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Oh Derp!

The Elder Rhodes Sibling! Wait....it's been a while since GX...

Edited by Elieson
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this does not mean i approve of this thread i still think it is irreversibly dumb

e: disregard that i desire this thread with a passion

ily donna <3

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Ok, 5 coming up.

Helios, Lord Raven, Einny, Ether, and umm...someone else, Sho.M I think.

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There. Fix'd the tags on the previous post. Posted up were Sho.M, Lord Raven, Ether, Ein, and Helios (in order), in case you tried to view something while I was editting it for the umpteenth time.

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Still waiting for someone to do mine.

I'm getting to it, I'm getting to it! Working down the list is taking me longer than I thought, because I'm not on my Photoshop-imbued PC at home, but rather my dad's MSPaint using Vista Crapnugget.

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lies. My ego commands you to like me more

urs is good. But, I don't see how ur ego comes into play. It's not even what I think about you, it's what I think about what someone else things about you.

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urs is good. But, I don't see how ur ego comes into play. It's not even what I think about you, it's what I think about what someone else things about you.

My what I got has the words "big mouth" written in it! Big Mouth is for ego what gun is for bullets

Also its funny because i was bullied a lot on ~4th grade for apparently looking like a fish

Edited by Shoptimus Prime
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