63)

Loool. Dorcas supports Trolliwood and Priscilla in the corridors, specially the annoying archers. Priscilla recruits Raven and he recruits Lucius, both of them rescue Green greenies. Eliwood goes to the throne and Dorcas clears enemies in the western chest room so Matthew gets the Hero Crest Chest, whatever. Spent an extra turn so Dorcas and Lucius can kill more enemies and get more level ups. Go go Dorcas!

Chapter 16x - 4 turns (67)

Lol, Dorcas kills almost everything thanks to the sp gains from the last chapter. He crtkills with 9% O_X. Lucius gets Canas and uses his secret book. Trolliwood kills Damian. Lol, lv. 20.

Chapter 17 - 3 turns (70)

Dorcas promotes, hand axes, and pwn 1-2 ranged shamans. He Devil kills the luna man and gets Hp, Str and Sp, whoo!

Stats so far...

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Time to actually continue this since I'm done with my HHM S-Rank attempt.


...Which I failed, not surprisingly.

Chapter 13 - 14 turns (34)

why do I suck at drafts

Anyway, got Guy, bought some swords, watched Oswin tank up north, and watched Eliwood get a lucky critical against the boss. Woohoo. Gaiden time.

Chapter 13x - 7 turns (41)

Saved the village, Guy got a level up including STR, all is good.

Chapter 14 - 12 turns (53)

Got mah waifu Priscilla, watched Eliwood destroy Erik and his forces, and Guy kill pirates. Bai Erk.

Edited by Folgore Orange
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Got mah waifu Priscilla, watched Eliwood destroy Erik and his forces, and Guy kill pirates. Bai Erk.

Lol, my Erk also died, I deployed Serra uselessly.


Edited by Quintessence
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what the fuck how long has this been a rule I swear it wasn't there when I started

It was. I remember I was putting the draft thread up when Horace and SB requested it in IP and i edited it before I hosted the draft. D:

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Lol, my Erk also died, I deployed Serra uselessly.

Erk wasn't worth it unless he was drafted. Lucky Horace.

Chapter 15 - 10 turns (63)

Lyn buys a ton of swords and hand axes for obvious reasons, Florina flies to hide, Guy handles the bandits bothering Merlinus (who they then killed), and Kent and Sain clear the way for Eliwood. Kent died, I'm afraid.

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Chapter 18 - 5 turns (75)

Trolliwood and Dorcas rush to Uhai, while Lucius kills enemies in the central island and the pirate reinforcements. Trolliwood gets the torch from a cav so he uses it and lights Dorcas's path, making him able to kill the Torch thief by PP4 and get the staff for Lucius as soon as he promotes. Dart rescues Fiora, she's a burden stealing kills and luring enemies. Dorcas rushes to Uhai, hits him with the Steel Axe and kills him by EP5.

Chapter 18x - 5 turns (80)

Wow, Lucius solos a shit ton of enemies including the peggies, and gets good lv. ups. Dorcas rescues Eliwood to the throne, and Devilkills Aion in a OHKO. Praise St. Elimine!

Chapter 19 - 5 turns (85)

Dorcas rescues Eliwood and drops him by PP3 near the door, Dorcas Devil OHKOs the paladin guard, he's a beast with that str and skl. Lucius kills nomads, knights and enemies blocking Dorcas's path. He also kills the sniper and the longbow archer. Woohoo! No Legault. Trolliwood moves in front of Darin and crts and misses. Dorcas finishes him and gets a lv. up. Trolliwood seizes.

Chapter 20 - 2 turns (87)

Lucius promotes and gets Torch, using it four times thanks to Ninian, he moves into the Balleg's range and crtkills him in EP2, Dorcas couldn't the Shine for Lucius though.

Chapter 21 - 2 turns (89)

Lucius gets danced by Ninian and hits Eubans in PP and EP, so he dies. Trolliwood stays adjacent to Ninian for Support!!!

Chapter 22 - 2 turns (91)

Lucius's another beast. PP1, he doubles one warrior and kills him in EP1 as well as a shitload of enemies. Dorcas kills northern enemies, Trolliwood and Ninian go near Hawkeye's tile in order to lure the mage and the archer. Pent kills shit. Lucius moves and kills the hammer brigand in PP2, Trolliwood kills the archer and Dorcas the nomad that hit Merlinus. EP2: Lucius crtkills the other warrior instantly, that's why I love so much light magic and Lucius gee_wiz_emoticon.gif! Pent kills the other approaching enemies, but a knight and a mage survived...so Pent kills the knight and Hawkeye, who wasn't recruited, kills the mage that attacked Ninian. Yay!

Stats updated again

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Chapter 11: 9/9 turns

Eliwood goes up, gets the Dracoshield, and goes left, eating it midway. A lucky crit saves a turn.

Chapter 12: 9/18 turns

Eliwood goes right, Hector massacres stuff top. Like Hector, my Eliwood is behind in SPD and can't double. However, he gets tinked by a Merc.

Chapter 13: 10/28 turns

Hector goes left for the village. I also remember two things, that Dorcas has an Energy Ring and that we can meatshield. So Eliwood eats the booster Turn 1 and goes down. Matthew recruits Guy for the Killing Edge, and is then rescued by Marcus so he won't die. Guy trades his KE to Marcus, and I'm fully expecting him to die, but Guy survives for two turns with 7 health until Marcus arrives for him, dodging 4 axe attacks and 4 bow attacks in the process. Lol.

Also, Eliwood is trolling me. Removing the statboosters, he's 2 points behind in SPD, 2 points behind in SKL, 1.5 points behind in LUK, 2.5 points behind in RES... and 4.5 points ahead in STR. >_>

Edited by BigBangMeteor
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