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Which two Fire Emblem characters would want to see have a conversation?

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Seth and Titania.

I can see them both being absolutely modest about their skills in their respective games, and claim how little of an impact they make in their respective FE games.

Then laugh.

and proceed to make out.

I would be so okay with this.

I'd say Nino and FE9!Tormod. Mage Ests for the win.

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Corple and Sharlow.

Eltoshan and Ares/Aless/Alice/STAB IN THE FACE GUY

Edited by Refa
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Mia and Guy - Sword training day in and day out~!

Harken and Astram - "Oh my gosh why am I talking to this knucklehead?"

Est and Yuuno - Maybe the former will find a reason not to break Abel's heart

Tiki and Fa - Who knows how this one will end~!

Soren and Caesar - Big words are a must

Oscar and Caeda - Cooking contest. NAO.

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I just thought of another one: Shin (FE6) and Horace (Archaenea). :P:

Shin would double Horace so hard, they'd have to start call it tripling.

Ethlin and Alec/Noish/Ardan could be interesting. In fact, why doesn't Cuan talk to his old buddy Elty?

If we're crossing dimensions, Makalov and Farina could prove funny with money related banter. Sain would love to get his mitts on Sylvia and Marty being berated by Bartre.

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Shin would double Horace so hard, they'd have to start call it tripling.

It's OK Horace 2HKOes Shin with a Brave Lance or a Killer Bow crit.

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I'd say Nino and FE9!Tormod. Mage Ests for the win.

Wait... Tormod's an Est?

Also, I came up with a few ideas, so I figured i'd put them in this post instead, since I was already making it.

Raven x Hector. Mia x Zihark/Lucia or any white-clad swordsman. Womanisers x Libera/Lucius/Heather. Silent characters x silent characters. Morons x morons "See, I told you so" Ephraim x Geoffrey "Am I looking in a mirror?"

Edited by I don't play for turns
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Meg talking to Wendy. I would so want to see these two underrated poor characters interact with each other. Suck meets extreme suck.

Also, as a completely random conversation that no one would know the outcome of, Sigurd talking to Velvet. What would that entail?

Also, Heather to Florina. This series needs MOAR lesbian subtext.

And finally, Chambray to Caineghis. Why? Because Bunny-people-fighter meets kitty-people-fighter. Also, they would contrast each other so well/

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Any combination of Lachesis/Priscilla/Clarine

Rennac and Matthew (who got the craziest one glued to his back)

Yuria with Lana or Tinny

Micaiah with Sophia

Nina with Teeta

Gatrie with Lucius

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hmm... How 'bout any combination of Tiki/Fa/Myrrh?(Screw Bantu, and dragon laguz)

Or Roy+Marth? Or Saul+Sain? Or Kent+Dorothy(For having to deal with the prior)?

How 'bout Oliver+Gheb?

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