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Carnival Phantasm Mafia


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The second line is what I was originally responding to--asking for Eclipse's rolePM sounds very different than asking for her night flavor. The third one I noticed now on quick reread of your posts. You asked Eclipse and the roleblocker to 'claim out'. That really, really doesn't sound like you're asking for night flavor, that sounds like you want role claims. And you also say you won't vote until you get them.

ok I obviously worded things poorly, but do you at least see that I just wanted to see Eclipse's target, not her role?

Which obviously doesn't matter at this point, according to Eclipse.

But...Marth already said he was roleblocked. If you think he's telling the truth, then you already know there's a roleblocker. If you think he's lying, then why would he tell the truth about his target either?

He is a lightning rod apparently. So if he targetted someone, and that someone was a roleblocker, then he would be hit by the roleblocker. I.e. Integrity LightningRods dondon. dondon is the RB, but targetted Crash. Crash isn't affected, and Integrity is. Therefore, Integrity could assume that dondon could be the roleblocker. If he is town, it's at least something to go off of. If hens lying scum, then he wouldn't claim anything anyway, or if he did, he would likely incriminate a townie, who could at least argue back and defend themselves against the accusations.

This would mean that either Marth targeted the roleblocker or he is lying. If he targeted the roleblocker then yeah, this could be helpful, but how could we tell that that's what happened? If the roleblocker is scum, they'd lie. if the roleblocker is Town, we've just outed our roleblocker and made them a target. Your logic doesn't really make sense to me and I'm concerned about how much info you're fishing for.

if roleblocker is town, then he could call for an investigate for confirmation and protection while doing so. if roleblocker is unconfirmed, then we know that the next time someone is roleblocked, we can deduce the alignment of the roleblocker. If the roleblocker makes it through the night, then we can assume that mafia doesn't care that much, since it's a scum RB.

If Marth doesn't out any target, and/or the RB doesn't come forward, then town has absolutely nothing to act on. Leaving us to argue amongst ourselves and potentially mislynch because we have zero clues as to who might be scum and who isn't (or 3rd party).

I'm not against getting more info, but asking for unnecessary claims is not good, and your logic about outing targets doesn't make sense to me.

Well ok. I just want something to go on, as I've been bitching about. Roleclaiming may be a bit much, but look. We have LR Marth who made it through the night, and BBM too. They claimed, and are still here. We've lost someone who didn't claim anything. And our only known protection is Haze and Manix (assuming both are town, not independent or scum). Perhaps I was being overzealous in demanding roles like that, but I don't see anyone else doing much of anything, except Manix freeclaiming, and everyone asking Haze about his role.

I bolded my replies, since breaking apart quotes on my phone is rather tedious.

And, if someone has a better idea as how to prevent mislynches, go ahead and start it up. I'm not in the mood to lose this game, especially because of mislynches. Hell, if it'll shut me up, it might just be worth it.

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I'm not a martyr. I'm a lightning rod.

If I targeted eclipse, she should be using her action on me. Basically if I targeted you, you would've used your action on me.

Or for all you know I could've targeted the roleblocker. I think my lightning rod works like that as well, giving me an rb pm?

Mmk, the second one is what I was wondering.

Plus, to everyone saying Marth needs to out his target, HOLD UP JUST A MINUTE.

This game is LIMITED OC. That means we have the ability to discuss/work through information without having to out every single little piece of information publicly in thread for the mafia to see. Maybe the best choice would be to use a message on who you targeted, asking if they are roleblocker or if they have any explanation. Its not the perfect plan, but it could clear things up better than freaking out in thread over whether this person is the roleblocker or not.

Ok Eclipse. Here.

Can you just clarify this statement? I don't quite get it. It's this statement right here that threw me on this tangent.

I don't want names or other specifics. Just a "layman"s terms" explaination.

It sounds pretty self explanatory. She targeted one person, but she got results for a different person.

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hey, I'mma be gone for a few hours at a music festival. i know I haven't been super active, but when I get back you better expect I'm gonna be the most active poster in here(hopefully) as well as re-read everything now with the context of Scorri's death.

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Elieson, my point about Marth's target is that I don't think we're that likely to find the roleblocker. If Marth targeted the roleblocker, then yes, he'd be roleblocked, but if the roleblocker targeted Marth, then Marth's target could be any player in the game. I think if we jump on Marth's target we're likely to force another role claim and we're NOT likely to find the roleblocker. And more unnecessary claims will help scum more than us.

But you're right that we need information...all right. Ether sent me this last night:

You suddenly feel an affinity for Tohno Shiki and desire to be part of his harem. Your win condition is unchanged.

I don't know what it means, because nothing has happened to me. I got this message and that was it. I've been looking up roles on mafiascum to try to figure out what would send something like this, but I've found nothing. I just hope outting this result doesn't hurt us somehow.

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Hmm... interesting. That makes me think that there's a 3rd party about or something.

possible 3rd party recruiting role that converts the targets on death or something? iunno, more spectulation

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Hmm... interesting. That makes me think that there's a 3rd party about or something.

possible 3rd party recruiting role that converts the targets on death or something? iunno, more spectulation

So...you think I'm gonna die and turn into a third party? :(

What the heck kind of role would that even be...?

Also I have to go at dinner now, but I will be back later.

