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Carnival Phantasm Mafia


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Marth, dat grammar is atrocious. So entertaining.

Heh its my sucky keyboard. Even if I press a button sometimes the character isn't typed. Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

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Would Doc/SG actually work like that though? I think that doc might, but SG I'm not terribly sure on. Mind you, neither might be in the setup. Those unknowns.

And it's not worth claiming in thread, even if so. It's just too risky.

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Yeah, I'm not sure how the finer details of these skills work. If a bodyguard is on a killer who kills the PGO, does the killer die?

What if an inspection-blocking role targets the inspector, who then targets a role that counter-inspects? Do any of them get inspected?

What if a role that disables night abilities target a person who has counter skill? Do those counter skills still activate?

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Yeah, I'm not sure how the finer details of these skills work. If a bodyguard is on a killer who kills the PGO, does the killer die?

What if an inspection-blocking role targets the inspector, who then targets a role that counter-inspects? Do any of them get inspected?

What if a role that disables night abilities target a person who has counter skill? Do those counter skills still activate?

1. Most likely the bodyguard dies, unless there are priority issues.

2. If I understand this currently: let's say the town cop scans the scum role cop, but the town cop is hooked and the scum role-cop inspects the town cop. The Scum!Cop still get's its result.

3. I dunno, but maybe the PGO kills the targetter in this case too.

What I'm interested to know is why are you asking this all of a sudden?

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Yeah, I'm not sure how the finer details of these skills work. If a bodyguard is on a killer who kills the PGO, does the killer die?

Both Killer and PGO survive, if by "bodyguard" you mean "doctor", anyway.

What if an inspection-blocking role targets the inspector, who then targets a role that counter-inspects? Do any of them get inspected?

Okay so for example, if a cop targets a self-watcher (learns who visits him) and gets hooked? If he's hooked, then he doesn't visit the self-watcher, so the self-watcher gets no results.

What if a role that disables night abilities target a person who has counter skill? Do those counter skills still activate?

Depends on the role.

Once again, using the example of the self-watcher, a hook would disable the watch, and the self-watcher would not learn who hooked him.

However, in the case of a PGO, the hooker would just be shot in the face.

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I see, thanks.

For the second one, I'm thinking more on the lines of a counter-inspector kind of like a PGO, who inspects everyone that visits him. I guess such a role doesn't normally exist? It does sound pretty OP.

Is a hooker a person who blocks the target from using skills or a person who protects the target? I'm a bit confused here as well. I'm trying to talk about the later here, and I thought a hooker is the former. (or maybe both?)

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I see, thanks.

For the second one, I'm thinking more on the lines of a counter-inspector kind of like a PGO, who inspects everyone that visits him. I guess such a role doesn't normally exist? It does sound pretty OP.

Is a hooker a person who blocks the target from using skills or a person who protects the target? I'm a bit confused here as well. I'm trying to talk about the later here, and I thought a hooker is the former. (or maybe both?)

Hooker blocks skills. As such, eve if there were an inspector designed like a PGO, in such a case, the counter-inspector gets no result.

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For the second one, I'm thinking more on the lines of a counter-inspector kind of like a PGO, who inspects everyone that visits him. I guess such a role doesn't normally exist? It does sound pretty OP.

Not normally such a role exists. But it isn't completely unheard of. (so what you're saying is a self-watcher which gets role PM's (or part thereof))

Is a hooker a person who blocks the target from using skills or a person who protects the target? I'm a bit confused here as well. I'm trying to talk about the later here, and I thought a hooker is the former. (or maybe both?)

Yes, hooker blocks abilities, but also the mafia kill if that person is taking it. (ie, it can protect indirectly)

The part about the mafia kill is important, as sometimes it can be glossed over by newer players.

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how come no one asked me that????

Cause you had already unvoted. I figured since you weren't keeping your vote there that it had just been a random vote at the start. Was I wrong?

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A hooker blocks someone from using their skill.

A jailor blocks someone from using their skill. Also, a jailor prevents that person from being killed, or being targeted by anyone else's skill.

Dunno if that clears anything up, nano.

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A hooker blocks someone from using their skill.

A jailor blocks someone from using their skill. Also, a jailor prevents that person from being killed, or being targeted by anyone else's skill.

Dunno if that clears anything up, nano.

It certainly does. Thank you. tongue.gif

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Ok, I have no idea who we gotta lynch this phase. My apologies but I won't be here for end phase. And I'm leaving my vote on Kay, seeing as she has only 2 votes on her.

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I've been active lurking for a while because I haven't really had anything to say.

But Kay's vote on Subieko, and then her vote on Pride, seems suspicious. I mean, yes, Pride's point about Blitz was fairly obvious, but at that point, there weren't any votes on Blitz (other than my RVS vote), so it wasn't exactly sheeping or blending into the crowd even if it was obvious.

##Unvote, ##Vote Kay

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scorri, please do better than one line. ;/

On Day 1, the first, and maybe the second vote can be done with no justification. After that, there should be something to go off of. If you're finding that there isn't, then you are most likely voting too fast.

I'm getting newbvibes from nano, Blitzvibes from Blitz (I'm thankful he's toned down the randvoting), and WTFvibes from Haze (that role seems really overpowered, no matter what side it's on). These aren't enough for a D1 lynch.

I'm leaving my vote on Marth. I didn't like how he echoed things before, and then he echoed Blitz's vote on Kay. Unless I get kicked out of work early, I'm not making it back before phase end.

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Eh, leaving my vote on BBM, if he gets lynched and flips town, I'm just going to start looking harder at everyone who rapidly bandwagoned onto him.

WTFvibes from Haze (that role seems really overpowered, no matter what side it's on).

A vanilla PGO is overpowered?

Really all it means to me is that I can't be nightkilled, and that's just dandy.

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you don't NEED a reason to vote on Day 1, you vote to find one'

well, glad you decided to join in on the game though

In EARLY day 1. After 24 hours you should have something to go off of with most players then just random voting. Also,that was just one concern I brought up. Switching votes so fast gives your votes no weight, and a vote without weight is hardly a pro-town vote.

Possible scummy behavior shouldn't be automatically discounted because of the player. If you do that and that person at some point is actually scum, how are they ever going to be caught? :/

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eclipse: What are you talking about? Currently I've voted once and it was on Pride for inactivity. As of right now, I don't see anyone else to put it on, and so I've left it there for now. If you're talking about my response to Blitz, I was saying the reason I didn't ask him to explain his vote for Subi was because he had already switched his vote. Besides that, I'm at work so I can't post that often. I don't want to vote for BBM cause I don't especially think he's scum right now. I might be wrong, but that happens. I don't want to vote for Blitz because I've seen worse vote hopping done by people before, so eh. Honestly out of everyone so far, I'm most suspicious of Pride. I'm not sure why, it's just the feelings I'm getting from his posts. I think it was this post most of all.

Just a guy waiting for a chance to get past the crapshoot that is Day 1.

It seems to me like he's not at all interested in helping getting information out or helping the town out at all today. Just because D1 often ends up being a random lynch doesn't mean it's useless for getting people organized and information out there. So, my vote stays.

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That counts as a nightkill, as it is a kill that takes place at night.

Didn't Anouleth/Excellen dayvigkill Kaoz in the mafia game you hosted?

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Yes, and that was a daykill, a kill that took place during the day.

Okay I'll stop that now. To be honest, I'm unsure just how immune I am to potential daykills anyway, I should probably ask about that.

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