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How exactly do you expect anything to happen if people don't vote? Also, people don't have to blend in to be scummy, anyway.

But there have to be good reasons for those votes, outside of RVS. You justified your vote later for Subieko, but you didn't really do so for Pride.

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All right...reread again and thought some more.

Between BBM, Kay, and Marth...Marth seems the scummiest to me upon reread. Thinking back my impression was that he was contributing a lot, but actually looking through all his posts, a lot of them were arguing about how PGO works, arguing with Eclipse about lists, or one-liners, and then finally he defended himself against Eclipse by saying he was acting similarly to Paperblade...which doesn't actually defend the sense of his own actions.

Compared to BBM, who doesn't seem very scummy to me and apparently usually overreacts to stuff anyway, and Kay, who has made few posts but they've all had good content, Marth is scummier. So ##Vote: Marth

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Ugh. I don't want to vote for Marth cause he won't be around to defend himself. On the other hand, I don't especially like the idea of lynching BBM or Kay right now either. But, out of the two of them, I'm leaning more towards BBM being town and I don't want a no lynch, so.

##Vote: Kay

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3 wagons... we really aren't organised. We do need to consolidate something here.

##Vote: Marth

We had the problem with the list posting thing, he agreed on BBM (without saying much otherwise). Then jumped on Kay (listing the Pride vote as opportunistic) after Blitz did. I'd consider that opportunistic as well.

For all his posts, he hasn't contributed a lot, really. I just feel he's not quite helpful enough to the town right now. I know he's not going to be here to defend himself, but I gotta do what I gotta do.

inb4 sheeping

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also, a reminder of this really great tool:


Insert the topic ID (in this case, 32983) and the name of the player whose posts you want to see in the "username" part. Remove the curly brackets. Insert into URL bar, and off you go.

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So that I can have a better idea, here are votals.

BBM [3]: Bluedoom, Pride, Haze, Manix, Blitz, Elieson, Kay

Kay [4]: eclipse, Manix, Blitz, Marth, BBM, scorri

Marth [4]: eclipse, Paperblade, Subi, Manix

Pride [1]: scorri, Kay, Subi

Blitz [1]: Manix, BBM, Strawman

Elieson [1]: Iris

Bizz [1]: Elieson, Strawman

Ugh, ok so right now it's a tie between Kay and Marth. I'm still really uncomfortable with lynching Marth since he's not around, but neither is Kay apparently so...

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Oh, I voted for Marth, too (in between Paperblade and Subieko), but I guess I forgot to unvote (habit from SFMM2 >:); I don't think the mods care, though.

Why are people never around when they're going to get lynched? ;/ Obviously Marth should claim if he makes it back before deadline...

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also, a reminder of this really great tool:


Insert the topic ID (in this case, 32983) and the name of the player whose posts you want to see in the "username" part. Remove the curly brackets. Insert into URL bar, and off you go.

implying I don't have this bookmarked

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Yep. IMO, better lynch than others, but eh. Oh, and requesting votals from Balcerzak unless he wants to wait until the end; scorri yours are verily off, since the strikethrough tags were forgotten and all. ;/

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we actually have 36 minutes left

a thirty minute disparity is still better than elieson's confusion over a 24 hour difference

Well, it would be nice if Kay got in here. :P

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Whoa, that was not how they were when I posted them.... Stupid formating. >_>

BBM [3]: Bluedoom, Pride, Haze, Manix, Blitz, Elieson, Kay

Kay [4]: eclipse, Manix, Blitz, Marth, BBM, scorri

Marth [6]: eclipse, Paperblade, Subi, Manix, Iris, Haze

Pride [1]: scorri, Kay, Subi

Blitz [1]: Manix, BBM, Strawman

Elieson [0]: Iris

Bizz [1]: Elieson, Strawman

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Dear Marth, you are Yumizuka Satsuki


You are Yumizuka Satsuki, an ordinary schoolgirl. You were attacked and killed by a vampire, but instead of becoming one of The Dead, or a Ghoul, you become a full Dead Apostle.

You were originally intended to have a route in Tsukihime, but during development it was scrapped. During the night you may reply "Night X - Isn't it sad <USER>? ;-;". You will relate the sorry state of affairs, and mourn your lost chance for love. USER will agree with you, and perform their action on you, rather than their intended target.

You are allied with the Town. You win if all all threats to the Town are eliminated.

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I don't have a "defense". I'm town, I know I'm town, I have no way to prove that I'm town, and I don't think I've acted a lot more like it than anyone else here. So yeah. But anyway I claim Coroner (if that role is what I remember it being).

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I don't have a "defense". I'm town, I know I'm town, I have no way to prove that I'm town, and I don't think I've acted a lot more like it than anyone else here. So yeah. But anyway I claim Coroner (if that role is what I remember it being).

Is this the role that tells you what killed your target.

also we can post role PMs so if you're gonna claim you might as well fullclaim

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