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June 7th DLC - Eirika


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Don't mind me.


Unless he didn't make that either and somebody else beat him to that too

Or maybe also unless he showed that to you outside that post/SF

Edited by Freohr Datia
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Light vs Dark

Ephraim - Great Knight

Sigurd - Master Knight

Ike - Paris' Class

Now here's where I differ slightly from Othin. The characters themselves are the same, but it's the classes that are different. The only difference? Assuming this "Paris" has another class, I think Ike will share it. My reasoning? To avoid doubles. Ike being a Hero makes perfect sense, but he and Roy would essentially be the same class. I don't think they intend to do two characters in the same class tree, thus Ike will use Paris' class. The reasons against it would be that, compared to Marth, no other Lord comes close to warranting the use of a special non-DLC only class. It'd be easy to make Ike a Hero and give him Aether, as Ephraim has Valhart's Conqueror skill it isn't un-warranted. This is the only part of my own deduction that I'm not 100% confident in.

Now this is very interesting, and in fact now that you mention it, I would say it is highly likely. In the event of my proposed setup, Ike and Roy would share an option for their initial class branches, and they would be the only ones to do so. It is plausible that if IS is avoiding redundant classes, they would seek to avoid this, as well.

Paris's class looks like a Hero with a cape. Character map sprites tend to only have varying heads with consistent bodies, so that sounds like a new class, but a class that resembles Ike quite precisely. There is also the matter of his connections with Paris, who would be released immediately before Ike's announcement in this case. While I doubt Paris is Ike as we know him, I am sure there is some connection, which could raise Ike to the level of being important enough to get that class. It also fits with him as the last DLC character to join while Marth is the first, an interesting echo with their positions within the first ten games.

I don't think Aether is a concern, though. In other DLC maps, Ike shows up as a Hero with Aether, much like how other characters freely borrow Dual Attack+ and Charisma. Looking at Star Lord and Overlord, neither class seems to have any skills tied to it, and I suspect the same is true for Paris's class. If not, I still doubt it would have Aether as an overlapping skill, as other classes do not.

What may curious to note is that Paris himself should not have Aether. Looking at the other five secret characters, they seem to hold to the pattern of FE13's regular cast of not starting with skills from other classes, except in the event of children inheriting the skills from their parents. Valhart has Conqueror and Inverse has Dark Blessing, but those two skills are not tied to any classes, while Aether is. Of course, this then raises the question of what skills he would have. All playable characters join with some skill, so if Paris does not take skills from other classes, he would have to have some skill unique to himself like Valhart or to his class in general. And if he were to take skills from other classes, I suspect he would avoid the Lord skills because of the complicated inheritances. It's possible he might play by the same inheritance rules himself, though.

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I can't think of another FE game that had every weapon combination, either. But I also can't think of another FE game with the Battle Cleric and Dark Pegasus classes, then expanding on the list with Demon Fighter, Bride, and likely a third new class. FE13 is coming very close to that in what seems to be a deliberate effort: it makes sense as a way of differentiating the new DLC classes, and only two weapon combinations now remain. If they make a third class, as makes sense with their pattern, and add just one more weapon combination, then only one more will remain. That sounds odd, doesn't it? To have all but one?

I don't think IS is entirely going for weapon combinations, it plays a part but its not that important.

Notice we have two Sword/Bow classes, Two Axe Only Classes, no Lance Only Class, no Lance/Bow Class, and that all the DLC classes seem to be able to use swords.

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I don't think IS is entirely going for weapon combinations, it plays a part but its not that important.

Notice we have two Sword/Bow classes, Two Axe Only Classes, no Lance Only Class, no Lance/Bow Class, and that all the DLC classes seem to be able to use swords.

Trying to get all the two-weapon combinations doesn't mean avoiding redundant ones as long as the redundant ones don't keep you from getting the others. It also doesn't mean going for all the mono-weapons, either. Demon Fighter isn't an axe/tome only class; it's a three-weapon class that has axe/tome as part of that. Similarly, while there are no lance only classes, there are plenty of classes that have lance as part of their weapon selection.

It is a fact that FE13 so far has all but two two-weapon combinations, and it is likely that we will see one of those two remaining ones with LvD2's exclusive class. Either way, that's the closest the series has ever come. It's hard to imagine that as an accident, and it's hard to imagine that they wouldn't want to go all the way. We must also note that lance options have thus far been a bit lacking, especially for males. That's looking specifically at the ingame classes, but then on top of that, lances seem to be the only weapon type thus far unrepresented in DLC classes. Sounds a bit odd, doesn't it?