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An interesting one. We do have a few non-standard roles that run around here. (eg: 2 Masons (town-aligned) that turn into third party killers if the other dies. Yeah, that's not normal)

Not you die, specifically, but whoever might be Tohno Shiki, when they die you get converted to third party or similar. Might be something along the lines of you must avenge his death or something. I really don't know.

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Could be neighbour. It's more likely, I would think. Call me paranoid, but it doesn't clear Subieko at all.

Ignore previous speculation, because I am a derp.

Derp moments this game: 5

(one for claiming so early. again.)

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Mm, no, I don't think so. It sounds like that was a setup for something.

A couple of the messages people got when Strawman roleblocked them in SFMM2 (should have been all in retrospect) stated that their heads were ready to explode with rage, as a slight hint. While I don't think that message points to an arsonist, it definitely sounds like you've been "primed" for something to happen in the future.

Did anyone else receive a similar message on Night 0?

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Could someone explain to me more about what an Arson is? I've never heard of one in the short time I've played this game. Also when I was looking at this I thought maybe it might be priming something too, but if it was a poison kill or something we would have had 2 deaths last night instead of one right? So what else could you prime someone for?

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One variation of an Arsonist is to "prime" all your targets. Then, whenever you choose, you can kill all primed targets. Basically, look at what Strawman's role changed to after Prims died in SFMM2, but without the roleblocking.

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Hmm... interesting. That makes me think that there's a 3rd party about or something.

possible 3rd party recruiting role that converts the targets on death or something? iunno, more spectulation

This sounds like that thing I saw while reading Itemafia, where it was like recruiting players to the zombie side or something. It could be 3rd party, which means whoever is 3rd party is very powerful.

"a desire to be part of the harem" sounds so much like recruitment, so a Mason-esque role fits. Since this is N1, did anyone receive that msg on N0?

As far as priming goes, I too join the "wha?" brigade. I was thinking maybe it was like a "once you have been primed, and perform your role, you die upon using it" or something, but that seems so outofthebox complicated. Anyone else have speculations on this?

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note: I shouldn't *shot* won't be around as much us usual, because I have an exam on Monday, as well as two more later this week.

I'll still pop in from time to time to contribute.

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But you're right that we need information...all right. Ether sent me this last night:

I don't know what it means, because nothing has happened to me. I got this message and that was it. I've been looking up roles on mafiascum to try to figure out what would send something like this, but I've found nothing. I just hope outting this result doesn't hurt us somehow.

Did anyone else receive a similar message on Night 0?

This sounds like that thing I saw while reading Itemafia, where it was like recruiting players to the zombie side or something. It could be 3rd party, which means whoever is 3rd party is very powerful.

"a desire to be part of the harem" sounds so much like recruitment, so a Mason-esque role fits. Since this is N1, did anyone receive that msg on N0?

As far as priming goes, I too join the "wha?" brigade. I was thinking maybe it was like a "once you have been primed, and perform your role, you die upon using it" or something, but that seems so outofthebox complicated. Anyone else have speculations on this?

Well dang. This actually happened to me night 0. After reading it and not really understanding it(since it seemed to change absolutely nothing and didn't sound like being primed for an arsonist), I just kind of completely ignored it afterward. I had almost completely forgotten about it when I came back to see all this. But now that it happened to someone else, I'm even more confused. Whats even more weird is that unlike in SFMM2 where all of the flavor was different, what I got is exactly the same word for word as what Subieko recieved.


You suddenly feel an affinity for Tohno Shiki and desire to be part of his harem. Your win condition is unchanged.

It definitely sounds like recruitment, only there wasn't any actual recruitment to go along with it.

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re: you're now in shiki's harem

Could be a lot of things. You die when he dies, you'll take night actions in his place, you're vote is now secretly meaningless and he has control over it...

Going only by my own TM faggotry I doubt this is something that allows whoever is playing as Shiki to kill you directly.

Anyways, let me get something straight (due to my general lack of game knowledge bear with me), would scorri have been able to apply her random effect to someone before she died? Cause' that could explain where Paperblade went.

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Possibly, it depends on priority, which we don't know. I'm not sure if scorri would have picked the kidnap, or even if it was randomly chosen. We'll never know, because she's dead.

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Also, keep in mind that people have claimed some of Scorri's abilities as their full time roles. We may very well have a Kidnapper/Silencer/what have you as well.

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First. . .Haze. You might see something from me. I'm still trying to throw worst-case scenarios against this idea, but once you see it, you can tell me how stupid it is.

Second, why are we bringing up third parties right now? We've got a mislynch and a dead townie, and that's not a good start. Let's worry about those weird messages later.

Lastly, Eli, the redirect text is none of your business. If you get hit by it, you'll know. I'm not giving out flavor so that the mafia can fake results sometime in the future. And:

Eclipse hasn't outed her original or redirected target though, and that makes me wonder, since Paper was obviously targetted, and she is one of the few people here known to have an active role.

I didn't say anything about my role until D2. This makes it sound like you knew my role beforehand. I don't like such statements, which is why I'm leaving my vote where it is.

The rest of you. . .where the hell are you? I will be most unhappy if another lynch target is chosen five minutes before deadline. This is the time to press each other, vote, and talk.

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Well I'm here. I don't have a lynch target though. I have already shared my thoughts on last night's events and I'm still a bit confused about some of the going-ons on this page and the last.

I agree that there are probably third-parties in the game (in fact I haven't seen a game without one yet). It's hard to talk about it though, without knowing what the third-party is and what the primary function/win condition is either.

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