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Not exactly averse to lynching Marth, but I still think either Prims or Haze must be lying, because it just doesn't make sense for two townies to have such conflicting roles. Either way, there's no rush in lynching Marth. We have nearly 17 hours left in the phase. I don't want what happened last time to happen again either, but there's no reason to hammer this early.

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Main thing about lynching Marth early is that there's not really anything more for us to talk about if we're set on a lynch. I mean, yeah, opinions from Iris and Strawman would be nice, but what could they say to make them look better or change the outcome of the day right now? If Marth is scum and they're buddies then they can just say "yeah Marth lynch looks good" and we get no information.

Keep in mind that this game has nighttalk, so they can post updated opinions after Marth flips too (and those will arguably be more valuable if we're set on the Marth lynch).

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I guess that makes sense. It's just that I partially suspect you (even though you haven't really done anything scummy), and combined with how hard you're pushing this Marth lynch, I'm just a bit uncomfortable.

Think they attempted BBM or scorri?

Why would them attempting me result in one less recruit?

Also, Strawman, I seee youuuuu.... And you weren't there earlier either, so stop active lurking.

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I don't think I'm being any more aggressive than I've been in like... almost every game on this site.

You make sense as a recruit because:

- you're unlikely to be a nightvig, nightkill or lynch target due to role

- Blitz knew what your role was

- Your were their choice for mouthpiece

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guys, guys, I'm here, I feel really bad for being inactive, and for like five minutes I thought about getting a sub, but then I realized that there were no subs in Shining Force Mafia and I didn't want to be that girl, etc. Attended one too many grad parties this weekend, and I'm screwed for finals + projects + other homework, but I'll push that all aside for the next hour to catch up and post and stuff -- clicked on first page and noticed that Blitz was dead (what?) and Prims has subbed in and he obviously has more posts than I do,

I know I'm a horrible person, but yeah. ):

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I don't think I'm being any more aggressive than I've been in like... almost every game on this site.

You make sense as a recruit because:

- you're unlikely to be a nightvig, nightkill or lynch target due to role

- Blitz knew what your role was

- Your were their choice for mouthpiece

I see why I would make a good recruit, I just don't understand how they'd still be 1 recruit behind if they'd attempted to recruit me. Unless you thought that I was omitting the fact that I got recruited, to which I can say, no I definitely did not get recruited. inb4 I get recruited this night

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##Unvote: Elieson

Guess I'm gonna have to trust you and Manix for now. Also, if I'm not retarded and I've guessed what your guys's roles are and what your plan is then I don't want to mess with anything.

Agree that we shouldn't worry about any third parties right now and should focus on lynching scum. Speaking of scum, after Elie the next two people on my scumlist are Marth and Straw, and since trying to start a wagon on Straw at this point of the phase would be pointless, and I want my vote to actually count for something, I'm gonna go with Marth. I feel like lynching him would be the best idea for moving the discussion forward and I know I'll learn a bit about everyone else from his lynch.

##Vote Marth

That puts him at L-1 only so I think that should suffice for the rest of the phase. I also still think someone is fakeclaiming, because there just seems to be way too many roles that redirect actions.

Agreeing with Eclipse that it looks like Scorri targeted Marth (who was a top scumspect D1 anyway) and used her roleblock ability on him to help the town. That right now probably explains that event the best.

Also I don't know why but for some reason can't think of a role that would stop a mass lightningrod passively. Is there like a self-safeguard that when someone targets you it cancels that person's role completely or something? Just my speculation and I'm not asking Prims to out his role publicly or anything. I'm just curious I guess.

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wait does phase end in in seriously less than four hours? and I've been gone for like three days? ugh ):


I am a failure who thought that 12 am meant noon tomorrow, ##Vote: Marth

Also, Prims being aggressive makes more sense now.

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This is a good point. Regardless Marth won't be here until the very end of the phase anyway so it's not like we're gonna hear anything from him sooo I guess the only way to progress things is get this out of the way then.

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Yeah but it's not like Marth really did anything with it, and since he won't be around in 3 hours anyway I was wondering if the mods didn't feel like wasting time and just moving on with the game.

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Ah Prims, I never realized my opinions were so important to people~ You make me feel so special~

Ahem, anyways, I suppose I am a bit overdo on the whole opinions thing.

Well lets see here. I'll start it out on Marth. I'm not quite sold on this Marth thing goin on currently. Thing is, I haven't found Marth as memorable as it seems most of us have. Day 1 he didn't particularly stand out to me, hence why my vote was not on him then. I've also been apprehensive about voting him today because of the lynch conditions from yesterday. I mean look at that scramble at the end there and the overall indecision on a lynch target. Under those conditions the chances of town lynching or even suspecting the maf weren't very good at all. Plus, look at what a close lynch like that does to those involved, it makes them suspicious because you know they aren't just going to sit there and let themselves get lynched. See how easy it would be to paint them as targets the next day? Additionally, the things he has said in terms of input and opinions and whatever else really haven't been so bad imo. The only thing still keeping me on the ropes about him though is the claim. Mass LR and then regular LR seems like an awful lot of night action control/kill drawing power for the town to have.

Someone I'm concerned about is Nano. On the one hand I feel like I should be reading as noobtown but at some points I get the feeling they re being too unsure and is taking up lots of discussion asking what they need to be talking about etc. As we saw in SFMM2, assuming someone is noob!town can be dangerous *cough* Elieson *cough*

Subieko seems to be rather flip-floppy. Could be shes trying to appear to give opinions and stuff but not wanting to stick to them. Not sure if noob or if scum, but probably better safe than sorry.

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I think these are right


Marth (6): Haze, Prims, Elieson, eclipse, Helios, BigBangMeteor (L-1)

Iris (1): Manix

Manix (1): Subieko

Subieko (1): Marth

Prims (1): Paperblade

Not Voting: Iris, nano, Strawman

There's probably going to be a twilight after phase end until someone can end the phase.

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