And no, we haven't seen an indication that all DLC classes use swords. All we've seen is two corresponding DLC classes used by sword-specialist characters with a sword named for them in this game using swords. There awaits a third DLC class, and of the remaining DLC characters, one has a lance named for him instead of a sword and has been seen using lances as a primary weapon at times in this game. That sounds meaningful.

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I think that would be three missing weapon combinations if you're not counting a Lance Only class(personally I do as every other weapon excluding staves has a specialist class).




Edited by Emperor Hardin
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I think that would be three missing weapon combinations if you're not counting a Lance Only class(personally I do as every other weapon excluding staves has a specialist class).




As seen by the combination of Eirika's DLC art and her battle screen, the Bride class is capable of using both bows and staffs. Presumably swords as a third weapon as well, but that's unconfirmed.

The thing about the specialist classes is they're targeting classes that include a given combination, not having the combination exclusively. Again, Demon Fighter uses axes/tomes, but not just axes/tomes. Similarly, Falcon Knight uses lances, but not just lances. So while there seems to be no chance that they will have classes with all weapon combinations exclusively, the odds are heavily in favor of FE13 ultimately including classes with all two-weapon combinations inclusively.

And one could say Villager counts as a mono-lance class, although its stats don't line up with those of the promoted classes to allow that to be really reasonable.

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Dark Magic is also missing from the 2 DLC classes so far. Unless you mean DLC characters, but in that case, we have Ephraim and Elincia who can use Lances.

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As seen by the combination of Eirika's DLC art and her battle screen, the Bride class is capable of using both bows and staffs. Presumably swords as a third weapon as well, but that's unconfirmed.

If Eirika were to get lances as the third weapon, what would that third DLC get? Lances still sounds probable, Lances/Tomes/? Lance/Bows on a mounted unit has been done before, ala FE10. (I'm not counting FE9, since you can pick.)

I'm thinking about it this way; Elincia lost use of swords, Eirika might lose them too. I'd personally prefer Brides to have Lance/Bow/Staves.

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Well, Elincia lost the use of Swords because there aren't any existing classes who can use Swords while on Pegasi. But considering Eirika is getting a custom class anyways, it doesn't make sense for her not to have Swords.


Edited by BigBangMeteor
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Dark Magic is also missing from the 2 DLC classes so far. Unless you mean DLC characters, but in that case, we have Ephraim and Elincia who can use Lances.

He isn't talking about dlc characters, he's talking about usable classes

If Eirika were to get lances as the third weapon, what would that third DLC get? Lances still sounds probable, Lances/Tomes/? Lance/Bows on a mounted unit has been done before, ala FE10. (I'm not counting FE9, since you can pick.)

I'm thinking about it this way; Elincia lost use of swords, Eirika might lose them too. I'd personally prefer Brides to have Lance/Bow/Staves.

Eirika probably won't lose swords because she has a sword in-game based on her and in past DLC scenarios she's a myrmidon. Additionally, unlike Elincia, she's getting a unique class. Compare to Sigurd, who also might be getting a new class, but has a lance named after him and has been made lance-focused in past DLC. I think Othin's right and that it's safe to say that Sigurd will get the next DLC class because all horsey units have swords available to them otherwise, so there would be no reason to make him lance focused.

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Eirika probably won't lose swords because she has a sword in-game based on her and in past DLC scenarios she's a myrmidon. Additionally, unlike Elincia, she's getting a unique class. Compare to Sigurd, who also might be getting a new class, but has a lance named after him and has been made lance-focused in past DLC. I think Othin's right and that it's safe to say that Sigurd will get the next DLC class because all horsey units have swords available to them otherwise, so there would be no reason to make him lance focused.

But the Bride class isn't just about Eirika.

DLC!Eirika and Spotpass!Eirika are different, which is great. Why do I want to clones running around? If you really want Eirika to use swords, reclass her.

Either way, I hope she gets lances.

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Dark Magic is also missing from the 2 DLC classes so far. Unless you mean DLC characters, but in that case, we have Ephraim and Elincia who can use Lances.

