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Blitz assumed that Eli visited Paper, so Eli had to be the silencer. Welcome to his logic. I told him to fix his scumdar, and he hasn't.

What I'd like to know is HOW Prims can cancel it out. If it's active, then that should be easy enough to circumvent. If it's not, then it'll be tricky.

Didn't Prims say it would passively cancel it? I would assume he can't idle to avoid it then.

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Just because Elieson targeted Paperblade doesn't make him the silencer. He was caught by a Tracker, not a Watcher. We don't know who else targeted Paper.

Marth is obvscum. Lynch lynch lynch.

Strawman still hasn't told us who he thinks is scum and why.

Manix is very likely to be Safeguard and I don't see why he would have outed a fakeclaim when he did as scum. Any case on him needs to either address why his claim is a lie or address why his claim makes sense for a scum safeguard for it to be believable. We're not starting a last-minute wagon on him. We're also not starting a last minute wagon on Iris even though she needs to post.

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- Haze: Apparently my SMS didn't send. Please do not use your lightningrod tonight! If you do, my role will passively make it fail so you'll really just be removing your PGO protection.

This is Prims's post, took me way too long to find. >_> I'm not sure whether this means that using his role on someone else will make it fail or whether just idling passively will make it fail. But a town role that makes another townie's role useless even when idling makes no sense.

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Way to ignore the lightningrod discussion, Prims. ;/ If you don't want to say it in public, you can SMS me if possible. Even if I'm not with the town, I have no reason to hurt them, either.

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if haze uses his lightningrod my role will passively stop him from redirecting people, meaning he'll just be vanilla that night


eclipse, did you get my SMS yet? Can you eve nreceive them?

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I didn't ignore the lightningrod discussion in that I sent you a SMS immediately after making my post. Apparently though, no mods are online.

There's a bigger question about what Pride didn't do with my role than why he didn't claim D1, but whatever.

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If there is absolutely nothing that Prims can do about his role blocking Haze's, that is horrible and means that either the hosts are trolling Haze or either Haze or Prims are lying.

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Prims. UNDERSTOOD. Thank you, Rein.

I think Marth was stopped by scorri on N1. Go watch a few Melty Blood videos with Sir Chaos to see why.

Since that appears to be a town-sided hook. . .##Vote: Marth

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Someone sent you this. How considerate!

You're clear due to the QA, who isn't Shirou-aligned. Do not trust Eclipse. She is Shiki-aligned, and with the death of Shirou's rep she wants to end the game fast, before Shirou can catch up. That means gunning for a mislynch. Lynch Kaoz today. He is a hidden player with an extra kill, so if he survives today a member of the town will die.

I am... not sure what to do with this. While Eclipse would have a reason to end the game as early as possible, it's entirely possible that someone Shirou-aligned (possibly Shirou himself) wants me to kill Kaoz (who I assume is Shiki).

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Is this the same Shirou whose rep threatened to shoot Prims and sent nano that less-than-savory message? Why are we trusting him?

If he wants to prove just what a jerk he is, he'll kill me, which will hurt the town even further. :angry:

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That said, if eclipse is working with Kaoz, has a SMS, and what the SMS BBM got is true, it'd be cool if she could pass on my SMS to him.

Lynching the hidden ITPs is a waste of our day. They don't have a word or vote in-thread and it's heavily implied they win alongside us rather than instead of us (otherwise it'd be unfair). Just ignore them.

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Shiki can confirm himself by posting the time stamp that I received Prims' SMS (which will be in HST). Each "team" has a PM going on, and I'm thankful to the hosts for that.

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It's... interesting that Shirou seems to be missing a N1 recruit by the way. Think they attempted BBM or scorri?

In any case, votals:


Marth (5): Paperblade, Haze, Prims, Elieson, eclipse (L-2)

Elieson (1): Helios

Iris (1): Manix

Manix (1): Subieko

Subieko (1): Marth

Not Voting: BigBangMeteor, Iris, nano, Strawman

Since Blitz died, I would it assume it now takes 7 to lynch and not 8. Mods, confirm?

Iris hasn't posted once all day. Strawman hasn't voted once all day. Both are waiting until the last possible minute to vote, which is... really scummy. Strawman is more likely scum since he's been prodded for opinions but still hasn't talked about who he thinks is scum.

Either way today's lynch is pretty obvious.

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N1's recruit was either scorri, Iris, or me. It's possible that he targeted Iris, but given that N0 was Paperblade. . .

Can we get back to lynching? ;/

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