Dark magic isn't a weapon type. It's a group of items in the Tomes weapon type restricted to the Dark Mage family. Despite having more weapons in its group, it's really no more a weapon type than katanas or longbows are.

Also, hypothetically, classes with tomes can also use dark magic anyway, because of Dark Blessing.

If Eirika were to get lances as the third weapon, what would that third DLC get? Lances still sounds probable, Lances/Tomes/? Lance/Bows on a mounted unit has been done before, ala FE10. (I'm not counting FE9, since you can pick.)

I'm thinking about it this way; Elincia lost use of swords, Eirika might lose them too. I'd personally prefer Brides to have Lance/Bow/Staves.

Well, if Bride has lances/bows/staffs, then the only remaining weapon combination is bows/tomes, so I'm sure the third class will have both. The only question is what it would have for its third weapon type, and I'm still hoping it has lances, for the reasons I mentioned above regarding the need for greater distribution to males who lack the Pegasus Knight class, Donny especially. Bride having lances would be fun, but it wouldn't be any help with that.

I don't think there's actually any real chance of Brides having lances, though. The thing about Elincia is, while she had a personal sword originally, she doesn't have a sword named for her in FE13. So within FE13, she's perfectly consistent as a character without swords. Eirika is another story, because of the presence of Eirika's Swiftsword. So within FE13, she's not so consistent without swords.

Eirika would also be less consistent with the series as a whole, as she only had swords originally, while Elincia originally had staffs and a pegasus, and she still does. And it would be especially egregious in Eirika's case, as Elincia had the excuse of being limited to existing classes, but Eirika has a custom class, and having it have three weapons yet be so completely disconnected from how she originally was would be simply bizarre.

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As seen by the combination of Eirika's DLC art and her battle screen, the Bride class is capable of using both bows and staffs. Presumably swords as a third weapon as well, but that's unconfirmed.

Forgot about the Bow screenshot.

And one could say Villager counts as a mono-lance class, although its stats don't line up with those of the promoted classes to allow that to be really reasonable.

In addition to being unpromoted, all of Villagers promotions use Axes or swords, so it doesn't count in the slightest even thought it reuses the animations of the Enemy Soldier class.

Why not give Lances to Dancers? It would make more sense for them then swords and add some diversity to.

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In addition to being unpromoted, all of Villagers promotions use Axes or swords, so it doesn't count in the slightest even thought it reuses the animations of the Enemy Soldier class.

Why not give Lances to Dancers? It would make more sense for them then swords and add some diversity to.

Villager does not have promotions. Donny has classes he can switch to as upgrades from Villager, but that's all.

Make more sense how? Available pole dancing aid?

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Bride Class- Cool so far.


Edited by GoldenEmblem7
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Bride Class- Cool so far.


There is no reason for Eirika to get a special Lord class, especially with Ephraim not getting such a class.

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Dark magic isn't a weapon type. It's a group of items in the Tomes weapon type restricted to the Dark Mage family. Despite having more weapons in its group, it's really no more a weapon type than katanas or longbows are.

Thank you for admitting that, you seemed to have trouble admitting things like that before.

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Thank you for admitting that, you seemed to have trouble admitting things like that before.

No, I didn't. You're thinking of an entirely unrelated argument you misinterpreted as usual.

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In case it happens, I'm calling Dark Knight right now! (wields times, including dark, and lances, and is a foot soldier).

In case what happens? That's certainly not going to be the third DLC class, especially because the name is already used for a sword/tome mounted class.

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Villager does not have promotions. Donny has classes he can switch to as upgrades from Villager, but that's all.

I'm aware, he needs a change seal but Donny's class swaps essentially promotions as villager is the only special class completely incapable of functioning throughout the game.

Make more sense how? Available pole dancing aid?

You got it.

We have enough sword classes anyway.

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I'm aware, he needs a change seal but Donny's class swaps essentially promotions as villager is the only special class completely incapable of functioning throughout the game.

Ah, but you see a key difference here is that the class swaps are tied to Donny as a character, rather than to the Villager class.

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Ah, but you see a key difference here is that the class swaps are tied to Donny as a character, rather than to the Villager class.

Donny's the only villager you get(not counting his offspring class swapping) and his portrait always shows him in villager garb complete with Lance.

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Donny's the only villager you get(not counting his offspring class swapping) and his portrait always shows him in villager garb complete with Lance.

I am aware.

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